New Gm First game. We be goblins! (PF 4 People)

Started by OyabunKobold, January 19, 2015, 06:14:41 PM

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So just a small update. Tomorrow is the day I was going to start up the game Set up a OOC and a Game thread and decide on the goblins going in each group (if more than 4).

So far I have 3 goblins submitted and ready to go does anyone else who voiced interest before got goblins to put forth yet?

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Application form:
Name: Nommi Sharkjaw
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Age: 16
Class: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher)
Trait: Hard Head, Sharp Teeth & Armor Expert
Drawback: Power-Hungry (By all means, feel free to take advantage of this.)
Feat: Weapon Focus (Bite)
Equipment: Greatclub, Chainshirt, 15 Trail Rations
Description: (Pictures allowed)
Personality: Incredibly loud-mouthed, Nommi has a habit of yelling or screaming everything she says, at least when she's not eating. She's obsessed with eating, and never passes up a meal, regardless of what it is. She's been known to bully other goblins just to steal their food.  Her preferred weapon is obviously her jaws, lined with rows of deadly teeth, and when she works up a rage, she's even louder, screaming nonsensical noises and phrases before crunching down on the poor bastard that she finds tasty at the moment.
Which Premade Goblin are you replacing: Chuffy Lickwound

Pretty much done. Just need to edit in appearance later on, make up a song, and...yeah. The sheet's linked in on the name. =P Will be done later tonight!
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


hah! Love that name, shrroth. Nommi the anklebiter!


Okay so chul Thorne Glyphy and Shrroth are our 4 goblins then that have been submitted.

I will keep this thread open for others who want to throw together a goblin and roll in the next round.

as for you four I will get the OOC and the game thread all ready for you.

OOC: OOC thread
IC: IC Thread

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