The Random Desires of a Random Woman (Be scared)

Started by Sinestra, April 26, 2014, 08:18:35 AM

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Hello curious, well intentioned, romantics, sadists, literary writers, smut aficionados, good guys, bad girls and everything in between, opposite and side to side... this is my attempt at overcoming a barrier I've held on E since I got here... my absolute disdain and avoidance for 1 on 1 RPs. Allow me to explain...

I'm, at least partially, a writer at heart. I've always written, always had a very active imagination (of which thankfully the Canadian school system didn't crush entirely) that perhaps might border on ADHD at time... and not in that "Ha Ha that's cute." but in that, "Hrm, should we mention this to her?" kind of way. So when I got into AD&D with a Toys R Us bought Boxed-Set with a DM in CD form that we played using my now-husband then-friend's Sega CD system, I was hooked on Role Playing long before I knew about drama departments, improv companies or just how pants-hurlingly random of a person I was at times as a kid... but don't worry, "I got bettah".

Over the years I've played pretty much every mainstream system that I can think of, loads of smaller ones only a few have heard of, and even some 99% of you will be confused about... (I played a Nuns with Guns game once... that was the name of the system.) but all the while learning to harness my imagination and have the time of my life in academics and theatre. But you didn't click on this thread to hear about all this, so I'll move on...

Since coming to E I've been bombarded by creepy people sending me private messages wanting to do 1 on 1 RPs with me, some asking for IM and Skype contact details and just generally making me feel really put off about playing anything... but a long-time friend and GM of mine dragged me back into things and hosted a full party D&D/Pathfinder game, and that's fantastic. I really didn't want to deal with creepy stereotypes who are just looking for a wank-partner or something. That's not what I'm looking for. I'm a happily married woman, I have a home, a business, a healthy and adventurous sex life and I don't come to E to give me sexy-time material. I come to E to role play in a complete manner...

And it's because of seeing others like myself that I've finally felt compelled to make a post like this... I come to E to role play without restrictions on the content involved. On other RP sites you need to keep things PG 13, and in North America that's pretty much a passionate kiss and vaguely worded 'touching'. Here, if a character is kidnapped by slavers in a fantasy setting, they won't just be tied up conveniently next to their weapons and armor so they can make a heroic escape before anything Rated R+ happens... they'll be tied up, paraded around, shown off in a dirty black market somewhere with a thousand hands touching their bare bodies before finally being sold to an unsuspecting nobleman who, later that night after being charmed and bedded, is killed as they sleep so that the 'hero' might escape. That is far more exciting, mentally stimulating and worthy of a read.

Editing this in here after the fact... all of my characters are 18 or over. While you'll more than likely find me plotting doom and death to children in games rather than helping them, I won't be touching them in a sexy manner, and nor will I participate in anything bathroom related. Just no. That's my line people... everything else is pretty negotiable. I've done and seen some weird shit in real life, let alone online.

And so here I am... giving this 1 on 1 thing this ONE chance... so I'm looking for 1 or maybe a few people to talk to me about maybe picking some of the ideas I have in my head and running with them in a mutually beneficial but completely detached manner. No, I'm not interested in YOU or anything attached to your body, your emotions etc etc... but I am interested in your words, how you write and what you write... and just maybe what we can write together. That being said, for most game ideas, I'm looking for a GM, not a co-writer agreement. I'm looking for games, almost always with systems and mechanics, not just freeforming. More danger and intensity that way as you're forced to adapt to dice rolls and the whims of fate. One thing I need to stress though, is I immensely prefer "grounded" games that fit into their universes... I'll try and make some notes in a few places down below regarding this.

So lets get on with this shall we?

Star Wars
I am by no means a Jedi or remotely close to a Jedi, so I hope you like ladies of the dark side. The ideas of a Star Wars game are too numerous to count in my mind... any level of power, from a novice sith apprentice, a sith academy game (during the time long long before the movies) or even just the idea of a slave won in a card game and how she finds her way in the vast galaxy while being hunted by the Sith and the Jedi for her untapped abilities... the list goes on and on, and I'm really open to anything. You can have droids, monsters, aliens, all manner of dark side activities, shock collars, bio and cybernetic experimentation and every other perverted thing you can think of in the Star Wars universe.

