Andae's Riddle Corner

Started by DeamonAndae19, July 29, 2012, 04:08:51 AM

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This is quite simple, I'm going to post a riddle, and once the correct answer is given, I shall post another.

After a while I may allow you to post riddles of your own (When I run out of idea's)

And, bear in mind, the answer, is not always as obvious as you may think.

So, without further ado.


What starts with a C, ends with T, has U and N in the word, is naturally hairy on the outside, and smooth and milky on the inside.


Really, no-one?

I'll give you a hint, it's more than four letters long, yet less than 8.



Yes, it is.


What's long, hard, and full of seamen?

(And no, it's not dirty)

Beguile's Mistress


Boom, first post, correct answer, now, lets see, can you all make it three on the bounce?


You wake up and find yourself in a room, there are no doors and no windows, it is, essentially a box.

Within the 'box' you find a Mirror on one wall above a table, other than these two objects, there is nothing but yourself.

How do you escape?