Inn of the Fragmented Crossroads

Started by Mayakterra, March 10, 2011, 11:19:21 AM

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"Well, do you know who the leader is then?" I then look at him, "Has anyone set out to meet the leader yet to see what his intentions yet...or is the military just sitting back and watching it happen?"


I look away and remain silent a bit. "Army does not have the resources. The crossroad ware never important military point, it was only a trading point. There is nothing we can do."


A thought pops in my head, but Job would probably think i'm crazy for even considering it. "Do you think we could talk to the leader?" I ask anyway. "Or what's your plan? Because right now I'm not sure if there's much we can do about my father missing at the moment without input from the bandits,"


I look at you, wondering if you are still sane. "The bandits will recognize me ammidiatelly!" I look away "But," i continue in a more optimistic tone "If you are good at masking people, it could work out."


"I have two ideas, either we can pretend to be bandits together...Or you can go in as a bandit alone and get information," I then get up from the chair with enthusiastic excitement.


"We should go in together, but you will have to mask me and we have to put on some other bandit-looking clothes. If you don't mind we should go to my place and get ready." I don't start the glider. I look at you waiting for approval.


I bite my lip and look at him up and down. Whatever, might as well "Yeah...sure let's go, I know just how I will dress you," I smirk.


I start the glider and we are on our way. In about 10 minutes we arrive to a small house. "This is it." I say and look at you. We walk in and stop in the living room. The house is old but well maintained. Living room has ocean blue walls and dark oak wooden floor, in it being only a sofa and a small cofe-desk. From it 3 doors are leaving to kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

"Fell your self at home, you get check through my wardrobe if you will find anything usefull in meanwhile I'll get some make up from the bathroom so you can start being creative." I smile and walk through the bathroom door.


A corporal has makeup? Interesting I think. "I like your place, I'm sure i'll find everything just fine," I say. And sweep off to his bedroom. In it I find a large bed, with a nice oak wardrobe in the back. I open it and find out that his wardrobe, actually leads to a downstairs closet. Wish I had one of these I begin to notice that there's a section for each disguise; old man, tree, lady, famous people, and etc. I start looking through the pirate one first and find black,worn out boots and a satchel of fake money.


I go to my bathroom. It is simple with a bathtub, toiler and a small closet next to the sink. I wash my face and hands. Then I open the closet and take a look at mine halloween make-up collection. I better take everything, I think to myself, empty the closet and head back to the living room. "I hope she didn't get lost" I think to myself when i get back to the living room and you are not yet back.


I find eventually find an outfit for me and put it on while i'm down there; torn up jeans, worn out boots, a sash and a plain worn out t-shirt. I then walk upstairs and throw the clothes I found for Job at him. 


I look at the clothes she brings me. Black boots, transporter style black paints, a t-shirt and a leather jacket. "This should do." I say to you. "Ready to mask my face? The sky is the limit." I smile to you.


"Yeah sure," I say and pick up a muddy brown concealer and start patting it on our face,neck and hands to give us a dirty-muddy look. Then I take a black pencil and pencil in a black tooth on Job, "Cute," I say and giggle at his appearance.


I stand up and look myself in the mirror. "This should do." I say and go to the kitchen. A make two sandwiches and give one to her. "Eat, we don't know when we will be able to eat again." and I make a bite.


I take a bit into the sandwhich he gave me and find out it actually doesn't taste half bad. "Shouldn't we pack then just incase?"


"No it would be suspicious." I reply. "We will take my glider and some water. Are you ready to go?" I ask you and start heading toward the door.


I look around his living room one last time and nod, "I think so, but we need to park the glider somewhere unconspicious then," I say.


I stop. "You are right. I haven't though they could recognize it. Do you have any other ideas how we could get there?"


"Well looks like we'd have to do it the old fashion way; horses or walk?" I ask him.


"I don't own a horse, so walking should do. It about an 2 hours walk to the hideout. I hope you can hadle it." I reply


I smirk and shake my head, "You hope that I can handle it? Hah," I then begin to walk out the door into the bright sunlight.


I follow Sazz and close the door behind me. She starts a harsh tempo trying to prove that 'she can handle it'. I am walking behind her, admiring her will and courage.

We are walking for about 20 minutes and never she has turned back, to check if i'm following her. "It seems you are so confident, that you actually don't need me besides you." I say to her and smile out loud.


I slow my pace down slowly and allow him to catch up, "Of course I need you, gotta have some form of entertainment with me," I then chuckle at this comment.


"Entertainment? I though your soul-less body requires no entertainment." i say and wiggle my eyebrows.


I don't respond to this comment and begin to speed up again leaving Job a good five or ten paces away.