Muse tag opt out functionality

Started by HockeyGod, June 16, 2019, 06:14:53 PM

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I opted out of the muse tag (verified twice that it is checked in my profile), however it still shows up. I'd prefer to remain a Knight at this point. Thanks.


It updates on Monday.  If it hasn't updated by the end of the day tomorrow let a member of staff know.


The opt-out function only updates on Mondays as well? I checked opt-out the moment I was informed.


Yes, the script that makes any changes for the Muse tag runs on Mondays.  That's my understanding.


This time it must not have done that because I was a Knight last time I logged on - Friday (no Monday since). I had the opt out checked when I was a Knight. I logged in Sunday and was changed to Muse.


You've had the muse tag for a while, I noticed it days ago. I think it changed to Muse last Monday.   If you were looking at your profile, it still says Knight there, that doesn't change.  Just the display on posts.


Not that it makes much difference, I've set the script to update daily now.


To my knowledge my badge did not change last Monday, I've checked each time I've been online as I prefer to be a Knight. I haven't posted for 2 days and was surprised to see the Muse badge since I opted out and there hasn't been a Monday.

My timeline: The Muse badge was publicly announced and I requested clarification of opting out. I checked opt out the same day. I was a Knight after I clicked "opt out" because I wondered when the Muse would go into effect since I had not seen any. It has not been a Monday since then. I'm not sure when I was "mused" but it certainly was not a week ago.

Now another clarification then - I thought "opt out" of the tag would mean that my badge would remain Knight. Is that not the case? To maintain a Knight (or other) badge a member must post fewer than 5 times welcoming new applicants? If that is true...The nomenclature appears to be confusing to me - there is a muse "badge" and a muse "tag" and that we can only opt out of the muse "tag". The badge is the image denoting our status and the tag is the words under our name. Perhaps this should be clarified in the post discussing muse because it appears the words tag and badge are being used interchangeably.


You opted out on the 13th.  Multiple people saw the Muse tag on your posts before then.  The Muse tag has been around for months.  If you opt out when the script runs it will not update with the Muse tag, which means that next time it runs it will take the Muse tag off.  I will leave it to members of staff not on a break to make any changes to the nomenclature. I use them interchangeably, they are the same thing to me.  I'm sorry if that's caused confusion.


I actually remember seeing your muse badge on Tuesday and being surprised as I thought you had mentioned wanting to opt out. If you were checking via your profile then it still says your gender tag there regardless of being a 'Muse' and the tag color stays the same.

As to your other clarification. The opt-out would have made your badge stay Knight. The words under your name do not change to Muse ever. You can see it in the posts of other muses or if you go to their profile. Like RedPhoenix still says "Centurion" under her name, but has a muse tag. The only thing that ever changes is the image of the tag. To have that image stay as your gender tag, you would have had to opt out before the script ran. We do use tag and badge interchangeably, both meaning this image:

To reiterate, it's the only thing that changes when you become a Muse. It will still say Knight, Lord, Lady, Centurion, Legate under your name regardless and in your profile. I hope this helps.


I did opt out immediately, but didn't realize that this needed my password in order to save and hence likely did not save. This was corrected later and must have been beyond the update threshold. It was not my desire to have the tag.

Thanks for the clarification.
