When Opposing Forces Balance Out {M/M} (Taken)

Started by Braioch, August 10, 2013, 09:54:48 PM

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Meet Blake Andreas, child of the streets so far as we know, young prostitute turned runner, turned minor drug lord, turned cop, then detective. Excelling in each of this positions from a matter of street smarts, a quick and sharp mind, and lets not forget his powerful empathic abilities. He is but one of many different people in this world who possess and hide their innate psychic abilities, but we plan to use them. In this country alone there are thousands and thousands of people with gifts ranging from telepathy all the way to pyrokinesis, and some are all too willing to abuse that power. We can't send beat cops or regular detectives for cases where they could find themselves burnt to a cinder or necks snapped from a distance, or even have their minds scrambled and emotions manipulated. These types of criminals can fight on a level normal people cannot, and can stay ahead in ways we cannot anticipate, which is why we need those people on our side.

Pairs of this new Psi unit, made to be a branch of FBI and if need be, IA, dedicated to working together and doing what we cannot.

Now...who do we pair this one with?

Well that little snippet sums up what I'm aiming for in setting and plot for the whole of the thread, however for the other Psi Detective in this, I'm thinking someone whom is opposite of my character Blake, in personality anyways. You'll find him to be too willing to joke, seems to take little serious, opinionated, has little shame, free with his thoughts and body, a bit wild, carefree and fiery. Essentially a bureaucrats (I spelled that correctly the first time, holy shit) nightmare, or the bad dream of anyone who likes things a bit neater and organized.

Your character doesn't have to be completely opposite, but enough that we can definitely have fun making them get on each others nerves. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want
