Dungeon Overlords vs Adventurers! (Dungeonbuilding, 5e D&D, NC-Exotic)

Started by Aenon, November 16, 2018, 07:21:29 AM

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Second Adventurer.  I think she has a very good reason for going after monsters in dungeons.

Name: Azderal (I don't remember my last name.  In fact, I don't remember most of my childhood, everything before the last couple years of my captivity has been lost.  I don't even know if Azderal is really my name or if my constant companion is even real...or if it's my mind's attempt to keep my sanity)
Class: Mystic (I developed my mental abilities through the years of my captivity where I could do little else)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23 (Or somewhere in there I've been told)
Backround: Haunted One
Feature: Heart of Darkness Those who look into my eyes can see that I have faced unimaginable horror and that I am no stranger to darkness. Though they might fear me, commoners will extend me every courtesy and do their utmost to help me. Unless I have shown myself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms to fight alongside me, should I find myself facing an enemy alone.
Alignment: LN (I am disciplined and prefer structure in life.  But don't try to make excuses or justify yourself because I have no patience for those that have little resolve.)
Description: I was once a cute young girl with dark hair and smooth porcelain skin.  But that was before my captivity.  Now my entire body is marred with scars from years of torment.  I hate what I have become and try to keep as much of me covered as I can so no one else can see...and so I'm not reminded of the pain.  My hair is a darker now, almost black, from the years with no sun.  The scars across my face detract from my clouded eyes that were once full of innocence.  The scars that cover my slim, 5'8" frame are all healed but obvious without the covering.
Fetishes: The torment I went through has left a lust and need for the domination and bondage that I once disdained.  Shhh, I'll never admit it though and fight like it's for my life.
Dislikes: There is nothing that I haven't suffered and eventually come to accept, but pain and torture are still what trouble me the most.
Mystic Quirk: I often speak to an imaginary companion (Zral), and act only with its blessing.
Personality Traits: I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.
I put no trust in divine beings.
Ideals: I’ll stop the spirits that haunt me or die trying.
Bonds: I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal. My journal is my legacy.
Flaw: I feel no compassion for the dead. They’re the lucky ones.
Backstory: I am haunted by my past and what happened to me those most unfortunate years of my life.  I have vowed never to allow myself to return to such a state and would rather die than suffer as I did.  To that end, I have taken up the obligation to save those who suffer as I did and strive to bring justice to the monsters, literally and figuratively, that bring such evil to the world.  I just hope that in the process I don't succumb to the temptation to become she that I despise most.

Ability Scores(+Modifiers)
Str 13 (+1) [I had to become stronger in order to keep myself up when the pain became unbearable.]
Dex 14 (+2) [When you are bound and helpless, you learn that even the slightest of movements can turn a potentially bloodying hit into a bearable bruise.]
Con 14 (+2) [Over time the body gets desensitized to those things that happen time and time again.  For most it is just the mundane.  For me, it was much more.]
Int 17 (+3) [When there was nothing else I could do in the few times I had peace or most of those times I had no control, the only thing I could do is meditate.]
Wis 10 (+0) [My will was broken long long ago.  I have done my best to piece it back together but like a shattered teacup, there will always be cracks.]
Cha 11 (+0) [I used to be a beautiful, outgoing, naive girl.  But now I am scarred and reserved with no innocence left.]

HP: 11/11
Hit Dice: 1d8+3
Armor Class: 14
Initiative Bonus: +2
Speed: 30'
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Saving Throws proficiencies: Int, Wis
Skill and Tool proficiencies: Skill Insight, Investigation, Perception, Survival.  (My ordeal gave me insight into Evil, honed my senses, and taught me how to survive on my own.)
Languages: Common, Infernal (learned from listening to the Devil that kept me), and Goblin (for those shitty minions of his that he'd loan me to as a reward)
Equipment and items:
Spear: +4, 1d6(d8v)+2
Explorer's Pack

a Backpack
a Bedroll
a Mess kit
a Tinderbox
10 torches
10 days of Rations
a Waterskin
50 feet of Hempen rope

Monster Hunter's Pack

a chest
a crowbar
a hammer
three wooden stakes
a holy symbol
a flask of holy water
a set of manacles
a steel mirror
a flask of oil
a tinderbox
3 torches.

