Dark Fae: World End [Still Recruiting...We have cookies!]

Started by Esoteric Myobi, May 27, 2010, 06:02:24 PM

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Esoteric Myobi



There had been a time, long forgotten, when the realm of magic had existed alongside that of humankind. A time that now is only known as fairy tales and folklore, a history that has been passed down over the ages and now degenerated to merely stories to be told.

Yet every story has a grain of truth behind it, one only needs to sift through the exaggerated fancies that each generation had added on and find that one tiny kernel...

There was a time, when humans had wielded the gift of magic as well. When the existence of fantastical creatures had been a fact and not a myth. But now, this is a world that can only be accessed via reading fantasy novels and the like. A message of the past, portrayed as nothing more than a mere figment of a nameless writer's imagination.

Have you ever wondered why so many of these stories are so different, each and every one unique, and yet so similar at the same time? Because they are derived from truth, a truth so deeply ingrained in the human mind that it is seen as nothing more than impossible feats. These memories are so faint that they are no longer recognized as actual memories.

And it is here that we begin...

In the present day, humans have founded the convenience of technology. Inquiring minds and curious persons are starting to drastically fade as the population is now riveted to television and its mind numbing shows. Those with vivid and wild imaginations are practically rare commodities. It can easily be said that people have been 'programmed' to act and behave a certain way. To think and believe specific things.

Magic is not one of them.

Unbeknownst to humankind, magic had never left their side. Although most of the denizens of fantasy had long removed themselves from the ignorant grasp of humans, the Fair Folk had always been the most inquisitive, the most similar, and the most mischievous. Dwelling in Arcadia, certain portals connect them to the world as we know it and certain lands holding ley lines and pools of magic are irrevocably shared between the two worlds. Mysteries that could never be explained, missing people that were never found...how much of it was due to some sort of magical occurrence? How much of it had been plotted by a faerie seeking thrills?

As belief in magic dwindles to near nothing, and these sacred lands holding ancient secrets are greedily destroyed due to favorable business prospects by large corporations, Arcadia's source of life -- magic -- has begun dwindling to the point of serious concern.

Now, old tales have become keys to changing the future of the faeries and individuals holding dormant abilities must be sought out.

...Are you the one that I've been searching for?...


With time, age, and wisdom...power is gained...

Within the ranks of the Fair Folk, there were five great entities who were the oldest as well as the most powerful. Out of these five, one was overcome with greed...a greed for never-ending power, he became a glutton for his source of life and stopped at nothing to obtain it. As he grew in power, eventually becoming a threat to the rest of Arcadia, the other Four banded together and finally sealed him away -- finally managing to lock him in a pocket realm of his own.

This had occurred centuries ago, during the time when a select few humans were still fully aware of the alternate world that ran parallel to their own. Having sealed the nuisance away, the key to undoing the spell was split into fourths and trusted to four humans with a clear Sight [ability to see those of the magical realm].

To protect the precious keys, each of the four humans had received a gift from each of the Four faeries. A unique weapon/ability along with a symbol that marked their task...

After so much time has passed, the keys, as well as those possessing the gifted weapons/abilities from the faeries, have been long forgotten. The old tale had become just that. A tale and nothing more. The items themselves, utterly forgotten, and abilities lie dormant.

With Arcadia quickly fading along with magic, it has come to the Four's attention that the fifth was actually the one manipulating the humans. Encouraging their destruction and spiral into darkness as he nestles safely away in his own little dimension, safe due to his own malignant nature having twisted his world so that instead of losing magic from the human world's decadence, he is in turn fueled by their wrongdoings.

Now, the Four have sent their most trusted faeries to go in search of the humans bearing the symbol that mark their fate. Alternately the fifth has sent his own minions in search of his keys, for locked in his space and yet continually growing in power, he is unable to exercise the immense magics he has gathered until the seal itself is broken...