Shadowrun (Huge Craving for this by the way)
No other RPG Setting has grabbed me like Shadowrun has. I'm a Transhumanist (for the un-wikipedia savvy, it's someone who believes in the advancement of humanity will come with it's melding with technology) and so the technology of Shadowrun has always been a huge fetish for me (and don't get me started on The Winter Soldier portrayal)... but not only that it's got guns, vixens, dragons, magic, evil corporations, cults, the undead (is it weird I hate vampires but love liches?), and all the wonderful fantasy races melded with the gritty realistic racism and suffering from everyday life. And with the more recent suppliments you've got furries and AI's inhabiting pleasure/combat-drones (a character I made inspired by Cortana of Halo fame actually), six-armed shiva/kali warrior mages (yet another concept) and underworld corruption, hollywood simsense and GAH I could geek out for a week, so I'll stop here and see what comes of it.

World of Warcraft
I admit it without shame or hesitation, I love WoW. I still play it, obsess over it's lore, attend every Blizzcon and for years did Podcasting all about the game and it's lore. Many of my best friends I met because of WoW, my husband and I played it, raided in it, and still love the game... despite some of it's silly ideas. However, if you're familiar enough with the game and it's world to find interest in playing a WoW-based game (It has a D&D setting that's official and all that), then you already know the possibilities that exist. But again, I'm not looking for futa-succubus queens mind controlling all of Stormwind for their personal fuck-sessions... I'm looking for more 'realistic' (ha ha ha) events and settings in the universe... whether it be a goblin who's out for laughs, lust and explosions to a dragon hunting paladin or death knight to a "raiding guild" or however slightly 4th walling it might get.

Superheroes (DC, Marvel and associate brands)
Anyone who's known me for awhile can already pick out my favorites from the big named brands... Catwoman, Power Girl, Rogue, Ghost Widow and a smaller list beyond. There's a few Superhero game systems out there which either already have these characters made, or can easily have them made, and just seeing the type of Comic-Book mischief that can be generated together would be a blast... I really enjoy a sort of pseudo-comic-book setting and tone to things. Stuff gets way out of hand and cheesy at times, but in the end it all comes around full circle. Recruiting weirdly named side kicks, pulling off crazy heists or even writing something a little more gritty like in the current "Cinematic" version of comic universes would also be an idea on the table.

Starcraft Universe
Ok, I'll admit it, Kerrigan is fucking hot and the zerg have this haunting sexuality to (SOME of) them that just 'gets' me at times. It could be that starcraft kind of combines a much-less-grimdark version of the 40k Universe (ALSO, Warhammer 40k universe!). I don't think I'd want to play some game where a character meets Kerrigan and stuff happens... again, I'm not really into THAT kind of game... but playing in that universe sounds exciting. It could be a game that's OH so original and be a captured ghost experimented on by numerous factions, a medic trapped behind lines after a Medivac crash and she has to learn, adapt and survive as she tries to make it to a non-overrun com-station halfway across the planet to contact someone to get off planet... but say then that person happens to be a pirate who doesn't take kindly to... whatever faction the medic is a part of so yay torture play! Or, perhaps an exploration of a captured protoss adjunct as she tries to understand human ways and grows fond of them... or perhaps the game centers around a dashing space pirate herself (say, one with a penchant for a certain Mathew) and the limitless adventures in Starcraft's underworld. Plenty of places to go here. And lets be honest, the zerg probably have a market down on tentacles, vore and all the slime and chitin you can imagine.

Generic Gothic Fantasy
Swords and Sorcery in all it's forms. D&D, Pathfinder etc etc... I have such an array of characters, from nearly-disney-esq airship-piloting sky pirates (doable at level 10 and it even includes the airship lol, gotta love 3.5's mechanics) to infernal-power bargaining power-hungry madwomen bent on... well, hedonistic fun and power. A silver dragon just living her life out in disguise while avoiding the politics of her draconic heritage in anyway she can (dragon on dragon action!), a necromancer and those she loves (death knights, liches, skeletal mages etc etc) all in the pursuit for power and the next conquest or creation, a noble paladin who goes through life being abused and tormented everywhere she goes but just barely surviving and emerging victorious, a female samurai lost in a distant land, adapting to her surroundings and finding the arts of love between their cultures fascinating... the possibilities are largely endless.

Now... what I want from you people. Look, I'm being upfront... I'm expecting the creeps to come out with this, I understand what I'm getting in and I get enough of them to weird me out when I'm just chatting or even just keeping to myself in games with friends... but I'm looking for the good, intelligent and 'NORMAL' people out there who just happen to enjoy the things I do. Some days I'll really be into having a character of mine suffer... but once they get out of that situation I might not want to type more lines of "so-and-so screams" and it's many off-shoots for awhile. I'm a switch in the most complete of terms... I can Dom, I can sub, I can hop between like a rabbit, I can be into things gross and unnatural, and I can just want something vanilla, some pillow talk and epic adventure... so I'm counting on you guys to help me believe those kinds of people exist here on E...

