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Troubleshooting thread

Started by Vekseid, August 14, 2014, 07:18:12 PM

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At the main forum page, it does not wrap appropriately on the mobile due to the "lords", "ladies", "centurion","genie", etc line. So it pushes the main body of the forums over into the left side 
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



When I do the "/ignore (person)" in SB it keeps making the entire shoutbox blank. It will refresh and show the text of everyone but the ignored person but then a few seconds later it will go completely blank. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a fix that anyone is aware of?

Also what is the command to unignore so I can test to make sure that it is simply that same function that is causing the issue?


Are you using the fullscreen shoutbox?  I can tell you how to unignore someone there.

From the fullscreen shoutbox, make sure you have the list of online users up on the right (you can bring it up by clicking the little people icon in the lower right).

Click on the person's name you're ignoring.  Beneath their name is a list of choices.  Click on Ignore/Accept and that will either make them ignored, or remove the ignored status.

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🌹🔥🌹   on 'no writing' hiatus    🌹🔥🌹    not available    🌹🔥🌹    formerly 'Briar Rose' & 'GypsyRose'    🌹🔥🌹


For the life of me... I can't figure out how to change my profile picture.

I have looked everywhere for a help board on this and I can't find any help at all. So, I apologize if I am asking in the wrong thread.

I go to forum profile and I select an avatar from my pc, and it says error. I have tried resizing it and everything, but still it doesn't change my picture.

I have even uploaded to the Wiki, both the original size and a smaller size and nothing works. I am so frustrated! :(
UPDATE: I know you are all expecting me to post, but I really can't right now. I will get to it as soon as I'm living a day where I am getting a decent amount of sleep. Apologies to all my lovely writing partners. xx

"So this is what it feels like?"


Hi FaerieLand,

I'm sorry to hear you've been having trouble with this.

You do it by going to profile > modify profile > forum profile. Then where it says 'Personalized picture' you select 'upload picture'. On browse, you select the file. Then at the bottom of the page, you select 'change profile'. An avatar image needs to be a maximum of 200px tall and 150px wide. If it's larger than that, you'll get an error. The image size could be why you've been getting one.



If you'd like to send me a link to the image you uploaded on the Wiki, I can take a look at it and see if I can help.  :-)
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🌹🔥🌹   on 'no writing' hiatus    🌹🔥🌹    not available    🌹🔥🌹    formerly 'Briar Rose' & 'GypsyRose'    🌹🔥🌹


I take it that it's this one?

It looks like avatar size is the problem. Try this one (it's resized).


Thank you so much <3

I didn't realize I had to make it even smaller!
UPDATE: I know you are all expecting me to post, but I really can't right now. I will get to it as soon as I'm living a day where I am getting a decent amount of sleep. Apologies to all my lovely writing partners. xx

"So this is what it feels like?"


I have been having issues with line breaks, like here:
I tried doing two lines between each and it is all scrunched together right under each other O.o
Not a big deal, just thought I would mention it.


Ineffable Bae

I have been trying to trouble shoot for a while now and am running into two issues:

1. When I go to 'Profile > Account Settings' there is no option to change my display name.
2. As a trans person I no longer identify as 'lady' and would really like that removed from my profile.

Could a moderator touch base with me and help me understand what my options are in get these corrected?
"Monsters are tragic beings; they are born too tall, too strong, too heavy, they are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy"— Ishiro Honda


Hello, ClockworkSongbird!

Both of those things require staff approval.  If you'd like to request a name change and/or a tag change you can PM any member of staff.   ;D


I love the dark theme but it makes it so slooooooow to load or scroll pages. I'm using Chrome on Android. Is it just me? Is there any way around it?


[I hope this is the right thread, if not please redirect]


So a long time ago, I could disable the Shoutbox, which takes up too much of the screen, and it stayed that way. Now I have to disable it every time I visit the site. This is a newer computer, so is there an option somewhere I am missing to default that the Shoutbox always be disabled?
Ons and Offs    Short Term Ideas,
Misc. Long Term Ideas

If you send me a PM and I don't respond, chances are I just missed it. Send it again!

Some heroes don't wear capes. Some just #holdthedoor.


Hi, you should be able to go into Profile > Forum Profile. Then choose Modify Profile > Look and Layout. If you go to Current Theme > Change. Maybe set it to Elliquiy 2 (which is choosing the type at the bottom) and on the drop-down, choose a theme that ends with _NS. That means 'no shoutbox'.

If it doesn't solve the problem, you could bookmark the site when a shoutbox isn't showing and it should load like that.


Quote from: AmberStarfire on November 24, 2020, 08:12:27 PM
Hi, you should be able to go into Profile > Forum Profile. Then choose Modify Profile > Look and Layout. If you go to Current Theme > Change. Maybe set it to Elliquiy 2 (which is choosing the type at the bottom) and on the drop-down, choose a theme that ends with _NS. That means 'no shoutbox'.

If it doesn't solve the problem, you could bookmark the site when a shoutbox isn't showing and it should load like that.
Definitely use Elliquiy 2

And after that, don't forget to click the "change profile" button in the lower right corner or the change won't be permanent


I was already on EQ2, but setting it to a _ns seems to have helped.

Thank you!
Ons and Offs    Short Term Ideas,
Misc. Long Term Ideas

If you send me a PM and I don't respond, chances are I just missed it. Send it again!

Some heroes don't wear capes. Some just #holdthedoor.



I noticed lately that sometimes when I go to the tab Show new replies to your posts and then click on the icon New behind one of the posts, it does bring me the to thread as always however after I leave that thread and go back to the boards, I noticed that somehow the thread beneath the one I just visited also shows that I visited it.

Best example of this is like in the Finder-Seekers boards the threads The picture you like to play and The picture you want someone else to play are threads I visit often and sometimes they are standing above each other and show both have new posts in it. So when I then chose the visit The picture you like to play first and return back to Finder-seekers, it also shows that I already saw/viewed The picture you want someone else to play thread while I didn't do that.

I was wondering, is there a reason for that, or am I doing something wrong as this hasn't happened in the past at all.

Why don’t we drink to me and my reflection in your lovely eyes?

My O/O's
Have you taken care of yourself today?


That's been happening to me too. It's like if I go to a thread that said new. Every new thing in that particular board is viewed as read.


I need to change my password, but I forgot the old one. Elliquay automatically loads so I dont recall my old password. Can you please send me a link to my email?
I love detailed scenarios with a plot -- and solid characterization.   In many of my scenarios, there is a slow erosion of boundaries as we both become increasingly desensitized to being more and more kinky.... the possibilities are endless!
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I will ask upstairs if that is possible... I might try clicking 'log out' then 'forgot my password'? Probably would do something similar?

Chasing Dreams

Quote from: atlantashawn on February 07, 2021, 05:19:50 PM
I need to change my password, but I forgot the old one. Elliquay automatically loads so I dont recall my old password. Can you please send me a link to my email?
If you log out, you can click on the 'forgot password' link and it will automatically send you a link.
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Thank you Amaris for the beautiful signature!


euhm from time to time I get a pop up here on the website and if I let it come through it always leads me to this page: and on it is always a text like


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any idea why this is happening?

Why don’t we drink to me and my reflection in your lovely eyes?

My O/O's
Have you taken care of yourself today?


The next time this happens, could you make note of what page on Elliquiy you're accessing?  Sometimes this is a symptom of an embedded image/media that is broken.
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up!
Requests updated March 17