Last Sheikah (F for M)

Started by Sampais Wrath, March 04, 2016, 12:52:23 AM

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Sampais Wrath

Gannon's forces have once more been beaten into the shadows for the time being and peace has been restored to the land....mostly. Most of Hyrule's races have found the peace delightful except one, the Sheikah. Decimated by the war, betrayal by their own tribe members and even hunted down they were believed to be extinct but is that the truth?

Hiding the truth to protect her life a young woman hides the truth, working on Lon Lon Ranch just trying to make a living. A small corner of the barn loft serves as her home, hiding the last of her tribe's artifacts in hopes of preserving them.

It has been awhile but I'm hoping to get back into some games. As I tried to put together above I'm looking for a game set after the "extinction" of the Sheikah tribe. I'm thinking either MC is the last one and someone has discovered her secret and leaving her indebt to this person and trying to keep them quiet. She can either serve them as they wish or protect them from a growing danger.

Another path I have thought of is a second Sheikah surfacing and the two working together to survive and evade capture. If anyone is interested let me know! I am really looking forward to playing again.
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.

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Sampai's Wrath#9204