Because otherwise I'll just go back to group games and really, that kind of stuff can get hard to keep going sometimes. :(

So post below with some ideas, we'll chat HERE IN THIS THREAD, if you send me a private message and aren't actively engaging with me in this thread, my creep-alarm goes off... please don't set off my creep alarm. Once we've hit things off here in this thread, we can go to private messages to discuss finer story points and not clog up this thread and these boards.

I welcome men, women, non-binary, omni, really anything... because I'm NOT INTERESTED IN YOU AS A PERSON. You could be a man, pretending to be a woman, who only likes futa and has a thing for furries with cybernetic parts (Hey! You're in the Sonic fandom! ;) ), and I literally will not judge you so long as all of that does not affect you being an intelligent and well-written partner for gaming... but also-again, I'm not really into just one-thing... any games I'd sign on for are going to need to be varied and not focused on one setting... but this is dragging on.

If I haven't scared you off yet, Hi! Lets talk (in this thread :) ).
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


I would love to try your generic gothic fantasy!!! I have had so many friends try to D&D campaigns, but the people that are around me always get into fights so we never get past the character creation and initial sessio. It's quite depressin and I have always been a fan of the Metallic Dragons, Silver especially, and would LOVE to hash something out :3


I'm surprised! Kitty you managed to beat the first creep alarm message by a few minutes! I swore I would get private messages in flagrant disregard for my wishes expressly stated in my post before anyone actually posted... But you beat them! :)

I'm just laying in bed at the moment, so I'll respond when I wake up. Fingers crossed for more posters and less creeps. ;)
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


Just wanting to say that I really hope you find what you're looking for Sinestra. You seem like a lovely and talented writer, with some excellent taste in fandoms/settings.

It sounds like I wouldn't be quite what you are looking for, but I just wanted to compliment your excellent taste, and what I can see of your talent (as well as your lovely avatar). Good luck fellow Canadian!


Oh oh!  Rather than just say "Oh I'm interested in XYZ" I think I'll go a different route.  I'm just going to go ahead and audition.  Lets go with...Superheroes/Supervillains, mode of choice...Heroes Unlimited.

The knocking at the door was just another nail in the ever present existence of his hatred of the world.  He hated being woken up early, and there was that bloody knocking, incessant, something that would, if it continued, make him open the door and simply punch whoever was on the other side.  However, knowing his luck, it'd be some midget and he'd end up whiffing the punch, tumbling head over heel and fall over the little person.  Midget.  Whatever they liked to be call in today's day and age.  He wasn't exactly politically correct, but it didn't matter.  He didn't need to be politically correct in his line of work.  Sitting up and snarling out a quick command of cease and desist, he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and tugged them on.  Stumbling past the furniture, one large hand braced on the doorframe as the other gripped the doorknob and opened without a second thought.

Sawed off shotgun levelled between his eyes, he saw the woman standing on the other side of the door.  Rather than react to the gun pointed at his face, he simply gave her a once over, looked at his wrist as if he had a watch, said "Too early," and slammed the door shut.  A slight sidestep had him avoid the blast that ripped through the door even as he grinned.  "Christ you got an itchy trigger finger," he said, clenching a fist and feeling the power stirring within him.  The other half of him woke quickly, tendrils of a metallic, liquidlike substance oozing out of his pores to form a hardened cover over his bare skin.  "Fuck got stuck in your craw this morning?"  The initial answer was another shotgun blast, this time closer to where he truly was. 

"Fuck you Nox," the woman snarled.  "The Archbishop said bringing you in dead or alive is worth two hundred thousand.  Emphasis on dead."  Nox shook his head as he moved his palm to where she spoke, pressing against the wall and willed his power to life.  Scything tendrils of the symbiote tore through the wall like it was paper, and her screams was enough to let him know what was left of her in moments.  After all, the liquid metal, as it were, was a substance harder than flesh, blood, or bone.  She was a normal, but his neighbors would likely want to know why a person-turned-meat pile was now in the hallway.  "Man this morning sucks already."

Metro Mech

Well a lot of these ideas seem good but are you open for an RP?
Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


Quote from: Godric the Radical on April 26, 2014, 03:49:51 PM
Well a lot of these ideas seem good but are you open for an RP?

...not quite sure what you mean...

