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LADY DEATH -Who Will Dare Enter?

Started by bubby, November 06, 2011, 01:06:50 AM

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"It is said that every time she blinks her eyes, something dies. When she opens her heart to love, legends offer, all the known will collide into one world of the Dead. And if she betrays that love, Death itself will die. In the mythology of every world, she is the paragon of sensual desire, and the last woman you would want to meet.."

Once again I am attempting to start a Lady Death game. The last time I tried, it was said that original chars would be more favored. I've thought about it, and believe it would be more prudent and I'll give that a go! However, with that being said, I think there are two canon characters that truly would work well in the game, and that is Purgatori and Lucifer.

I of course would be Lady Death. This will not be a game where Lady Death has sex with every other char, that is most definitely NOT how I play her. To claim Lady Death is a huge deal, and a major undertaking.

Now as for a story line, I'm not quite sure where to take that as yet. I am VERY open to ideas and help in this part. Perhaps Lucifer is trying to claim Hell again from Lady Death? In one of the real story arcs he even becomes a big-shot in Vegas and works his wiles on Earth, trying to gain his throne back from there. Is he still trying to enslave Lady Death as his own concubine?

Is Purgatori allied with Lucifer, or is she simply still trying to claim Lady Death's blood for her own, and kill her arch nemesis, to gain Lucifer's favor again?

If anyone wishes to make an original char, would -they- attempt to take Hell from Lady Death? Or perhaps Lady Death is simply on her conquest to obliterate all of humanity, and some wish to either be at her side as she does this, and some wish to stop her.

I am open to ANY and ALL ideas!


Character Name: Wu Wei
Character Powers: Extensive And Immensely intense sorcery, Wu Xia
Gender: Male
Age: 27 years old
Occupation: Sorcerer/Wiseman, Martial Artist
Personality: Wu Wei was born 27 years ago in (An undisclosed) China town. If you ask him where he was born, he'll just say "China Town". Long ago, Chinese immigrants escaped from China with ancient magical scrolls and the knowledge of powerful sorcery, which they taught to Wu Wei. As a result, Wu Wei had become incredibly sophisticated, logical and wise in the magical arts, as well as the art of war. However, he has trouble making friends because of his intense focus on "more important things." Not only is he skilled in fighting unarmed with esoteric techniques, but he can also fight very well with exotic weapons, such as swords. Wu Wei is perhaps the most powerful Archsorcerer of the Asian arts that exists. Also, as a result of his immensely powerful sorcery, he has become incredibly intelligent as well, even supernaturally so, and can passively understand and learn things on the spiritual side of life simply by living.


Looks good to start Interested.

AS OF RIGHT NOW: I am only gauging interest in the RP. There is no need to make a char sheet, simply let me know who and what type of char you might be interested in playing. If I DO get enough people willing to play I will make a character template for all to follow!


Now, I've really liked the over-the-top 90's 'bad girl' heroines.

I have to ask, though- What's the RP going to be about?

How would the format work, so to speak? A group of heroines trying to carve out their own realm in hell?

Le Immortelle

Ah Chaos comics..they sure had some badass heroines!

I would love to play Purgatori, definitely my fav Chaos character.


I don't know anything about this setting if I did, I would be signing up for Lucifer.

All I know, is I believe he was usurped by her in the end. Which I gathered by a Wiki browse.


Quote from: iridum248 on November 06, 2011, 01:36:40 AM
Now, I've really liked the over-the-top 90's 'bad girl' heroines.

I have to ask, though- What's the RP going to be about?

How would the format work, so to speak? A group of heroines trying to carve out their own realm in hell?

I would have to say most likely not. Lady Death is most definitely not a 'heroine', and she would kill anyone attempting to take over what she worked so hard to claim!  >:)  I'm still a bit up in the air on a story line starting point, but I'm leaning towards Lady Death's continued desire to purge Earth of humanity, as well as Lucifer attempting to take back Hell.

Quote from: Amazon on November 06, 2011, 02:47:39 AM
Ah Chaos comics..they sure had some badass heroines!

I would love to play Purgatori, definitely my fav Chaos character.

That would be WONDERFUL Amazon! I'll keep you in mind then! Here's hoping that I gain more interest now... >_>

For any who are interested, here is the Lady Death Wiki page, and read up on the Classic Lady Death. This story line is the one I base my Lady Death off of, and could possibly continue the game off of the cilvil war between good and evil, and it's reign on Earth!

Quote from: Aiden on November 06, 2011, 11:28:07 AM
I don't know anything about this setting if I did, I would be signing up for Lucifer.

All I know, is I believe he was usurped by her in the end. Which I gathered by a Wiki browse.

YAY AIDEN! Lucifer for you. Yes he was, so his goal will be to not only gain Hell back from her, but also make Lady Death his own. Lucifer would also have Purgatori trying to gain his attention, as she feels SHE is most worthy of his 'love', plus she wants nothing more then to drink his powerful blood, as well as Lady Deaths.


