Survival Horror... [Non-sexualized Gore] or [EX]

Started by Inerrant Lust, August 25, 2008, 02:03:59 AM

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Inerrant Lust

I'm very hesitant to reveal alot of the story's premise to you, since a good deal of horror is surprise and uncertainty.

However, themes I will work with;

  • Introspection, personal 'demons'
  • Safety and Danger
  • Multiple Realities
  • Gradual descent into madness
  • Gore and Brutality. Possibly sexualized, if you don't mind*

*It will not be for the sake of eroticism. It will be for the sake of horror. I'm not gonna try to turn anyone on, I'm gonna try and terrorize them. With this in mind, my ON/OFF list does not exist. You may find things happening that are my worse OFFs. :P I'll assume the same unless you say so.

However, I can certaintly understand the difference between;

Not finding something sexy, but willing to include its presence in a story that is inherently not designed with anyone's arousal in mind.
...and finding something abhorrant, regardless of context. Usually things that might hit 'too close to home'.

So PLEASE let me know which is in the latter category. I want to scare and traumatize your character, but only scare you. :P

What I need from you is a VERY detailed character background, from childhood to present day. Prefferably dark and angsty... Anything but kitten whiskers and rainbows. :P The reason is;

Your character's own mind will be used against them.

Now, I don't need you to have been raped at 7 years old (As long as it remains in your backstory and is not graphically described, I don't think there would be any rule-breaking. I might allude to it in the present-tense, but again, no graphic descriptions or flashbacks. Only adults will be getting raped here, if sex is included. :P)

Err... lemme restart. I don't need you to have been raped at 7 years old, I can and will gladly work with mild discomforts or even slightly unpleasant memories to present some (hopefully) harrowing scenes. But the occasional emotional trauma will be helpful. ;)

Essentially, I need the character's whole life-story. Nitty gritty. Darkness AND sunshine. The soothing parts of your character's psyche/memories is good ammunition for one of the alternate 'happy' realities.

The setting is pretty much our world, except slightly... off. There is no US or Europe or any other earth countries, but it almost culturally, technologically, and socially the same.

Down to mechanics;

I can go for freeform, but ideally- I'd like you to have a very real sense of what you can and cannot do, as well as your vulnerabilities. Thus,

D20 modern, you will be playing a level 1 ordinary with 25 pointbuy, max hitpoints at 1st level, no action points, and no class features. For a D20 game, this will be incredibly simple. I likely won't even be giving out experience.

...Or anything else you'd prefer that I can get my hands on.  ::)

The Dark Raven

So snatching this one up.  I will start working on a sheet immediately.  Feel free to bug me :-)

Check my A/A | O/O | Patience is begged. Momma to Rainbow Babies and teetering toward the goal of published author. Tentatively taking new stories.