I'm here looking for games, experiences and the like. If they're group based, I'm open, if they're 1 on 1, then I'm looking here to see what kind of people and stories I can find that would be "less creepy" I guess? I don't know how to phrase it better. Lol :)
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


Quote from: Metalzephyr on April 26, 2014, 10:08:53 AM
Just wanting to say that I really hope you find what you're looking for Sinestra. You seem like a lovely and talented writer, with some excellent taste in fandoms/settings.

It sounds like I wouldn't be quite what you are looking for, but I just wanted to compliment your excellent taste, and what I can see of your talent (as well as your lovely avatar). Good luck fellow Canadian!

Awh, a shame! I like your avatar as well. :)

"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."

Metro Mech

I wanted to do a 1x1 RP with you but you make it seem like you don't want to do one
Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


Quote from: SouthernKitty on April 26, 2014, 08:39:04 AM
I would love to try your generic gothic fantasy!!! I have had so many friends try to D&D campaigns, but the people that are around me always get into fights so we never get past the character creation and initial sessio. It's quite depressin and I have always been a fan of the Metallic Dragons, Silver especially, and would LOVE to hash something out :3

Sorry about the delay in responding, woke up to my stomach complaining that I was alive, so under "Husband's Orders" (you can't see but I'm making the giantest air quotes of all time), I spent the day in bed sleeping.

I've always loved Silver Dragons, the idea that they go through life acting like the humanoid races, learning and experiencing what their lives are like from a usually-detached perspective has always been interesting to me... hell, examining academically the actions and future of humankind has always been fascinating for me, so I guess a natural fit. :) So now, if we got a game going, what do you think would happen, how would it work etc? You GMing a silver dragon character, both of us with such characters... what kind of setting, be it an established D&D world (Ravenloft, Faerun etc) or something of our own creation etc?
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."

Paladin of Lust

Clearly, she wants to do one, otherwise why set up a request thread at all? But I would say that she's being discerning about who she picks to RP with, and that's understandable. Also, good luck finding someone! I'd RP with you, except that I don't do system games so much, unfortunately.  :-( But still, best of luck! ^_^
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.

You're only given one little spark of madness. You musn't lose it. - Robin Williams

Le List of Lust (My ONs & OFFs)


Quote from: Godric the Radical on April 26, 2014, 07:22:04 PM
I wanted to do a 1x1 RP with you but you make it seem like you don't want to do one

You're quite correct in that normally I don't do 1 on 1 RPs on this site, mostly because the people who contact me for them are... a certain type of person that I feel uncomfortable with engaging in a 1 on 1 setting.

In the years of past RPing on other sites, even sites not adult focused, 1 on 1 RPs tended to be more personal, not use game mechanics and were usually nothing more than someone else trying to get to know me, flirt with me or, if in the midst of a 1 on 1 game, grow to believe that if my character was developing a relationship with their GM-Surrogate-Character, that somehow I wanted to have a relationship with them in real life...

Combined with the "Creep Factor" of the people here on E, I've avoided 1 on 1 RPs so I don't have to deal with that risk. This ad is me attempting an experiment of sorts... was I wrong all along and E doesn't have THAT many creeps, or would, by putting this ad up, I be opening the floodgates to those same people.

And it seems an even split so far... I explicitly asked people in this ad to not send me private messages until we're exchanged a few messages here on this forum thread... and several people have already sent me messages without a single post here. So we'll see where this all goes.
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


Quote from: Paladin of Lust on April 26, 2014, 07:25:50 PM
Clearly, she wants to do one, otherwise why set up a request thread at all? But I would say that she's being discerning about who she picks to RP with, and that's understandable. Also, good luck finding someone! I'd RP with you, except that I don't do system games so much, unfortunately.  :-( But still, best of luck! ^_^

Thank you. :)

And OMG is that a crystal d20 in your avatar?
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


Quote from: DJGenXCide on April 26, 2014, 12:01:03 PM
Oh oh!  Rather than just say "Oh I'm interested in XYZ" I think I'll go a different route.  I'm just going to go ahead and audition.  Lets go with...Superheroes/Supervillains, mode of choice...Heroes Unlimited.

The knocking at the door was just another nail in the ever present existence of his hatred of the world.  He hated being woken up early, and there was that bloody knocking, incessant, something that would, if it continued, make him open the door and simply punch whoever was on the other side.  However, knowing his luck, it'd be some midget and he'd end up whiffing the punch, tumbling head over heel and fall over the little person.  Midget.  Whatever they liked to be call in today's day and age.  He wasn't exactly politically correct, but it didn't matter.  He didn't need to be politically correct in his line of work.  Sitting up and snarling out a quick command of cease and desist, he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and tugged them on.  Stumbling past the furniture, one large hand braced on the doorframe as the other gripped the doorknob and opened without a second thought.