Thrown from his own domain, insulted and enraged at the new leader of the hells. Lucifer is cast into the mortal world, his form stripped away leaving him weakened for a moment but his council will see to it he regains his strength and he makes all his former subjects pay before he confronts Lady Death herself.

He plots and waits patiently, seeking to destroy her in more ways she never anticipated...

So yea, I am playing Lucifer for this game.  >:)


You rawk Aiden!

So the basic premise of the story we've come up with. Lucifer is attempting reign on Earth basically, building a secret army to try and take over Hell from LD.  Purgatori will be his aid/sidekick in some manner. Lady Death will get wind of this, and with the unknown aid of a sorcerer, will be brought to Earth, allowing Chaos to ensue!


WHAT I NEED NOW IS GOOD GUYS. These chars CAN be original! If people would like to play evil and side with either LD or Lucifer, that is fine too, but to round the story of good against evil out, I need HERO/HEROINES.


I'm interested. I'm thinking of making some version of Lilith. More details to come.


Was that guy with the gun that could kill anything from Chaos?  Or was he Image?  Crap, he may have been Dark Horse now that I think about it... I don't remember his name but he worked for God or the Devil or something.  Damn, I can't remember.

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Pft who needs people to join the side of good? The earth belongs to Lucifer!

-maniacal laugh-


*Snerks at Aiden*

Quote from: Tydorei on November 07, 2011, 09:08:36 AM
I'm interested. I'm thinking of making some version of Lilith. More details to come.

Most excellent! You're more then welcome to PM me any details or questions if you'd like!


Nergal the Imp, servant of the Ruler of Hell (currently Lady Death *groan*)

Nergal is the consummate survivor.   Neither large nor powerful in terms of physical presence, Nergal is definitely one of the more clever and devious or demons, even among Imps that are known for such traits.   One piece of evidence to this is that he had served Lucifer before his ousting, and now Lady Death after.   Well versed in both the workings and politics of Hell, the information Nergal possesses and his ability to garner what he does not makes him a valuable resource, as does his apparent loyalty to whoever is in charge.

In truth, Nergal does not really care who runs the show, as long as the business of Evil is getting done.  Currently he is sering Lady Death to the seeming utmost of his abilities, but secretly he thinks Hell can do better.   For certain he thinks her plan to eradicate all life on Earth is folly and madness, and will do anything he can to deter or steer her away from it.  Who wants to rule over a lifeless wasteland?  If worse comes to worst, he could always work to see her replaced, but the risk/reward ratio there is currently rather imbalanced.


Swashbuckler...I LOVE IT! You're in!

Remember gang, I don't need a 'char sheet' as of yet. I'll be making a template soon, most likely by Wednesday at the latest. If you have an idea just let me know the basics and/or PM me your idea!


Quote from: LunarSage on November 07, 2011, 10:54:03 AM
Was that guy with the gun that could kill anything from Chaos?  Or was he Image?  Crap, he may have been Dark Horse now that I think about it... I don't remember his name but he worked for God or the Devil or something.  Damn, I can't remember.

Awww it was the Saint of Killers in DC's Vertigo Comics Preacher series.

Dunno if I could play a Chaos version of him (probably toned down a bit) or not.

The Saint of Killers is the Patron Saint of Murderers and Assassination. He was originally a soldier serving in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War; both respected and feared for being absolutely merciless on the battlefield, his bloodlust verging on that of a berserker frenzy. After the war, he makes his living in the American West by collecting Native scalps and bounty hunting, until rescuing a young woman. She manages to break through to his gentler side, and the two fall in love and have a daughter. When his wife and child fall ill, he attempts to fetch medicine for them, but is delayed by a gang of outlaws, which results in his family's death. He subsequently slaughters much of the gang, kills an innocent hostage, but runs out of bullets before killing the leader, which leads to his death after being impaled in the chest with a shovel.

Death takes him, and, because of the innocent life he took, he is consigned to perdition. His own hatred causes Hell to literally freeze over (much to the Devil's wrath), which causes the Angel of Death to offer him to return to Earth under the condition that he takes up his role of collecting the souls of those who die by violence. Melting the Angel of Death's sword in Hell's last burning fire, the Devil forges two Walker Colt revolvers that will kill anything, never miss their target, never leave his possession, and never run out of bullets. The now resigned Angel of Death dubs the man "The Saint of Killers". The Saint returns to Earth after killing the Devil for insulting him, leaving the fate of Hell unknown. He kills the rest of the bandits and purges the town of Ratwater simply because of his nature, and rests at a tomb on Boot Hill while his spirit gathers souls that die by violence. He is awakened once Genesis merges with Custer, and begins to pursue him. He eventually learns that he has no one commanding him, God having left Heaven, though he continues to hunt Custer because he was scorned. He spares Custer after he learns that God arranged for his family to die in order to set him on the path towards becoming the Saint, and now seeks to kill God. The two finally join forces, and after Custer lets himself be killed to release Genesis, God returns to Heaven, where the Saint has slaughtered all of the angels. Despite God's attempts to intimidate the Saint with His wrath and then offering to restore his family to life, the Saint guns Him down, ending His tyranny. With no one left to kill anymore, the Saint sits upon God's Throne and returns to sleep as the world is bathed in peace.