Imagine the surprise to both sides of the spectrum when it becomes clear that with the passing of time, not just four humans possess a symbol on their bodies but eight? None of whom believe in the existence of magic. Which side will these humans take? Shall they aid the fifth, perhaps seduced by false promises? Or will they finally believe that the possible is indeed possible and take a stand?


The Four
The Four are the four oldest and most powerful faeries in Arcadia. Having sealed away the fifth, they are the authority figures in the realm. Each of the Four represent one of the symbols of the tarot (Cup, Pentacle, Wand, Sword).

The Messengers
The Messengers are the most trusted and skilled faeries who serve directly under the Four. These faeries have been sent to the human realm in search of the descendants of those that had been marked so long ago.

The fifth
The fifth had stood alongside the fourth on equal terms, falling due to his cravings for power he was eventually sealed away to an alternate dimension by the Four. Having warped this dimension due to his twisted nature, he has found that while the current events of the human realm were harming Arcadia, he in turn, was benefiting from it. Irritatingly enough, with the seal still intact, he is unable to exert his own powers besides that of the mere whisperings that poke and prod humans along...almost as if he were the 'devilish' side of one's conscience. Otherwise, he relies on his minions to do his bidding.

These are faeries that have fallen and had been exiled to the fifth's dimension. Of the many sent there, few survive for long. Those who do end up as warped and twisted as the rest of their surroundings. Although not very powerful (yet very malevolent), they are, for some odd reason, able to pass out of their alternate dimension and into the human realm -- though still strictly unable to return to Arcadia. With this advantage, they are sent back and forth to carry out the fifth's wishes...though often not very effectively, time and persistence still pays off.

The Marked
The Marked are those who bear a symbol of the tarot (Cup, Pentacle, Wand, Sword) somewhere on their bodies. There are eight total who are Marked, though only four possess a key. All eight have a unique weapon or ability, though they are unable to use these until they truly believe in the existence of magic.


Depending on what 'class' your character falls into, they will specialize in different weapons or abilities. Characters are only able to choose one, either a weapon or an ability. Whichever choice it is, they will nevertheless revolve around the general aspect and idea of the symbol they carry. I'm leaving the choice up to the player, as well as coming up with their own weapon or ability.

Weapons can have 'abilities' as well due to their magical qualities. Please try to keep weapons/abilities limited to three per character.

Cup: Healing
Pentacle: Stealth
Wand: Magic
Sword: Strength/Physical attributes


Note: This game is not first come first serve. Character profiles must be approved beforehand and once approved will be listed at the bottom of this post. Also, this game will most likely not be a fast paced one, so for those interested hopefully you are patient as well.

Age: (if applicable)
Race/Symbol: (Faerie, Human, Minion -- Cup, Pentacle, Wand, Sword)
Weapon/Ability: (Depending on what symbol your character bears, their weapon or ability [you are only able to choose one or the other] will differ. Please refer to the above listing on abilities. Keep in mind that since we are playing without any particular rules, abilities cannot be overpowered so please try to limit yourself reasonably.)
Appearance: (A picture or a written description are both fine. Keep in mind that faeries and minions alike have differing forms. A 'true form' - that which they take in Arcadia, and a 'human form' - that which they may take in the human realm [albeit for short amounts of time] to pass off as any other human. Whilst in the human realm and time has run out, faeries/minions will become a miniature version of their 'true forms'...wings and all. However, this form can only be seen by those with the Sight (the Marked), while their 'human form' can be seen by all.)


Note: This section will be updated as profiles are accepted.