Sawed off shotgun levelled between his eyes, he saw the woman standing on the other side of the door.  Rather than react to the gun pointed at his face, he simply gave her a once over, looked at his wrist as if he had a watch, said "Too early," and slammed the door shut.  A slight sidestep had him avoid the blast that ripped through the door even as he grinned.  "Christ you got an itchy trigger finger," he said, clenching a fist and feeling the power stirring within him.  The other half of him woke quickly, tendrils of a metallic, liquidlike substance oozing out of his pores to form a hardened cover over his bare skin.  "Fuck got stuck in your craw this morning?"  The initial answer was another shotgun blast, this time closer to where he truly was. 

"Fuck you Nox," the woman snarled.  "The Archbishop said bringing you in dead or alive is worth two hundred thousand.  Emphasis on dead."  Nox shook his head as he moved his palm to where she spoke, pressing against the wall and willed his power to life.  Scything tendrils of the symbiote tore through the wall like it was paper, and her screams was enough to let him know what was left of her in moments.  After all, the liquid metal, as it were, was a substance harder than flesh, blood, or bone.  She was a normal, but his neighbors would likely want to know why a person-turned-meat pile was now in the hallway.  "Man this morning sucks already."

You're writing's good... though perhaps a bit early for RP samples and auditions just yet. ;)

So in terms of Superheroes, what are your favorites? Favorities to write with, for etc? :)

I only ask because some people I know are really into indie comics and smaller company publications and I might not be as familiar with them as I am others.
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."

Paladin of Lust

With no numbers at all, lol. No, it's just a simple, regular old amethyst gemstone. But you knew that already, didn't you? xD

Still, would be nice if there were such d20s lying around, very pretty. Probably very expensive too. Would collect them otherwise. Anyway, I really shouldn't clog up your thread here, so I shall take my leave. ^_^
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.

You're only given one little spark of madness. You musn't lose it. - Robin Williams

Le List of Lust (My ONs & OFFs)


Star Wars:

I like your premise of a slave with untapped abilities being pursued by Jedi and Sith.  Perhaps these abilities can manifest when she is undergoing a stressful situation, but she does not understand how or why the occurred, e.g. she tries to push a bigger, stronger slaver off of her, but she unknowingly adds a Force push to it. 

A Jedi buys her or frees her.  The Jedi shows the former slave some basics.  But then a Sith comes along, gets rid of the Jedi, presents the former slave with the slavers, and teaches the former slave new powers that she can use to torture and kill those who beat and raped her.

She succumbs to the temptation, and then starts undergoing Sith training, where displays of fear and mercy are punished with physical and mental torture, while ruthless acts are rewarded.  With more power, she feels more freedom.


AIs in pleasure/combat drones are awesome.  I picture a Terminator that looks female.  She's able to change her appearance and the way she acts to trick people into letting her do what she wants.  She's given missions, but perhaps she starts having a sense of autonomy and even morality.  Perhaps she's not an AI after all, but the encoded soul of an actual person who was killed.  Or, she could even be a cyborg, like Winter Soldier or RoboCop, like a former Black Widow type spy or Catwoman-like burglar that is captured then "turned" or killed then "resurrected."

Bunraku parlors have been something I've wanted to explore.  Organized crime families run prostitution rings featuring girls with implants that allow their consciousness to be turned off and replaced with the profession, personality and language specified by the client for whatever kinks they have.  This could be a "day in the life of" sort of RP, in which the player playing the bunraku ("puppet") plays different personalities.

This image is from one of the Shadowrun books.  Click image to enlarge:


Quote from: vin26m on April 27, 2014, 06:14:34 AM
AIs in pleasure/combat drones are awesome.  I picture a Terminator that looks female.  She's able to change her appearance and the way she acts to trick people into letting her do what she wants.  She's given missions, but perhaps she starts having a sense of autonomy and even morality.  Perhaps she's not an AI after all, but the encoded soul of an actual person who was killed.  Or, she could even be a cyborg, like Winter Soldier or RoboCop, like a former Black Widow type spy or Catwoman-like burglar that is captured then "turned" or killed then "resurrected."

