[Avatar: A New World] Modern-ish TLA / LoK inspired game; Team Avatar Journey

Started by Aethyrium, October 08, 2018, 04:04:29 PM

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It has been 19 years since the very public assassination of Avatar Isla Mei. To this day the killer remains a mystery, despite ample resources being put forward to uncover their identity. The violent end of Isla Mei was the first tiding of a storm on the horizon, and without the Avatar's presence to steady the turbulent political landscape, the world has fallen to disarray quickly. Due to nature of Isla Mei's death it was imperative that the new Avatar remain a secret; knowing that they would be born an earthbender allowed the elemental sages to locate and escape with the young Avatar before anyone knew they were gone - or who it was. Under the tutelage of the sages, the new Avatar has grown in seclusion, protected and cared for the dutiful loyalty of the sages. Their own efforts have turned up no answers as to who killed Isla Mei, or what threat that individual might pose to the new Avatar, but they have held out as long as they can. The world is on the brink of catastrophe, and the Avatar must return to the world and restore balance, no matter the danger that lurks in the unknown.

A New World is a game inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender & Legend of Korra, set two millennia after the defeat of Ozai. A modern rendition of that world, setting, and style. Precisely, it has been 2,061 years since Avatar Aang defeated the Phoenix King and ended the Hundred Year War. To put this in perspective this is the exact time frame it has been since the death of Julius Caesar in our own history. Think of all the changes that have happened in our world since those times. Now picture bending, spirits, and the Avatar in the mix. This game will follow the growth of a new 'Team Avatar', as the current Avatar tries to master the elements and prevent (or, perhaps, end) a conflict of ever greater scale than the Hundred Year War. This game is meant to focus on the growth of the group and the development of the world. The Avatar's journey to master the elements, and the role their advisors play in shaping how the Avatar handles the situations they are presented with. The game will feature combat, which will be handled in a free form manner. We will explore social issues, political tensions and escalations, as well as a spiritual journey, and more. This game will take place in the extreme board, given its potentially violent nature; let it be noted, however, that this will likely be tame enough in all other respects to belong in the bondage board.

The World

Despite all the changes in the world, some things remain similar, while others are much more blended. The Imperial Fire Sovereignty, Republic of Water, United Earth Federation, and Free Air Union make up the remnants of the age old nations of the world. They are often referred to as the 'Pure Nations', though that name is a bit misleading. These countries represent areas that are largely comprised of the ancient heritage of the world, maintaining the traditions, knowledge, independence, and purity of the elemental nations. Founded by Avatar Aang, the United Republic of Nations has undergone significant changes and was the foundation on which the The Commonwealth of Nations was built. As a country it represents the mixing of the elemental nations, the breaking down of ancient walls, and the progressive unification of the world. However it also represents the alliance of the Pure Nations and their combine might. Unlike most of the world, The Directorate States have turned their back almost entirely on the ways of the world. The Directorate represents scientific and industrial progress. It is through their determination and ingenuity that the world has been thrust into a modern age, they are almost solely responsible for the development of the world. However they are wildly intolerant of benders, outlawing the practice in their lands; they are the only nation to openly refuse and act in spite of the Avatar. The renegade state known as the The Dragon Alliance believes in the ideals of the Commonwealth, but not the methods. They seek the active abolishment of the Pure Nations. Meanwhile the The Confederacy is the newest power in the land, having broken away from the Republic of Water only some 500 years ago; little is known about The Confederacy because they have isolated themselves from the world, and are aggressive toward anyone that attempts to enter their lands. What little is known, however, is that they were founded by two tribes of waterbenders that aligned beneath a single banner and claimed the southern territories for themselves. In a similar way The Dominion is a powerhouse that seems to be more than it lets on. It started as a small city state under the control of the Earth Kingdom in ancient times but has slowly grown to become a power center itself. As a nation they have expanded to claim territory that once belonged to the United Earth Republic and the Commonwealth. In recent decades however, they have been mostly content to stay where they are.

1. Imperial Fire Sovereignty
The Imperial Fire Sovereignty is the purest of the pure nations. While the IFS is a member of The Commonwealth, it is by far the least interested in the evolution of the world. The borders of the empire are highly regulated, visitors are thoroughly screened and monitored. To the outside world the IFS is oft looked at like an impregnable fortress with its head in the sand, so determined to maintain their historical individuality that they are first in line to get left behind by the changing world. However, to live on the inspire of the empire tells a vastly different story. The people of the IFS live in relative wealth when compared to the rest of the world. The empire sees to its people to breed loyalty and national pride. Beyond its borders people may worry about the IFS being left behind, but they have adapted quite well to the growing world and of the Pure Nations are those who have embraced technological advancement the most. You could say that in some respects the IFS is home to the most cultured and civilized civilization in the world - but The Directorate would say that is demonstrably false.