The Four -
Cup: Esoteric Myobi - Acrasia
Pentacle: PeacethatPowerbrings - Maer
Wand: Antone - Xavier
Sword: Lady Kitsune - Iseult of the Moon

The Messengers -
Cup: Lady Kitsune - Sorcha McCuinn
Pentacle: Esoteric Myobi - Anwen
Wand: Cassiopeia - Ailie
Sword: AbsyntheAngel - Kaisa

The Marked - (2 for each symbol - 'k' = Key Holders)
Cup: TheHangedMan - Edgar Crowley (k)  , Imogen - Amy Wilkes
Pentacle: Cere - Dr Joel Brandon (k), AbsyntheAngel - Constance Greene
Wand: Zadaris - Ridley Lestrade (k), Zatoplek - Shaun Templar
Sword: Aya - Claire Ferris (k), Starlequin - Trent Barnett

The fifth - Shihong: Abhoth

The minion -
Cup: Brittlby: Insk
Sword: Shihong: Miss Helena White and Mr Randis Black
Wand: Narianna: Ariella Corrigan

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


Reposting my sheet for "The Fifth" here (with some slight revisions), which I assume is still approved.  Glad to see this getting going again!

Name: Abhoth
Age: Unfathomably Ancient
Race: Faerie
Gender: Male
Role: The Fifth

Reality Bending:  Always the control freak, the Fifth has dedicated the majority of his vast lifespan to learning the intricacies of controlling the infinite magical energies of his birthplace.  Though all faeries use this primal magic as their personal plaything, he has taken it to an entirely different level.  His "art", as he calls it, is limited only by his own imagination.  Its practical uses are virtually limitless, though his primary interest is in the creation of personal minions and monstrosities that he can pit against each other for his own amusement.

Sensory Manipulation:  Many faeries employ pheromones or direct mind control in order to lure their victims into the Other World.  Abhoth is not one of them.  He despises the idea of directly controlling another intelligent being, believing that it takes all the enjoyment out of toying with hapless mortals if they cannot even control their own actions.  Instead, the twisted fae alters the perception of his targets, making them see, hear, smell, feel, and even taste things that aren't real.  In this manner he can trick others into following him of their own volition. 

Heart of Agony:  A passive ability, and the key to Abhoth's continuously growing power.  He feeds gluttonously upon the cruelties of mankind, particularly in times of war, famine, and disaster.  Though the Four were once enough to seal him within his own pocket dimension, he has since grown into a horror beyond even their unfathomable strength.  Though the malignant nature of mankind fuels him constantly, his insatiable hunger drives him to incite humanity into greater and darker depths of wickedness.

Appearance: Human Form / "Semi-True" Form / True Form

When appearing before humans Abhoth takes on a form far more palatable to a mortal mind, a bronzed figure with a perfect athletic physique and beautiful green wings, shaped like knives but inlaid with a delicate tracery of lightly pulsing purple veins.  He wears scantly more than a loincloth and sometimes a scarf slung around his shoulders.

But despite his power--or perhaps because of it--he is unable to hold this attractive guise for long.  His rich chestnut hair bleaches white, as does his flesh, and his features contort into a wide crocodile grin.  This is how he greets his victims, though it is only a partial transformation.  This body constantly struggles to contain his twisted spirit, its skin cracking open and festering with a seeping darkness that pulls impatiently at his clothes and limbs.

Only deep within his own territory does Abhoth show himself completely.  Such was the foul Faerie's gluttony for power that his natural form became twisted and massive.  He appears as a titanic worm with gaping maw and dozens of greedy, grasping hands, skin pale and wretched with corruption.


The Fifth is the sort of sinisterly charismatic individual that could persuade an atheist to start singing the praises of god, a priest to renounce his faith, a pure virgin to performs acts of the utmost lewdness, and a prostitute to join the chantry.  He prides himself in making terrible things sound desirable and wonderful things sound abominable, twisting both his words and the words of others to befuddle and intrigue.  At one moment he may seem innocent and charming, and the next every word will drip with sensuality.  Language is a clever weapon, and he is a master at spinning verbal webs.  He entices indiscriminately, favoring women but luring men in equal measure, though his promises are not always ones of sex and romance.  His preference is a slow hunt, getting to know his prey over many days or weeks, working up his appetite until he can no longer contain himself.