Bunraku parlors have been something I've wanted to explore.  Organized crime families run prostitution rings featuring girls with implants that allow their consciousness to be turned off and replaced with the profession, personality and language specified by the client for whatever kinks they have.  This could be a "day in the life of" sort of RP, in which the player playing the bunraku ("puppet") plays different personalities.

Since I've been craving Shadowrun on E forever, you instantly have my attention. :)

The Bunraku parlors and their possibilities has always been something I've thought about. I mean, nothing says that a Puppet is only there for pleasure and nothing else. What if a Yazuka boss has a favorite assassin that, to keep hidden, 'employs' her as a Puppet in his favorite parlor, knowing nothing that she's an assassin for hire until her owner shows up and activates the program. If we wanted to get cinematic of course there's always the hundred and one personalities she has experienced that suddenly get scrambled when say, she gets injured on a mission and suddenly she's confused and on the run, not knowing who she is or at times even what she is.

Although, the AI idea, "SARAH-CP1" (Synthetic Assault and Reconnaissance Autonomous Hybrid Control Program) or Sarah for short, has been one of my favorites. She was actually an elven corporate chauffeur before Crash 2.0 trapped her mind in the Matrix. She's a ghost in the machine who, upon gaining a clear head in the matrix, does what any sensible person who can inhabit machines and vehicles (she was a rigger before, so she maintains that control after) would do... go to your own funeral, spy on everyone you ever knew, and when you find out what they really thought of you, go on a rage fueled murder-spree before turning yourself into Horizon Corp who gives you a new ID... I mean, that's completely logical all around. ;)

The corporation, hearing her wish for another body to live in, begins a long series of experiments on her machine-inhabiting drone-piloting abilities. In reward for her cooperation they reward her with drones to inhabit and a vast network to play in... but she's entirely obsessed with the physical world, so staying in the network bothers her. A few months after testing begins, Horizon signs off on allowing another corporation to take the reigns and create a special project based around their initial research... the character by this point has learned the full extent of her abilities but still wants a real body. The closest they can give her is a pleasure drone, specifically created for her...

Now originally this was just an Otomo drone out of the book with a few upgrades... but for the idea you had, the drone could be customized with numerous appearance-altering abilities and an internal weapon or two. I originally chose the Otomo because it's a drone made to look exactly like a person, it can feel, react and otherwise wear and wield weapons and armor. The original idea had the drone wearing high-end body armor... as the rules would state that a weapon hit that does less damage than the armor rating of the person hit, does Stun damage... and since drones are immune to stun damage... the higher the armor worn, the more unstoppable the AI becomes...

So if we jump off from there, we could start the game as the character is pulled into the special project and is turned from a "Normal" corporate-style person into an enforcer or assassin, but as she's entirely obsessed with the physical world, she will no doubt want to have her fun outside of missions and test runs. She could infiltrate practically anywhere and each mission could be it's own theme... impersonating a Simstarlet and record a movie, using her AI abilities to on-the-fly impersonate the Simsense interface to make it possible or really anything... so many possibilities.

But, hearing all of this and having me geek out relentlessly, is Shadowrun something you'd consider GMing for me, basically?
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


Quote from: Sinestra on April 27, 2014, 07:57:46 AM
Since I've been craving Shadowrun on E forever, you instantly have my attention. :)

The Bunraku parlors and their possibilities has always been something I've thought about. I mean, nothing says that a Puppet is only there for pleasure and nothing else. What if a Yazuka boss has a favorite assassin that, to keep hidden, 'employs' her as a Puppet in his favorite parlor, knowing nothing that she's an assassin for hire until her owner shows up and activates the program. If we wanted to get cinematic of course there's always the hundred and one personalities she has experienced that suddenly get scrambled when say, she gets injured on a mission and suddenly she's confused and on the run, not knowing who she is or at times even what she is.

I like it!  We can run a couple of easy assassinations, then add the complication of her personalities getting scrambled.  She has to sift through her memories, some real and maybe some implanted, to figure out what's going on.  Maybe she has a neighbor, perhaps her only friend, who can help her put the pieces together.  And then there's the idea that who she thinks she really is... just isn't.