A pocket watch that runs backward for an hour every midnight.

Disciplines and Talents Psi Points 4 Limit 2 DC 13
the Order of the Immortal:

My hit point maximum increases by 1 per mystic level.
In addition, while I am not wearing armor or wielding a shield, my base AC equals 10 + Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier.

Talents: (at-will)
Mind Thrust:
Through shear will and determination, I learned to thrust out with my mind to harm others through that which they fear.
As an action, you target one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d10 psychic damage.

Adaptive Body:
Because of the unrelenting torment I endured over the years, I learned to survive without food, air, and sleep.

Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline, I don't need to eat, breathe, or sleep.  To gain the benefits of a long rest, I can spend 8 hours engaged in light activity, rather than sleeping during any of it.

Environmental Adaptation (2 psi): As an action, I or a creature I touch ignore the effects of extreme heat or cold (but not cold or fire damage) for the next hour.

Crown of Disgust:
I have learned to master my fear to the point that I can incite it in others.

Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline, the area in a 5' radius of me is difficult terrain for any enemy that isn't immune to being frightened.

Eye of Horror (1-7 psi): As an action, I choose one creature I can see within 60' of me.  The target must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 13).  On a failed save, it takes 1d6 psychic damage per psi point spend and can't move closer to me until the end of it's next turn.  On a successful save, it takes half as much damage.

Psionic Restoration:
From the constant torture, I learned to control my body with my mind to the point that I could instantly heal others with a touch.

Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline, I can use a bonus action to touch a creature that has 0 hit points and stabilize it.

Mend Wounds (1-7psi): As an action, I can spend psi points to restore hit points to one creature I touch.  The creature regains 1d8 hit points per psi point spent.

History (not for the faint of heart)

Dear Diary:  Where do I start?  I don't remember my childhood.  I can only assume that I was a happy child.  I can't remember the faces or voices of my mother and father.  Did I have siblings?  It is so hazy and a lifetime ago.  Clerics estimate my age at early to mid twenties.  How they can tell from all my scars I don't know.  What they do tell me are that the oldest of my scars are close to 10 years old.

So where to begin?  At the beginning I guess.  At least as far as I can remember.  Yeah, this is hard for me.  I can't even talk about it.  How am I supposed to write it down?  But Zral says that it will help me.  Oh, Zral?  He's the one that taught me how to focus my mind and eventually allowed me to escape.  I don't know why an Imp would help me escape from a Devil.  Then again, no one else can see or hear him so it's far more likely that he's not even real, just a manifestation of my mind to help me cope.  He does seem quite reasonable for an evil creature.  Though he does urge me to do bad things at times.  Maybe that's why I imagine him as an Imp.

Oh right!  Getting off track.  Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to see I'm stalling myself because I really don't want to think about it.  Okay, beginning, Chain Devil.  My first memories was being the captive of a Chain Devil.  I remember I didn't have as many scars back then so it must have been early on after he obtained me.  I don't remember how.  Probably kidnapped me while I was playing or walking or something.  He went easy on me at first.  I didn't think he was back then, but comparing that to what he did the last few years and...well trust me, that was easy.  He'd torture me for hours, sometimes days with no chance to sleep and just scraps of food to keep me alive.  He wanted to corrupt me.  Such a pure young soul as I was and he loved to hear me scream and fuck did I scream.  Sometimes I wonder how I can still talk.  He'd cut me and beat me and whip me.  And those were the things that my mind didn't block out.  Itches of memories I don't dare scratch.

