Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Guilty if co-workers count. ((Is a teacher))

Even had a student (or classmate) flash you their panties/underwear?

Avis habilis

Not guilty.

Ever flashed your underwear because you hadn't realized the seat of your pants was ripped?


Guilty...kinda. I split my pants during a softball practice at work. All of my students saw it and to make matters worse I had to ride home that way on a crowded Japanese train.

Ever fallen off a surfboard into a face full of cleavage?


Not guilty. ~chuckles~ I -did- fall off a surfboard, though. Just..not into cleavage. Just into water..or on my butt. :P

Ever cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend and got away with it?


Guilty. I 'fessed up later, though. Somehow, it still feels as though I'm guilty. So very, very guilty. *sighs* :'(

Ever been suspicious of your boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on you, but could never prove it?
I'll be your pet... If you can make me sit, stay, and come.

Sora's Spots



Ever set up the boyfriend/girlfriend to prove they're guilty?
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Avis habilis

Not guilty.

Ever participated in a scheme to reveal someone's deceit to a third party?



Ever called in sick and got caught by a co-worker/boss out and about the same say?



Ever Have sex on a ski lift?

Beguile's Mistress

Not guilty - only foreplay

Ever have sex in a deep snow bank off the black diamond trail?  I mean so hot you melted snow?


Not guilty. Thank God! SOO cold. I think my bum would kill me before choosing to be naked on a pile of frozen water.

Ever had a really obnoxious friend that only ever wanted to brag about his/her naughty encounters, and you wanted to tell them to shut it with all your heart, but were too afraid of hurting their feelings to do it?
I'll be your pet... If you can make me sit, stay, and come.

Sora's Spots


not guilty...I just told her to shutup

ever purposefully ruind a punch line just because you didn't like the person tellig the joke?
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Prefect Mos

Guilty... Great way to cock block an asshole.

Have you ever Thought long and hard about a law that was common place , universal, and widely accepted...  and yet still gave merit to it going away.

Bloody Paramour

Not guilty (though I can say I will soon. My Law and Justice class will see to it)

Ever found the endless list of 'stupid laws' Hilarious?
"I use big words. Like......erection"-Me <3
"in a sexual conversation, Duct ape is considered a double negative ♥ "

Prefect Mos

Guilty.  The fact that up until recently it was legal to shoot at Indians from a circle of covered wagons in my home state of Montana always made me laugh cause im a bad person.

Ever gotten whipped into a religious furrier over something trivial.


Not guilty. I try not to let religion come between me and my cool. :P

Ever kept calm, even when someone was totally bashing your beliefs right in your face?
I'll be your pet... If you can make me sit, stay, and come.

Sora's Spots



Ever purposefully humiliated/embarrased someone jst so they would shut up about their religion?

*still gigges at the look of those poor Jehovah's Witnesses.....*
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Prefect Mos

Way so guilty.

The seventh day Adventists were trying to get rid of sex education at my school. I went as a student representative to keep the program alive.. they were making the argument that abstinince was the only way to be 100 sure against pregnancy... i made the comment that abstinence was not 100% effective against pregnancy... and they said if i could prove it, other than laboratory or rape, than they would shut up about it... i just said one word... Jesus. and that was the end of it.

Ever hookup with a person simply because you were horny... even though you knew you were going to break there heart. 


guilty and ashamed....

Ever back up a stranger because you knew the others were wrong?
Mz's O.O   Mz's Downtimes   Story Ideas  Open for a few new rps. PM me.

Prefect Mos

Guilty and Proud....

Ever Shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die?


Not guilty.
It was Vegas and I had a damn good reason for shooting him!*

Ever made a massive life decision based on the toss of a coin?

* = total bullshit.

Gone Walkabout. 

Will return.

Beguile's Mistress


The first time it was the wrong decision.  The second was one of the most blissful experiences of my life.
"You make the bargain and flip the coin.  You know you can change your mind.  But, damn it, no matter what, you have to take the dare."  Me

Ever play "heads I win, tails you lose?"

(I tried it with a three year old.  First flip:  heads - I win; Second flip:  tails - you lose; Third flip:  HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!)


Guilty - it stopped working after the age of around 8 though.
(And for the record Ive flipped a coin half a dozen times to decide things, all ended up right.)

Ever purchased a TV series on DVD that you would be ashamed to tell your friends about?
Gone Walkabout. 

Will return.


Not guilty

Ever had your parents/children come across your stash of porn/toys? (ie, movies, magazines, books, toys, etc)
Mz's O.O   Mz's Downtimes   Story Ideas  Open for a few new rps. PM me.

Prefect Mos

Ohh yeah guilty... I kept  porn in two different drawers, one for streight one for gay... dad found my gay porn when s13? possibly a bit younger.

Ever crush after some one, but wish they had a differnt body so you would actualy ask them out?