Once brought into the realm of the Fae by his minions, it is almost impossible to get back out again.  The trap sprung, the dark faerie Abhoth often challenges his prisoners with games, promising their freedom should they best his trials.  It is a farce, of course, as the demonic cretin is well known for lying unabashedly.  He claims that the taste of Hope after it has been built up and shattered is a delicacy that he wishes could be savored for an eternity.


Abhoth was among the very first of the Faeries, a primordial being of extraordinary age.  In those early days there was no concept of morality or law, and all creatures great and small acted upon instincts and idle whims.  But as the centuries passed a semblance of order began to take form within their magical realm, and a Queen rose among them to give direction to the aimless masses.  The primal chaos was slowly but surely shaped into a true world from the shapeless magical aether, a limitless playground for the Fae Folk to play their games and engage in mischief with one another.

He was among those that aided in this miraculous transformation, but only he looked out upon this new creation and felt dissatisfaction.  The others seemed content with their mischief (as admittedly cruel as such mischief may seem by human standards), but to the one called Abhoth it was not enough.  Seeing an entire dimension take shape beneath his fingers had left him with an intoxicating hunger, and try as he might to satiate himself upon the energies that saturated every inch of the landscape, nothing seemed to fulfill his cravings.  And so he turned to the only other source of food available to him, and did the unthinkable.  Luring his own people into the darkest pockets of the Faerie realm, he devoured them flesh and bone, making their energy his own.  He became bloated from their power, addicted to the taste of their magic-infused blood.  But still his hunger persisted, and with each day he gorged himself on the hapless and the weak-minded.

His endless greed would be his undoing, for it was inevitable that his treachery would not go unnoticed forever.  The Queen herself rallied the greatest of Fae-kind and brought them to bear against the eldritch abomination that Abhoth had become, only to realize that he had grown too powerful to simply destroy.  But though he could not be slain, he could still be trapped.  By combining their power the Dark Faerie was sealed away within an impenetrable prison, containing his strength forever.  Though he could still draw upon all the energies of the realm, he could no longer affect anyone or anything beyond his territory.  And so the fiend was left to fester and hunger within his own personal hell, isolated from his people and their society.

Within this bubble of influence he became something of a God, shaping its interior into a vast and terrible land as twisted and despicable as his corpulent black heart.  It became a mockery of the place he had been banished from, a world of nightmares.  Indescribable things squirmed from beneath his fingertips, awful caricatures of life for him to amuse himself with through the coming aeons. 

In time his malice infected the very realm that he had been banished to, transmogrifying it into something blighted and alien.  No longer did it draw upon the near-limitless wells of magic of Arcadia.  Instead, it had found another source in the realm of Man, leeching off of negative emotion, death, and destruction.  Though his private world did not seem to grow from the outside, within its borders the landscape stretched off into an infinite expanse of terror.  The Four could not have predicted such a wild shift, but neither could they have predicted that one of their own would become so abominable. 

Wielding all the power of a God, but forced into an eternal cage, Abhoth has sought the Keys lurking within human souls ever since the first banished faerie pledged itself to his rule.  Until now the search has been fruitless, but the Old God is nothing if not patient.  He has waited millennia for this opportunity to present itself.  Word of the Eight Marked ones have reached his ears, and manifold plans are festering within his mind.  His time draws near...

Esoteric Myobi

Glad to have you back on board Shihong =) And as the main villain no less.

I just wanted to make sure with you once again, but Abhoth is only able to enter the human realm in his human form correct? Seemingly for only short amounts of time since he can't keep that form for too long.

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


Actually, by my understanding of the revised rules he isn't able to enter the human world at all.  I imagine his power is so great that it simply can't be forced into such a small body unless he is actually within his own dimension.  He can merely influence humans by way of whispers or visions (imagine Cthulhu, but with less madness and more smarm).  In order to act physically in the human world, he has to send minions (either other players or written by me), or constructs that are moved with his consciousness (golems, essentially). 

Esoteric Myobi

Hm, yes that was basically what I had in mind but I thought that since you included your human form you would have wanted to use it from time to time.

