Winter Wonderland [Game Completed]

Started by Autumn Sativus, January 22, 2012, 05:57:50 PM

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James Moriarty

When Lady Nana did not return promptly, the Professor grew concerned.  "What tricks are being played here at our expense," he muttered, walking out onto the porch of his cabin.  Noticing a great deal of activity near Cabin 5, he gripped his coat tightly about him and began to walk in that direction.

Autumn Sativus

This is the end of Round 2.

PMs to your suspicions will go out this evening.
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Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

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Autumn Sativus

Uh... as per the requirement for PMs...

Izu has been removed from the game due to restriction.
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Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

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Autumn Sativus

At the beginning of Round 3, a large crowd can be seen forming around Sir Gray's cabin. Lady Black hurries down to see what has drawn the attention of so many and finds a rather ghastly site. Lord Le'Grange had been killed during the round, apparently for knowing a little more than he should have. Her suspicions of the Jack Frost's return were certainly becoming confirmed now. "We must hurry to discover who is responsible before this turns into another massacre!"
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Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

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"Well I... This is horrendous!  I didn't hear a thing, and I've been cooped up all night!"  whispered Sir Gray, appearing quite traumatized from the discovery of Lord Le'Grange's unfortunate demise.  "How can I be expected to sleep in this cabin knowing a man was killed here?!"  Sir Gray turned and made for the overstuffed armchair in the main room.  He collapsed into the cushions, pale and seemingly haunted by the deaths of the Butler and Lord Le'Grange, as well as the two mysterious disappearances of the other residents.

"This little winter get-away may very well be the worst decision I have ever made!" he groaned, his face buried in his hands.


White-faced, Miss Ivory considered the options.  Simply being there was dangerous, and investigating was worse, but neither could she sit idly by.  She went to investigate the cabin where Lady Nana Pudding had been staying, reasoning that was as good a place as any to start, and of course invited Mr. Cornflower to join her if he chose.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE

James Moriarty

Visibly shaken, Professor Sangre pulled his jacket around him tightly.  "I suppose if there is anything that can be found, I should start here."  He examined every inch of Sir Gray's cabin and returned to Sir Gray.  Eyeing the man with some covert suspicion, but unsure of what to think, he said in a comforting tone, "Relax, Sir Gray.  Let me fetch you some tea and try to figure out what is going on here, so that we may yet escape with our lives.  I am on my way to Mister Cornflower's cabin to speak to those I saw milling about there."

With a comforting hand upon his shoulder and then a brisk turn on his heel, the Professor whisked out to continue his investigation.


He had little luck at cabin 4, so he made haste outside once more.  Others seemed to be moving about, making their way toward other cabins as the massive search for clues continued.  The doctor, trying to get one step closer to who Jack Frost really is, moves across the street to Cabin 9.


Reasoning that there was (relative) safety in numbers, Mr. Cornflower decided to join Miss Ivory in searching the cabin of Lady Nana Pudding.  The death of Lord Legrange seemed to impart a renewed sense of urgency. 


'Damn this bloodthirsty sprite!' Lyle thought as he overheard the clamoring crowd down the path. Another victim taken, and this time Lord LeGrange's name being bandied about. 'This killer must be a force to be reckoned with; LeGrange was no defenseless fop.' The others seemed fixated on where LeGrange had been found, but this Jack Frost had ready shown his tendency to display his gruesome work away from its origin. 'He couldnt have had time to move the body very far, though; not with all of us tromping about.' Lyle slipped by the other and headed for the most logical location, Number 10 - Doctor Verdigris's cabin.
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.

Autumn Sativus

Round 3 has ended and suspicions will be confirmed or otherwise shortly, then the murderer will have their turn. >:) I will let you know when round 4 begins.
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

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Autumn Sativus

Round Four

Finding some very strange goings on, Lady Black hurried to Lady Nana's Cabin where she had heard rumor something was going on. Sure enough, it was another sad scene as the cabin was spattered with the blood of the departed Mister Cornflower. The blood from the gruesome scene seemed to seep into the center of the room and upon further investigation, an underground tunnel connecting Lady Nana's Cabin to Mister Cornflower's Cabin was discovered. The murderer could have been in either of the cabins, hiding among the innocent. Lady Black was gravely concerned for guests. It seemed the Jack Frost was getting the better of them. If nothing was done soon, there may be little hope left for the remaining guests.

