[ Echo's 1x1s ]_____________________!!!

Started by Echo, June 04, 2009, 10:58:33 AM

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Hello again.

My name is Echo. Here are some things about me.

I just graduated with a BFA in Fine Arts, art history minor.
I live in New York City.
I have a life and take my laptop to parks / coffee shops
when I have to write. I despise being cooped up in my
apartment for more than a few hours at a time.
I am here to find a passionate person to write with who
bonds with me over my aesthetics
I view the world and the people in it as pretty, lovely
things easily and often damaged.
I drink. I smoke. I probably cuss too much.
My primary interest is writing and finding a companion
- not being sexy. I don't care if you're a guy or a girl, as long
as you can write like a champ.

If you want to begin a story, I'll be more than happy to show you my writing blog for further examples of my work.
More to come soon.



See also; Barding
Passion This should really go without saying. I pour my heart
into every story I get involved with. Every post I'm likely to slave over for
at least an hour. You don't have to do the same (time wise), but if you give
me passionless replies I will be very sad. Really, give me your best. I want
you to be excited about what you post and confident that it'll inspire me.
Collaboration I want to think up a story with you. I want us to bounce
ideas back and forth and have a good time doing it. I want us to share images,
music, and what inspires us. Doesn't that sound awesome? I think it sounds
pretty awesome.

Patience Oh, this is so important. I have a full time job and a life.
Sometimes getting the time to write is difficult. Please give me your patience
and I'll give you mine!

Opinionated Aesthetics What do you find beautiful in the world around you?
What details do you focus on in your writing? I love sensory lushness. If you can
make me smell it, hear it, see it with your pretty words I'm hooked.

Writing Ability This is more than just that horrible word 'literacy' that's
thrown around so much. Yeah, you should be able to construct sentences, make
paragraphs, use punctuation. I want someone who has a creative ability to take
that to the next level. I want a writer. Some one who is as nerdy as me about
literature and art is a gigantic plus.

Get it twisted. I'm looking for a co-writer. Our interactions are through our characters - not us, not our avatars.
Needless to say, if you message me innuendoes and winky smilies, you probably have the wrong girl.