Another option I was thinking of was that Abhoth was almost like an NPC of sorts (played by you of course), but you could actively play as one of the 'minions' so that you'll be able to interact with the others more often?

Depending on how much interest we receive and whether or not others would like to play as faeries as well, I was also juggling around the option of letting the Four be NPCs similar to Abhoth and just have regular faeries sent to the human realm to search.

Since everything's been revised I'm still sort of...not 100% on everything yet. Such as whether or not faeries still appear tiny when they visit the human realm. I'm thinking that if they were to just blend in as just another person then it might make convincing the Marked of magic that much more challenging? Since if you were to see a tiny six inch tall person with wings fluttering in front of you, you'd either think you'd delusional or...believe.

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


I think it might be interesting of faeries could switch between a human form and a smaller, more "traditional" faerie form.  They would still be limited in their magic, but it would make it a bit easier to blend in and actually introduce themselves to the Marked without totally freaking out.

I kept the Human Form because I felt that, if Abhoth was trying to persuade some of the Marked over to his side, it would be better to appear as a beautiful young man instead of...well...a monster!  I may play through a minion.  I'll have to see what sort of interest we get before I make a decision.

Esoteric Myobi

Ah~ Makes sense. I shall have to add that little tidbit to the first post. =)

Though the whole concept of a little floating pipsqueak demanding a person to do as they say or else is pretty amusing...

Hopefully we receive enough interest to fill out most (if not all) of the current positions. ^^

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!

Lady Kitsune

Awesome Myobi.   ;D

Putting in for one of the Four.  Swords if there is no objection.  Will get to working on a new profile ASAP.

*lays a trap out for her muse, so she can write*
I am working on it, I swear!

Esoteric Myobi

Shouldn't be a problem Kit =) Not unless someone else pops up who really really wants the Swords position and is able to sway me with their profile >.>;

Unlikely though .-.;

-wonders if Kit can set up a few traps for her own muse as well-

I was deciding between Cup and Wand myself...am settling on Cup for the moment.

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


If you two do pick one of the Four, you may run into a similar problem to what I'm facing.  While they're obviously capable of entering the human world, it seems to me that the four most powerful (untrapped) Faeries would be a bit...arrogant.  Namely, they would probably send their own servants in their stead, rather than allow their own magic to diminish by showing themselves in person.

That doesn't mean I think that the Four should be on the level of npcs, just that you may need to think up a "lesser Faerie" character as well.  Just my two cents.

Esoteric Myobi

Yea ^^; I was actually thinking that as well, though I was going to put them on 'NPC' level...sort of. It'd be similar to playing an NPC yet at the same time not. Since in the end what goes on in the human realm would be the main story (though all five play a role as well).

Hm, but I think I'll see how much more interest we get before I do that. For now, the Four are just going to have to (very unhappily) traverse the human realm in search of those beneath them. x3

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!

Esoteric Myobi

Hm, I decided to add the option of the lesser faeries after all. I haven't reserved any spots at the moment though since I wasn't 100% sure if everyone playing one of the five wanted to dual role.

Not to mention that there are already so many >.>; er, empty spots waiting to be filled anyway. ^^;

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


The story looks so awesomesauce!  I'm thinking I may go with one of the four after all ... the wand, if there's no objection.  If I'm sticking with Ailie, which I intend to because I really wanna use that character, I don't think any of the other objects would really fit her.  I have some brain storming I must do <.<


I would totally love to try this game, although I seem to have suddenly fallen behind on my other games, so I don't know if I'll have time to join or not.  This same problem came up for me last time Myobi had a Faerie game that I wanted to join.  :(  Apparently I suck at time management. 

Anyway, just wanted to register my interest.  :)  If I find time, I'll work up some kind of character and send it to you, Myobi, for approval.