Begin your investigations for Round 4. Round 4 will end on Monday at 11:59pm EST.
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Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

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James Moriarty

Hands in his pockets and long coat pulled tight around him, the Professor sped towards the scene of the crime.  Entering Cabin 6 and seeing Miss Ivory there, he arched his eyebrows and, without saying a word, took in the gruesome scene before him.  He glanced up at the lady, who struck him as deeply shaken, and gave her a piercing look.


Miss Ivory, besides being shocked and horrified at the death of her good friend, was indeed deeply shaken -- at finding herself alone in the cabin with the Professor.  Barely stifling a shriek of terror, she fled from his presence, racing as quickly as she could to Cabin 8, where Miss Rose was staying, in hopes of finding safety there.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE

James Moriarty

Satisfied with his investigation, and with a scowl at Miss Ivory's antics, the Professor, feeling a bit of an extra chill at the coming of a new evening, crosses the way to his own cabin to grab a coat and gloves.


Once again, Lyle came up empty; there was nothing of note in the Doctor's cabin. The  by-now familiar sounds of commotion sounded outside, and he raced out to see the small crowd gathered in front of another cabin. Another victim!

'At thus rate, we shall all be lost by dawn!' Lyle thought as he bypassed the others. There was nothing he could do for the deceased; his time  was better spent bringing this monster out of the shadows. He headed for Cabin 1, hellbent on locating the murderer's grisly lair.

Without pause Acksentt flung open the cabin door and stormed inside, but he drew up short upon seeing the Professor. His eyes narrowed and his fists clenched tight in his coat pockets as he eyed Sangre up and down.

"Bon soir, Professor. Certainly we have had a most...interesting evening this far, non? Tell me, how have you been passing these last few lethal hours, Monsieur?"
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.


He left the cabin with a startled look on his face.  The doctor eyed those still around warily before heading off to his next destination which happened to be Cabin 2.

James Moriarty

"Monsieur Acksentt," he says, sneering, turning to gaze at the obviously incensed man.  "Won't you come have a drink?"  He laughs unpleasantly.  "Come, come, I'll even take a sip first, so that you can rest easy, assured of your complete safety!"  The Professor drinks a long, slow swallow and returns his attention to the angry fellow.

"Ah, the last lethal hours -- as I am sure you know, I have been so very busy lately, my dear sir.  It's all one can do to keep his head in a situation like this, non?"  His grin is not entirely pleasant.

Autumn Sativus

Round Five
At the beginning of the next round, Monsieur Acksentt is nowhere to be found. After a thorough search of all of the cabins, Lady Black is quite certain that the murderer has struck again. It appears to be apparent who must have been responsible, but had anyone discovered where the first murder occurred to end this madness?

Round Five will end on Friday the 17th a 11:59pm.
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

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Learning that poor Monsieur Acksentt is now no longer among the living, it seems, Miss Ivory has had enough.

Heedless of the cold and snow, determined that so many will not have sacrificed their lives in vain, she marches over to where Lady Black is standing in the center of the little group of cabins.  As she comes to a halt next to her hostess, she points dramatically to Professor Sangre.  "There is the guilty party!" she proclaims, a quiver in her voice as she thinks of all the terrible carnage the professor was responsible for.  "He is the murderer, and I can prove it.  All the evidence you need is in the Pink Cabin, where Miss Rose was staying and that monster committed his first heinous act!"
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE

Autumn Sativus

Lady Black was surprised to hear the news and immediately hurried to investigate what Miss Ivory had discovered. Sure enough, there was a funny smell inside of the cabin and Miss Ivory showed her a loose floorboard which seemed to hide the evidence. After peeling up a few of the nearby floorboards, the weapon - a rather bloodied knife and a maroon colored hankercheif embroidered with an S seemed to confirm the evidence. Further investigation back at the Black Manor showed that a bloody fingerprint of one of the wine glasses could be matched easily to Professor Sangre.

"It seems that the jig is up, Jack Frost. Miss Ivory has won the game and put an end to your murderous rampage. You will never haunt the Black properties again." Professor Sangre was taken away to be excorcised of his demons and the spirit of Jack Frost was finally forced to find its fate in the afterlife.

Thank you all for playing! Unfortunately this game was short lived due to several drop outs but I hope to see you all back again soon! ;D
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

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