2. Republic of Water
The ancient water tribes have undergone some of the most serious transformations in recent ages. After the southern water tribe was rebuilt, the tribe continued to grow and evolve until clans were formed. Originally there were sixteen of these clans, however time has seen that number reduced to thirteen. The Republic of Water is the joint nation of these thirteen clans, ruled over by a council of elected representatives from every clan that changes every three years. Unlike the Imperial Fire Sovereignty the Republic of Water is the most integrative nation with The Commonwealth. They do maintain their own identity to preserve cultural identity, but the Republic has dedicated the bulk of its resources to The Commonwealth, and make up some of its most fervent supporters. If the IFS will be the last nation to dissolve and unify with the rest of the world, it seems the Republic will be the first. Due in no small part to the territories that they control, the Republic has been slow to adopt technology in its homelands; those of the Republic that want that usually find - and are often encouraged to - their way into Commonwealth territories.

3. United Earth Federation
Once the earth kingdom was made up of several small kingdoms that all reported to the earth king. Not much has changed other than location and conglomeration. As time passed the Federation lost territory to The Commonwealth, and later The Dominion. In the process the smaller kingdoms were absorbed until five individual states existed within the earth kingdom: Ba Sing Se, Kyoshi, Omashu, Tenghai, and Bigai. The five individual states have maintained loyalty to Ba Sing Se, which acts as the head of the Federation. The Federation has is a very official land that is moderately enforced and monitored. It has maintained a high separation of social class and wealth. Technology is embraced but fully enjoyable only by those wealthy enough to enjoy it. Even at its lowest point, however, Ba Sing Se is considered world wide as a jewel of a city. The Federation views itself more as the ally of The Commonwealth, despite their participation in it. There is no drive to join it, but they are happy to exist alongside it and have a hand within its politics.

4. Free Air Union
Little can be said about the Free Air Union. They exist as a free state that has limited government involvement. These aren't unclaimed territories, as they belong to the Union, however the leaders of the Union mostly allow people to live in peace in their lands. They do not support technology, but they don't oppose it. If enough people wanted to set it up and oversee it, it would not be opposed. It would be foolish to think that the Union is without government, only that its leadership has elected to allow people to by and large govern themselves. Their claim in The Commonwealth is one to keep it cognitive of the idea that people first and foremost need to be free.

5. The Commonwealth of Nations
What started as the United Republic of Nations has gradually evolved over time into what is now the modern Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is as much nation as it is an organization. In many ways it is the foundation of the stability the world has, mostly, enjoyed in the 'recent' ages. It's goal is the unification of the world under one banner, so that all people might enjoy the cultural benefits of all other peoples. It is governed by the council of leaders, in which every nation that belongs to the Commonwealth is allowed one representative. How this representative is selected, and how long they maintain their office, is dictated by the individual nation. However, The Commonwealth is also allotted one seat on the council of leaders for each nation within the organization; these representatives can only be registered citizens of The Commonwealth and are elected to office two years. The leadership council is comprised of 8 representatives and decisions must pass by two votes. The Commonwealth has a special seat for a representative of The Directorate, who is not a member of The Commonwealth but has numerous trade arrangements. The Directorate has no vote in policy, but is allowed to be present for all council meetings except those of national security.

6. The Directorate States
The Directorate is a closed border territory. They maintain neutrality in the world, wanting to further the technological advancement of the world. To this end they are in many ways a trade union, that sends envoys across the world to negotiate trade deals. They are by far the most technologically advanced civilization in the world, keeping many of their most innovative technologies to themselves. However, the cost of this forward thinking is the suffocation of the past. The Directorate is aggressively policed. Bending is outlawed and capitally punished if discovered. Children with bending potential are offered a paid exodus to The Commonwealth, one of their many agreements; during which the child and family are stripped of citizenship and shipped to immigrate into The Commonwealth. The Commonwealth does allow immigration, but the process is lengthy and highly scrutinized. The Directorate has actively opposed the Avatar for many generations, citing that the world does not need to rely on ancient traditions to maintain balance and order.

7. The Dragon Alliance
The Alliance is a group that has lost its cause but picked up a new one. It started as a separatist sect of the IFS that did not want to live under imperial rule, wanting a more democratic form of government. They put up a substantial fight but were driven away from the main islands. The IFS believed them defeated, but instead they lurked and grew. After dozens of generations the goal of The Alliance has twisted from its original purpose. It still wants to abolish the imperial government of the IFS, but they also want to remove all of the old forms. They believe strongly The Commonwealth is acting too slowly, and it is the segregation of the nations that has lead to the worlds hardships. Only through forced unification can the world finally enter an era of last peace and prosperity. This has turned The Alliance into a safe haven for refugees, pirates, outlaws, renegades, and rogues of all sorts. Despite their claim no small amount of territory, they are not acknowledged as a nation by The Commonwealth, and instead only viewed as an organization.

8. The Confederacy
Only some 500 years old, The Confederacy is a mystery to mostly everyone. It was originally comprised of two clans of the Republic of Water, and they ushered in one of the most recent major wars. The two clans forcefully seized control of the southpole and claimed the territory as theirs. After gaining control, however, they simply erected massive ice walls and isolated themselves from the outside world. Little is known about what they have been doing in that time, any attempt at contact is met with violent hostility.

9. The Dominion
The lands that make up The Dominion belonged to the earth kingdom in ancient times. However as The Commonwealth grew and the earth kingdom eroded those territories became theirs. Later those Commonwealth territories broke away from the unified nation to form their own state. These states were small once, but slowly began to band together and expand. Pushing against both The Commonwealth and the United Earth Federation. The expansion of The Dominion came to a halt when it had cannibalized the largest part of The Commonwealth and huge parts of the Federation. The Dominion states that its roots are in dissatisfaction with the leadership of The Commonwealth, but little is understood about their motivations, leadership, or intentions. While the majority of the world has been stable for centuries, The Dominion has been expanding for that long. In ways that seem to avoid war, as territories cede to leadership to The Dominion, rather than being captured.

Team Avatar

Avatar Nghia
Avatar Kang-dae
Avatar Shanta
Avatar Isla Mei
Avatar Rinay
played by Aethyrium

The Earthbender
The Firebender
The Airbender
The Waterbender
The Martialist
Daruka Ramdha
Chae Won
Mercedes Earhart
Nukilik Kohaku
played by Strenia
played by CurvyKitten
played by Amarlo
played by Vergil1989
played by Endscape

When it came time to set the Avatar loose in the world, the elemental sages knew that she would need guidance and teachers to master the bending arts. Without knowing who they could trust with such a monumental task they set the Avatar on a journey to reach out to her past lives at the time of the solstice. Rinay left the protection of the sages and traveled alone to a spiritual center, where on the solstice she entered into a trace to speak with the four Avatars that had come before her. She shared the plea of the sages with them and explained the situation to them. With the power of the solstice on their side, the past lives agreed to help and tapped into the spiritual energy of the world. Each of them projected into the minds of special individuals across the world, appearing to them as the appropriate avatar for their bending type and summoned them to help the current Avatar in their journey. Knowing what she had done, Isla Mei reached out to an extra individual as well, summoning a different type of master and ally for Rinay.

On the night of the summer solstice, each character was given a spirit vision when they slept. They were greeted by their respective Avatar (Kang-dae visited the firebender, for instance. Isla Mei visited both the waterbender and the martialist), and petitioned to come aid the current avatar. The characters then had to travel across the world, from where ever they were, to meet up with Avatar Rinay, who has been awaiting their arriving, living in self imposed isolation until her team arrives.

Recruitment Information

  • The characters presented were specifically targeted by the previous Avatars. This means characters should generally be both willing, able, and invested, in aiding the cause of the Avatar. Otherwise someone else would have been called for this task. This boils down to: characters need to be ready to interact and participate, be part of the group and generally loyal to the idea. I'm not looking for traitors, or "hard to get" characters, there are plenty of other story options without having to fight an uphill battle just to glue the core group together. This doesn't need to mean your character must be happy-go-lucky, or not have an attitude, or be who you want them to be, but it does mean that they should be vested naturally in the core concept of the game: teach the avatar, balance the world.
  • I will be playing the Avatar, as well as acting as the storyteller. However this game will be, in many ways, incredibly sand-boxy, which means players should feel free to create stuff and help move the story forward.
  • Characters will not be selected first-come-first-serve; if you're interested in a character, submit a sheet for them and I will be selecting characters that really pop at me as good additions to the game.
  • This game should recreate the "fantasy anime" style, which means epic feats are reasonable. Things will be handled in a free form manner, which is to say that everyone needs to be on the same page. No character is immune to damage or invulnerable, and likewise no character is all powerful. We should feel cool, but also vulnerable. Jumping from a two story building? This is heroic fantasy, sure! Jump from a ten story building? You probably need to do something to explain how you survive.
  • On the topic of characters; these are not masters. These characters should be roughly intermediate level benders, that do not currently have any advanced bending techniques. I'll cover this in detail later with players, but each bender will be allowed one of the advanced bending techniques (such as lightning for fire), as well as the specialty of their bending (blue flame for fire). These are progression opportunities however.
  • Earth Bender due to the fact that Rinay is an Earthbender naturally, she is more advanced in that art. To that end the earthbending character may already be skilled in the earthbending specialty - sandbending. The character should still be roughly intermediate in skill overall, but father advanced with this more developed technique.
  • The Martialist is a character that is meant to be a fighter / strategist / weapons master. However it is the intent of this character to eventually become a chi-blocker! The martialist may also use firearms, if you'd like. This character should be talented but like the benders, not a master of their craft.
  • Characters can be from anywhere in the world except: The Directorate, The Dominion, or The Confederacy. The Martialist, however, may (would like them to be) be from The Directorate.
  • Images for this game should be artwork only. No real life face claims.
  • When submitting characters please clear which role you want to fill. Ideally mention it in OOC for everyone to see, as well as in your sheet PM to me. Character submissions should be private messaged directly to me!

Code (Character Sheet) Select

[float=right][img padding=5]https://via.placeholder.com/150x200[/img][/float]
[b]Name:[/b] Who is this?
[b]Nicknames / Aliases:[/b] What do / have they gone by?
[b]Age:[/b] How old are they?
[b]Sexuality:[/b] Who do they like?
[b]Home Nation:[/b] Where in the world [s]is carmen sandiego[/s] do they come from?

[b]Merits:[/b] What are their personal strengths (exclude their bending, or martial prowess)? How are they blessed?
[b]Flaws:[/b] What are their personal failings? Their weaknesses? Their fears?
[b]Likes:[/b] What are some things they really dislike?
[b]Dislikes:[/b] What are some things that they really like?

[b]Personality:[/b] What are they like? How do they handle situations? How do they conduct themselves? What is their nature, and their demeanor?

[b]Your Story:[/b] Don't keep us in suspense, who are they? What has their adventure before this been like?

[b]Personal Goals:[/b] What do they personally want to do in their life? What is their story arc?
[b]World View:[/b] These characters will be responsible, in (major?) part for shaping the Avatar of this generation. How do they view the world, what do they want to see done? How do they see things, and in what sort of ways will they counsel the Avatar?

[b]Equipment:[/b] Keep it simple, but what special equipment to they always carry, or like to have on hand?


Due to the nature of this being an interest check, I have left out a bulk of details that can be discussed should this game get enough traction. However I am prepared to answer any questions regarding the setting to help you get more immersed and create your concepts.


Nnnggg. You already know I'm so in. Air for me too, as you well know too. >D

I am so hyped for this I could float to the moon!!

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Amarlo on October 08, 2018, 04:07:57 PM
Nnnggg. You already know I'm so in. Air for me too, as you well know too. >D

I am so hyped for this I could float to the moon!!
It's almost like you inspired this glorious mess. ::)


I’ll take Martial Artist if no one else is! I have a sheet that I could tweak for the occasion as well. :)


Quote from: Aethyrium on October 08, 2018, 04:12:12 PM
It's almost like you inspired this glorious mess. ::)

I have no idea what you're talking about.  O:)

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


I’m gunning for earth!

Also are we talking cars and internet and shit?
All knowledge is worth having - Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel's Dart

Stren's Corner - O&Os

A wandering Bard's map - A&As


Two things, are the Spirit Portals, all three of them now, (the North and South Poles as well as the one in the center of Republic City), still open, and are the Republic of Water more sexually open and inviting of different leanings as far as all that goes?  I vaguely remember reading one of the recent LoK comics, and Kya mentioned that the old Water Tribes weren't outright against people being with people of the same gender, so long as it was kept behind closed doors given their limited numbers after the war.  Also, I'm with Srenia, has Sato Corp become a global entity, (putting to bed Cabbage Corp in the process), and is the internet and the like a thing now?  I assume not so much the net, but cars I know were already a thing during Legend of Korra, although there wasn't a lot of variety at the time since Sato was the only one really making quality vehicles at the time.

Regardless, I think, if you'd like, I'll go with Water.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=85486.0  Absence and Apology...countdown to doom....so to speak.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=186829.0  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Quote from: Strenia on October 08, 2018, 04:43:21 PM
Also are we talking cars and internet and shit?

Correct. The setting is as advanced technologically as we are today. From what I've discussed with Aeth, at least. They have cars, cellphones, internet, etc. There might be other things added for flavor by the nature of the setting, but I'm not really privy to those. x3

As far as Vergil's questions, I have no actual details on those, so I'm going to go hide behind Aeth again and let her do her thing. >>

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Oh jeez. This picked up traction much faster than I thought it would. Okay I will be back shortly to answer all of your questions... I guess I'll also write a bit more about the setting to give everyone a more clear picture.

I will say I would like to keep the Team Avatar gender balance mostly even. I'd be alright with like 4/2 in either direction, but ideally we'll be able to hit 3/3. Also just a reminder that this is about finding the best characters for the story, so you're welcome to toss any idea you have at me - just be prepared to play anything you suggest, since you never know what might be selected in the end. And for those lurkers, don't be discouraged if anyone has opted for a role you want. Unless the "Team Avatar" section has been updated with a character, assume the role is still open!

Just want everyone who is interested in playing to have a chance to participate before making any final decisions :)

Edit & Update: The Airbender role has been filled by Mercedes Earhart, played by Amarlo.

la dame en noir

This definitely seems a bit more up my ally - Waterbender is where it's at. I'll have to look a bit more closely at the details- but I'm definitely looking for something to occupy my time.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


1. Imperial Fire Sovereignty
The Imperial Fire Sovereignty is the purest of the pure nations. While the IFS is a member of The Commonwealth, it is by far the least interested in the evolution of the world. The borders of the empire are highly regulated, visitors are thoroughly screened and monitored. To the outside world the IFS is oft looked at like an impregnable fortress with its head in the sand, so determined to maintain their historical individuality that they are first in line to get left behind by the changing world. However, to live on the inspire of the empire tells a vastly different story. The people of the IFS live in relative wealth when compared to the rest of the world. The empire sees to its people to breed loyalty and national pride. Beyond its borders people may worry about the IFS being left behind, but they have adapted quite well to the growing world and of the Pure Nations are those who have embraced technological advancement the most. You could say that in some respects the IFS is home to the most cultured and civilized civilization in the world - but The Directorate would say that is demonstrably false.

2. Republic of Water
The ancient water tribes have undergone some of the most serious transformations in recent ages. After the southern water tribe was rebuilt, the tribe continued to grow and evolve until clans were formed. Originally there were sixteen of these clans, however time has seen that number reduced to thirteen. The Republic of Water is the joint nation of these thirteen clans, ruled over by a council of elected representatives from every clan that changes every three years. Unlike the Imperial Fire Sovereignty the Republic of Water is the most integrative nation with The Commonwealth. They do maintain their own identity to preserve cultural identity, but the Republic has dedicated the bulk of its resources to The Commonwealth, and make up some of its most fervent supporters. If the IFS will be the last nation to dissolve and unify with the rest of the world, it seems the Republic will be the first. Due in no small part to the territories that they control, the Republic has been slow to adopt technology in its homelands; those of the Republic that want that usually find - and are often encouraged to - their way into Commonwealth territories.

3. United Earth Federation
Once the earth kingdom was made up of several small kingdoms that all reported to the earth king. Not much has changed other than location and conglomeration. As time passed the Federation lost territory to The Commonwealth, and later The Dominion. In the process the smaller kingdoms were absorbed until five individual states existed within the earth kingdom: Ba Sing Se, Kyoshi, Omashu, Tenghai, and Bigai. The five individual states have maintained loyalty to Ba Sing Se, which acts as the head of the Federation. The Federation has is a very official land that is moderately enforced and monitored. It has maintained a high separation of social class and wealth. Technology is embraced but fully enjoyable only by those wealthy enough to enjoy it. Even at its lowest point, however, Ba Sing Se is considered world wide as a jewel of a city. The Federation views itself more as the ally of The Commonwealth, despite their participation in it. There is no drive to join it, but they are happy to exist alongside it and have a hand within its politics.

4. Free Air Union
Little can be said about the Free Air Union. They exist as a free state that has limited government involvement. These aren't unclaimed territories, as they belong to the Union, however the leaders of the Union mostly allow people to live in peace in their lands. They do not support technology, but they don't oppose it. If enough people wanted to set it up and oversee it, it would not be opposed. It would be foolish to think that the Union is without government, only that its leadership has elected to allow people to by and large govern themselves. Their claim in The Commonwealth is one to keep it cognitive of the idea that people first and foremost need to be free.

5. The Commonwealth of Nations
What started as the United Republic of Nations has gradually evolved over time into what is now the modern Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is as much nation as it is an organization. In many ways it is the foundation of the stability the world has, mostly, enjoyed in the 'recent' ages. It's goal is the unification of the world under one banner, so that all people might enjoy the cultural benefits of all other peoples. It is governed by the council of leaders, in which every nation that belongs to the Commonwealth is allowed one representative. How this representative is selected, and how long they maintain their office, is dictated by the individual nation. However, The Commonwealth is also allotted one seat on the council of leaders for each nation within the organization; these representatives can only be registered citizens of The Commonwealth and are elected to office two years. The leadership council is comprised of 8 representatives and decisions must pass by two votes. The Commonwealth has a special seat for a representative of The Directorate, who is not a member of The Commonwealth but has numerous trade arrangements. The Directorate has no vote in policy, but is allowed to be present for all council meetings except those of national security.

6. The Directorate States
The Directorate is a closed border territory. They maintain neutrality in the world, wanting to further the technological advancement of the world. To this end they are in many ways a trade union, that sends envoys across the world to negotiate trade deals. They are by far the most technologically advanced civilization in the world, keeping many of their most innovative technologies to themselves. However, the cost of this forward thinking is the suffocation of the past. The Directorate is aggressively policed. Bending is outlawed and capitally punished if discovered. Children with bending potential are offered a paid exodus to The Commonwealth, one of their many agreements; during which the child and family are stripped of citizenship and shipped to immigrate into The Commonwealth. The Commonwealth does allow immigration, but the process is lengthy and highly scrutinized. The Directorate has actively opposed the Avatar for many generations, citing that the world does not need to rely on ancient traditions to maintain balance and order.

7. The Dragon Alliance
The Alliance is a group that has lost its cause but picked up a new one. It started as a separatist sect of the IFS that did not want to live under imperial rule, wanting a more democratic form of government. They put up a substantial fight but were driven away from the main islands. The IFS believed them defeated, but instead they lurked and grew. After dozens of generations the goal of The Alliance has twisted from its original purpose. It still wants to abolish the imperial government of the IFS, but they also want to remove all of the old forms. They believe strongly The Commonwealth is acting too slowly, and it is the segregation of the nations that has lead to the worlds hardships. Only through forced unification can the world finally enter an era of last peace and prosperity. This has turned The Alliance into a safe haven for refugees, pirates, outlaws, renegades, and rogues of all sorts. Despite their claim no small amount of territory, they are not acknowledged as a nation by The Commonwealth, and instead only viewed as an organization.

8. The Confederacy
Only some 500 years old, The Confederacy is a mystery to mostly everyone. It was originally comprised of two clans of the Republic of Water, and they ushered in one of the most recent major wars. The two clans forcefully seized control of the southpole and claimed the territory as theirs. After gaining control, however, they simply erected massive ice walls and isolated themselves from the outside world. Little is known about what they have been doing in that time, any attempt at contact is met with violent hostility.

9. The Dominion
The lands that make up The Dominion belonged to the earth kingdom in ancient times. However as The Commonwealth grew and the earth kingdom eroded those territories became theirs. Later those Commonwealth territories broke away from the unified nation to form their own state. These states were small once, but slowly began to band together and expand. Pushing against both The Commonwealth and the United Earth Federation. The expansion of The Dominion came to a halt when it had cannibalized the largest part of The Commonwealth and huge parts of the Federation. The Dominion states that its roots are in dissatisfaction with the leadership of The Commonwealth, but little is understood about their motivations, leadership, or intentions. While the majority of the world has been stable for centuries, The Dominion has been expanding for that long. In ways that seem to avoid war, as territories cede to leadership to The Dominion, rather than being captured.

I also updated the first post to reflect this expanded information, since there's interest enough to warrant it!


Quote from: Strenia on October 08, 2018, 04:43:21 PM
I’m gunning for earth!

Also are we talking cars and internet and shit?
Woohoo! Earth!

Cars, and internet, and shit. Your mileage may vary depending on where you're talking about. But to be entirely transparent: The Directorate will look like a modern world (even perhaps slightly futuristic) entirely. The spread of that technology is in the works, but incomplete and available to varying degrees depending on where specifically you're talking about. Cars, for instance, are pretty common regardless of where you are. The Internet is hit or miss and is definitely not a global network.

Quote from: Vergil1989 on October 08, 2018, 05:09:17 PM
Two things, are the Spirit Portals, all three of them now, (the North and South Poles as well as the one in the center of Republic City), still open, and are the Republic of Water more sexually open and inviting of different leanings as far as all that goes?  I vaguely remember reading one of the recent LoK comics, and Kya mentioned that the old Water Tribes weren't outright against people being with people of the same gender, so long as it was kept behind closed doors given their limited numbers after the war.  Also, I'm with Srenia, has Sato Corp become a global entity, (putting to bed Cabbage Corp in the process), and is the internet and the like a thing now?  I assume not so much the net, but cars I know were already a thing during Legend of Korra, although there wasn't a lot of variety at the time since Sato was the only one really making quality vehicles at the time.

Regardless, I think, if you'd like, I'll go with Water.
The spirit portals are all currently closed. As for openness towards sexuality, you can assume that instead of "localized and pocketed acceptance" there is "localized and pocketed bigotry". Mileage may vary from individual to individual, but for the purposes of the broad scope of things it's generally just a thing that is.

I will write something more detailed about technology, but look above for most of those answers for now.

Quote from: la dame en noir on October 08, 2018, 08:33:21 PM
This definitely seems a bit more up my ally - Waterbender is where it's at. I'll have to look a bit more closely at the details- but I'm definitely looking for something to occupy my time.
More waterbender excitement is excitement!


Hopefully I got everything you wanted in my application, if not though don't hesitate to let me know and I'll get to it when I can.  Even if I don't get picked as the Waterbender for this, I wish you and everyone else the best of luck and I hope this goes far.  See ya!  ;D
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=85486.0  Absence and Apology...countdown to doom....so to speak.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=186829.0  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Thank you for the submission, Vergil.

I should be able to respond to everyone's messages when I get up. It's about time I head to bed, but this is coming together nicely. Very excited to see what ideas everyone has.

For the lurkers out there, don't be shy! Come on in. The water's great. Have a seat. Scribble some notes. Play a game with me. No decisions have been made for unmarked characters still in the opening post. I do know we really need to see some male character applications!


I am currently working on a male submission. But the brat in me wants to change it to female....will resist the urge...
All knowledge is worth having - Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel's Dart

Stren's Corner - O&Os

A wandering Bard's map - A&As


Oh, I will have to see what I can come up with! Hopefully it is to your liking! Playing with a fire bender concept. :)


I have gone ahead and selected: Aqua, played by Vergil1989 as the waterbender for this adventure. Lovely character that I can't wait to see in play.

We have some openings still. Unmarked things above are still unselected, and thus still open for ideas! I want to leave recruitment open for a few days yet. As before, still interested in seeing some male characters. We've only seen one so far!


Yay!  Thanks for having me Aethyrium.  :D

And heya Curvy, long time no flirt.  :P  Lol but seriously, here's hoping for an awesome game from everyone.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=85486.0  Absence and Apology...countdown to doom....so to speak.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=186829.0  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page

la dame en noir

I didn't even have a chance to throw in a profile to battle for that waterbender.

Anyway, it's going to be a good story - have fun guys.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Quick little update:

I will not be taking any more submissions for The Firebender. We already have two very amazing concepts for it that I need to pick from, and I don't suspect that any additional submissions will make that choice any easier. Still accepting submissions for Earth & Martialist for the time being. I have settled that I will close recruitment (as we currently have submissions for every role) at the end of Saturday if not sooner.


Hello there! I was pointed at this thread by a certain Amarlo-shaped someone with the notion of looking at the Martialist. While I generally prefer the wuxia-esque setting over a completely modernized one, this does sound interesting, but it also leaves me with some questions.

A general one, first -- it's the modern world. There's modern tech like we have. But how has the existence of Bending shaped it? What is notably different because of it? Metalwork is made relatively easy by Firebenders melting things and pounding it into shape regardless of the heat (or just metalbenders doing the same), Water Tribes can build fancy ice-castles if they like and Earthbenders are Earthbenders -- I imagine there's not much of a non-bender industry for construction (except with the anti-bender factions, who I'd imagine are a bit backwards there due to the lack of past innovation to build upon), for example, since at least the basic structures are ridiculously easy to martial arts right up from basically nothing. Is that something you'd agree with? What are the most important differences?

