Some new ideas are creeping- Homosex, Heterosex, Othersex..Let's go!

Started by synthmyscreams, August 12, 2011, 02:57:43 PM

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Hey all-

The name is Valkyrie- Call me V, Val, w/e.

Still pretty wet behind the ears int his role-playing thing, and I have expansive tastes, so to speak. Truly and honestly, my desired role plays take place with lots of good, hard sex- Whether it's NC/Con, Human/Anthro, Incest/Not- Ehh...Don't pay much attention to my choices page---If it involves good sexy writing, I'm down.

I don't have any particular scenarios in mind, more just photos that have inspired a desire to write and create. It's been a pretty dry beginning to my start here, and I'm wanting to get some more story-lines going.

But in general-Here are some things that have me itching.....

Let's add a few slimy, drippy appendages...
FYI: Bugs and impreg creep me out, and all other things related. Anthros are welcome in this section...but nothing with creepy crawly legs. I'm thinking more along the lines of a demon or God...with lots of phallic appendages.

Ganesha on a Viagra overdose= Cool
Spiders= Make my skin crawl.

Antros! Anthros! Anthros!
This is the only time and place where I MAY (see the caps? MAY!) tread beyond my bounds with the bestiality thing, where anthros morph into their animal forms. I've never done it, but, I may like it with the right collaborator. I'm a varied lady on the animals, but I will use a mink as my example.

Here are some more general pairings I've been looking for, you would be the * char.

Do let it be known that if these become group roleplays, that while I expect life to get in the way, I will be sorely disappointed should they just die in the middle. Please be willing to see a story through to the end...

These are not gender or species specific- Very generic, very vague, very open to interpretation- Please PM me with your thoughts and desires if interested:

*Master*/*Aggressor*/*Other/Slave - I'm thinking young heiress/princess/prince (fem.) who is kidnapped and brought to another country.....

Brothel Scenario- *Owner*/*Customer*/*Other*/ Worker

*Demon*/Unwitting participant- I'm thinking maybe Thanatos/Incubus/Succubus...Roll with it...

Alice in Wonderland- Alice/ *Others*

Oh Alice, you dirty bitch, you...
Think if Wonderland were made of strip clubs, porn shops, acid fizzy drinks, and cum candies. I'm looking for some awesome sinful debauchery here...

Disney Princesses of the J. Scott Campbell influence.....Particularly Beauty and the Beast..

Belle/ *Beast/Others*

Oh Beast...Please....

Ariel/ *Eric/Others*

Mulan/ *Others* <- While this may be China, we can throw some rope torture in here too....

...Any others you can think up! :)

My, my, my Princesses...You certainly have grown...

While a lot of these are traditionally M/F pairings, as stated, I'm open to variation with the genders and even species.  PM if interested, and let's spice it up a bit!

"Let us make the music of the night..."

Purrs and Growls...