A demon story. [ UN ]

Started by Hemingway, October 10, 2013, 05:21:34 PM

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I recently saw The Devil's Advocate, and being a fan of demon stories, it gave me cravings. In particular, the elevator scene with Pacino and the two women, stuck with me.

Here's a picture for your enjoyment.

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Unfortunately, I haven't really been able to come up with a coherent story, only scraps of ideas. I know I would like to play a female character - a demonic character, of some kind. Because of the inspiration, I was thinking possibly a lawyer - the greedy cutthroat kind. However, this is not set in stone.

I would like for the other character to be a human male, with the specifics yet to be worked out. One possibility is that he somehow summons the demon. I did a story a while ago, set in Ireland in the 1900s, where the last remaining son of a family of occultists summons a succubus-like demon to help get revenge on the rival family that orchestrated the murders of his family. She served him both by being a powerful demon with access to infernal powers and secrets, and also sexually. A modern version of this might be interesting. It's one idea, anyway - but I will hear others in the same vein, too.

If this sounds at all interesting, let me know! I apologize for any confusion in this thread - I just had to get my fragmented ideas down before they disappeared!