For the sake of survival. (MxM - Fantasy, Violence, Tactics)

Started by Sergeant, April 05, 2016, 01:26:15 PM

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Since my desire to write is on a whole other level than it has ever been, I've been craving another game.

Looking at my past games I have come to accept that Fantasy is my preferred setting, so this will be filled to the brim with it.
I have not yet decided which two creatures I want to put against each other, but I would not be against another Vampire x Werewolf pairing unless you can convince me otherwise.

The story;

It's becoming more and more difficult to remain unbothered and undiscovered as the world ages. Contrary to popular belief, humans are capable of growing more 'brain', and, therefore, become smarter century after century. So smart, in fact, that they've officially become a valid threat against all supernatural. No matter how immortal, when it comes down to the ratio of human versus supernatural, the latter are pretty goddamned outnumbered.

I was thinking that our characters are either A) The leaders of a powerful Coven/Pack/Brood/Clan/whathaveyou or B) The right hand/advisors of said leaders. Whatever the case, they're forced* to work together and make sure neither one of them end up extinct.

Perhaps they will travel the world and speak to other groups and discuss their dire situation, and perhaps they are allowed to turn a few promising humans with the intention to gain more supernaturals. If this is the case we could make both of them known to have a high rate of turning humans (considering turning some can end pretty badly or unsuccessful) and work around that as well.

The characters;
I'd want a lot of power struggle, cockiness, arrogance, loathing, pushing and pulling, .... I imagine them trying to get under the other's skin as much as possible but still keep it 'civilized' since they are expected to get positive results. If this can be done with humor, you've earned my attention.

Story speed;
I am a sucker for plot and the thrill of the chase. The longer it takes them to finally give in to some very understandable urges, the better.
I am looking for somebody that can post either daily or weekly and is used to durable forum games.

Hopefully, this isn't all too vague or incomprehensible.... Hit me up if you're interested.

*Forced in black because yes, they will downright see each other as enemies fighting for the same cause and will treat each other as such.