Although, the AI idea, "SARAH-CP1" (Synthetic Assault and Reconnaissance Autonomous Hybrid Control Program) or Sarah for short, has been one of my favorites. She was actually an elven corporate chauffeur before Crash 2.0 trapped her mind in the Matrix. She's a ghost in the machine who, upon gaining a clear head in the matrix, does what any sensible person who can inhabit machines and vehicles (she was a rigger before, so she maintains that control after) would do... go to your own funeral, spy on everyone you ever knew, and when you find out what they really thought of you, go on a rage fueled murder-spree before turning yourself into Horizon Corp who gives you a new ID... I mean, that's completely logical all around. ;)

The corporation, hearing her wish for another body to live in, begins a long series of experiments on her machine-inhabiting drone-piloting abilities. In reward for her cooperation they reward her with drones to inhabit and a vast network to play in... but she's entirely obsessed with the physical world, so staying in the network bothers her. A few months after testing begins, Horizon signs off on allowing another corporation to take the reigns and create a special project based around their initial research... the character by this point has learned the full extent of her abilities but still wants a real body. The closest they can give her is a pleasure drone, specifically created for her...

Or is it the closest?  Maybe they're not thinking creatively enough...

Now originally this was just an Otomo drone out of the book with a few upgrades... but for the idea you had, the drone could be customized with numerous appearance-altering abilities and an internal weapon or two. I originally chose the Otomo because it's a drone made to look exactly like a person, it can feel, react and otherwise wear and wield weapons and armor. The original idea had the drone wearing high-end body armor... as the rules would state that a weapon hit that does less damage than the armor rating of the person hit, does Stun damage... and since drones are immune to stun damage... the higher the armor worn, the more unstoppable the AI becomes...

So if we jump off from there, we could start the game as the character is pulled into the special project and is turned from a "Normal" corporate-style person into an enforcer or assassin, but as she's entirely obsessed with the physical world, she will no doubt want to have her fun outside of missions and test runs. She could infiltrate practically anywhere and each mission could be it's own theme... impersonating a Simstarlet and record a movie, using her AI abilities to on-the-fly impersonate the Simsense interface to make it possible or really anything... so many possibilities.

But, hearing all of this and having me geek out relentlessly, is Shadowrun something you'd consider GMing for me, basically?

I'm definitely interested.  I usually find myself in the GM chair, even in one-on-one RP, in terms of playing multiple characters and driving the plot for the co-writer who is playing one or more characters.

I have not done much in terms of mechanics, though.  I ran a Maid group game a while ago that involved me using the Dice Bot.

And I have run a Shadowrun group game that didn't involve dice-rolling, though there were simplified ratings.

And I've also run Pathfinder.  There was full character generation but I don't recall making rolls.

In terms of Shadowrun rulesets, I have a bunch of stuff from 1st Edition to 4th, and I think using Shadowrun 20th Anniversary Edition (Shadowrun 4A?) would be easiest.

I'm all for dice mechanics, but I do have misgivings about overly complicated rules. 

With something like Pathfinder, for example, I find most skills to be kind of useless.  Some just don't come up enough to be worth investing points in, and some should be role-played without dice (social stuff).  I would just let the character's skill ranks be equal to her level for class skills.  Also, a lot of feats should not be feats because anyone should be able to do them (Power Attack) or the feat should be incorporated differently (Weapon Finesse would be a characteristic of the weapon).


Afternoon, I was just curious as to how you felt towards a cross-dressing or gender bending roleplay? I've had a few ideas with this set in the DC universe but it has been quite difficult finding people who are as interested in the topics as I am. I was wondering how you felt towards said themes above. If so I can send you the basic plot line of my idea.


Quote from: AngelsSonata on April 27, 2014, 09:32:24 AM
Afternoon, I was just curious as to how you felt towards a cross-dressing or gender bending roleplay? I've had a few ideas with this set in the DC universe but it has been quite difficult finding people who are as interested in the topics as I am. I was wondering how you felt towards said themes above. If so I can send you the basic plot line of my idea.

Whenever the concept comes up (and you can tell that I'm not well versed on this), the question I always ask is "To What End?". I mean, as a cosplayer I know about Cross-Cosplay and it's off-shoots and that can be fun, and there's nothing wrong with it... but in terms of a game, it seems more in line of basing a game on a single thing, and that's kind of what I wanted to avoid...

But, I'm willing to listen if you'd like to share your idea. If you feel more comfortable sharing the idea in private, go ahead and send me a PM. :)
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


Quote from: vin26m on April 27, 2014, 09:19:10 AM
I like it!  We can run a couple of easy assassinations, then add the complication of her personalities getting scrambled.  She has to sift through her memories, some real and maybe some implanted, to figure out what's going on.  Maybe she has a neighbor, perhaps her only friend, who can help her put the pieces together.  And then there's the idea that who she thinks she really is... just isn't.

Or is it the closest?  Maybe they're not thinking creatively enough...

I'm definitely interested.  I usually find myself in the GM chair, even in one-on-one RP, in terms of playing multiple characters and driving the plot for the co-writer who is playing one or more characters.

