wildstar's bro/sis idea (LF Female to play sis)

Started by wildstar, August 03, 2010, 06:09:55 PM

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hi all well I had a craving for something like this.

story idea is that the brother a shy timid young man has a crush on his sister. who the Sister is very interested in her brother. her thoughts are erotic wanting to be his and he hers. though the thought of incest by the brother he thinks is bad but his interest in his sister is still strong. she would tease him, grope him, even letting him see her naked at strange times.

that's the rough idea but would like some feedback on this idea. pm me or post here. :)   


I'd say pick me, but you said female to play the sis..T-T...Ah well.



Just curious if the gender of the writer has any bearing on how you enjoy your RP?  I play female characters on a regular basis and have been told I do a very believable female.  If you don't care about the gender of the writer I'd be interested in exploring this idea with you.

Let me know and if you're good with it we can work out the details or just get into it.