Esoteric Myobi

Hehe, thanks Cassi. It's only so awesome since I had lotsa help with ideas x3

Would love to have you Rick but don't push yourself if you feel you can't take anymore games. =x It just means we'll have to hope for some other game in the future to play together. =)

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


Lovely plot, and I *love* the fey. I might be interested in the Pentangle slot. btw, I like the way the four symbols roughly mirror the four main 'food groups' of DnD classes - warrior, rogue, priest, wizard.

Esoteric Myobi

Hm, that actually never occurred to me! But yes, I suppose you can see it as that way.

Which position are you interested in? Since we have a couple different Pentacle slots at the moment. ^^

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


The fourth of 'The Four'.

Although - I'm curious if perhaps you can outline anything more....tangible? mechanical? Like about the human vs faerie world, moving between them, where the story (or at least our characters) starts, the opening scene, how we even begin to go about finding the eight marked humans, etc. 

Esoteric Myobi

Ahh~ I see. Well, I shall be looking forward to seeing your profile then. x3

Hm...well the human world is basically as we know it. Arcadia on the other hand can virtually be anything that we'd like. It can be as beautiful and fantastical as fairy tales, or as dark and sinister as the most horrifying nightmare...though I'm thinking of keeping the horror aspect tucked away to Shihong (the fifth's) little pocket dimension, which would leave the rest of Arcadia pretty well off. Of course, looks can be deceiving, which I believe is the entire concept of the Fey or the 'Fair Folk'.

Moving between them would be done via 'portals', or basically just magical paths or tunnels that happen to connect the two worlds. Most likely they would be at points where magic is prominent, though I'd imagine many of these portals have fallen or become rather unstable due to recent events. I imagine the portals to...hm...sort of like an illusion. It's there, but most don't know it, and others don't realize it when a few people (faerie or otherwise) slip in and out of them. So it looks just like the rest of the surroundings, nothing special as it's blended it, only one with the Sight (for humans) might notice a slight shimmering of air though it would most likely be put off as heat waves. The Fey, I'd imagine, would be able to easily tell where a portal is even without any distinguishing features around it.

When a Faerie leaves Arcadia, their magic is drained considerably since Arcadia has (nearly) infinite amounts of stored magic the faeries are able to do as they please and stay comfortably in their 'True Forms'. Upon leaving Arcadia, due to the sudden decrease in magic available, they are decreased to a miniature form of themselves. Only those with the Sight are able to spot the tiny faeries. For short amounts of time, they can take on their 'Human Form' and mingle amongst the people regularly (everyone can see you in human form). Keep in mind a faerie can only stay in their human guise for a limited amount of time until they change back to their mini versions.

I'm thinking that the Messengers will be the ones who are actually given the task of finding the Marked. Mostly due to the Four being so high and mighty that they wouldn't want to lower themselves to step in the human realm and take on such a demeaning form. Instead, I can see it to be more likely they send those they trust to do the footwork and just wait for the results before actually making their own appearance. Or perhaps the faeries will even bring the Marked back to Arcadia instead?

Finding the Marked...well, I was basically thinking that since each of the Marked have one of the four symbols, whichever faerie of the same symbol will find themselves drawn to the area their Marked is in. Where the actual Mark is for each human may be different and may not even be easy to spot right off the bat, but these humans all have the Sight so maybe they'll catch sight of the faerie? I didn't want the entire thing to literally just be "Hey! Found them!" and go off and explain everything, belief, and etc. I like challenges and I felt this might be a little more...realistic? Of course, there may be a few where the Mark is in plain sight, then the faerie just has to...convince them about what they really are. Hm, let's just say that I think in the end, these particular scenes can be worked out amongst the groups themselves. That'll make things more interesting. =)

The story will begin in different places for the differing characters. Arcadia, along with Shihong's little pocket dimension, will take place in one thread and the faeries will begin there. While the Marked will begin in another thread for the human realm. I haven't decided exactly where yet, though I'll most likely just pick a diverse city (New York City is what I chose last time) and let that be it. From there, each character can make their introductions, get to know the others with a bit of interaction before the Messengers finally go on their way (or perhaps they begin with that) and the story slowly moves along. Opening scenes are mostly written and co-written by each player for their own characters. I tend to just write one general post at the beginning of each thread to give everyone an idea of the current surroundings and situation and players take that into account when starting off.

