D/S with a twist (F/F)

Started by Far eyes, March 18, 2013, 08:46:16 PM

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Far eyes

I don’t imagine this is any kind of super original but its something I have an interest in trying ever since I read something vaguely like it. (Incompatible O/O if your curious)

The idea is simple, an experienced Submissive who notices a woman she simply must have. I like the notion this would be her boss or professor something in the classic D/S style. The thing is the not yet Dom is not at all aware of the whole Sub/Dom culture has never tried it but would eventually get in it. The submissive basically dos her best to “get” the Dom and kind of ‘get her into it’

It would really have to be somebody I end up having a good writing chemistry with, there would obviously be smut but I am also interested in the interpersonal and in somebody who would not just “sit back”

The idea is not really super “ridged” in my mind so I am open to suggestions from potential partners but I would like to keep the base dynamic
What a man says: "Through roleplaying, I want to explore the reality of the female experience and gain a better understanding of what it means to be a woman."

What he means: "I like lesbians".