Having fun @ tele markers expense

Started by Callie Del Noire, April 16, 2010, 10:54:32 AM

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If the telemarketers would take no for an answer, then okay, I agree it's wrong to be mean to them.  But I have to say it annoys the living fuck out of me when I sit and listen to their little speech and give them a polite but firm no thank you, and they don't stop.  "Well but this is such a great offer... *repeats speech a second time*"  It's like they're speaking English, but they don't seem to understand it because I can say no 8 times and the only way to shut them up is to hang up on them.  Wouldn't it be a better use of their time to leave me be and go call someone else rather than waste 20 minutes on me saying no over and again?