Did all of that make sense? I ramble at times x.X; Feel free to ask me more questions though. =)

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


First off, great layout, very informative game plan and backstory. :)

I'm interested...I'm just unsure if you're going to get many people wanting to play underpowered "normal" humans opposite fairies and their fairly powerful masters. What if some of the Marked had minor unnatural abilities(all relating to their symbol, of course) , and maybe were predisposed towards the idea of magic, whilst still trying to be fairly rational about it...? S'just for a Marked player, they'd have to spend quite a few posts going "Magic? little people talking to me? Ugh, must be overstressed/tired/hungover etc" before any real interaction kicked in (IMO, anyway, maybe I'm not being creative enough!).

Also, I was wondering about interaction. It looks players may fall into/be stuck with their symbol groups, meaning interaction (with already fairly well established and concreted rules of power between the three,Marked, Messenger and One of the Four) looks to be somewhat limited.

Feel free to bat these ideas and comments away, I appreciate you've put a lot of work into this and it's your baby, so no disrespect intended.

I've only written this much because I genuinely am interested in what looks to be a very rich game!

Esoteric Myobi

Well, I don't really view the Marked as extremely underpowered compared to the rest of the characters and positions. After all, the Marked possess either their own unique ability or their own unique weapon (which in turn, may possess special abilities). So technically, they're all really on the same playing field...the Marked just have to go through the process of being found, coming to terms with magic (perhaps some were more inclined to it, that's fine, but none actually believed 100% until their encounter with the Messengers), and discovering their own hidden talents. If that were the case, it'd basically be like...having all doubts erased from their minds, especially now that they have living proof right in front of them.

All characters are limited to three abilities each. So in that way it's really just up to a person's imagination and creativity on how to best use their chosen specialties. Of course, limitations should always be in place since we don't want anyone to be ridiculously overpowered (prevent godmoding, etc). Or there can always be those who are quite useful and helpful in other areas and yet are physically inept and in need of protection?

I'm thinking that in the beginning, yes it would start off primarily with players falling into their symbol groups. However, everyone would eventually meet. Though at the very beginning, when everyone has just started off and are making introductions, I don't see why players can't meet others in their groups as well. Humans can be wandering around in their realm, while faeries are meeting to discuss in Arcadia. This can make a few ties for everyone to fall back on later, though those with the same symbols will likely meet first and interact more before the others come into the picture.

At the moment, I'm thinking that the five faeries (the Four and the fifth) will most likely be sending others in their place to search out the eight and bring them over to their own sides. So...while this almost makes them into NPC roles, it just means that the players of the five are given the option of dual roling as one of the Messengers or minions if they'd like -- since those will basically be the roles with the most interaction in the beginning. Of course, it's not a requirement since I know a few of us (myself included) take quite a while posting and may be better off just with a character that doesn't need constant replies. It's really just up to the player and what they feel they are able to do.

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


So, this all sounds fascinating, but I've realized I won't have the time for another group RP right now. (It has nothing to do with this specific RP - which is like the only group one I've expressed any recent interest in at all! I couldn't even juggle another solo right now.)

Esoteric Myobi


Well, I'm very sorry to see you go. =( Though it seems that this game won't be taking off for some time yet so perhaps by then you'll be freer? x3....Let's hope~

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


Yeah, it's possible things will change for me later. I guess I shouldn't say there's NO change I'll want to partake - rather, for everyone to please consider the Pentacle of the Four slot open still.

Esoteric Myobi

Hm, well at the moment only four spots are taken which leaves plenty more open. Unfortunately we only have one profile up at the moment due to busy schedules from other players (myself included) but will hopefully be up sometime...soonish...perhaps the end of the week? ^^;

Perhaps with the profiles, more interest will be shown.

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!