Nelai's plot ideas

Started by Nelai, January 24, 2012, 01:23:52 PM

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Please PM me about these stories don’t post here.

Hello [you],

I am looking for either Males or Females for these stories so if something calls for a male or female don’t worry if we’ve both got a brain I’m sure we can find a way to twist it to work for your gender. Also some of them are obviously just smut, get straight into the sex sort of thing, others would be building up to the sex over time. Please check my Ons and Offs to see if you think we'll be compatible.

Green = I'm really Craving, Orange = I'd like to, Red = I'm up for it.

Nelai’s Story Ideas

Cosplay Turned Real
No one was expecting it, it was all just make believe. But sure enough someone who actually knew what they were doing cast a spell and transformed everyone in the convention into what they were dressed up as. Elves became elves, dwarves became dwarves, orcs, paladins, space captains, super soldiers, aliens, giant robots, all of them now existed in a strange world together. With real humans (non-cosplayers) caught in the middle would all these different factions unite to create a Nerdy Utopia or will their differing genres and histories force them to fight.

Other general ideas:
Fantasy setting, Sci Fi setting, Super Heroes, Perhaps Steampunk Also a huge fan of french maids if you want to play with that.


