me continue the story!

Started by orderNchaos, August 13, 2010, 10:58:08 AM

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OOC: I started this based on a writing prompt from my Introduction Questions and I figured it would be an interesting RP to continue and see how it develops.  Please anyone feel free to fill in any section except the role of the main characters point of view...I will fill that role.  The rest of the story will evolve based on your story and the main characters interactions.  Lets see where we can make the world evolve to!

Standing quietly in the darkness I allow my eyes to adjust to the light from the city outside as my senses begin searching for any sound out of the ordinary.  I notice that no light leaks in through the bottom of the door from the office outside. The lights at least are all out on this floor. I think to myself.  I begin to notice what seems to be a repeating vibration, carried on the glass of the building, slowly growing in intensity.  At the same time I catch a random sweep of red light from under the door.  Someone's coming for Cypher Training from a previous life kicks in and I quickly but quietly make my way to my desk.  Tapping in a key code into the desktop display, a small door at the base of the desk opens and a door slides out, revealing a cube.  Taking the cube into my hand, I spare a second to admire the wonder of this technology.  A DNA locked organic crystal data system which carries more storage or processing power than any current computer system.  The vibrant thumping grows louder through the glass as my attention turns back towards the situation.  I can see numerous red lights sweeping the area outside the door now.  My mind searches frantically for an exit then suddenly I remember the rooftop to the secondary research lab is directly below the west window and only about twenty feet down.  Without hesitation I stride over to the small couch end table on the west wall and push it through the glass. The raucous crash of glass exploding into the night, resonating for blocks, surprised the men outside the door as they busted in.  Four men dressed in smooth armored suits, all carrying small automatic weapons with laser sights burst into the room running straight for the open window.

"Pick up one this is Lead, subject has dropped to secondary roof on west side of complex.  No visual, need eyes on" the voice from under the hardened combat face plate emitted from a speaker located somewhere in the helmets casing. 

Two men scoured the room by the desk, recognizing the opened safe drawer meant their target has been removed.  None of the men noticed the dark figure in the business suit who slipped into the hallway after they burst in, nor did they notice the countdown on the secondary console signalling the anti-theft countermeasure which tripped once the crystal was removed from the safe.  As the turbo fan transport flew around the side of the building and settled just above the roof to the secondary research lab, a bright flash of light filled the night sky.  To most the plasma charge explosion was just an interesting flash in the night.  For the men and the chopper in the office the EMP of the charge blew out all of the electronics within two blocks, but the plasma flash disintegrated all matter within five hundred feet.   The reinforced ferrocrete encasing the room funneled the blast into the night, saving the remainder of the building around it.  Watching from the safety of a maintenance closet at the other end of the hall, I looked down one more time at the cube of crystal in my hand and considered my next move.