[M for F] CP2077: Shy netrunner seeks strong Solo

Started by Canuckian, December 03, 2023, 10:02:34 PM

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"Greetings, Miss... actually, my client doesn't even know your name.  I'm Regina Jones and a client has asked for your special... skills.  It seems he's run afoul of Arasaka and now has paranoid delusions.  Always talking to himself like there's someone else with him, but there never is.  He apparently had a lucid moment long enough to get a hold of me, and you know I've got a soft spot for all things weird and chrome.  He needs your help to escape any purported black 'Saka vans that he claims are following him.  Think about it, deets are attached."

 Hey there, thanks for stopping by!  I've fallen back in love with Cyberpunk and it's recent expansion (I'm still playing through it the first time, so please no spoilers!) and I'm reminded how much I enjoy Johnny and V's interactions.  They bicker like the roommates from Hell, but in the end find themselves in a very tight friendship forged by their unique experience.

In this version, my shy guy is all things wrong for Night City.  He's essentially a harmless, kind soul who wouldn't hurt a fly; and low enough on the socioeconomic ladder that nobody would miss him.  Perfect for use as a living Relic 1.5 experiment while Arasaka irons out the wrinkles leading to the 2.0 biochip from the main game.  Except this 1.5 is a resounding success, meaning my kind, shy guy has the unfortunate experience of being partnered with an engram of a wild Edgerunner (not Johnny) whom gleefully takes the devil on the shoulder job and councils him to be louder, more aggressive, and more like... well... him.

Your exact character is up for customization, but I want to explore what it'd be like for her to slowly fall in love with one man while his literal split personality makes the occasional appearance. 

If this strikes your fancy, give me a shout and let's see what we can come up with together!