The Saint of Killers is impervious to harm - being hit with a nuclear missile caused no damage to him or his clothes, apart from the comment "Not enough gun". He can easily knock away tanks with a simple kick and he can be hit by a speeding truck without flinching. His can draw his guns supernaturally quickly, and always hits his mark, even piercing tank armor to reach the intended target. The weapons always inflict fatal injuries regardless of the circumstance or nature of the victim (including angels and demons) - even God and the Devil are not immune to the bullets, as the Saint has killed them both (the only being ever to have survived being shot by the Saint was Cassidy, but Garth Ennis later admitted that he was still working out the character of the Saint at that point and was a technical mistake). Anyone holding one of the guns can see the spirits of the many people that the Saint has personally killed.

In 2009, the Saint of Killers was ranked as IGN's 74th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time.

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I wanted to make sure that no one goes totally over the top with their chars abilities. Therefor, here are some guidelines:

ENHANCED Strength: No tossing trains, holding up buildings, crashing through mountains, etc.

ENHANCED Endurance: Capable of falling a few hundred feet with nothing broken, take many wounds, be tossed through a wall and still get up, etc.

SPECIAL Abilities: Keep these to a minimum, and let's not have DragonballZ stuff or one word POOF A GAJILLION PEOPLE DED stuff. Perhaps limb regeneration? A small bit of magic of some kind? Illusion abilities? Nothing over the top!

The ONLY death that will be allowed in this game will be to NPC's or humans. Though we are indeed making chars with more then the norm abilities, PLEASE don't go all godmode. IF THERE IS A BATTLE BETWEEN CHARS, I suggest a PM to each other, to outline what will happen, acceptable damage to each other, etc. I'm hoping there will be much chaos and carnage between characters in this game, but to keep it FUN and ENJOYABLE, we must all remember that there ARE limits.


Yikes, good luck toning that down, Lunar!  That seems a bit much, even for DC...  *laugh*

I won't need anything much powers-wise for Nergal, as he is not very strong of body (probably a but more than human strength, although he is only a foot tall or so).   Immunity to fire (obviously), maybe can summon little balls of it to throw, poisonous tail, invisibilty and he can take a human form when on Earth.   I'll have to think on whether the poison is knocked out, or deadly.


Quote from: Swashbuckler on November 07, 2011, 02:41:53 PM
Yikes, good luck toning that down, Lunar!  That seems a bit much, even for DC...  *laugh*

I won't need anything much powers-wise for Nergal, as he is not very strong of body (probably a but more than human strength, although he is only a foot tall or so).   Immunity to fire (obviously), maybe can summon little balls of it to throw, poisonous tail, invisibilty and he can take a human form when on Earth.   I'll have to think on whether the poison is knocked out, or deadly.

I would prefer 'knocked out' over deadly Swashbuckler, since 'dead' will only be NPC's or humans. Unless, it could be 'knocked out' for those of us with Power, and dead for everyone else?

I'll try and have a char template up soon guys! I think there's enough interest generated at this point that I can at least do that, so people can start molding their characters.


I think I'd prefer knock-out poison too, bubby.    It definitely fits with Imp's better.  Why kill something when you can knock it out and do so many depraved devilish things to it....*grin*


Quote from: Swashbuckler on November 07, 2011, 02:58:41 PM
I think I'd prefer knock-out poison too, bubby.    It definitely fits with Imp's better.  Why kill something when you can knock it out and do so many depraved devilish things to it....*grin*

MUWAHA! Exactly!


Quote from: Swashbuckler on November 07, 2011, 02:41:53 PM
Yikes, good luck toning that down, Lunar!  That seems a bit much, even for DC...  *laugh*

Heh well the main thing I like is the theme, not necessarily the sheer power of the original character.  If I can keep the basic theme while remaining true to this game's power levels, I'll be happy.

  ▫  A.A  ▫  O.O  ▫  Find & Seek   ▫ 


Quote from: LunarSage on November 07, 2011, 03:06:44 PM
Heh well the main thing I like is the theme, not necessarily the sheer power of the original character.  If I can keep the basic theme while remaining true to this game's power levels, I'll be happy.

Me too!  That is a sweet concept!


Ok gang. I'm off to work for the night, but I have made a char sheet template so that people can can begin mapping out their characters. Go ahead and post them here when complete.

[b]Affiliation:[/b] (Lady Death, Lucifer, or Humanity?)
[b]Physical Description:[/b] (True Self)
[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Earth persona if applicable)
[b]Earth Job:[/b] (I don't care if you're a millionaire or something outlandish. Make it nifty!)
[i]PICS PLEASE! Makes things WAY more awesome. For earth persona's they do NOT have to be a real pic, comic art is fine, but NO CHEESY ANIME, just ew. Paintings, renderings, stuff like that works![/i]
[b]Special Abilities:[/b]
[b]Weapons:[/b] (If any)


I dont suppose someone can give me the gist of Lady Death?

I mean the themes sound interesting...