Inked's Ideas (Female seeking Males)

Started by inkedheart, May 18, 2012, 04:10:34 PM

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So...I had an entire thing and then somehow it got deleted. Bah.

I'm going to do a quick rudimentary one in place of it until I can flesh it out again!

My spiel is this: I like to provide basic locations and time periods, a potential partner says what he's interested in, and then together we flesh out a story! I think this allows for unique and exciting scenarios. :)

Disclaimer: The male role is always assumed to be the dominant role unless otherwise specified!

Ancient Sumer
Ancient Babylonia
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Ancient Crete
Ancient Ireland
Anglo-Saxon England
Viking Scandanavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark)
Barbarian Germany
Barbarian France (Gaul)
Medieval Europe
Renaissance Europe
Restoration England
Posh France
Puritan America
Colonial America
Civil War America
Industrial England
Roaring 20s America
Golden Age 50s America

Obviously I lean towards historical plays. That being said, I'm into modern and futuristic pairings too! If you have an idea for one of those and think I'd be a good partner, please let me know!

Sorry for the skeleton post, this is my first go on this site. If you have concerns or suggestions, please let me know! :)

Thanks loves,