RED HALO [EX] Zombie Freeform {6 Players Sought}

Started by GloomCookie, October 13, 2010, 02:27:46 AM

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20 years.  20 long years after the Zombies took over, life has finally begun to stabilize on the tiny island of Argus.  Once home to a research institute testing pharmaceuticals, it is now home to one of the largest non-infected populations remaining in North America.  Most of those who call Argus home are non-infected, and live their lives safe and sound without ever coming into contact with the undead.  But for the infected, life is misery while waiting for a horrible death.  For unfortunately, it is they who must provide for the non-infected, even if it costs them their life.

Of all the teams, the dregs get sent to Team Viktor, which many consider to be a death sentence.  Tasked to take on the infamous red zones, it's only through skill, luck, and a preference for high-caliber and explosive ordinance that gets them home safely.  The under strength team was decimated, however, when a mission into a heavy urban area left all but two dead, and their injuries were so severe as to warrant termination.  Now a new team is being thrown together, again full of the rejects from the other teams, to take on the jobs no one else wants.

Looking for 6 players to play the infected of Team Viktor, to try and survive when thrown into Hell and made to crawl back out.  Team leader will be assaigned after characters have been made.  One character per player only.

Reason for Infection:
Age when Infected:
Reason for being in Team Viktor:
Addictions (Check all that apply)
   [ ] Alcohol
   [ ] Tobacco
   [ ] Marijuana
   [ ] Other: ______________
Distinguishing Features:
  [ ] Scars _______________
  [ ] Tattoos _____________
  [ ] Birth Marks __________

Pistols (Select One)
[ ] 9mm Semi-Auto (16 round 8 clip)[ ] .44 Magnum Revolver (6 shot 9 clip)[ ] .45 Semi-Auto (12 shot 7 clip)
Assault Rifles (3-burst Only)(Cannot be used with Rifles)
[ ] 7.62mm AK-47 (30 round 10 clip)[ ] 5.56mm M-16 (40 round 12 clip)[ ] 5.56 SA80 (45 round 12 clip)
Rifles (Bolt or Lever Action)(Cannot be used with Assault Rifles)
[ ] 30-06 Bolt w/Scope (5 shot 20 clip)[ ] .270 Bolt (10 round 12 clip)[ ] .22 Lever-Action (15 shot 30 clip)
Accessories (Select only 2)
[ ] Folding Shovel[ ] 4 Frag Grenades[ ] Aluminum Baseball Bat[ ] 50% Extra Ammunition[ ] Machette
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Damn but this seems interesting. I'll keep an eye out and see if I'm stretched out RP-wise. Will bookmark for the future.
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I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!