In terms of Shadowrun rulesets, I have a bunch of stuff from 1st Edition to 4th, and I think using Shadowrun 20th Anniversary Edition (Shadowrun 4A?) would be easiest.

I'm all for dice mechanics, but I do have misgivings about overly complicated rules. 

I guess one of my faults is I'm always a stickler for rules in games... feel that it adds something. But when mechanics get in the way of the story or flow... then I'm all for ignoring them.

In terms of our two story ideas for Shadowrun, I'm more leaning towards the AI... but the Bunraku thing could easily be an idea we can talk about more too. Where my thought process is: the Bunraku idea sounds like a hollywood movie... focused on a setting, a conflict with eventual resolution... the AI sounds more like an open ended RP since technically the character has already gotten when she wants, a body, and now she's living a life that she might not have that much of a problem with... she's got places to go, impersonations, etc and the sex/entertainment is secondary to the story, where as in a Parlor it's going to be the primary story or setting.

Now for dice, there's always using a room in Roll20. My husband and I have often used it for rolling random dice online. Just pop into the room and roll the dice. The site archives the results and by hopping into the room, someone else can check the rolls etc. A possibility to avoid using the very unwieldy dicebot.

But, I think we've talked here for enough... send me a PM in response and we'll hammer something out. :)
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


Just as a note... if you're one of the 5 people who've sent me unsolicited PMs because of this thread... you really didn't read my thread well, or even the last few paragraphs very well. The whole point of this was to see if the community could avoid the whole creep-thing... and I specifically asked people not to send me PMs... and yet some of you sent me PMs anyway, some of them even talking about how bad of a thing it is when creeps do that very thing.

Just incase you're wondering why you haven't gotten a response yet. :)
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."

Thufir Hawat

Quote from: Sinestra on April 26, 2014, 08:18:35 AM
I'm a happily married woman, I have a home, a business, a healthy and adventurous sex life and I don't come to E to give me sexy-time material. I come to E to role play in a complete manner...

And it's because of seeing others like myself that I've finally felt compelled to make a post like this... I come to E to role play without restrictions on the content involved. On other RP sites you need to keep things PG 13, and in North America that's pretty much a passionate kiss and vaguely worded 'touching'. Here, if a character is kidnapped by slavers in a fantasy setting, they won't just be tied up conveniently next to their weapons and armor so they can make a heroic escape before anything Rated R+ happens... they'll be tied up, paraded around, shown off in a dirty black market somewhere with a thousand hands touching their bare bodies before finally being sold to an unsuspecting nobleman who, later that night after being charmed and bedded, is killed as they sleep so that the 'hero' might escape. That is far more exciting, mentally stimulating and worthy of a read.
I'm totally with you, except from the male part of E. But replace "woman" with "man" and "business" with "job", and you have my own reasons for still being on E. Although at times setting a game here is like pulling teeth.

Quote from: Sinestra on April 26, 2014, 08:18:35 AM
That being said, for most game ideas, I'm looking for a GM, not a co-writer agreement. I'm looking for games, almost always with systems and mechanics, not just freeforming. More danger and intensity that way as you're forced to adapt to dice rolls and the whims of fate. One thing I need to stress though, is I immensely prefer "grounded" games that fit into their universes... I'll try and make some notes in a few places down below regarding this.
That said, the post wasn't an offer to play, since I can't afford to GM a game at the moment, time-wise. So this was just a "hi, you're not alone" post.
Normally I'd send this as a PM, but I really don't want to set off your alarm ;D!
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As an update, to those I've been chatting with, and to those who've been sending me PMs without even saying hello here first... I've been handling a bit of offline business-business, and haven't started any kind of games yet. Over the weekend I'll be trying to get my full replies out. :)
"I don't mind that most fictional women look like they have F cups at minimum. I do, however, mind that their brains aren't nearly as... 'developed'."


Quote from: Sinestra on April 26, 2014, 08:18:35 AMI'm a Transhumanist

I'm not available start writing with anyone new, but I thought I should tell you about Eclipse Phase, if you haven't already heard of it. It's a Creative Commons-licensed ("download for free") tabletop rpg with a heavy transhumanist theme and setting. Most people are physically dead existing solely as "infomorphs" in a matrix, the select rich have access to any kinds of bodies ("sleeves") they like, from hauntingly beautiful sex-bots to solar whales who live in the sun's outer plasma layer. Oh, and most everyone lives in space.

Click the image to check it out: