The Sweetest Revenge. (Elvi and Sherona)

Started by Sherona, October 16, 2007, 11:07:14 AM

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The Sorceress Sonja is an often times tempermental woman who has seen twenty and five winters. Not many could describe her, not many have seen her in person, but those who could would tell you that her physical appearance was rather dimunitive. If one did not know of her prowess in combat, using the natural abilities inherited from her own mother and her mother's mother, then one could easily assume that she was some shepards daugther.

Her hair, often twisted and tied intricately in the back of her head, was a black color, streaked with lighter strands giving her an oddly wizened appearance. Coal eyes set beneath a slightly sloped brow pierce when she is angry, but softening when she is not. A proud nose juts over her almost too-wide lips, with a strong jawline that looked as if it should have belonged to a man.

Her preferred garb is one that does belong to a man, fitted leather jerkin, over form fitted trousers to keep her motions clear. Though the rare times she ventures into villages she does dress more traditionally for a woman.

Though Sonja is rather young in years, through sound tactics she is the leader of the Rebellion against the Monarch and his rule. His taxes, his treatment of his subjects, and not to mention his children's actions forced the small group of rebels to action. Skirmishes occur, and though they do not have the manpower to rise up against the King's armies, they slowly undermine his rule. Like dogs nipping at the heels of a stranger.

For this reason, Sonja keeps out of sight, tries to keep a low profile. With the King ailing, their best opportunity to strike a decisive blow will happen during the chaotic period between the King's rule and the coronation of the Prince. She is currently holed up in a cave outside of Mervitch, a small sheparding village not too far from the Capitol, right under the king and his heir's nose.


Servants scattered, the hall ways of the castle, the previous moment, bustling with the usual morning routine fell silent, deathly silent, almost as though the very stone it had been built with, also held it's breath.  
Borghast, sole heir to the Kingdom was angry and he wanted everyone to know it.

Tearing open the doors to his chamber he bellowed, his voice echoing as it bounced from wall to wall.

Slamming the door behind him, headless of the fact that the shock had knocked his shield from the wall, Borghast turned his attention back on his most trusted assasin.
Striding towards him, his heavy robe sweaping behind him, his hight allowing him to loom over the shorter man, he looked down on him in disgust.

Though his redenned face and glint in his eyes, told the other man otherwise, Borghast's voice had become calm and measured.
".....Why is the old bastard still alive....Did I not tell you to deal with this by last evening?"

Of course, the 'old bastard' Borghast spoke of was his father.
The King had taken to his sick bed several months earlier, but he had refused to die, almost as if it were his last act to spite his son.
It had always been like this...
From the moment Borghast was born, he and his father had never become as they should.
The King had seen him as an immediate threat, he chose at best to ignore him, at worst to beat him and belittle him at every oppertunity, cementing a bitter and often heated jealousy between them that could never be turned back from.
They had vied for the attentions of both a mother and a wife, they faught over her, until the day she took a fever and died.  
The King had remarried, which furthered the acrimony, choosing a young woman, that Borghast himself had set his mind to, she had died in child birth.
The child, had survived for a few months, before it too died, in a tragic 'accident', the King may have userped the son in his choice of women, but no-one was going to prevent the son from inheritting his throne.

The loudness of his voice made the man, in front of Borghast, flinch.
Without waiting for a reply, the Prince raised his hand and swiped the assassin across the face, with the back of his hand, so hard that it sent him sprawling onto the hard bare wood floor.
"Don't bother answering...."
Rubbing his hand, to relieve the satisfying sting within it, he adjusted the ring on his finger. Smiling with satisfaction, he wiped off the blood from the large emerald, as he walked towards the window, to look out over what was soon to be his land.
"Someone had better give me some good news this morning, I hate to start my day like this, it makes"

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


In the cave, not a very hospitable place but not too uncomfortable either, Sonja rolls the tiny parchment she had been hectically writing on tightly. Drawing from the inner pool, the cool lake of magic that has always resided and been accessable to her within herself, the Sorceress mutters "Mit dem Strom the council." commanding the parchment to float the currents to give word of the next strike being planned.

Standing she moves from one aclove to another, the leather of her clothing creaking somewhat with the forcefullness that she walks with. In the other a group of people, mostly men but a few women as well, gathered around a simply made table. They were arguing where the next route of supplies to the Capitol would come from.

"I am telling you, this pass through the mountains is the easiest most direct route, they will stick to that route." one person piped up, his finger poking the paper harshly to make his point.

"No, we have already disrupted too many caravans on that route, they will go around the mountains. It will take longer, but if your caravans are being attacked you do not simply continue throwing them to the wolves." A woman countered, she might have been pretty once but one side of her face is now twisted from a fire.

Sonja stepped forward, the arguing continued but they parted easily so that she could look at the maps. Running her finger around the flat surface she listens for a moment to the arguments. "Forget the route. we will need our meager forces for a much worthier prize then the comforts that the royal pigs order." at the surprised look at the group, raised eyebrows and a few murmurings. "We are going to take the head of Prince Borghast.."


"Oh....she IS is she?"
Borghast sat forward in his chair, one elbow resting on his knee to allow him to prop his chin in the palm of his hand, while the other idly stroked one of his hunting dogs.
Staring into the fire in front of him, he never looked directly at the shrouded figure at his side, instead he listened to it's quiet voice and took note of every word.

The day had indeed improved.
The Prince had 'persuaded' the Royal Physicion, that the herbal drink, he had himself acquired, at great personal expence, would be most efficacious for his dear ailing father.

The tax collecters had brought an extra healthy chest of coin with them and several new 'serving girls', which were being scrubbed and prepared for his bed at that very moment.

And now this little nugget seemed to be just the news he needed....
The robed figure continued to speak, Borghast only nodding now and then, his gaze still fixed upon the flames, to show that he understood, waiting patiently before speaking.

"And what of the Mage...they have prepared our 'little' trap?"
Borghast's smile widened as he heard the answer.

Standing up, her turned from the fire, warming his hands behind his back.
"Perfect! Then I will notify the huntsmen that I wish to hunt in two days time....."

Grinning he brought his hands back round so that he could rub them together.
"I wasn't intending to be the baite, but why in Hel's name not.....It will be fun being back in the thick of it again..."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Immediately after her words sank in, the group began to murmur, some shouted in agreement but most were cautiously pessimistic. The man who had insisted that they would keep harrassing the same routes that they had been turned with an almost placating smile.

"Sonja, how do you expect to accomplish this? The Capitol is heavily guarded, they have the royal Mages protecting their gates. With the King ailing-" He did not have a chance to finish, for the Sorceress whirls with almost manic speed a great smile splitting her lips.

"Yes..that is the thing. The King is ailing, so there are no plans to march and wage war with our neighbors. The army has been dismissed to their family, though yes there are too many guards at the Capitol." Pacing carefully, Sonja places her hands at her hips, a gesture she picked up from her late father the previous leader of the rebellion.

Some may think that Sonja, being his daughter, fell into leadership easily. However, one has to earn thier place in such a dangerous outfit, and Sonja more then most as her father was a loving but harsh taskmaster.

"We have eyes and ears inside the palace. If what this person says is true, Prince Borghast must be itching for some excitement. We simply wait for his move. Our spy will tell us, and then we strike. It will take time for them to reconvene their army, and in that time we scatter..hide. With the King Ailing and Borghast dead the royal line is gone." Turning her smile bright, but her eyes hard as the obsidian that they resemble glinted dangerously. "Before they were always on the ready, always looking for a new prize to claim. Even they can not keep a standing army feed, sated, and happy with nothing to do. This is our one clear shot."

Skeptical, the others in the group shook their heads, but after being assured that the Council has been alerted of her plans they reluctantly agree before leaving. All except the scar-faced woman, who moved to Sonja with a comforting hand upon her shoulder.

"It won't be long Eva."


That night Sonja recieved a hurried missive, via the craft that the one in the palace is gifted with. Magic is not as some thinks, its divided into categories if you will. Spells and potions are Sonja's gift, she has command of the unnatural world via memorization of ritualistic words. The one in the palace has the meager gift of telepathy, though they must be careful so that the palace Mages do not detect them.

Murmuring to herself, unable to send back a message lacking the same gift, as she snuggles beneath the furs that warm her. "So the Prince is hunting in two days..." Sonja sleeps, a smile lifting her lips.


For the next two days, the castle's routine played out as normal, though under it all, in the most secret areas, only used by a very few, it was a different matter.
The hive of activity hummed in the background, all making ready for Borghast to be able to carry out his plan.
His armies may have been repleated and returned the their homes, but he still had enough strength and power around him to cause mayhem, even his 'huntsmen' were not what they seemed, they hunted many more things that deer and wild boar.
But Borghast was no fool....he used every tool he could to further his goals, nothing was beyond him, no treachury to small, no amount of politics too long winded and though he hated it and loathed it's users, no magic left untapped.

To all, it just seemed that Borghast was his usual self, he kept close council.
Many only knew he was there, when he lost his temper and bellowed loud enough to send the whole place into an uneasy silence, but in reality, he and tohers were preoccupied with other matters.

The day of the hunt dawned bright and crisp.
Borghast was in a fine mood, which to some was far more dangerous and unsettling than hearing him curse and shout.

Everything was going to plan.
His dear Father had taken a turn for the worse, reports from his chambers said he only had days to live now, if even that.
Of course the Prince was woefully sad and had spent a time in the chapel, preying for the King's recovery and taking the priests 'advice' that he should continue with his plans for the hunt.
After all, it would do his Father no good at all to have his one and only surviving son, just idling and becoming morose, would it?


In his chambers, at dawn, Borghast was busily being dressed by his squire.
Though he was going to be baite for this trap, he wasn't stupid and had decided to wear armour. Though he'd kept it simple and well hidden, he wore a chain hauberk and arming jacket under his fine leather tunic and had several talismans hung from a silver chain around his neck.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the shadows moving in the corner of the room. The Prince gruffly dismissed his squire and the others in the room, not speaking until all had left.
"So.....all is ready?"

The shadows formed into the dark robed figure as it stepped out from it's hiding place and moved to stand next to Borghast.
The Prince grimaced at it's proximity, he hated being so close, hated having to deal with it and it's kind, but a tool was a tool.
Again Borghast nodded, as though to himself.
"Good.....So with 'their' power to draw on, there is only you who needs to be in the open...good...less to worry about."

A small cold smile curled his lips.
"You stop her and I'll do the rest....then you may 'enjoy' whoever is still alive...."

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


The two days until the Prince's hunt was spent in wild preparation. The good thing about rebels is that they are fighting not for gold or reward, but for ideas and what they believe in. This means that they are more then willing to be at the ready for a moment's call no matter what they were doing, or what it calls for.

The group was taking no chances, Sonja spent much of the first day using words of magic to help repair their armor and weaponry. This used her supply, and drained her somewhat, but it was a necassary evil as they had no money to pay for new gear. Last minute planning was discussed, sometimes the tensions caused a squabble but for the most part things soothed themselves out.

Sonja herself spent the last half of the day sitting alone, meditating, re-memorizing spells. She did not want to be in the midst of the battle and suddenly misword a spell, or forget one. Eva stayed with her, making sure she remembered to eat her dinner and to not stay up too late.


The day of the hunt dawned bright and clear, and Sonja was awake to greet it. Though the day was clear, and all the plans were laid out she still felt uneasy. She could not quite place a finger on it, perhaps it was simply because she had not heard a word from her palace eyes since that last information about the hunt.

In due time Sonja strapped on her leather jerkin, sinching the straps tightly and tying them down. Against advice she never wore armor, depending on her own words to keep her safe while there were others who needed armor and had no safety in words. Her leather pants, a mans clothing design however she had them made to fit her. It allowed freedom of movement, and while she is not a trained fighter she does like the ability to run when needed. Soft leather boots finish up the ensemble.

Her black color streaked hair is once more brushed, then pulled and twisted into a braid before pinned close to her head. Finally she was ready.

She and the other members of the party started making their way to the Prince's favored hunting grounds. Each one was scared, each one was silent, and each one willingly put their life in Sonja's hands.


The courtyard, filled with the clattering of hooves and barking of dogs, waited impatiently for Borghast's arrival, as befitting of his rank, he was always last to arrive and made damned sure to use it at every oppertunity.
Either in a social setting or with an army waiting to go into battle, it always gave him the edge, reminded everyone who was in charge, kept them on their toes.

His horse, a huge black beast of a stallion, chomped at it's bit, shaking it's head and pawing the ground, eagre to be off.
It made the other horses jittery, their ears twitching, they side stepped and snorted, their riders having to work to keep them in check as they in turn churned up the dogs at their heals.

Borghast arrived, standing at the top of the stone steps of the central keep, dressing in his usual black and heavy wolf fur collared cloak.
Pausing for a moment, looking stenly around at his most trusted of his huntsmen, five in all, before breaking into a grin.

"It's a good day for the hunt my friends"
He almost skipped down the stairs, pulling his gauntlets on as he moved to his horse.
"Let's make the most of it, I want wild boar and venison for the larder and plenty of it...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Positioned away from the keep, not wishing to give the Prince a place he could run and hole up, the rebels quickly fell into tactical formation. Sonja finds a sturdy tree, and easily swings herself onto the lowest branch, away from any of the fighting on the ground but near enough to where her own special brand of 'missiles' would be unlikely to miss.

Speaking softly, she quickly re-iterates the plan of attack. "Jacov, you and yours move south, we will close them in a vise. Kill who you have to, but the important person is the Prince. Eva, you and yours go one moves until his party has moved far enough from the keep that we can box them in. I have not heard from our friend, so I do not know how many will be with him today."

Once more then same man who had tried to change her mind yesterday speaks up "Sonja, something does not feel right.." Yet he is silenced by her cold hard stare.

"Schieldenergie" the warm gush as the magic spreads from her body, a shimmering occured as the small area around herself molded itself into a small but powerful energy-shield. "Go...Gods be with you." The traditional words spoken, and the rebels fall into place..waiting.


The mood was light as the group of hunters left the castle grounds and headed over the killing fields towards Borghast's favourite hunting ground, at least on the surface.
Each man had been especially picked, a master with blade and dagger, crossbow and spear, all had been briefed all knew what to do.
The dogs, set loose on order, stretched their legs and flushed out anything they could find in the long grass, a pheasant, a hare, all chased as the dogs got rid of their excess energy so that they could hunt in a more sedate manner.
The men bantered amongst themselves, including Borghast in their biting jibes, for he was amongst friends, his most trusted and the only ones who could get away with such remarks.
Only the pack horse, as yet unladen, seemed unusually ill at ease.
Brought along to carry any game they killed, it skitted and behaved as though it already carried something, something it wasn't happy about having on it's back, though nothing could be seen there in the bright early morning sun.

As they entered the woodlands, at fist not so thick, the mood changed.
Still light, but quieter, the dogs called to heal, the men naturally hushed as they began to move more cautiously.
Today there was more at stake than scaring off a stag or pig..... 
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja spots the group, her coal eyes narrowing as they spied the Prince. In battle it is not good to let one's hatred lead one's actions, and Sonja knows this yet she has trouble containing herself. From her tree-branch, she takes in the scene, the Prince, five other men. Only five? Her own men and women were crudely trained, having to train in secrecy and pretty much fighting with inferior equipment, yet they had numbers on their side. She could only hope it would be enough.

The waiting was the worst, seeing their opponent without being able to do anything until the signal, many of the younger members of the rebellion shifted and almost seemed to chafe under their forced stillness. Yet the older members, those who were lucky enough to survive and not be caught, knew that a premature call to action could swing the battle against them.

Finally the whole 'hunting' party cleared the edge of the wooded area, a point that Sonja figured it would be difficult if impossible to for anyone to turn and run back. A shrill whistle is given, loud and echoing against the trees, from the lips of Sonja does the call to action sound.

"Feuerball!" Sonja commands, feeling the comforting flow of power thread from herself. In her upraised hand a large globe begins to form, quickly though to her it seemed to take aeons. It burned and writhed, yet did not scorch her own palm. With a mighty toss, the Fireball was thrown, not directly at the Prince, but at the legs of the horses..hoping to scare their mounts to put them off guard even further.


Had Sonja not been so intent on her plan working and so enwrapped in the weaving of her spells, she may have realised that something about the hunting party, other than numbers, was wrong.
The horses, even the pack animal were far too heavy for hunting, they were the huge beasts bread for war.

Already prepared, the men, almost as one, began to move, head down and low on their horses, they were ready even before the ball of flame burst in front of them. Their horses reared and flailed their front legs, dancing away from the flames, as they had been trained to do and as they had done so many times on the battle field, yet keeping themselves steady enough so as not to dismount their riders.
The pack horse veered off, as the others turned as though to make an escape, forming a shield around Borghast.

The dogs had scattered, but were soon reforming into a pack, now more wolf like in their attitude, lead by the Princes most favoured, they fanned out, snarling and growling beginning to search for their attackers. 
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Too late does Sonja realize that something was awry, the fact that the horses did not shie and buck as normal horses would called her attention. A thankful pray is raised that she is on a stout limb as she eyes the pack of dogs, but that is pushed aside as she begins searching her mind. The pack horse that seems to be empty catches her eyes but is soon dismissed as she begins a long chant, the whites of her obsidian eyes faintly glowing as the power invades her, preparing to be unleashed.

The other rebels rush towards the group, some are experianced hands at the sword, but woefully too many are young and undertrained. Jacov's group run from the south, their swords waving, and Eva's come from the east, she herself using a bow to fire off arrows that largely miss but a few seem to fly true.


The men pull to a halt as they hear the charge and circle to face their enemies. Stomping the ground the horses whinny a battle cry of their own, furiously shaking their heads and stomping their feet, trying to contain themselves and wait to be told to charge.

Borghast, seeing a tell tale movement ducked.
It was close, he could feel the woman's arrow as it shot past him and into the chest of man just behind him.
The volition of the projectile, shot at short distance, knocked him back and off his horse, but these men were chosen for a reason and he had hardly touched to ground before he was up and on his feet, broadsword drawn.

Jacov's group is the first to feel the sharp teeth of the dogs, they meet them head on, the dogs, snarling and snapping launch themselves at the men and women in the group. There is no discrimination here, a throat is a throat and the wolf hounds make straight for them.

His own sword drawn Borghast grinned, a cold glint in his eye. He spared a moment to look away from those almost upon them and towards the place where the fire ball had come from.
There she was...his prize....he yelled out and the men charged at the ragtag of an army in front of them.
Letting them in front of him, he wheeled his horse around and headed back towards the tree.
It was time .....

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja found herself playing defense more then offense, not something she had prepared for. This was not working out the way she had planned it, it was almost as if they had come prepared. The possibiltiy that Borghast had prior knowledge of this filled her with chill, could there be a spy for the King in their little group?

Shuddering, Sonja forces her mind to the task at hand. Jacov's group was being mauled, Sonja sent a few more fire balls toward the dogs, trying to singe fur, burn ears and muzzles. The power as she pulls from herself slowly tires her, she will not be able to keep this up indefinately.

All the careful planning lay in shambles, and Sonja watched as Eva's group managed to reach the foray.

"Aufhellung Sturm, kom mit Hier!" Drawing a dangerous amount of power from the well that was depleting faster then replenishing, Sonja cast a last ditch spell. Calling for a Lightening storm, the slow roiling of clouds gather over the forest, turning day to night. Thunder clashes, as the spell slowly, so slowly builds to fruitation. It was almost finished casting, if she completes it, it will surely strike any on the ground..some of her own troops might take hits as well but surely Prince Borghast's luck will run dry this day.


It had waited as was the plan, hiding itself in the sunlight, it only became visible in the dappled shadows of the forest and even then only when the shadows touched it's form.
When the attack began, it had kicked it's steed into action, the pack horse who had so readily had it's reigns dropped so that it could run free and had headed it into the woods behind where Sonja had hidden.

It could feel her power draining, using it's own powers it helped it along, so subtly that she could not have noticed in these circumstances, savouring the flavour of her power, relishing the fact that it would have more.

Eva's band had braced themselves for the charge, only three men, but on such huge beasts it was still an intimidating sight, but the clash never came.
At the very last moment, the horses veered off and charges out of the woods and into the large meadows beyond.
A sharp whistle, from the swordsman on the ground, called off the dogs.
As he hit the ground, covering his head with his arms, the dogs, some still smoking and injured, from the fire bolt that had hit them, tore out and after the horsemen.

All this happened in moments and as the storm clouds gathered in the sky, Borghast himself, had charged past the tree she was in and past the creature he only felt was there, so that he could pull it up sharply and turn, standing in safety.

As Sonja's power drained from her and into the spell, 'it' raised it's shrouded arms, the darkening sky beginning to show an outline of the robed figure.
Waiting until she could not pull back, it pulled all the strength of her magic back towards her, forcing her to take the brunt of her own power.
It paused, seeming to enjoy the fact that it could manipulate so much energy, before letting it go.
There was, for a split second a pause, almost as though the very earth had held it's breath, then like a tidal wave, the energy exploded outwords, sending a shock, so violent that shook the ground, trees collapsed, those still standing lost their leaves, plants and bushes uprooted.
Even out of it's blast, the Prince faught hard to keep his mount from falling, shifting his balance to help it remain steady and in the fraction of a second that it took to complete, nothing and no-one remained standing in it's wake.....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Lost in her spellmaking, the moment she was most vulnerable as she could not risk even the slightest mistaken syllable or vowel to be able to watch or even take any of her concentration off the task at hand. Something seemed wrong, her power supply seeming to run dry faster then its normal wont, however she has already committed herself and she must release the power.

Suddenly, as the spell neared completion, Sonja feels a mental yank as the power she had been pouring into the clouds above seemed to flow backwards. It filled her body unnaturally, not directed back into the pool where it should be but along her nerve endings, feeling as if thousands of bees were stinging. The stinging grew into lashing pain and a scream is tore from her throat as her own power threatened to burst through her.

Then came the tidal wave of energy, her shield she had put up did nothing more then keep her body parts arranged where they were suppose to be. Flung from the branch by the rolling shock waves, Sonja landed in a heap, the jolt from the ground echoing the jolt from the wave of pure energy. Blearily she fights the darkness that creeps upon her vision, yet steadily does the darkness grow until all is black and she knows nothing more. Unconcious the sorceress lays sprawled upon the ground, her breathing steady but her features pale and there were scorch marks that dot her leather clothing from her own power.


His horse, twitching and snorting finally stood still, he slipped off it's back and walked forward, slapping it, with affection, on the neck as he walked forward.
"Well.....That certainly did it...."
The robed figure turned towards his voice as he spoke.
"Remember the agreement..."

Borghast looked past the prone female figure, laying in a crumpled heap at their feet, viewing the area that once had been a lush green woodland and the still unconcious figures.
"I take the girl, you can have the with them as you wish, but none are to remain alive when you have finished."

The robed figure nodded and turned away as the Prince knelt down beside Sonja. He turned her over so that she lay on her back and smiled, stroking her face gently with the back of his hand.
"Oh....I have such plans for you my pretty and a gift too..."
He reached into his tunic and pulled out a silver collar, it snapped onto her neck with a satisfying click.
Leaning back, Borghast averted his eyes as, eminating from the collar, a blinding light filled the area for a split second and then was gone.
Looking back he stroked her cheek once more.
"A spell of binding my pretty, I am sure you will learn to live without your powers..."

The sound of hooves made him look up.
Two of the men had arrived, the other in the background helping their prone companion to his feet and onto his horse.
Sliding his hands under Sonja's body, he lifted her and held her up for one of them to take.
"Take her to the castle, place her under guard, in the adjoining chamber to my own and make sure she is tended to....I'll be back later..."

He grinned at the other.
"Come on, I feel like a drink at the tavern, I believe they have some new girls for us to enjoy...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


In unnatural sleep, Sonja's features soften almost as the cares of her life slip from them. Her hair is still somewhat twisted into a braid though many strands pull free to fray the ends and the pins holding the braids tight to her head have worked loose. Turned over by the Prince, she does not stir as he strokes her cheek nor when he speaks. Instead she lays limp almost like the dead.

The soft snick as the collar is locked into place, the blinding light, signals something deep within her body and her chest heaves ones, her back arching violently. Her body reacting naturally to the sudden ceasation of the flow of power through its limbs and very blood.

Then she is limp once more, her arms and legs dangling as he lifts and hands her body to the man.


While Borghast and his companion ambled their way towards the village, the rest of the party returned to the castle with their prize.
As the Prince had insructed, Sonja was taken to the chamber next to his own rooms.
It had but one door, leading from Borghast's and no window, the only light, the glow of candles and was meagerly furnished, a bed, chair and small table, nothing more, nothing less.

The unconcious Sonja was placed upon the bed, a large four poster, thick tapestry curtains for warmth and then left for the trusted women of the household to see to.
Undressed and bathed, they tended to her wounds, mostly scrapes and bruises from her fall, with the odd small burn from her magics, then dressed in a plain linnen shift before being covered with blankets to keep her warm.

The Royal Physicion attended her some short time later, bleading her with leeches, lest her fall cause a palsy, then left her, declaring to all that she would be well once she had woken.

With a maid servant sat on the chair next to her and guards posted outside, it was simply now a matter of time.....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Slowly, bit by bit, Sonja returned to the land of conciousness. Even before she opened her eyes, she knew something was wrong. She felt disconnected, weak and alone. Her eyes fly open, as she realized she is cut off from the familiar warmth of power that normally flows so easily through her veins.

At the same instant that she is aware of this horrible truth, she also becomes aware of the softness beneath her, and the muted candle lit room. Throwing off the covers, and realizing someone had undressed her anger and fear mixed creating an explosive combination. It is probably a good thing for the poor handmaiden left by her bed that her power had been cut off from herself, for she fairly leaped from the bed.

Spying the woman in the chair, obsidian eyes fairly sparking in her outrage the Sorceress almost forgot that she was cut off, her lips automatically forming the ritualistic words. "What did you do to me? I demand my clothes back, and you undo whatever it is that you have done!" She knows, in some part of her mind that she is in no position to demand anything. She had fallen before the Prince, and unless he had simply assumed she was dead and somehow some citizen had found her, she was in his control.


The girl had been in a world of her own, she had sat there for almost three hours now. The only way to mark the time was to watch the candles burn and as she could niether read nor write, it was the only thing that she could do.
With an almost mouse like squeek, she leapt up as Sonja did, just managing to stop herself from falling as the chair overturned and clattered onto the bare wooden floor behind her.
Gulping, she looked wide eyed at the woman in front of her.
"I....I....I haven't done anything M'Lady and I don't even know what your clothes look like to get them...." 
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Though Sonja tried hard to squash the panic that begins to well inside the longer she is unable to connect to her magic, she could not quite do so. Being assualted when one wakes up with unfamiliar surroundings, changed somehow on a fundamental level, and right after a defeat at the hands of one's enemy it is not surprising that Sonja just now feels the cold weight at her neck.

Coal eyes widen, then narrow on the serving girl as her fingers rise to trace the edges of the collar. Her fingers walk themselves around the smooth circle, feeling any ridges or decor that might have been there but looking for a way to unclasp it. It is now that she begins to feel the slight soreness from her scrapes and bruises but again no where near real pain.

Trying to take a calming breath, she turns away from the serving girl and casts her gaze about the room. "Of course you wouldn't know..Where am I?" she demands, not trying to be mean really just not having the patience in this state, and in her current situation, to be kind as she starts to systematically walk the room. She is not sure what she is looking for the sparsly furnitured room, but anything out of the ordinary would have caught her eye.


The young woman flinched at Sonja's tone of voice.
"You're in the Castle M'Lady..."

In reality she didn't even know who she was, let alone why she was here, her assumption that she was Borghast's 'guest'.
As Sonja began to look around, the girl quickly straightened the overturned chair and watched for a moment, not sure what to do or say, then she remembered.
"His Majesty the King said that you were to have everything you needed....I...Do you....Should I get you some food or a drink of ....something....?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Almost as if she suddenly run out of steam, Sonja makes her way back to the large bed and sits abruptly on the side. One hand still fingering the seemingly seamless collar, the other rubbing her temples as if she suddenly had a headache.

"Don't give me that crap...I know the King is in no condition to give orders.." Her words are resigned, the tones of her voice flat as her mind seemed to spin. "Yes..I want decent clothing..I demand to speak to someone who actually knows something."


The young woman was bewildered at what she had said, only mumbling.
"Well he is a little upset....but I am sure he knows what he's doing...."

Sighing she bobbed a curtsie and turned to knock on the door.
It opened almost immediately, enough so that she could slip out, then closed behind her, the half burned candles flickered for a moment at the draft, then burned strongly again.

Sonja seemed to be alone for quite some time before the door opened once more.
Instead of the young woman who had left, a tall man, quite handsome man, his hair blonde and shoulder length,walked through.
Ingram, as he was named, was one of Borghast's most trusted in his circle of friends and his willingness to do the bidding of his prince to the letter and without question, had made him a very powerful man, even if it was in a quiet way.
He had, in fact, been the very man who had carried Sonja back to the castle to ensure she had arrived 'safely' and with the minmum of fuss.

Fastening his cold greys eyes on her, he smiled.
"Ah....I see you have finally woken?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


To pass the time after the woman left, Sonja lay upon the bed, her eyes closed recounting all the events from this defeat. In so doing she realized what she should have at the beginning, it had been painfully obvious that it had been a trap, but she had been too blind to see. She also spent much of the time trying to even get a glimmer of the powerful pool that has seemingly been drained away, where once a cool pool of magic lay nothing but a barren hollow.

As soon as the door opened once more, Sonja sat up once more half expecting the soft voiced woman once more. Instead, a man entered, causing her to stand swiftly. Obsidian eyes, hard and flat returns his colder gaze, and despite the bravado she tried to pull off she had to grip one of the supports on the bed to keep from trembling. "Who are you?" She demanded, her brows furrowing. Being without her power left her vulnerable feeling, and more frightened then she would admit even to herself.


"I am Ingram."
He gave her a Cursery bow, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Aid to the King, I believe speak with someone of greater authority?"

Standing straight once more, he opened his arms and gave her a short smile, his voice taking on a little edge of impatience.
" I am...So speak...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Now that someone was here, ostensibly to answer her questions, Sonja found herself at a loss for words. There were so many questions, yet so few ways to word such questions to where she would reveal less about herself then she gained about them. Trying to look composed, standing before this man in a shift, without her natural gifts to lend her strength, the woman lifted her chin.

"First, I want to know what happened to people. Are they being held here?" Shifting, a movement designed to keep herself from pacing as is her normal wont when she is thinking. "Second, I demand to know what you people did to me.." She did not elaborate, hoping that he would reveal whether or not they had something to do with the sudden void within her. If they did not, then she might be able to bluff herself out of this mess. "Finally, I demand to know why I have been put here..and not in prison."


A grin creapt over Ingram's features as he watched her discomfort.
Borghast was busy with other things, so he had the pleasure of dealing with her, at least for the moment and much to his dissapointment, in only a very superficial way.
Still, he would get some pleasure from this.
Folding his arms, he leaned back onto the door, watching her for a moment longer before he spoke.
"You people, M'Lady are either dead, or wishing they were. They were the payment for a certain....person's....aid in your capture." 
Pausing for a moment, even he had to shudder at the thought of what would be happening to those that had survived that backlash of magic, he had seen much in his life and had probably done more, but.....

Shifting his possition, Ingram cleared the dryness in his throat.
"Had The King not had plans of his own, that would also have been your fate, so I would count myself very lucky indeed M'Lady and we do not place important guests in the dungeons."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


His words seemed to deflate Sonja, her face paling rapidly, and she found herself having to sit on the edge of the bed or else fall to the floor. Dead..or worse..because of her own poor decisions. Eva, Jacov..pain twisted itself into her heart as her head spun with this revelation. Leaning her brow against the post, uncaring for the moment the show of weakness, Sonja sends a silent pray to whoever might be listening.

Finally, what must have only been moments but seemed like hours to the Sorceress, she lifts her head, her eyes dark and angry. If there was a shininess to them, not a tear slips over, not yet. "The King must have made a sudden recovery, to have accomplished this and plot other evil actions. Though if he thinks he can keep me in such a simplistic chamber, now that I know that I am the only one here. One word from me and I can have the stones in the very castle melting before me." He had not answered the question of what had happeneed to her, perhaps he did not know. Though he was very cavalier in dealing with her, something even many of the council did not show for fear of what she can utter..or used to be able to.


Ingram laughed, a hearty laugh, you would expect in a tavern, after some extremely cleaver jest.
"Then please M'lady, please do so, we have been thinking of remodelling and it would save the masons so much time..."
Still chuckling her shook his head with ammusement.
"It would be a perfect way to pay for your keep."

His laughter faded, though he still smiled as his eyes mocked her.
"The King is fit and well....."
Ingram stopped, his face taking on the look of mock surprise.
"Oh my oh my....I forgot, you have been resting for almost two days now....You wouldn't know would you?
King Barghast is to have his official Coronation on the morrow...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Two days...that would explain the dryness of her throat and the hollow in her belly. Perhaps that was the cause of her sudden cut off from her power, though Sonja doubts that she would feel so utterly void if it was merely not having the energy reserves for usage. To top things off, their very small window of opportunity had been wasted, lives lost for nothing. Borghast will be coronated, and she shudders to think that things for his 'subjects' could get worse.

With great effort she turns her back to the other, though her very instincts scream at her to keep an eye on this enemy, a show of unconcern. Grasping at anything that would give her even the illusion of control, as control was often a subjective thing. If she could convince him she did not fear him, then he might be thrown off balance.

"Men such as your Master do not tend to have long life spans.. M'Lord," this last honorific dripping with sarcasm, though her tone was slightly warbled. "He will not reign long." Moving, slightly awkwardly as her legs felt as if they had suddenly turned to noodles, Sonja sinks into the chair that the woman had occupied earlier. "I thank you for your candor..leave me now." She tried to use her most authorative voice, as if she were still in charge of the rebellion and he was merely reporting. This effect may have been lost by her pallor, the way her throat worked, and the slight tremble in her limbs.


His smile never faultered, his gaze upon her never moved, Ingram was obviously highly entertained at her reaction.
Still, making no comment on what she had said, he stood as she commanded him to leave and gave her a deep bow.
"As you wish M'lady"
Standing up again he sighed.
"Would you like me to have some food and drink sent to your room, or just send the seamstress in immediately?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


She is most startled by his seeming aquiesence to her dismissal, and she casts an eye toward him warily full of suspicion. Her mind kept spinning around his revelation that she had been unconcious for two days, she knew her own magic often left her tired but she had never been so drained before. Of course she had never had her own power unleashed back at her either. Two days, she should not trust these people's offer of food or drink, most likely poisoned..Two days, however she can not function long without sustanence of some kind. Two days, she finally looks away from him. "Seamstress? My old clothing will do just fine. Send them back, with food and drink." Crossing her arms, her dark eyes glaring still, though confusion and fear still coiled within herself, trying to figure out the game that apparently she has been brought in as a player of.


"Oh...I'm afraid not M'lady."
Ingram shook his head lightly as though he were talking to a churlish child.
"Surely we would be poor hosts if one as beautiful as yourself were allowed to attend a Coronation without the correct attire...."
Looking thoughtful, rubbing his chin as he looked at her, the man still kept his smile.
".....And his Majesty was so right when he chose royal blue velvet for your gown, you will be admired by all of the men and dispised by the women...." 
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


A shudder runs visibly through Sonja at the thought of wearing anything that the notorious prince -King- had chosen, let alone attending his coronation.
"I shall not be attending any coronation, with or without my own wardrobe. I do not need the Prin...King's..'generosity'." Though as she said this, a low grumble sounded from her belly contradicting her words. Crossing her arms, as well as her legs, she half turned away.


"Very well M'Lady."
Ingram showed no sign of what he felt in his voice, nor in his manner.
Calmly he began to walk around the room, blowing out the candles, picking up the last candelabra which stood near the door.
"I shall tell your maid that you have no wish for food or her services."
He tapped upon the door, a beam of natural light, from the well lit room beyond and fresh air streamed in....
"And I will do my best to send your regards to the Rebel council in between them being rounded up and executed."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


At first she watches him, as he systematically douses the light in the room, until there was nothing left but the light beside the door. Her parched throat screamed for water, and her belly gave another grumble in protest of being empty so long. Finally though, his last words spurred her to action.

She was tempted to try and catch him by surprise and run out the door, but even if she managed that where would she go? She had never been inside the castle, and there were undoubtedly personell loyal to Borghast crawlling. Her last plan had been an utter and ill-fated failure, her next would have to prove smarter. Instead she found her voice, speaking lowly and a bit too measuredly trying to keep any note from her tones. "Please..ok..I will..wear whatever he has deemed..I don't need a maid..but I do require sustenance."


Ingram turned, his face in shadow, so that she could not see the look on his face as he replaced the candelabra.
"Very well M'Lady, the choices are always yours."
He gave a small bow before opening the door wider to allow, the same young woman, who had been sitting with her, walk past him and into the room.
"Ursa, your maid, will see to your needs."
He waited, with the door ajar, for Ursa to find a place on the table for the tray of food and drink and lift a candle to begin relighting those doused, then left them in semi darkness.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Narrowing her eyes, Sonja waits until the door is firmly shut once more before she turns her attention toward the maid. She wishes she had been left alone, keeping up the bravado will do nothing but make her more mentally and even physically drained, but she no more trusted even the simplest of maids here.

"Choices..some choices." Muttering she does allow herself to pace, there is no denying that it eases her thinking. She had already explored many parts of the room in the wait, and had already concluded that without windows, the only way out would be that door. Unless of course her gift returns with food and drink. She waits for the other woman to settle the tray before she makes her way, warily but quickly to the 'gift'. Sniffing the liquid carefully, searching for any signs of anything being amiss, she finally finds herself almost gulping down the liquid.

Once her thirst was somewhat sated she finally turns her attention to the woman once more. Unused to anyone but herself seeing to her needs, she is at first at a loss for words. Finally she tilts her head and asks almost conversationally, "What are your duties?" The more she learns the more power she will have. The best way to get someone talking, is talking about innocent things before slipping in some more dangerous questions.


Ursa busied herself relighting the candles, soon the room was warmer and brighter, almost filled with a cheery glow, at least it would have been if Sonja had been in a better frame of mind.
Noticing Sonja sniffed at the liquid in the large jug she gave an answer to an un-asked question.
"It's apple juice M'lady, fresh from the press. Jessy swears by it and said that it's better than the water, it's been raining and the wells are muddied.
There is mutton and chicken under the cloth and fresh bread."

Sonja's direct question was answered simply.
"I am to see to your needs M'Lady, you are only to ask....."
Ursa paused before adding quietly.
".....but if I am not sure about things I have to ask Barron Ingram, or even His Majesty if he is nearer...."

Ursa blushed a little at this, it seemed the young woman had a little crush, though it was unclear whether it was Ingram or Borghast who had caught her fancy.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


It is soon that Sonja finds herself lifting the cloth and digging into the food provided, wondering briefly at the fare that is given to her. Living the life of a rebel, one gets used to sacrifices and while most the time meat was provided at meals, there never was a time when there was more then one offered, and a few times there were none at all.

Instead of coming right out and asking the Maid about this, she again speaks in her conversational tones, te food warming her belly comfortably. "Was you told of who I am? Of why I am here?" On the surface it is an inocuous question, seeming asking the obvious. However Sonja's intent was to make the other woman comfortable in answering questions, so comfortable that she might slip a few tidbits of useful knowledge. "If you are hungry there seems to be plenty." Again in a conversational, almost friendly way,though those obsidian eyes never warmed, never lost the wary edge to them.


"You are Lady Sonja of the rebels and you have come here to make peace."
Ursa spoke simply.
"You have been placed here for your own safety as there are many who would rather have you hung for a traiter."
She gave a little coy smile.
"His Majesty says that this fighting must end and he has welcomed you with open arms. He was most concerned when you had your accident on the way here....but the men that did that have been executed."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Having just began to swallow a bit of mutton when Ursa answered her, Sonja found herself choking a bit. A few hard coughs, and a quick swallow of the apple juice, quite tasty indeed, and the choking fit was over, though her face was a nice pink shade. Peace, and open armed welcomes, Borghast or possibly Ingram certainly had a knack for storytelling.

"Is just Lady, I am of peasant stock I assure you." Trying to keep her expression schooled carefully to not reveal her inner thoughts she pushes back the tray, mildly surprised that most of the contents were gone.

"I am sure there are many who would love to see me swing at the end of a rope." Her features darken, and if her lashes narrow slightly at the talk of execution she strains herself to keep her words even. " you know exactly who was executed?"


Ursa shrugged at her question.
"Some vagabonds and cut throats they tracked down in the forest M'Lady."
She frowned as though trying to remember.
"Some had already been killed in the fight to take them, I don't think they were named, there was a few young men and a woman I believe."
She shuddered as though someone had walked over her grave.
"The dead and those executed were beheaded and their heads hung at the castle gates as a warning....though I haven't seen them, Jessy told me..."

Seeing that Sonja had pushed the tray away, she moved forward and began to pick up the crumbs and tidying.
"I really don't think I want to either...I'll go around the back way...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Suddenly Sonja's face became as rigid as stone, all blood draining leaving her features pallid and pasty. She was too afraid to ask if the young woman's face had scars covering half of it, picturing Eva's trusting face as the last time she had spoken with the woman. Woodenly she turns away from the tray, and makes her way to the bed. For a moment she was afraid that the food that she had carefully put into her belly might find its way back out, but she managed to keep her body more or less under control.

"I..I think I am going to lie down again." laying on top of the coverlets, her back turned toward the maid, Sonja draws her knees up to her chest. Though a few shudders run through her shoulders occasionally, she does not allow the tears that threaten to fall loose.


"Very well M'Lady."
Ursa's voice, now quiet and showing genuine concern in it's tone, drifted over from the end of the room.
"I will take away the tray and tell the seamstress that you are not disturbed."
Sonja could hear the tray being picked up, the plate clattering.
"I'll pop back in an hour or so and see if there is anything you need."

Tapping on the door, Ursula stood back as it was opened and left, the door closing quietly behind her.   
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Finally alone, Sonja stretches out and allows the nonchalant, hard exterior to melt away. Replacing it was an angry, rage that had began to bubble when she had first sensed that her gift was gone, and only continued to be stoked by each new bit of information. If there had been anyone about the anger in her gaze alone would have made them step back. Rolling over, surprisingly still tired even though she had apparently been sleeping for two days already, Sonja mentally tallied on her own private score sheet. Those who someone, be they King or Barron, would account for.


Sonja was left to here own devices for at least an hour, possibly two.
It was hard to tell in that room, only the candles marked the track of time, the air thick with the musty smell of bees wax and smoke.

Ursa opened the door quietly, leaving it ajar as she stepped in and to the bed, she spoke quietly, so as not to wake Sonja if she were still asleep.
"M'Lady?....M'Lady, the seamstress is here, she really needs to fit the dress she had started for you if she is to have it ready in time..."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja awoke quickly, her nerves jangling slightly on edge, having spent a bit of time before sleep overtook her trying to figure out Borghast..or Ingram's game. She supposes that Ingram could be behind it, though she could find no reason not to execute her as they apparently did others. After just a moment to piece together her facade of an uncaring cool person, Sonja rises from the bed. "Very well...I am sure the seamstress would rather go where the lighting is better. This room is rather ..dim." Eyes cut toward the maid, one brow arching.


Ursa stepped asside, indicating the open door, late afternoon sunlight streaming through.
"His Majesty's chamber is waiting for your use M'Lady."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


His Majesty's chamber..that puts the Ingram theory to rest. Sonja adjusted her shift that covers her, smoothing it down before she moves through the open door. She is not surprised to see a guard placed outside the door, though she is mildly surprised to see that her prison was adjoined to Borghast's chambers. However the warm sunlight, drew her attention quickly, and while keeping a wary eye on all who were in the room, Sonja turned her face towards the welcomed light that fell into the room. She stopped herself from smiling with the comfort of it, however, not wishing to show just how uncomfortable it is to be locked away from such simple pleasures is.

Looking toward the person that is obviously the seamstress, holding a measure as well as other implements of her trade, Sonja lifts a brow and while her tones were not angry they could easily be defined as curt. "Lets get on with the measuring.." Almost as if she had something else to do other then sit in a room pondering the reasons behind Borghast's actions.


As she walked into the room, the guard gave her a nod of deference and stepped out of the room, through a door which, Sonja would assume was into a hall way.
The chamber was indeed fit for a King, though by it's well used appearance and the personal items of weaponary and armour placed about the room, it was obvious that it had been Borghast's for a while.
The heavy curtains drawn away from the open windows allowed the late summer sun and a light breeze to filter through into the room.

There was no bed to be seen, it was obviously an outer chamber.
Filled with books and rolls of paper strewn across a desk, comfortable well used, but well looked after furniture, with heavy rugs and furs to warm the thick wooden floor.

She had, indeed, recognised the seamstress by the tools of her trade. The much older woman gave a quick curtsie as Sonja spoke to her, but waited for the guard to leave before she aproached.
Lifting a thick and luxurious velvet overdress from it's place upon a bench and with a quick word to Ursa, asking for her help, she moved towards Sonja.
"If you would be so kind M'Lady, I already begun work on the over dress. i tooked the size from your other clothes an' just be needin' a little adjustin'..." 

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja could already feel a headache forming, she is reminded of why she never regretted being born outside of nobility and royalty. All the curtsying, M'Lady's, were slowly grating on her nerves. Dropping her arms loosely to her side, Sonja turned to face the seamstress, and to eye the rich fabric on the bench.

"Please, its simply Sonja..I have no noble blood in me." She speaks as she steps closer to the older woman, one hand fingering the collar around her neck still. "You got my measurements from my old clothes? Can I trouble you to send them up to me?" She tried to keep a civil, even genteel tone to her voice though she was raised as a Rebel's daughter and not a Count's.


The Seamstress looked a little confused and slightly embarrassed.
"They's gone M'Lady....Prin....King said them's not cloves fit for no lady in 'is court."
She nodded sagely.
"I wuzz talkin' to 'im mesell in this very room."

Looking towards Ursa for confirmation, she carried on after the younger had nodded her agreement.
"Yeh.....tha's right innit Ursa....she were 'ere as well... 'e said Greta, you make the Lady 'er dress for the morra an' then get ter makin' er more evry day stuff an' I was a sayin' to 'im....."

At Ursa's delicate cough, Greta stopped short, she gave Sonja a small smile.
"Errrr...fing is...they ain't around any more, they's gone on the fire M'lady."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja listened to the seamstresses words, her arms folded, her gaze cutting towards the windows every once in a while. Though it may seem her attention drifts, she is paying very careful attention to the words of the seamstress. Though the cold hard pit in her stomach that had taken up residence since Ursa spoke of the executions and Ingram spoke of every single person in the party dead or worse, Sonja returned a smile to Greta, trying to make it as natural as possible.

"Well, it was time to get new clothes anyway. Did he tell you a specific style, or may I chose that?" One brow archs toward Ursa though, wondering why she had cut Greta off. "Oh and do go on please, it has been a while since I found time to simply chat. You were saying to him?" Keep them talking, keep them pumping even insignificant information was her plan.


Greta shrugged.
"I was just sayin' to 'is Majesty that I wud make you sumfink nice...and 'e says you can 'ave out yer want, but 'e dunt like ladies in trousers..."

With a quick look at Ursa, she turned and picked up the half made robe, gathhering the heavy material in her arms with Ursa taking up some of it to help.
"If'n you raise yer 'ands M'Lady, then I cud slip this on an' see where it needs fixin?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


No, he wouldn't like ladies in trousers, Sonja thought spitefully, probably intimidates him. However outloud she simply nodded and not quite being able to keep all of the sarcasm from her voice as she says, "Well we wouldn't want to upset..His Majesty. Perhaps after we finish fitting and sizing this, we could work out the 'every day' stuff." Though Sonja doubted she would still be around to wear most of the every day stuff, at least she hoped she would not. Raising her hands, feeling slightly silly, as she watched the two women gather the material closer.


Greta simply nodded, concentrating on getting the over dress onto Sonja without catching the odd pin that still remained in the body of the dress.
It was a surprisingly good fit, thought the style of the day dictated it be only fitted at the front, the long flowing back was very forgiving.

As Ursa fussed behind Sonja, pulling out the long train the see if it hung correctly, Greta pinned the front closed to the waist, so that they could see where the buttons would come, then began tacking on one of the long open sleeves which hung almost to the floor.

Stepping back, her finger to her lips, Greta took a critical look at the gown, then allowed herself a small smile.
"They was right, that colour looks good on yer an' I fink I's dun a fittin' job so far."
Stirring Ursa into action the younger girl pulled a haevy full length mirror over and stepped asside so that Sonja could see.
Greta nodded to her reflection.
"Don't be forgettin' m'lady that yer under dress will be heavy cream silk, 'e brought it for his...."
She stopped herself again, flashing Ursa a quick look.
"It cummed from one of them foreign countries, yer know?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja was unprepared for the weight of the material, the velvet hanging heavily from her shoulders. Yet when she twisted around to see what Ursa was doing at her back, she found that the material moved easily enough. Holding still while the seamstress and maid fussed with the pins, the train, and the sleeves, wondering all the while who had thought that the most unwieldy design is fashionable.

Her hands run across the material, careful of the pins, over her belly and fingers the long sleeves, gently. A grin almost formed when she thought of catching the sleeves on fire when she was working with her fire balls, but the pang that hit her reminding her of her loss quickly wiped the gentle lifting from her lips.

She too begins to eye herself critically in the mirror, and grudgingly had to admit the blue did look lovely with her dark hair and eyes. "You did a wonderful job I am sure. It is too bad the dress is wasted on one who has no business all dressed out."

Turning to get a view from the side, Sonja almost missed the look between Ursa and Greta. Dark brows furrow together slightly as she turns, awkwardly as when the few times she has worn a dress it was a simple calico and nothing so grand as this. "Brought for whom? I really don't want to take someone elses things, especially if its expensive. I am sure that the shift I wear now will be fine." She keeps a careful eye on the two of them, the feeling that they were hiding something stronger then ever now.


"Well....It is a special occassion M'Lady..."
Ursa chipped in while the older woman bent to mark the hem for adjustment.
"It doesn't happen every day does it?"

Greta almost froze rigid when Sonja demanded to know what she had not said, but Ursa was quick to speak for her.
" M'Lady, you aren't taking it from anyone, well... not in that way in any case."
She smiled.
"His Majesty likes fabrics, silks and satins and thick velvets...This..."
Carefully Ursa ran her hand over the velvet, taking great care not to ruffle the nap of the fabric.
".....this and the silk have come from his sort of ....well... private collection..."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Glaring openly now, tired of the cat and mouse game, Sonja begins to deliberatly pull any pins that she could find, discarding them one by one onto the floor. "Then let him where the gown. Until someone tells me what in the gods' name is going on, what your" a finger jabs toward Greta, "not telling me I have had enough." Though her finger had jabbed at the seamstress her hard glare was fixed upon the maid, she seeming to be the one who is in charge of this show. Her fingers continue trying to work the pins loose, slowly wincing only when a few jabbed into her thumb from inept handling.


"Well well....our guest seems to have become a little churlish..."
The deep male voice came from by the window.
"Perhaps she is still over tired after her terrible ordeal in the forest?"

Borghast stepped out from his hiding place behind the heavy draped curtains, a long fine silver dagger in one hand, half eaten apple in the other, he stood and smiled at those in front of him.

Propped with cushions, upon the wide stone window ledge and tucked behind the drapery, the King had been there for some time.
It was his favourite place to sit when he needed peace and quiet.
Spending many hours there watching the world go by, his own little sanctuary and a place he saw no reason to move from while the women saw to his guest's needs. Infact he had been quite ammused as he sat and listened, not often being able to hear the gossip of the working women.  Something he missed from his youth, when his maid had taken him everywhere with her.

He turned his smile to the two servants and gave them a quick nod of his head.
"Leave us, you can return when the Lady Sonja has had a short rest..."

Flustered, the two women gave a quick curtsie, they were dumbstruck at his sudden appearance. Turning quickly they bustled to and out of the door, almost tripping over each other as they left...

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja had just finished pulling another pin when the undeniably masculine voice sounded from behind her. Startled, she turns almost tripping over the unaccustomed train of the thick material, her glare slipping only slightly. She backs away, and the way the two servants scurry to leave causes her concern. While she does not want to be left alone with him, she does not reduce herself to calling for one of them to stay.

Instead she returns her angry gaze toward the King, her surprise at his appearance leaving and in its wake a fear began to form. Regretting pulling the pins now, somehow standing with partially opened dress in front of him putting her at a disadvantage it seems. Pressing her lips together, her jaw clenching to stop the shudder that runs through her, Sonja watches him, and his dagger warily.

"What I am tired of is this game you seem to wish to play." Her voice heavy, spoken in low tones so that she could retain some control on the warble that might have ran through it. Her body was tense, much like that of a deer knowing it was caught in the Hunter's gaze, right before it bolts even though it knows it is futile.


Borghast stood, peeling another slice from his apple and eating it, almost to the point of ignoring her, until she spoke.
He looked up as he swallowed, one eyebrow raised at the words she spoke.
"And I thought Ingram had explained it all to you."
He sighed, looking dissapointed.
"I'll have to have him flogged for this and I so hate doing that to my closest friends..."

Jiggling the dagger loosley between thumb and forfinger, he looked at her for a moment.
"If you don't want the dress, then the matter is over, take it off."
A small smile crept across his lips.
"Oh and the shift, that was linnen from my personal cloth as well...."   
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja desperately tried to hide any vestige of fear from him, trying to keep her gaze closed and unreadable, trying to force herself to not step backwards. Not to give him any ground. She had known that the risk of being caught was great, but had always assumed once caught she would have been hanged, or perhaps beheaded. Sonja is woefully unprepared for her powers to be apparently stripped, and toyed with.

"Flog whoever you want..enjoy your days of tyranny, for they will not last." bravely spoken, though she did not feel so very brave now, Sonja could not bring herself to turn her back on this man. Having to give up that little bit of illusionary control, she settled on staring back at him coldly, or atleast what she hopes is coldly. Though the mere fact that he so easily speaks of punishing his aids sends a chill through her.

"Much like yourself, and your servants, he was vague. I am entitled to such answers as to  when my execution is scheduled." Her knees are watery, threatening to buckle at her words, though she manages to stay upright through sheer force of will, hoping he did not see the effort she was putting in. "I will keep the clothing until you see fit to return what is mine, though from what the seamstress says my own has already been discarded."


He shrugged his indifference,seeming more interested in choosing his next slice of apple than looking at her.
"Well I can have them replaced....I am sure there is a swine heard somewhere who's clothes aren't too well made for you in exchange."

Borghast gave her a quick nod, before turning on his heals and heading back to his perch by the window.
"Now....if you wouldn't mind, I would like to enjoy the setting sun, it's going to be a very busy day tomorrow..... for all of us ......"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


She knew that this was just another part of his game, to make her irritated, fearful, and confused at wondering what his game was. Yet she could not help feeling all of these, nor could she keep the annoyed sigh from escaping. Her late father had always said her inability to keep her emotions in check would be her downfall, and she was starting to believe it.

Her dark eyes narrow at his insulting tones, but she does not lash out angrily, instead she just put a thin smile on and responded "Your seamstress has my measurements, do be sure that the clothing is washed. By all means, I wouldn't want your enjoyment hindered by my presence." Again she uses sarcasm as a shield, and while she does not really hope to get away with it she sweeps, or rather manages, to walk towards the exit the servants had left rather then to the door to the chambers she had waken in.


Turning his head towards her, ammused in the way she tried to hide her anger and frustration.
For a moment he had an image of his mother, doing the exact same thing, she had been a woman to admire, a strong will and a firy temper that even his father had fliched from at times.

"What and have you indebted to me for the use of soap?"

Borghast laughed, his deap hazel eyes showing genuine mirth as he watched her head towards the wrong door.
"Oh....and I think you will find M'Lady, that you are flouncing in the wrong direction..."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja stops at his words, her eyes shifting over her shoulder flat and angry, with just a bit of irritation thrown in for good measure. "It is not incurring debt having property replaced by the person at fault for its destruction." She started again, only to stop once more to add, "I don't flounce and my sense of direction is impeccable." That said, however, she does turn, feeling her point was made she made her way back toward the 'correct' door. She does note the exact window and location of his 'perch' however, so perhaps this encounter was not a total loss for her end.


It was obvious from the huge grin that, sat on his face, that he found Sonja
highly ammusing.
Her comment about her clothes solicited a small bow of his head.
"Very well M'lady, I shall have them laundered, then have then sent to the smithy, so that the burn holes and singing may be replace also."

Turning his back on her he sat back down, then called loudly enough for her to hear as she entered her room.
"And I am sure you won't mind your right breast being out in the cold...."

With a quick flick of his dagger, he sliced another mouthful of apple and place it in his mouth. Savouring the taste he returned his attention to the rolling clouds which he viewed from his window.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja's only response to his words, and that infuriating grin, was a very satisfying slam of the door. If the walls were not too thick, it might be easy for him to hear the stream of decidedly unlady-like words spewing forth from her as she wrestles the heavy material of the unfinished gown from her shoulders. Sliding it off, finally, Sonja does take the time to drape it as best she could over the chair that occupies the rather bare room, out of difference for Greta's workmanship, not for Borghast's money he spent on the material.

For a long while her anger sustains her, pacing and cursing intermitantly. However, much as a candle that burns too bright, the fuel is quickly spent. And there in her solitude, or she assumes solitude after the man's sudden appearance from within the drapes she has decided not to take anything for granted, that she finally runs out of steam.

Sitting heavily on the bed, causing the springs to groan from the stress, Sonja draws up her knees to hug them to her chest, the shift cool against her cheek. Her thoughts whirled around the events of the morrow, picturing public execution, praying for strength to retain some dignity, to thoughts of Eva. She also remembered Jacov and each of the faces that she possibly caused a shorter life to, but Eva is who she kept returning too.

Laying down, still curled, Sonja did not sleep, instead she simply let the dampness on her cheeks feed the dark pit of hatred within her stomach, that steadily has been growing.


It was some time later when Ursa crept quietly into the room.
She placed a set of clothing on the bed, although it was clean, there was an acrid smell of burnt, singed leather and fabric upon them.

As Sonja hadn't moved, the young girl set to replacing the almost dead candles, soon filling the room with a far brighter light.
Her duties performed, she moved back to the chair to pick up the disguarded, half made dress.

Ursa sighed, running her hands over the soft luxurious fabric, she could only dream of owning even a scrap of it and for that she would have paid dearly, simply so she could run her hand over it now and then to savour it's softness.
She had no idea why Sonja would even think of refusing such a gift and choose to wear a swine heards clothes instead, surely she was an ungrateful and ignorant woman.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


The smell of singed leather is a unique smell, and pungent, the first whiff that reaches the sleeping woman slightly nudges her from sleep. However she fights the wakefulness, preferring the comfort of dark nothingness. As the maid lit the candles one, by one, brightening the room Sonja's wakefulness grew exponentially, until finally her dark eyes reluctantly open, to watch silently the maid's obvious admiration of the fabric.

Her eyes drop to the clothing on the bed, and recognizes the burned scent with a harsh bark of laughter. "The bastard.." was muttered under her breath as she reaches for the leather attire. Apparently he had done exactly what he had said, though she has not inspected the garment to find exactly where the holes were burned at.

"Thank you.." She says a bit louder, her pretense of nonchalance dropped now. Picking up the material inspecting first the top, then the bottom trying to judge just where the holes would lay against her body. "I hope I haven't caused your job to be too much more difficult."


Lost in her own world where a very grateful young woman, wearing a wonderful royal blue gown, was escorted by the King himself, Ursa almost shrieked at the sound of Sonja's voice.
Dropping the dress, she hastily stooped to pick it up, looking guilty enough to be charged with stealing gold from the Royal coffers.

"Oh M'Lady....Sorry M'Lady....No M'Lady..."

Still a little flustered and blushing deep red, Ursa draped the robe as best she could over her arm and took a deep breath. Even though she spoke with a little nervous quake in her voice, Sonja could she that she spoke the truth when she finally answered her question.
"It was a little difficult finding a replacement for your clothing M'Lady, me and Greta had to work quite hard and then Greta did her best to remember where all the holes and burns were."
She took a short breath before continueing to garble.
"But Greta's good like that, she has a good memory, once she's seen something she never forgets, she can make exactly the same thing time after time..."
Her voice faded a little, she still had difficulty in understanding why Sonja had wanted all of this.
"So....she had no problem in marking where the smithy had to put the holes 'n things....."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sighing as she did indeed spy a hole where her right breast would hang out, shuddering at the thought that while she had been unconcious bits of her body had apparently been exposed in such a fashion. Sonja turned her gaze toward the maid with a quirk of her brow, "I am no is just Sonja." Eyeing the leather carefully, the Sorceress begins the process of slipping off her shift, and pulls the leather top on, backwards. "Can you help me fasten the back now Ursa?" That would take care of modesty, it definitely was a sight tight around her breast area, the front having been designed to accomodate her rather then the back, but it would do for modesty sake.

"I appreciate the effort you went through to find the garment..though you can thank your King for the added work of remembering holes and tears. That was his idea, not mine." Turning her back to the maid, so that she could reach the fasteners easier she continues speaking without much mirth. "If people were just a little less tight lipped around here, and someone would tell me something other then simply expecting me to go along with ..with who knows what docilely then we probably could have avoided the whole scene yesterday."


"I'm.....not sure what you mean M'Lady...."
Ursa, a confused look on her face, stepped forward and began lacing the tunic, doing her best to ease the leather where more space was needed.
"I don't know what you mean by tight lipped, I have done my best to answer everything you have asked me..."

She lapsed into silence as she stepped away, frowning at the way the tunic looked, still completely confused as to why Sonja had insisted that they be 'returned'. 

The turning of her tunic most certainly did give Sonja a modicum of privacy, though she would find her trousers, a different matter. Not only singed and burnt, her origional ones had been almost ripped from seam to seam by her fall from the tree.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"There is a difference between answering questions honestly, and avoiding speaking of things." Sonja replied, trying to hide the irritation at Ursa's apparent refusal to quit referring to her in such a formal tone. Lifting the trousers, and a sound that could only be described as growl-like escapes the woman's lips as she inspects the damage. "Oh he is good..." Lifting her fingers to her temples once more Sonja contemplates. He has left her with little choice, dress in the heavy unfinished garment that he chose, or dress in clothing that left little to the imagination.

"What is it that you did not want Greta to say?" She adds, after she sees the confusion and even the frown on Ursa's face. "If there is something you want to know I will, of course, return the favor of honesty." She still has yet to decide what to do about the clothing situation, however seeing as how it was only sunset when she came back in here she feels she has atleast a few hours before the decision would be forced.


"I don't know what you mean M'Lady..."
ursa looked down at her feet feeling as though she should be telling this woman something but couldn't for her life think what.
"....If you mean when Greta was trying the dress on you? I was just trying to stop her rambling on and on....She does that a lot and sometimes she actually forgets to do what she has started out to do."

Ursa sighed, now she felt like she was being unkind to the seamstress.
"If we had let her she would have continued to ramble on about everything and we would have still been stood there, especially if she had wandered off and on to her grand children...."
She hessitated and gave Sonja a small smile.
"Two of them are pages and we've never heard the end of it...."

Glancing at the dress and then back to the trousers Sonja held in her hands, she continued.
"Would you like me to take the dress to her now? We can still have it done before you are to be seen in public...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"I suppose if she can't fix these seams.." Sonja replied grudgingly, her face dark and her lips twisted wryly. "I had hoped to 'go out in public' fully as my self rather then some dressed up doll." Turning her back once more to the Maid, "Just loosen the strings again please. Perhaps before you go, you could tell me what is rumored to be planned during the ..the coronation ceremony?" Surely there would be some talk of special tasks that had been ordered out of the ordinary, such as a guillotine assembled..or a gallow prepared..and if anyone in a King's household would hear such talk it would be the servants.


"I don't think they can be M'Lady...or I am sure Greta would have done so..."

Ursa's face brightened, at last she had an answer for a question that Sonja had asked.
"OH...It's going to be wonderful!"
Stepping back to her she began to pull at the lacing, her nimble fingers working with practiced ease.
"The Bishop is here...."
She paused for a moment, of he would be, they had just burried the old King, but he hadn't been seen for some years, he being quite elderly now.
"And there is to be a big feast after the ceremony and dancing and...and the servants are to have a seperate feast of their own, because the King has declared that it a day of Merry making for all....and I have a new dress to wear that I have kept for a special occasion...."

She sighed happily, there was this stable lad that had set his cap at her. She, of course, as a member of the Royal Household, had played it quite aloof, but perhaps tomorrow would be the perfect day to 'give in'....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja was tempted to try and bargain with the maid, the blue velvet contraption in exchange for the ordeal of trying to procure an un-damaged set of leathers. However the sudden vision of Borghast casually mentioning flogging an aid simply for not relating information, that he himself did not seem willing to relate either, stopped her. She had little doubt that if the King had so desired to, he would find little problems with punishing the maid.

Shrugging back into the borrowed shift, Sonja nods at the right intervals. The only thing of special note it seemed was the Bishop, however he might be there to oversee the actual ceremony. Having been too young for the late King's coronation she is unsure of what actually goes on, though since it is popular belief that god chooses royalty, it is not unreasonable to expect that the bishop had some role in the ceremony.

"So the usual I am sure, feasting, merry making..pretending that everyone is happy that the Prince is taking over the reign?" Shaking her head, unable to strike the sarcasm in her voice. "But yes, please have Greta finish up the dress if it is not too much trouble for her."


Ursa blinked in confused surprise at Sonja's comments.
"But most are happy M'Lady, the old King let the country fester and it's people argue amongst themselves...Surely, both yourself and the Rebel Council being here proves that there is time for change?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Suddenly Sonja sharply looked at Ursa, her face drawing pinched. "The ..the council is here you say?" Surely not, surely they had not captured all of them. Her chest suddenly felt constricted, and though she struggled to breath normally, she could feel her heart rate quicken. She had to have answers, and this farce,...the lie that had been told to this woman has outlived its usefullness. So, Sonja laid her own cards on the table so to speak.

"Ursa. I know what you have said you been told, however that has been a lie." Shifting on the bed, drawing her legs up to curl beneath her, dark eyes remain on that of the other woman. No shame, nor guilt resides on the Sorceress's face, atleast not in the fact that she had attacked the then-prince. "It was not some rogue band of people that attacked me..I attacked the 'Kings' hunting party. The people who were executed were my friends...This..this whole thing," Sonja lifts her hand, gesturing to the room, the dress, even the tattered leathers, "It is simply a game for Borghast." Dropping her gaze now, her fingers idly tugging at the collar around her neck, "Is the council..are they in the dungeons..or are they locked away in rooms much like this one?"


Ursa looked aghast at what she was saying, surely this woman had received a hafty bump on her head, for her to say such things.
" jest M'Lady....the Great Tower was prepared for themselves and their families, they have been offered every comfort and the children were still playing in the walled gardens when I came in here...."

Ursa shook her head.
"The King has not imprisoned you here, he is protecting you....why he has even given you rooms from his own chambers."
Sighing, she young maid shook her head.
"I really don't understand what is wrong here, perhaps I should ask the Physician to call on you?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja felt as if her world was suddenly something out of a fiction story. What is right is wrong, what is white is black..all topsy turvy. "The Great Tower?..Their families?" No, this could not be happening. They had taken every measure to ensure that no one person had ever been aware of the other, every missive was sent via paper and never in person. All decisions by the council was made via these missives, so even those in the council was not suppose to be aware of the others. To make just this event impossible.

Her head wheeling, a doubt niggled in her mind, perhaps she had been betrayed..No, she firmly pushed that doubt behind her. Dark eyes land on the servant in exasperation, "Fine. If I am not a prisoner, then I wish to be taken to the council. I would like to speak with them before the ceremony."


Ursa took a deep breath, a small note of panic in her voice, she wasn't quite sure what to do.
"I....I cannot let you just walk out M'Lady...I....someone will have to speak to the King. The guards at the door only answer to him....and well, they are not to let you out unless he says, for your own safety..."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"Of course...for my own safety." her voice fairly drips with the sarcasm. Sonja turns away, unable to concentrate on any of the thoughts that are racing through her mind. "If you are going to get Greta to fix the dress, then perhaps you should go now. I would offer to help cart the material to her..however there seems to be goblins and boogeymen within the castle waiting to attack." That said she lays face down on the bed, her eyes sliding closed but not in sleep.


Ursa mumbled and curtsied before picking up the dress and leaving, not even bothering to close the door behind her.
She was almost in tears and wished that they had chosen someone else for this job and not her.
Sniffling she sighed as she tapped on the outer door, calling for a page to help her with the heavy fabric as soon as it opened, she had thought this work would be a wonderful oppertunity for her, how wrong she had been....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja does realize that she has upset the maid, but under the circumstances the young woman can not begin to feel guilty about that. Instead she waits for the sound of the outerdoor to open and close before she moves from the bed. Creeping toward the open door, wondering if there was a guard posted at the inner door as well as the outer. If not then she could possibly rifle through the desk and other objects in the other room. Perhaps she might find something of use to her..even if it is just a simple blunt object. Hesitantly she peeps from around the corner, into the outer room.


The room, though brightly lit, seems to be empty and left as she had last seen it.
A quiet fire lay in the hearth, it's embers throwing off heat to warm the otherwise cold room, as with most castles of the time, chairs and rugs were heaped around it, the perfect place to sit and be warmed
The only other difference was that it looked as if someone had been working at the desk. The parchments and scrolls better organised.
Some documents laying sealed ready to be taken away, or possibly read, it would take close inspection to see whether they bore the King's seal or anothers.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja leaves the room quickly and quietly, not wanting to alert anyone out of teh room that someone was in the inner room. She does however quickly moves the perch where Borghast had last been that she knew of and draws back the curtains swiftly. Making sure he is not there, she quickly moves to the desk. A few of the top parchments are discarded after a glance, though she does look at the parchments that are sealed. Not caring about hiding evidence, Sonja is pretty resigned to the fact that unless her powers returned that she would be executed after Borghast finished whatever little play he was putting on. Breaking the seals to each parchment, Sonja's dark eyes scan the contents looking for any information that might be useful, particularly anything that had to do with the morrow's planning.


As she drew the curtains back, a cool breeze blew in from a slightly open window and she could indeed hear the shouting and calling of children at play. The walled garden could just be seen from that window, torches lit against the darkening sky, she could see the odd small figure dart from one place to another, before dissapearing from view, hidden by the high wall or a tree.

If Sonja had hoped to fins anything worthy amongst the papers, she was to be dissapointed. A few replies from both local gentry and foreign dignitories, either confirming or declining his invitation to the coronation celebrations and some very mundane messages reguarding stores and millitery matters.
It was obvious that Borghast was no fool and had left nothing of great import for her to find.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Out of habit, Sonja does memorize the basic figures on the store supplies and a few of the militant issues. Disappointed, yet not really surprised, she drifts back toward the window. Watching the antics of the children below both heartened her and caused a curl of fear within her. Here, alone and seeing the apparent freedom of the children in the gardens below it is hard to shake the thought that perhaps not all in the council was trustworthy. In her solitude she allows the hard mask that she adopts as easily as the children fade into the shadows below, to fall leaving her ragged nerves and emotions exposed for this small moment in time.


"I do enjoy the sound of children playing."

While she had been rifling through his papers, Borghast has entered the room from a door by the side of the fire place.
These rooms being his own and the door having a heavy tapestry hung in front of it, he hardly ever closed it fully, so had not even made a sound when he entered.
He watched her staying in the shadows cast by the fire and the thick alcove wall that his the entrance to his bed chamber, an amused smile on his face as she tore open the letters he had left.

Stepping out he grinned, though still in shadow, she probably would not have known if the ammusement he felt was not betrayed in his voice.
"I see you have decided to disguard the replacement clothing and keep the shift."
He chuckled.
Do you realise that when the fire light catched it, it is almost see through...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Whirling at the sound of his voice, irritated both by the fact that he had once more sneaked up on her, and the fact that she herself was to blame for not checking the room thoroughly. Her eyes automatically shift to the papers on the desk, but she does not drop her chin. "Normally yes, however when they are not where they are supposed to be the playing seems more...sinister."

When he mentioned the state of her dress a firey flush spreads across her cheeks as she hurriedly crossed her arms over her breast. Hurriedly she backed beside the fire place, hoping that without the firelight caste behind her, the shift would go back to covering her. If not appropriately, atleast modestly. Though her cheeks were reddened, the heat from her gaze matches the heat in her cheeks as she glared at him.


"Children playing are children playing...let them be, after all why should they have the worries of adulthood before they need to."
He shrugged, wishing that had been true for himself, alas it had not.
"Thier parents on the other hand, know full well why they are families their fate hung in the balance adn only one person to save them."

Borghast sighed, continueing talking as he watched her moved towards the fire.
"But I am sure....."
His sentence cut short by a loud laugh, the King shook his head.
"OH you little vixen! Standing there like that just so that I may look upon your womanly virtues, stand slightly to the right would you....that way I can see the full curve of your hips......"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Struggling now to maintain her composure, Sonja gripped the opposite arms in each hand so hard that the knuckles whiten as he spoke. If she were a different sort of woman, she might have tried to use her 'womanly virtues' to persuade the new King to at least reveal his plans. However she was not so subtle, having no experiance with anything other then forcibly obtaining what she needs.

Assuming he meant that he was the only person to save them, Sonja snorts at his word. "You are not known for your sensibility or your mercy, I doubt that the families can rely on you as their Savior. Just answer this quick question..How. How did you know that we would be there that day, how did you know the Seven's identities?" His next words drove an outraged gasp from her lips and she hurriedly pressed herself against the wall, scooting to the left as she did trying to find a bit of shadow.


He roared with laughter at her reaction.
Ignoring her question, after all, he wasn't stupid and he certainly wouldn't reveal his sources, better to keep them all guessing as to who was the rotten apple in their barrel.
"Would you like me to avert my eye fair Sonja? Or perhaps I should go and get you one of my own robes to make you more 'comfortable'?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Frusterated and angry, growing more irritated and yes humiliated by his laughter at her expense, Sonja fumed and plotted ways of disembowling him without the use of her powers. "You want me more comfortable? Take a dive out the window." Shifting, struggling to keep herself covered but at the same time not seem as if she were cowering, Sonja cursed under her breath. "Just quit this game. You want more of a spectacle then merely bringing the head of the insurgents to your coronation? Fine, but quit playing the cat and mouse does not become someone who would be King."


Borghast laughed even louder.
"Is that what you think I am going to do? You really think I would be so crass as to have executions in celebration of my becoming King?"

Turning away from her he walked to the window and looked down, it was a very long way to the ground below, with not foot holds or ledges to cling to.
Swinging back around he leaned against the wide sill and looked at her once more, still grinning.
"Now if I did that, I wonder what you would have in mind for my wedding?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Only the fact that he hadn't mentioned her state of undress -thus making Sonja hope that her efforts at makingthe shift a little less revealing successful- kept her from moving toward 'her' room, away from him, back into the firelight. Instead she eyes his position, calculating how much force she would need to send him through it and onto the courtyard below.

"Oh I don't know..a few beheadings to baptize your coronation as King, followed by a couple hangings. I hadn't realized there was an unfortunate bride, however I am sure you could find a few villages to burn and pillage as a wedding gift to yourself."


He continued to chuckle, the conversation becoming more and more ammusing to him.
It showed in his face, the way he spoke, the way he sat, almost as though he were watching a Jester from a roving troupe.

"And what, if anything would you suggest I gave my Bride...."
He leant back a little folding his arms as he stretched his legs out, to cross his ankles.
"Apart from myself of course, which in a way is enough, but I really am a generous soul."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


It was probably his obvious amusement, that infuriated Sonja the most, coupled by a rather turbulent day for her. Her head buzzed with the anger, and had she had access to her power, something she was becoming more and more suspicious that he had manage to have a hand in it, she would have surely have been throwing a few fireballs to say the least by now.

Yet she did not have access to her gift, and having forgone more physical training, Sonja must bide her time. She waits, glowering all the while, and then the moment happened. He seemed just a bit off guard, relaxed even. "I have an early wedding present for your Bride." That said she starts forward, pushing off the wall, headlong towards him. Picking up speed, praying that she had caught him off gaurd enough to where he did not have time to move or deflect her wieght, fully intending to push him out the window he sits in front of.


To say that Borghast had placed himself by the window on purpose would have been a lie, it was, in fact, the usual resting place when he was in the room, at least when others were there too.

However, to say that he was always relaxed when he sat there would also be a lie. The grin on his face widened as he saw her finally crack and make a run for him, waiting until Sonja had reached the point of no return, he simply stood and opened his arms.
Catching her as though she were no more than a child, he held her in a tight hug. One arm wrapped firmly around her back, between her waist and shoulders, the hand, of his other, pushing her head tightly against his chest, she could hear his almost surprised laugh deep in his chest.

"My are eager and here I was hoping to keep this moment for our wedding night...."

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


She realized her peril as soon as he moved his arms, and though she tried to shift course it was already too late. Captured so easily, again, fanned the flames of her anger, and though she could not break away from his grasp she still fully tried to push back against him, not caring if he tipped over she would plummet with him.

Pushed and pulled, twisted and squirmed, her head held fast and her body pressed against his Sonja's arms trapped between her body and his. At first his words did not register in her rage fogged mind, yet slowly her struggles began to cease, becoming less as her energy gave out. Until finally she just hung limply in his arms, her breaths harsh and ragged from her fight. "Like Hell...I would sooner share a wedding night with a pig then you." Though her stomach boiled, her heart raced with the fury that ran so easily within her veins, Sonja only gave a half struggle to break his grip.


She did make him stagger a little as she struggled, but this was a war hardened and well trained young man, of far greater hight and stature than herself.
Borghast side stepped slightly to his right and leant himself against the pillar that ran between the panes of leaded glass, hugging her even tighter as she struggled.

"Well...if you really prefer that...."
He chuckled all the more, kissing her on the top of her head.
"I know quite a 'rich' swine heard, who would most probably be willing to loan you his breeding boar..."
He planted another light kiss upon her before carrying on.
"I have heard of such things, but have never seen, mind if I watch?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja stopped stuggling with her body, instead concentrated on pressing outward with her arms, trying to break his hold that way. Every brush of his lips against her head caused her to cringe, and the second actually coaxed a low growl from her throat. She finally stopped, holding still as death itself as she spoke between clenched teeth.

"Let me go." She demanded, her voice muffled slightly the firm set of her jaw making some of the letters blend together. "Watch all you want, you might learn a thing or two!" Falling silent, not struggling against him, but struggling to catch her breath.


"Well anything to please you M'Lady and if you like to rut in the mud, then I shall watch and learn..."
Every time she struggled, he tightened his hold until even his arms had begun to complain.
"Tell me, do you need a special harness, or is your back strong enough to take the boar's weight?"

As soon as she had stopped struggling, he released her, opening his arms wide, though he made effort to move away.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Once he released his grip on her, Sonja sagged slightly before she bolted away from him. It felt as if his hands were imprinted on her back and head so tightly had he held her. After she was some distance back, she turned so that she could keep a wary eye on him as she backed her way to the door where she had entered from. Yet she stops, suddenly aware that as of so far he has kept his end of the bargain, to the letter. Somehow she did not have trouble seeing him hoisting a boar around just to see her squirm.

Speaking as if she were speaking to a child, very slow and deliberate though her voice was hard rather then soothing, Sonja replied with, "I am afraid that you might have misinterpreted things. You see, often when people are being sarcastic they will say outlandish things to prove their point. My point was, I would not be sharing a wedding night with you ever..Ever."


Borghast sighed.
"What? You tease me again?"
Leaning back onto the window sill, he took up his normal pose, when speaking casually to those with him, in that room.
"No lesson in beatiality?....I feel really let down now..."

The man in front of her dropped his head and pouted as though he were the petulant child she was speaking to.
"And no cuddles for Borgi either....Those poor children...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Raising her hands in the air, the universal gesture of exasperation, Sonja simply narrowed her dark dark eyes at him and said, "Next time your rutting with one of your whores, look in the mirror for your beastiality lesson." Turning on her heel she made for her open door, easily this time as she is unencumbered by velvet lengths of cloth.


"On your head be it...."
He hadn't even raised his voice and spoke as though he were having a perfectly normal conversation, yet knew the accustics of this room so well, that he was able to make himself heard clearly.
"Well..on the heads of your people to be more precise..."

Borghast shook his head, as though he was terribly dissapointed.
"No wedding means a terribly big hole in the celebrations, it may have to be the executions after all..."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


His words did reach Sonja, and stopped her cold in her tracks, right as she was passing the threshold. Her hands come up to grip the door-frame, as the apparent implications rolled over her. "This has got to be a new low." She does not turn back to him, not trusting herself to keep her emotions from her face. Anger, she never minded showing, yet she did not want the bewilderment or stark fear to be readily evidence.

"Are you saying that if I don't give in to this ..this ludicrous will execute us all?" Execution, of course, was always a very real threat. It was a danger that every person in the movement had chosen to risk. Yet, did she have the strength to condemn seven people to death? She fears she has already been the cause of all those others..Eva, Jacov.

"What do you hope to gain from forcing me to marry you? I am sure there are women aplenty that would kill for the 'honor' of the title Queen."


Borghast simply nodded, not that Sonja would be able to see that, but he did it none the less.
"Yes....I would execute all of them, starting with the children, I do so hate upsetting them and it would be so cruel to have them watch their parents die first and out of respect for your status, I would of course leave you till last."

Leaning his head against to cold pane behind him, he gave an overly theatrical sigh.
"As for why I wish to marry you instead of someone more agreeable?....Perhaps I have admired you from affar....possibly I fell in love with you as soon as you fell at my feet from that tree....maybe, just maybe it is simply because I can?"

He shrugged, again a movement Sonja could not see, but his tone of voice showed the indifference that matched the action.
"You are supposed to be the brains behind all of this, the brilliant tactition, your father's Daughter...why don't you figure it out?"   
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja swayed slightly, if it had not been for her grip upon the door frame she probably would have fallen at his words. A sick feeling was slowly taking over her, and she started to long for the executioner's blade. The sight of the children played through her mind, and she does lean against the frame for support.

"The children...They have nothing to do with any of this." Sonja fairly spit this sentance out, though she has no doubt that Borghast would do exactly has he promised. The apple does not fall far from the tree, so they say. A rude sound comes from Sonja at his next words, followed by a harsh clipped laugh. "You wouldn't know love if it rose up and bit you. If you think to take control of my gifts, your in for a sad awakening...Though you probably already know they are gone." Turning finally, still keeping a steadying hand on the door, Sonja looks over to the new King. "Parading me about in chains would do just as well to show your new subjects that you have subjecated the rebel's leaders..My head on a pike would show them just as well that I am out of the picture." Eyes darker then the night sky, squint and glare at him through the dimming light of the fire.

"It seems you have managed to checkmate me...for the moment."


"As I said M'Lady"
He gave her a brief bow of the head.
"You are your Father's daughter, now why would I wish to many is it?"
He titled his head up to the ceiling as though to count, then fixed his gaze back onto her.
"Oh yes....29 children and two on the grow up as you have?..."

He snorted, still ignoring any reference to her powers, even though she continued to prod him.
"And how could I put such a fair, though rather scrawny maiden such as yourself, in chains?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja had to take a moment to reign herself in, it would do no good to humiliate herself once more by doing something rash again. To calm herself, she begins to count the her breathing, control it, and make herself aware of every beat of her racing heart. It may have seemed like a long time before she answers, but when she does her voice is markedly calmer.

"I grew up the way I did out of necessaty. If you learn from your father's mistakes, rather then follow the same path of destruction he has then those children will not have to grow up as I." A derisive glance is given, her gaze raking over his figure with a dissecting concentration. "Though I suppose that would be too much to ask of one such as yourself."

A longsuffering sigh is emitted, her finger coming to pull lightly on the collar at her throat. "You have already collared me, it is not too short of a leap to chains. If you would just tell me what you want, what you hope to gain by a sham of a marriage, I am sure we could work out a suitable compromise."


"Oh.....I have learned a lot from my Father's mistakes....and don't think I haven't..."
His light hearted mocking had been replaced by a spiteful bitterness.
Borghast stood, taking a step towards Sonja, but he stopped himself from coming closer.
"Though one thing I have kept from him, is that I don't need to explain anyone..."

Turning his back on her, he bagan to walk back towards the tapestry that covered his door.
"Now go to your room, you have until dawn to decide whether you play the nice bride to be or see the first child beheaded in this very room...."

Without breaking his stride, not waiting for a reply, he lifted the heavy fabric and ducked behind it, leaving Sonja to make her own decisions.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


As he stepped closer, Sonja involuntarily stepped back. She does not respond to his words, or the venom in his voice, simply watches him warily. Watching him disappear behind the tapestry, deciding that there was entirely too many places for him to hide in such a simple room, Sonja spitefully does not return to her room. Instead, once he is gone she drifts back toward the window. The children were no longer playing, atleast not where she could see, however it almost seemed to her that she could still make out their essences in the gardens, so innocent and hopefully unaware of the peril they are in.

It was going to be a very long night, Sonja had slept too much this day to hope for weariness to force her mind to shut down. So she climbs into the sill, watching out the window for a very long time, until the embers in the fireplace had long cooled, and a chill started to enter the air. Only then does she slip into 'her' room, closing the door simply so that she might have some warning if some one entered, and slips beneath the thick covers upon the bed.


Time passed, for some too quickly, for others mind numbingly slowly.

Greta, her well practiced fingers nimbly stitching and with the help of Ursa, worked against time, hurrying to get Sonja's dress and over dress finished.

The guards in the hall ways and gates of the castle kept themselves awake by passing the odd comment to each other, fighting of the drowsiness that a night shift brought, wishing that they were tucked up in their beds nestling against the warmth of their loved ones or at least some tavern wench.

The kitchen staff, busy with two feasts to prepare bustled around each other and allowed the younger amongst them to catch the odd nap before giving them a not so gentle nudge awake when they were needed.

The Bishop, helped by his two aids, to stand after a long kneel at the alter, finally crossed himself and headed to his rooms, a few hours sleep before early morning prayers at dawn.

And Borghast, snuggled deep beneath his heavy blankets, a smile on his face, slept the sleep of the innocent....

At sometime during the night, Greta and Ursa crept quietly into Sonja's room to leave the heavy velvet robe and the finer, but equally as beautiful silk inderdress, leaving just as quietly in the hopes of not disturbing a lady who, on the eve of her wedding would need a good sleep.
They smiled to each other as they left, snicking the door closed once more, both felt she was so lucky to be marrying the King....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja was not sleeping when the two sneaked into her room, but a cracked lid told them who, and what they were about. Not wanting to be forced to speak or dwell on anything but her own inner turmoil she feigns sleep until they leave.

She lays contemplating her situation until she can lay no more. Throwing back the covers, shivering at the chill but still crawling from the bed none-the-less she pushes back the door to peer out the window quietly. Dawn was just beginning to creeping over the horizon, and though she knew the choice that she really did not have lay heavy on her she allowed herself a slight respite as the grey edges of the sky start to lighten.

She inspects the clothing that the seamstress and maid had laid out for her, admitting the craftsmanship was impeccable, and even the fabric was a brilliant shade. She would have donned it, not wishing to deliver the decision dressed only in a shift, however she is not certain she could actually get the dress on without some help.


It was not Borghast who arrived as Sonja wathed to sun struggle to push away the grey of the night, but Ursa.
Her arms filled with soft towels, she walked into the room, closely followed by four men, struggling with a huge cast iron bath and three maids carrying two buckets each of hot steaming water.

Her eyes immediately found the figure of Sonja framed by the window.
"Oh..god morrow M'lady, we have brought your morning bath...Tea is on it's way and breakfast..."

As she spoke the men hefted the heavy bath over to the fire side, three of them bowed and left while the fourth tended the fire, adding wood and coaxing it back into life.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja was loathed to admit the relief as the bath was brought in. She figures that they bathed her while she 'slept' yet she still felt as if grime was left over. She hurriedly covered herself as the men set things up as best as she could, wondering at the amount of privacy she had in a simple cave while here it seems as if there is almost always someone around.

"Thank you Ursa.." Sonja speaks, weariness heavy on her tones and she gives a polite nod to the others whose names she did not know to include them. "However I am expecting Borghast shortly, and I do not wish him to burst in while I bathe." She used his name purposefully, peevishly denying the title he had been born to.


Seeing Sonja's disscomfort she had a quick word with the man, by the fire.   He nodded and without looking Sonja's way, tugged the bath the into place and left.
The maids hurried to fill the bath, then scooted off again for more water, a cast iron bath soon seeped away the heat and there would be the need for more.

"Oh...His Majesty is already up and has left M'Lady..."
Busying herself by heading towards the far wall, she began to tug a screen towards the fire side.
"...was up, bathed and breakfasted well over an hour or two ago, said he had things to think about and took his horse for exercise, he often does that." 
Pausing to grunt as she finally got the heavy screen into place, she continued.
"Of course it is a big day for him isn't it, so I can understand it...The bath is ready now M'Lady, if you would be so kind?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja looked toward the tapestry where he had emerged from last night, and even to the alcove he seemed to hide in earlier in the evening. She briefly wonders if he could possibly be hiding under the desk or perhaps one of the walls opened? Not trusting the maid at all, however the steaming water beckoned her.

"A quick one then." Sonja relented, padding across the floors toward the screen, intent on helping the woman, however she had already finished by the time she reached her. "Oh yes..a very big day for him." The woman retorts a bit wryly as she hesitates before quickly slipping the shift off.

One lean leg is tentatively eased into the waters, the heat contrasting to the cool air causing her to shiver briefly before the other is swung over the side. A low moan is given as she eases her body into the welcoming waters, the warmth already doing wonders for the left over bruises from her fall.


Ursa waited until she had settled into the bath, before handing her a large natural sponge and placing a small bowl of highly scented soaps on a small stool beside her.
"I like the slightly green coloured one M' smells of citrus fruits, limes and lemons..."
She coughed slightly, not wanting to admit that she had 'borrowed' some at one time.
"....and it is most vigorating upon the skin..."

Lapsing into silence, ursa knelt behind the bath to begin unpinning Sonja's long hair in preperation for it being washed.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja listened to the maid talk, accepting the sponge readily. Her hand was hovering over the bowl, planning on simply taking whichever one she happened to grab, not caring what it spelled like. However, so that she did not seem rude she did choose the green. Away from the bowl, the unique scent is apparent as she rubs the sponge over the surface, suds bubbling readily at her work.

Her body, while trim and healthy, was not battle hardened, though she has seen her fair share of battles. No swordswoman, or physcial brawler is she, preferring to work her mind over her body, and it is readily apparent in the soft skins and hands as she methodically washed her body. She takes care to keep her head still so that the maid's progress with unpinning her hair is not impeded.

"Tell me Ursa, hypothetically of course. If someone evil beyond your imagination gave you a choice..say Helping him in his evil in a way you do not even know how..or the death of a score of innocents..Knowing that his evil would be the ruination of many as well. Would you choose to sacrifice the innocents for the greater good, or would you submit to the evil."


Ursa paused in her work, wondering why such a strange question.
She shrugged and continued taking out the last pin, then after picking up a brush answered while she teased the odd knot from the hair.
"Well.....I'm not sure I really have the knowledge to answer that M'Lady....But....well....My dad always says that where there's a will there's a way and you can't do much when you're dead an' six feet under."

Sighing Ursa paused again, not sure if she was just talking utter gibberish.
"What I'm trying to say is....As I see it....If I were in that possition, then I would do what I could to keep myself and others alive....After all, who knows what will happen tomorrow and things can always change for the better can't they?"

She sighed again, still not sure if all of that would be of any help, so tried in a rather clumsy way, to change the subject.
"If I were you M'Lady, I would wear your hair down, it would look beautiful over the back of that blue velvet....."

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Nodding slightly, still not wishing to impede the maid's work, Sonja listens as Ursa speaks pretty much her same thoughts on the situation. It was a little comfort, hearing her opinions spoken aloud, and seemed to agree wtih her, though Ursa had no clue what she was agreeing with.

Renewed vigor is shown as she finishes washing her limbs, a sigh is given at the other woman's hands at her hair. It is good to get the dirt off, and having someone else fuss over her is not too bad of a change, for a short while at least. "No. It may look nice, but I am not there to impress anyone. I am already being forced to dress in a strange fashion for myself, I will keep my old hair style thank you." To be honest, Sonja is secretly vain about that one thing. Otherwise it would be just easier to hack it off, she simply could not bring herself to do that.

She waits for the maid to finish combing her hair so that she could lift herself a bit out of the tub to wash her body proper, and be finished with this morning ritual.


"Well I am sure it will look beautiful either way."
Leaning back on her heels Ursa looked at the long tresses in front of her then thought of her own mousey brown hair, some people seemed to have all the luck.
As she and Sonja stood, almost at the same time, there was a tap at the door and the maids walked in with fresh water. Though niether women could see as the screen shielded them from view ursa recognised the tell tale splosh as one walked in and caught the door frame with her bucket.

"Ahhhh...more water...You will allow me to at least wash your hair for you will you not?"
Ursa made it sound more like a special request rather than a duty.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja, just waiting for one of Borghast's untimely entrances, ducked back down instinctively as the door opened, but breathed slightly as it was simply more water for the bath. "There is something to be said about bathing in a stream. Atleast the water is continuously coming too you and not having to be hauled." She remarked with something that came close to the first smile her lips had been given for days.

She returns to a standing position, soaping efficiently and quickly her body, ridding herself of the very last bit of grime. Rinsing quickly int he cooling water, preferring to keep the clean water clean for her hair, Sonja turns toward Ursa with a raised brow. "I am quite capable of doing this myself..have done so all my life." Yet she again she does not wish to hurt feelings, no matter how volatile her anger was, this did not mean that she enjoyed harming another. "Yet if you must, then I won't stop you."


"Oh no M'Lady...."
Ursa looked slightly bewildered and embarrassed at Sonja's outburst.
"I'll bring the water in and leave you to it, I was only trying to do my job as best I can..."

Scuttling out from behind the screen she spoke to the women there.
The door opened then closed again and Ursa reappeared to leave a bucket of water for her.
"There is more water just beyond the screen M'Lady, I will go and see what is keeping breakfast..."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja instantly felt badly, but before she could say anything Ursa hurries away. Sighing she waits just a moment, and with relief sees Ursa re-enter. Ursa might be deluding herself into believing the half-cocked lie that Borghast has spun, but she might be the only friendly face Sonja has while she is trapped here and she does not want to spoil that.

"Look Ursa..I am sorry. I am just not..not used to any of this." Folding her arms, as she spoke, the Sorceress tilts her head to the left slightly. "Forgive me my outbursts, it has been a trying..few days for me and I am still getting adjusted.


"That's understandable M'Lady"
Ursa gave her a little smile.
"Perhaps I should learn to ask instead of just assuming...."
She gave her a little nod before adding.
"But I will go and check on your is taking a long time...the kitchens are in chaos this morning..."

With a little curtsie, Ursa tuned and hurried out of the room....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Giving her a rather strained smile in return, Sonja nods at her words. "Don't hurry on my account, I doubt I will be able to put any food in my stomach this morning. You should take your time to eat." That said Sonja begins the sometimes arduous process of washing her hair, wetting the dark strands thoroughly. She would not give up this simple luxury, and she is glad that the maid had not insisted on doing it herself.


"I have already eaten M'Lady"
Ursa called from the door.
"And so must you...."

Some twenty minutes later, there was a tap on the outer door and Ursa arrived back.
She carried a tray with cold meats, cheeses, bread straight from the oven and hot boiled eggs, along with fruits and a steaming jug of hot tea.
Grunting she hefted it onto the desk and sighed as the wieght lifted from her tired arms.
"Food M'Lady, I waited for the bread it's just come out...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja had finished her hair, taking a towel left for her, and dried her body before donning the undergarment left for her. She then wrapps the now heavy black strands in the towel, rubbing furiously for a moment before adjusting and letting the towl sit turban style on her head.

Her body felt physically better atleast, if the weight of the decision and the cold knot in her stomach hadn't been eased away then atleast the dirt has. As the maid enters, she stands once more, again wishing that she could atleast help with some things.

"I would rather dress before I eat. I am tired of being half dressed, and I, well.." Sonja paused, slightly embarrassed by her next admission. "I don't think I know how to properly don everything the Seamstress left."


" eat first M'Lady..."
Ursa nodded sagely.
"We wouldn't want you to spill food on that beautiful gown after all that work would we?"
She bit her lip for a moment, then nodded.
"You must be cold after your bath, I'll get you something..."
Pulling off her own shawl, that she had wrapped around her, Ursa draped it over Sonja's shoulders.
"I'm sorry, I should have thought of this back before you've finished your food."

Scooting to the door, Ursa dissapeared once more.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"No no its..fine." Sonja started to say just as the woman disappeared again. Sighing she walks to the food spread out. The knot in her stomach protested anything being put on top of it, but since Ursa did go through so much trouble she picked up a piece of the freshly baked bread, nibbling on the ends. Absently she moves back towards the window, looking down on the walled garden hoping to catch another glimpse of the children innocently playing, while moving the shawl closer around herself.


There was no sign of the children, perhaps it was simply too early for them to be running around, perhaps they too were having breakfast and preparing for the day ahead, perhaps they were silent for a more sinister reason.

As Sonja stood looking she heard a clattering of hooves and barking of hounds, in the courtyard below the window. It sounded as though someone had arrived, or possibly returned.

Ursa returned a few minutes later, bringing with her a plain day dress, not unlike a pinafore and a dressing robe, slightly worn and with a darned patch on the sleeve, but clean and fresh smelling.
"I got these from Greta M'Lady, all the clothes that are no longer used end up with her, she and her girls remake them for us servants."

She held them out.
"They are both clean M'Lady, I'm sorry they are not new, but ... well ...yours are still in the making...."   
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja heard the noise, and assumed it was Borghast who returned, remembering what Ursa had said about him taking a ride. Sighing she turns and drops the piece of bread, half eaten back on the platter.

A sigh of relief is heard when she sees what the Maid has brought. "Don't be sorry Ursa, I have told you before, I am not a Lady. These are more to my comfort level more then all the finery inthe world." Hurrying, she pulls the dressing robe around her, running a hand over it to smooth it down. Already she felt a little less bare, a bit more confident. "Thank you, the food looks delicious but really I don't think I can force any more down."


relieved that her choices were suitable, Ursa turned her attention to the food.
She looked down at the tray and then back up to Sonja, a concerned look on her face.
" need to eat M'Lady, you have a very busy day ahead of you...."
She sighed and thought of the butterflies she had in her tummy at the thought of meeting 'her' stable lad.
"I understand, but you really must eat and at least have some of the tea before it goes cold, I am told that it is a fine blend and very good for the nerves and the digestion...."
Ursa gave her a pleading look.
"Please M'lady? I would feel terrible if anything happened to you...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sighing, Sonja reached for the half eaten piece of bread once more, nibbling it lightly. "I assure you, anything that happens to me will not be because of an empty stomach." Taking up the tea as well, she moves back toward 'her' room, a piece of bread and some tea, and then a quick prayer that it would stay where she put it.

"Busy day indeed." She murmurs, loud enough for the maid to hear surely though not in her usual annoyed tones. More thoughtful, as she enters the room with the bed, and stopping beside the lovely gown laid out. Finishing the bread, but nursing the tea slowly, she calls toward Ursa. "I am sure you have many plans, I understand I can not go directly to the council..but perhaps you could relay a message to them?"


As Sonja left, Ursa busied herself with clearing up after her bath.
She paused to pick up the half used soap and take a long sniff of it's aroma, smiling to herself, almost dropping it into the bath as she heard Sonja call out.

Hastily she dropped the soap back into the dish and wiping her hands almost ran to the door of Sonja's chamber.
"A message M'Lady?.....I'm not sure....but I will try...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja thought for a moment, she did not want to make it seem too much like a code, yet did not want it easily broken either as she had no doubts the maid would run it by someone before she actually took it. "Just tell them, when you get a chance, that I wont be able to get back to look in on the pup, it's lost its voice so they must take care of it." At first they might be confused, but surely one of them would remember where her gift lies, in the spoken word, and make the connection.


Ursa frowned, the message didn't make much sense, she scratched her head.
"If it's that important M'Lady, perhaps we should have it brought here for you?"
She shrugged, not sure how a dog could loose it's voice, then carried on.
"His Majesty is very fond of dogs, I'm sure he wouldn't mind another here, if it made you happy?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"No, puppies should be free, not cooped up even when given excersize." Sonja said with a tight grin, finishing the tea off. "Plus this one is rather dangerous, too dangerous to keep around civilized people and dogs." Turning she gestured to the dress once more. "Shall we? I am sure you will wnt ample time to prepare yourself."


"There is no need to send that message."
Borghast, much to Ursa's shock, appeared almost like a spectre behind her, making her squeek like a mouse caught by a cat.
"The pup is being well cared for, voice or no voice."

Smiling at Ursa, Borghast stepped aside.
"If you would be so kind as the have the bath emptied and refilled?"
He looked down at his hunting clothes, spattered with mud from his morning's ride.
"I would like to bathe before I change."

The young maid gave him a quick curtsie and hurried off, Borghast smiled as he watched her before stepping inside Sonja's room and closing the door firmly behind him.
He leaned against it, pretty much as Ingram had done, not so long ago.
"So....My Lady have made your decision?" 
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja had actually been expecting one of his sneaked arrivals, so when he spoke she managed not to look too startled. Her lips pressed together tightly though when he speaks, and while she might not be dressed in the fashion she is completely used to, she is dressed a bit more and her confidence level rises just slightly because of it.

Folding her arms once more, Sonja turns her darkened gaze towards him, not bothering to respond to his first words, nor to the words he spoke to Ursa. If she flinches slightly at the shutting of the door she still does not back away.

"I am not your Lady. However, you don't leave me much choice now do you?"


"There is always choice"
Borghast grinned at her tone when he called her his.
"We make them every waking hour and our bodies even while we sleep MY Lady."

Glancing at the robes laid out for her, Borghast stepped forward, running his hand over the soft velvet.
"I so love the feel of this fabric, I have had my coronation robes made with the very same...."
Still running his hand lightly across it, he turned and looked at her almost as if it were she he stroked.
"So MY Lady will you be joining me today?"   
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Rolling her eyes, stepping back as he stepped forward, Sonja glowered at his insistance of calling her his. "I wonder if everyone around here seems to think that as long as people are given a secondary evil to choose from it is still choice."

A shiver runs along her spine as she watched him touching the luxurious fabric, and she does not miss the look he sends her as he does. "How do I know you will keep your end of the bargain? How do I know that as soon as the ceremony is over you won't slaughter them anyways?"


Borghast shrugged his indifference to her question.
"Have I said anything to you, since you have arrived, that I have gone back on?"

He turned his attention back to the gown.
"You are the one who professes to know me so well, so I suppose it's another choice as to whether you believe I would or not..."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Her back stiff, her face deadpan though her obsidian-like eyes flashed warningly, Sonja regards the King with the same wariness one would regard a sleeping snake. "I know you have no qualms with doing anything that is necassary to accomplish your goals. I also know that if it served your purpose to not keep your word you would break it." She pauses, a little sigh escaping, dreading but knowing there is no other way around the next words. "I also know I have no choice but to take the risk." Backing up further, her gaze finally dropping from him to the floor. "So..Yes, I will join you today." Forcing the words from her lips, around the slight choked feeling that had began forming in her throat.


He turned round to face her, clasping his hands together and rubbing them as though he'd been told that his favourite meal had been prepared, for his hungry belly.
A sly grin slowly crept over his lips as his dark hasel eyes stared back into hers.
"So how about a little kiss to seal the bargain?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


If Borghast looked as if his favorite meal was being prepared, Sonja looked as if she was told she would have nothing but week old brussel sprouts for the rest of her life. Her lips twisted slightly, and her breaths were slightly faster then technically termed 'normal'.

Sonja shook her head, the loose damp strands of her dark hair swinging with the force of the motion. Her nose wrinkled slightly, and she caste her mind about for an excuse to delay any contact wtih him just a little bit further. "Your muddy, Ursa is efficient, I am sure your bath is already cooling by now." Her words were clipped, almost formal sounding, though they seemed to vibrate with the effort to keep them on an even tone.


Borghast barked out a laugh, her reaction exactly how he would have expected, which was all the more entertaining to him.
"Oh you are quite little Vixen...let us keep it for after the cermony, it will be all the sweeter...."

Turning on his heels and still laughing he opened the door before calling out.
"Ursa! Is that bath ready my girl?"
As he closed it behind him, she could just hear his last words.
"It's your last chance to fondle your King before his wife takes over those duties....."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Just as the door started to close, Sonja remembered that she still held the tea container in hand. It was already empty, unfortunate in Sonja's mind, but she still hurdled it toward the closing door, where it hit the wood with a loud clatter.

His words only brought to mind of certain duties that a wife would be expected to perform, though it would be a cold day in hell before Borghast could expect those amenities. Pacing, once more, her stride irritated. Her bare feet did not make as satisfying of a sound if she had her boots, but the motion of the exercise helped calm her.


Obviously Borghast enjoyed a long bath, for it was some time before Ursa tapped on Sonja's door and entered.
She looked a little flustered and not a little damp, pushing a stray strand on hair away from her face she gave Sonja a quick smile.
"I'm just having the bath and water taken away M'Lady and then we can begin to get you dressed, would you like me to brush your hair while we wait."
Taking a pause for a deep breath, still not recovered from what had previously gone one, she then continued.
"That way we can dress it once you have your robes on...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


By the time Ursa re-entered the room, Sonja had settled down enough to sit on the bed. She had had time enough to run quite a few scenario's through her head, most were ways of relieving Borghast from his skin, but others were simply ponderances of the reasons he was forcing the issue of marriage. Ursa's appearance left little doubt that if it were simply her body he desired, then matrimony was not required.

A raised brow greets the maid, not in jealousy but more out of intrigue. "It would have been more efficient to have left me a brush while you...bathed the King." It is not that she minds the maid giving Borghast attentions, if he wanted to get his physical pleasure from somewhere else that would simply make her life that much easier. However, even with a sham marriage it was a bit of a swallow to realize how she will be viewed, a husband who philandered with the servants. 


"I didn't bathe the King M'Lady!"
Ursa blushed almost ruby as Sonja spoke.
"Oh no I certainly didn't...."
Still shaking her head in denial, she swept her hair behind her ear once more, wondering what on earth she could have said or done for Sonja to think that, before blurting out.
"I.....I did wash his back....but that's all I did M'Lady....."

Still blinking in confusion, Ursa realised what may have made her think this, hastily she smoothed down her damp dress, trying to wipe away the bath water.
"I....I'm sorry I'm wet.....Anna slipped and dropped her bucket into the bath and we all got a soaking...." 
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Just how far did Borghast expect her to take this farcity of an 'engagement', Sonja could not begin to ponder. Obviously he took great pains in convincing even the servants that she was apparently here on her own accord. While Sonja would have liked nothing more then to scream to the heavens that this was all a lie, thus hopefully embarrassing the 'King' in the process, she could not take the chance. Not until the children were far beyond his reach, if they ever could be.

Instead of simply telling Ursa that she couldn't give a fig if she wanted to romp with Borghast, she simply shrugs. "It does not really matter now, now does it? What done is done. Though Anna should be more careful, especially on the most busiest of days." That said, it being quite obvious that Sonja did not believe Ursa's story in the least, the Sorceress turns so that she is sitting with her back toward the maid, careful so that the ends of her long hair was not sat upon. "I suppose the day won't be waiting for us, I need to finish preparing." Her tones were resigned, heavy as if she were preparing for an execution rather then her wedding.


"As you wish M'lady"
Ursa picked up on her tone of voice and she felt that the woman she had been sent to serve did not believe her.
She was angry and hurt to think that Sonja would believe that and though she continued to help her with her hair and dress, she became sullen.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja was too wrapped up in her own troubles to really notice the maid's sullenness, though she is grateful for the help and she manages to murmur frequent 'thank you's'. It takes a bit of doing, but finally Sonja has the underdress and the overdress fixed upon her slight frame, the wieght of the velvet apparent but not too heavy.

The cut of the gown flatters her figure, the blue accentuating the darkness of her locks and her eyes. The train trails behind her, giving her a more stately look then that which she usually has about her, the feminity of the gown softening some of the too-sharp features on her face. The only detraction that Sonja could find, was the collar that still adorned her slender neck.

As much as she hated to admit it, Ursa was correct about her hair, it did look much better down against the dress then it would be swept up, and much easier to do. "I think I will take your advice on my hair Ursa. Perhaps a simple style where it does hang in the back.."


"That would be quite nice M'Lady."
She left the room and returned with a dark wooden box.
Flicking open the catch she turned it towards Sonja so that she could see the simple circlet for her head and two silver cuffs would fit around her slender arms and almost up to her elbows.

"These have been made for you to match the necklace you wear."
Ursa glanced down at them, admiring the pure simplicity of the boxes treasures.
"His Majesty said that gold was not your precious metal and that the cool silver of the moon was by far more flattering for you.....I must admit M'Lady, he really was right.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Raising a brow at the 'gifts' Sonja sighs lightly. "Indeed, though I would not have said it in such a poetic way, the King does seem to tend toward the whimsical side." A sardonic twist of her lips is given as she lifts the cuffs carefully from the box. To match her 'necklace', it was starting to seem to Sonja that Borghast had been planning this out much longer then she had been here.

Adjusting the cuffs, having decided to pick and choose her battles for now, Sonja then lifts the thin circlet from the box. Sonja attempts to fix the jewelry correctly, though her fingers are woefully inept at such delicate tasks.


"Let me help M'Lady."
Carefully taking the circlet from Sonja's hands and untangling the strands of hair that had been caught up in it.
Ursa rebrushed her hair then replaced it, finding the most comfortable place for it to sit.
Leaning back Ursa looked at it criticly, then nodded.
"Would you like to come and look in the mirror now that you are fully dressed?"
She gave Sonja a quick smile.
"There's no-one in there now, everything is cleared away and His Majesty would have already left by now...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja held still why Ursa worked, letting the quick and expert fingers adjust her hair and the band of silver just so. At Ursa's words a slight smile is given, glad that she could inspect the work of Greta and Ursa in private.

Moving towards the other chamber, her steps faulty as she tried to get used to the flow of the elegant train behind her, Sonja stood in front of the mirror.

Aside from the pinched cheeks, and the firm set of her lips, the Sorceress had to admit that if one did not know her, then she would look every bit the Lady. However to Sonja's eye, the 'necklace' and the cuffs merely served as a reminder to her that she was here under duress, the silver circlet sitting on her head peeped and set off the darkly colored strands of hair.


Ursa smiled and gave a sigh a satisfaction.
"There.....all done M'Lady and now I am afraid I must leave you, there is much to do before I am allowed to pretty myself."

With a quick curtsie and a last wistful glance at how beautiful Sonja looked, she excused herself, telling Sonja that if there was anything she needed she only had to tell the guards at the door and they would either send for her or make sure her needs were attended to.....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Turning from the mirror, Sonja was once more amazed by the amount of dexterity needed to manipulate all this fabric. "Thank you for your help Ursa, not just this morning but over the last day or so as well." Sincerity colored her words, though they were still rather stiff sounding from the lips of the Sorceress.

Watching Ursa leave, Sonja is filled with a deep sense of foreboding, making her glad she had not eaten too much of her breakfast. Turning back to 'her' room, nothing more to do other then wait really, Sonja closes the door with a little snick. While she waits, she paces, practicing moving in the volumnous trains.


Had Sonja stayed in the larger room, she would have heard the excitement beginning to build in the gardens and courtyards below.
She would have heard the laughter and the sounds of music and seen the bright banners flying high above the tents in the fields just beyond the castle walls, the clattering of hooves and rumble of carriage wheels as guests arrived, the shouting of captains barking their orders as guards and escorts were assigned.
Even smelled the tantilising aroma, of the cooked meats and pastries as they were placed in the kitchen gardens to cool, or laid upon long wooden tables for those who were hungry after their long journeys.

At some time, during her solitude, a fresh tray had been brought to her and left in the room beyond 'hers', the sweet honey smell of warm mead wafting through the room mixing with fruit pastries in an all too mouth watering way.
The person who had left them had obviously been too timid to knock upon Sonja's door, or perhaps had been told not to disturb her, so they sat untouched upon Borghast's desk....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


The longer Sonja was left alone, the more her nerves wore on her, and the more the anger that seems to have taken permanent residence within the pit of her belly grew. She had practiced walking in this confining attire so that she hoped that she would not look too much the fool, not for Borghast's benefit only for her own.

Feeling confident that she would not trip over her skirts unduly, Sonja then took to practicing sitting in the skirts. It didn't look too hard to do, however the first few tries she sat and the fabric pulled too tauntly over her shoulders and bussom and had to squirm indelicately to loosen. After those tries she found the best way, that she figures, to sit without sitting on too much of the train.

Standing once more, the urge to yank the silver decorations from her body getting rather large now, Sonja moves from her room to the other, simply from boredom. It is now that she sees the cooled mead, now thick as it cooled, and the pastries. Sweet confection is not something that one who hides most of her life gets to enjoy, and Sonja can not resist the temptation of popping one of the smaller bits of sweetness into her mouth, idly wondering why it seems every time she turns around in here there is more food.


She is left alone for some time yet, until after a quick sharp tap on the door, Ingram enters.
He stopped a few paces inside the door, tall and resplendant in his own dark red surcoat and hose, an ornate sword strapped to his hip, more for ceremonial reasons than protection by the looks of it.

His ice blue eyes danced over her as a smile curled his lips.
"My my......we really have scrubbed up well....very nice indeed."

Ingram gave her a short bow, not as fluid as one would have expected, almost stiffly as though he were in pain.
"No wonder Borghast has decided to take you as his wife...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja continued to pace, sit, and move about, anything to keep herself from going crazy from wondering and waiting. When the tap at the door sounded, she half expected Ursa to step through, being surprised that it was Ingram. Moving backwards, her hands burying into the velvety skirts, Sonja does not acknowledge his backward compliment with anything more then a narrowing of her eyes.

"I wonder what would happen if word got out that the King is so impotent that he can not find a willing wife." Sonja returns, one brow quirking at the stiffness of Ingram, and flashing back on Borghasts casual comment of having him flogged. She does not mention it however, instead she juts her sharp chin toward the door. "Unless your here to take me to the..ceremony..." This last is said in a tone similar if she had said 'Take me to my doom'.."Then state your business and leave, I am in no mood today for banter.."


Ingram barked out a laugh.
"Impotent? Surely that's not the word you were looking for M'Lady."
He continued his hearty laugh, as though she had made the most wittiest jest he had ever heard.
"As ugly as sin....perhaps...but impotent I could never use to decribe Him."

Wiping a tear of laughter from the corner of his eye, Ingram stepped to the table and poured himself a goblet of mead.
"Though of course, if it were to be true then I am sure you will discover it this very night...."
He raised the goblet in salute.
"....Unless you are such a voracious slut that you need more than one man to satisfy you, in which case, my chambers are over the hall and you only need to call...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja clenched her fists tighter as Ingram seems to make himself at home, apparently he is in no hurry. Tilting her head at his laughter, the black strands of hair falling in the same direction her own face straight and bland, though her eyes were flashing. "Impotence, lacking of power or ability. That is what it all comes down to isn't it, the need for power. Why do you suppose Borghast has to grasp so desperately when he should have the most power in the land as King?"

She watches as he poured himself the liquid, her own harsh chuckle mingles with her unlady-like snort. She is no Lady, and she has heard cruder words in her life, if he was expecting her to faint or rage then he is sorely mistaken. However a blush does color her cheeks, though her tones remain hard and almost lifeless. "I doubt either one of you have it within you to 'satisfy' me. My tastes run along the lines of better men then either you or Borghast." This last is said as she turns away from him, ostentatiously looking out the window at all the preparations, however she was really simply hoping for a glimpse of the children.


Ingram sighed, looking at the goblet and then the jug, the mead was tepid, neither hot nor cold and it tasted the same.
"....he was 'potent' enough to capture you M'lady and I see no man grasping at anything. His Father now....he was a tooth and claw man, take everything by force and be damned...His son is a far better man...."

Picking up a pastry, he broke a piece off and popped it into his mouth as he walked over to join her at the window.
Taking a guess at what she was thinking, he pointed towards the large marquee filled fields.
"The children are in that field to the left, the one where the servants are to have their feast, if you look closely, you may be able to see their happy little figures darting around amongst the guards....."
He grinned as he placed another piece of food into his mouth.
"We like to have our children well protected..." 
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja doesn't move as he speaks, though a quiver of a supressed sound runs through her shoulders at his words. "From your own words earlier he resorted to trafficking with an unmentioned creature to capture me..that seems grasping to me. Holding the lives of innocent children to gain a 'willing' bride is just a different kind of force then physical."

Turning her head toward him warily when he joins her at the window, her eyes barely cutting where he indicated, she does not move away just yet. Having had enough of people grinning at her, tired of passively reacting to their demands and threats, Sonja gives him an almost syrupy smile. "I am sure that they and their families appreciate your sort of" Saying such, she raises her hand with the intent of laying it firmly, but not really slapping, against Ingram's back. If she is correct in her assumptions of his stiffened bow, and if she succeeds, it probably would not be the most comfortable experiance for him.


"Oh piffle.."
Ingram snorted at her retort.
"A man shows no weekness in using the right tools or weapons for the job. Only a fool would use a kitchen knife to try and kill a boar and Borghast would have been a fool to have attempted your capture, without the tool he needed."

He simply continued to eat as she spoke of the children, giving her an indifferent shrug of his shoulders.
Ingram did raise his eye brows at her slap on the shoulder, though he didn't even flinch.
"My......we must becoming such good friends...."
Giving her a beaming smile, he continued.
"Though I am so pleased that I wasn't standing on the other side of you....Damned well had a spill from my horse this morning, something spooked it in the woods and my shoulder is a little tender...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Disappointed that she had not caused any damage, Sonja simply snorts and moved away from the window. "He probably wasn't spooked, more just became bored with your incessant chatter." Moving, with little grace that one could often see by the women born and bred in pampered households, Sonja starts toward the door of 'her' room. Giving him what she hoped was a withering look she opens the door carefully.

"As I can not say I blame the horse, I do hope you enjoy yourself, I wouldn't eat too many of the pastries however, you might get a bellyache." Moving in toward her room she stops, and remarks "On second thought, eat as much as you like.."


Still stood at the window, ingram watched her leave, a little clumsily due to the huge amount of heavy fabric she wore.
"Borghast was right...."
He spoke as she reached her door, not even acknowledgeing the barbed comments she made.
"You do a good flounce...though I would use it sparingly M'Lady, like a drawn blade, it looses it's effect after a while unless it is used to draw blood."

A sharp tap at the door took his attention, Ingram stood and stepped towards it as a guard, resplendant in ceremonial armour, opened it and gave him a quick nod.

"Ahhhhh......I am afraid our conversation must be cut short M'Lady."
Ingram turned and bowed to her, before sweeping his arm towards the door.
"Your Guard of Honour is here...."
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"I don't flounce!" Sonja insisted, her temper showing a bit in the way her words hissed lightly on the softer letters. Before she could say more however the tap sounds, and the guardsman enters. For some, this might seem a fairy tale, poor peasant girl catches the eye of royalty and is removed from poor conditions to ones of luxury. However for Sonja this is a nightmare come horribly true. In the fairy tales the peasant girl is always more then willing and eager for the prince's attentions, never had she heard of there being hostages.

"Too bad," She returns, her face losing the flush of anger becoming pale once more, "Just when you were starting to repeat yourself once more.." Lifting her chin, throwing the long loose strands of black hair over her shoulder, the Sorceress regards the Guard of 'Honour' somewhat sourly.


"After you M'Lady?"
Ingram stepped towards her so that he could speak quietly.
"And with a less sour face I think, we wouldn't want the children to be upset now would we?"

With a nod to the guards, two young girls, no more than ten appeared in front of them.
Fresh faced and dressed in ivory silk, their hair brushed and adorned with ribbons, they were hardly recognisable to the two daughters of the Councilman, that Sonja knew.
They looked up expectantly at her, excited that they had been chosen, baskets of rose petals at the ready to throw on the ground before her feet.

"See how beautiful our little princesses are Lady Sonja?"
Ingram, now speaking in a louder voice hunched down so that his eyes became level with the girls.
"They have a wonderful life ahead of them, don't you think?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


The life as the leader of a rebellion is one of sacrifice, Sonja knew this well when she took the mantle of leadership upon her slim shoulders. The appearance of the girls stole Sonja's breath, as she struggled to smooth out her face and pinched lips. She did not try a faked smile, but she did manage to compose her face into a semblance of neutrality.

"Don't you both look beautiful.." the Sorceress remarks, more out of wanting to keep their smiles on their faces as she swept ahead, toward the door that the guardsmen entered from. Her fingers were clasped together in front of her tightly, onlookers might suspect it to be simply bridal nerves, though in reality it was simply a gesture to stop the trembling that the anger dictates.


"Your hand M'Lady."
Although polite, the words were more of an order than a request and as Ingram caught up with her, he took her right hand in his, looping her fingers under his thumb, her elbow resting in the crook of his arm.

Turning her so that she took the right path towards the wide stone stair case, he walked her at a reasonable pace, the children running ahead and the guards walking at a respectful distance behind.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Hearing Ingram's 'request' Sonja does not slow, but neither does she hurry her steps. This simply was a calculated decision to show that while she had no intentions on letting Borghast harm the children of the rebel council, niether did she have the intentions of simply rolling over.

The touch of his hand sent a shudder through Sonja, the entrapment of her arm within his did not allow her to walk with too much space between them, though she pulled away as much as she could without actually attempting to break his hold. Her dark eyes set firmly upon the figures of the playful children ahead of her, and while her flesh might seem overly pale and her lips set in a firm line, there was little about her that might have suggested that she was under any duress.


"That's it....nice and easy, we wouldn't want any accidental falls on the stairs would we?"
Ingram leaned close to her, so that he could speak quietly, patting her gently on the hand.
"I must say, you do a nervous bride so well..."

The castle was almost eerily silent, it seemed that no-one occupied it at all, though a few of the servants remained they were far to busy to watch the procession.

As they turned the corner and the stairs came into view, she could see Ursa waiting.
Dressed in a paler blue linen dress, obviously a remake, by the quality of the fabric, but so carefully done and her hair brushed and braided, she almost looked beautiful as her plain features took on a warm glow of youthful excitement and anticipation.

With a small smile and a quick curtsy, she hurried to gather up the long train of heavy fabric so that it didn't trip Sonja as they made their way down the stairs, falling in behind her and between the Guards as though she had done it so many times.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja jerks her head away as Ingram leans closer, and her eyes narrow pointedly at his hand patting hers. "Don't touch me.." She mutters under her breath, even though he already had her arm trapped within his. She does not know how far Borghast want's her to play this charade, but until the children were as far from danger as she could be sure of, Sonja was not willing to jeoparadize thier safety.

A quick terse smile is offered to Ursa, but the maid takes her place between the guards too quickly for Sonja to say anything. Instead she tries not to focus on the coming events, only on each step as she plants them. Focusing only on the now, and wondering briefly if she could possibly manage to 'fall' down the stairs and bring Ingram with her.


Ingram chuckled at her retort, leaning even closer to her than before, his lips almost brushing her ear as he spoke.
"But I am afraid I must M'Lady, the King has charged me with your safety and to act as your escort and we can't dissapoint him....can we?"

Directly opposite the stairs the large double doors had been swung open to allow both the warmth of the sun and the cool breeze to blow through, warming the stone beneath their feet, yet cooling their bodies at the same time.
The court yard held more guards, lined along the procession route, they bowed as Sonja as she passed, their armour clanking behind her as they stood back to attention.

As they neared the high stone walls and the gate way that led from the castle, Ingram paused them.
Lightly squeezing Sonja's arm, his eyes fixed on the work of the six men, pulling away the heavy wooden bar and pushing the gates ajar.

"Not too far now M'Lady, prepare yourself to meet your people."

Even as he spoke, with the first movements of the doors, the noise rose from the crowds lining the route beyond. Shouts claps and whistles, sounds of children, laughter and merriment, all to greet their new Queen to be.....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


The whole moment had a feel of surrealness to it for the Sorceress, a churning in her belly threatening to release what little she had eaten this morning. His words, the brush of air against her ear causes her to cringe and the elbow that was trapped between him and her attempted to none-too-gently dig into his ribs briefly. "The ..King," sarcasm heavily on the title, "will inevitably be disappointed..M'Lord.."

The guards lining the courtyard, though ceremonial that they might be, served to remind Sonja of her inability to escape, the futility of attempting too. Their bows causing her to clench both her hands, regardless of the effect it might have upon Ingram's. Her steps slow enough to where she lags behind slightly, enough that her arm is slightly extended as the heavy doors are pushed open.


"OH I am sure you do yourself an injustice m'lady."
Ingram gave her an ammused smile.
"I am sure you will not dissapoint him at all."

As the doors fully opened, Ingram moved them once more, giving Sonja a sharp, but descrete tug, so that she fell back into step.
The noise became deafening, the crowd roaring in chaotic celebration, guards having to push them back on occasion as small groups broke away to get a glimpse of the once Rebel Leader and soon to be new Queen.

The two excited young girls skipped and skittered in front of Sonja throwing flower petals on the ground in front of her, sadly lost in the deluge thrown by the crowd. A snowstorm of pinks and whites and reds to cover both Sonja and Ingram, Ursa and guards alike, sticking to their hair and faces, cascading from their shoulders.

Then the crowd thinned, less of the poorer and more of the noble coming into view. A thinner though more richly dressed and sedate line of people, standing in twos or threes. They nodded as she walked past, some giving a bow or curtsy, hurrying away as she passed, so that they may get nearer to the ceremony, having not been afforded seats.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Pulled forward, the tug by Ingram does as it is intended, speeds her step. Though it is not really the tug that speeds them fully, if it were simply Ingram then she would have felt just as happy laying down and forcing him to drag her. However the pressing throng of people, the showers of petals that threaten to blind her, and the roar of the crowd did more to hurry her steps then anything.

Color rises to her cheeks, splotches of reds ride along her cheekbones at the ado that was given. Briefly she pondered if the people were truly this excited over Borghast or if they simply were play acting, playing a role desperately to win approval.


Spitting out a rose petal, that had caught on his lip and been inhaled as he had attempted to speak, Ingram squeezed her arm once more.
"Almost there M'lady."
He gave a short laugh.
"Your gallows awaite"

A stage of some sort, a platform raised from the ground so that all may see, a brightly coloured canopy overhead to shelter those that stood upon it, from the sun, loomed in front of her.

They began to walk among the rows of chairs all who had one, standing and facing her way as she walked towards the wide wooden steps that would lead her onto the platform.

The Bishop sat upon a seat, resting in front of the altar, four aids around him.
The old man looked tired, he had already performed the crowning ceremony and had been up praying since dawn. In all earnest just wanted to retire to his rooms and nap, but, as with many, his duties came first and even though the service would be a short one, it would be thorough.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"The gallows would be preferrable." Was her terse reply, ignoring the petals that clung to her cheek, the myriad that dotted her dark locks, some dislodging as the length swung with her movements. Her eyes focused on the Bishop, and briefly she wondered if the Gods would force her to honor her vows even though she was being forced to them. Somehow she did not think Borghast would take it kindly if she were to voice this question to the Bishop.

Unconciously she slowed once more, the dias both seeming to take forever to be crested, and at the same time seeming as if they were flying toward her fate. The heavy velvet of her robes seemed to weigh her down as each passing step brought her closer, and her breaths were coming ever faster, the churning in her belly kicking up another notch faster.

Lightheaded, Sonja lifts her free hand to press lightly to her brow, dizziness causing the people standing and, to what seemed to her, gawking at her seemed to spin. Having never fainted in her life, Sonja was terribly sure that she just might this day.


With a visible sigh, the Bishop, upon her aproach stood, two of his aids helping him. With difficulty he bowed to her then turned to the altar to begin yet another round of prayers.

Ingram felt her falter, he moved so that he supported her more.
"Come on Sonja, surely you aren't going to faint on me are you?"
He squeezed her hand tightly as he whispered in her ear.
"I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that...."

He paused the procession, allowing her to catch her breath, making it seem that it was part of what they were supposed to be doing.
"A glass of water and a chair perhaps for the gentile little lady, overcome by the day?"
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


"Genteel Lady my...." Sonja muttered, stopping only when she realized that people just might overhear her. The small pause, his chiding words, do help bring her focus back once more, though the churning in her stomach did not cease, and she was still faintly light-headed, the dizziness and the spinning seemed to diminish some.

"Let's just get this farce over with.." A tremulous smile is given the Bishop, forced and quick.


Borghast made his appearance.
Dressed as he had described, his surcoat of the same fabric as her gown, though in contrast where she wore off white silk, he wore black leather.

He stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at the two of them as they took thier final steps towards the platform. Looking down, his face appeared drawn, he looked more tired than he should have, infact he appeared to look the way Sonja felt.

Ingram stopped them once more at the foot of the stairs, he bowed low, then stood to look up at his King.
"Your Majesty, in the stead of her Father, I offer you the hand of the Lady Sonja."

Borghast nodded his acceptance.
"I thank you my friend, for performing this duty for me, as I am sure the Lady Sonja does also."

Bowing once more, Ingram let go of her hand and stepped away from Sonja, leaving her alone as Borghast made his way down the steps towards her.

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Sonja could not help but notice that Borghast's attire flattered him almost as much as hers did herself. She did not care how tired he looked, she did not care how drawn or pale, serves him right if he was feeling poorly was an unkind thought that crossed her mind.

Stopping at the foot of the stairs, Sonja glares up at her would-be husband, her lips pressing firmly together to reign in her tongue. Struggling to stop the protesting, the mentioning of the fact that Ingram had no claim to her to offer her hand to anyone. Sonja simply presses her now free hands to her stomach, a gesture of nerves though she simply was doing so to stop the butterflies from bringing up the sparse breakfast.

Not trusting herself to speak kind words, to avoid the almost inevitable scene where she explodes from the pent up anger, fear, and remorse that seems to build as the seconds pass.


Making his way down the wooden steps, Borghast seemed lithe enough, his usual cocky self, a smile now fixed upon his face. Only those that knew him and indeed close enough to see, could tell that his demeanour was false.

Ingram stepped forward, forgetting protacol and wrapped his arms around the King as he stepped towards him, the masculine show of affection welcomed by both.

Borghast then turned and nodded to Sonja, holding his hand out for her to take.
"You look beautiful M'Lady."

It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Watching the two men exchange affections, her brows furrowed in what seems to be fast becoming a permanent scowl. She may have no choice but to go through with this fiasco, but that does no tmean she has to like it.

Stepping up the stairs, her steps still slow and slightly wobbly, she at first ignores the hand he pro-offers, her glare only going colder at his words. Sweeping a bit of her locks off her shoulder, dislodging some of the petals to flutter downward, Sonja turns to look out into the crowd, searching for a familiar face. She spots the two girls that had proceeded her here, and the sight of them gives her some of her strength back. Enough to lift her chin almost proudly as she slips her hand limply into the King's.


"Thats better...."
Barghast gave her a quick smile, as she took her hand, then looked forward again.
"Lets just get this damned thing over and done with shall we?"

He led her up and towards the altar, for them to wait patiently for the Bishop to finish his prayers and begin the ceremony.

To the left of them sat honoured Nobles, special guests of the King and his most trusted of friends, both them and their wives and families richly adorned like peacocks, their plumage shining in the bright sunlight. Ingram following them up the steps to take his place amongst them.

To their right, as Sonja would soon come to realise, her council. All were dressed in new clothing and though possibly not as over dressed as others there, they had the appearance of most honoured guests, worthy of the place they were given. Their children, now called to order shuffled and giggle amongst themselves, sitting cross legged at the feet of their parents, bobbing up now and then to take a quick look at what was going on.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Muttering for his ears only, "Since this farce is for you, your the one that should set the pace." An exaggerated look of boredom sweeps over her face as she allows him to lead her toward the alter. While it would be obvious she is not one used to the finery that she is bedecked in now, her earlier practices does atleast ensure that she does not step on her hems or topple over.

Her gaze sweeps across those of the council members, searching perhaps for the one who might be feeding Borghast information, or perhaps simply trying to ascertain how they were taking this turn of events. Did they know that they were being held for a ransom, not in gold but for her promise of becoming the King's wife? Or did they simply think that she had been the one to betray them. This last thought hurt badly, that they might think her capable of throwing away everything they had worked for simply to gain an useless title and a few luxuries.