Then, regarding the Martialist -- I'm admittedly more interested in the character using martial arts and traditional weapons rather than guns, with perhaps a modern spin on it. If I were to go with my first idea, that spin would be -- assuming the tech involved is okayed -- an older, wiser martial arts guy from the Directorate who lost an arm and a leg and is using protheses for both. He'd be from the Directorate, of course, but with an Iroh spin on it in that he'd have already acquired a much broader view of the world and is a spiritual man, unlike the majority of his peers. Would that be feasible? I saw this image and the idea for that immediately struck me.

Though a second concern regarding the role -- I can't really view a technique like chi blocking as something that's picked up along the way, in my mind that's something to dedicate years to, like learning martial arts for the first time. If that's an element that goes with the character, I'd want them to either be on the path to mastering that already (perhaps via pressure points to begin with, such as the sort of limb-disabling feats Ty Lee pulled) or skip it entirely.

I'd appreciate any thoughts or feedback.  :-)
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


Quote from: VonDoom on October 10, 2018, 12:36:30 PM
for example, since at least the basic structures are ridiculously easy to martial arts right up from basically nothing. Is that something you'd agree with? What are the most important differences?
Hello there! While I work on typing up some answers to your questions and thoughts, can you maybe elaborate on this for me? The first sentence... I can't track it. It seems like two sentences and part of each got deleted before you posted. You're talking about construction and industry, but then jump to martial arts, and I'm not entirely certain I understand what you're asking. XD


Err, sorry, probably could have phrased that better if I hadn't been trying to be funny. I meant them creating those structures via bending, since it involves martial arts moves to manipulate their element.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


Hello friend! Oof, leading with the big questions. Alright, here's some stuff:

I am, admittedly, preferential to the martialist being a more traditional style of martial arts and weapons. The ability to utilize guns was merely left as an open avenue for concepts that might like to use them. Since firearms are not widely utilized, it felt like a good place for someone to use them. Either way, I much prefer the more true to the path style.

Being someone from The Directorate, I think having mechanical protheses is very doable. I mean I wouldn't want rocket legs or anything, but true functioning mechanical limbs? I don't think I have any particular issue with that; it's close to something we have now and The Directorate is meant to be a few steps forward. So I can get behind it.

I had not honestly considered the potential for an older character. With age comes experience, and to some degree skill. The idea was that the characters are all growing together. That said I don't think I'm opposed to the idea, but I'd like to hear what you're thinking about his skill. Iroh was quite clearly a master, and well beyond that even; but he was also past his prime and reserved utilizing those skills for times when he felt there was no other alternative. Is that the same style you're thinking of? Or someone who is older with a more broad world view, but has either "more recently" begun their physical journey, or has let it "rust" with time? Either way the idea of a spiritual man in the role floats with me nicely, so I have no objections to that bit at least.

So the purpose of Chi Blocking being 'picked up' was a place for the character to grow. It seems like you're wanting to write a character that isn't growing himself anymore, so much as facilitating the growth of others. If that's the case... I don't know where I stand on chi blocking to be honest. My instinct is to say let it just be a thing that isn't used at all (and, honestly, that's a growth aspect for the martialist, they are not in any means obligated to learn it).

Oh! Okay, I see what you're saying now.

Alright industry... So in TLA we see the start of what is more or less an industrial revolution. In LoK we see that having taken shape and doing more. The basic premise is that those individuals that wanted to do these things, mostly, would eventually come together and are what formed The Directorate. And then it evolved over time into it's anti-bending state that it is now, built on the idea that sciences are the dominant way to live. Outside of The Directorate there isn't much technological innovation, sure there's some but it's most often well behind where The Directorate is at. The other nations count on supply of technology, understanding of it, teaching of it, and what not, from The Directorate. Outside of The Directorate, most of the things are handled either by people who have learned from The Directorate, innovated themselves, or benders. I would say that bending is tad less common - that is, not every third person is bender. I don't know what the exact ratios are, but it's a minor theme to touch on. Bending has very slowly been waning from the world (instead of instead of 1:3, it might be 1:10.. still 'common' but less than it has been historically).

But you're right, industry has changed depending on where you are. Hydroelectric, geothermal, and wind sources make up the bulk of the worlds energy... all of which are fueled by benders. The Directorate might use nuclear power (or something close to it) but that hasn't spread across the world. Which means industry in any given area depends on how things are being powered, and The Directorate a lot of times has to work with the nations to innovate power grids unique to their circumstance.