
Started by Sabby, February 01, 2009, 12:09:17 PM

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Golems are a marvel of magic and science, but a targic story all the same. Created by wizards who wanted a new, superior kind of slave, they are, in all respects, a doll, a mannaquin made from a single substance and animated with a blank, immitation soul. Whether it be clay, stone, cement, rubber, metal or even meat, their strength and endurance is limited only by their bodies toughness.

They were a tolerated aspect of the Wizards for over a hundred years, but soon the rest of the world became aware of this practices sick and twisted secret.

They were just too human.

While they are, indeed, fake, and do not contain a real soul, they were carefully constructed to feel and express human emotions, and even partake in eating and sexual conduct. These very human traits were implanted in them just so they could be suppressed, like with human slaves. When the true nature of these Golems was exposed, it was quickly outlawed, and the construction of "Humanized Golem's" was halted.

Many Golems have now been successfully rehabilitated, deemed sentient and given all the acknowledgement and respect of another human. Golems are still constructed today, decades after this crackdown, but they are completely dead, nothing more then animated dolls.

One cruel wizard, who has been extorting a cities middle class district for years, has just been taken down by the city guard, and among his many illegal activities, is a Golem. A Humanized Golem. And she is new, only a few years old.

Distraught by her abusive masters demise, she shuts down and awaits for someone to claim her. One of the young men who has been on this case since the beginning, the very man who was forced to run her Master through when capture was not an option, takes her on, and will do what he can to help her as they wait for a Sanctuary to come and claim her.

Now in a very strange world, where the ony force suppressing her is her own shackled mind, she will begin to love her knew Master and learn what it is to be human, exploring the yearnings of her heart... and her body.