I remember being stubborn, strong willed.  I remember holding out hope that I would be rescued.  I wasn't of course and he eventually broke me.  I gave up.  I lasted what I'm guessing was a few months but I finally gave in and resigned myself to my fate.  I wasn't going to be rescued.  I wanted to die.  I wanted release in the only way I could get it and also deprive him of his little vulnerable toy too.  But the thing about Chain Devils?  Those damn chains.  They moved on their own and if I tried to do something that would have let me kill myself, they'd always stop me.  And then he'd know and I'd be 'punished'.  I put that in quotes because looking back I don't think it would have made any difference.  He would have done it anyway.  That was just his excuse at that time.  It's so strange, I am deathly afraid of being bound but I carry around a set of manacles.

Zral is scolding me for getting off the subject again.  So, chains, bound, helpless, defiled, tortured.  I'm guessing 3 years?  Oh, no, that's not when I escaped.  That's when I hit rock bottom.  I broke in a few months but he could still make me scream and beg and prey for death for 3 more years.  By that time I wondered if there were gods.  And if there were, how could they let it go on like this.  To this day they can all go fuck themselves for all I care.  By the end of those 3 years that Chain Devil had done everything he could do to me just inside of killing me himself so many times that it didn't bother me anymore.  He couldn't hurt me, he couldn't humiliate me, and of course he wasn't going to let me die because then I would have won.  It just became just a daily chore.  Do whatever he wanted me to do, suffer what he thought I expected from him, then do it all again.  Am I ashamed, regretful, guilt-ridden for helping him torture others like he tortured me?  No, I'm not.  I had no choice.  Oh, don't judge me until you've spend 3 years in hell.  I'm scared, I'm scared I'll become the monster that he made me.  I don't want to become the monster he was turning me into.  But I don't regret it, I'd do it again in the same situation, and if I slept, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Zral's getting on to me again.  Oh!  That's why!  Yeah, totally broken.  No will left.  And you know what they say when you're on the bottom.  Yep, that's when Zral first appeared to me.  This is why he kept nudging me on.  He wanted me to get to this part.  So, 3 or so years into my torment and I was just a mindless husk.  Then this Imp appeared.  He started talking to me and for the first time that I can remember I had something to do other than wait for the pain to be over.  It was hard at first.  It still hurt and it was still impossible for me to concentrate enough to carry on a conversation.  But little by little it got easier and easier.  As it did, the pain got less and less.  My thoughts got clearer.  It took a long time but lets be honest.  Every day seemed like an eternity and I thought I was going to be there for at least 50 more years before he let me die.  Time at that point didn't matter.  So I got stronger and stronger.  piecing my mind back together little by little.  It took longer to mend than it had to break.  Broke me in just months, shattered me in 3 years.  To put myself back together took almost twice as long.  5, maybe 6 years?

But I was doing stuff I never was able to do when I was young.  I learned to restore my energy when he wouldn't let me sleep.  I learned to force my body to heal, mind over body.  I learned to reach out with my mind because I had nothing else.  So how did I escape?  The Chain Devil let his guard down.  He had done it before but I hadn't been in a position to take advantage until this time.  He opened the cage and I could tell his mind was distracted.  Probably something mundane.  That's when I showed him what I could truly do.  I took all my fear and despair and disgust that I had built up over the years and I thrust it all into him.  You should have seen his face.  Everything he had done to me over all that time washed over him in seconds.  He dropped to his knees begging for it to stop.  Imagine the greatest evil you've ever known groveling like a goblin coward.  The chains loosened around me and I was able to pull myself away.  I ran out of there before he had a chance to snap out of it.  I wasn't a fool  I knew I didn't want to be there when he finally got a hold of himself.  I ran out of there as fast as I could not even stopping to look at the thing Zral told me to grab on the way out.

I ran for three whole days.  Naked in the snow and it didn't even phase me.  I was barely tired by the time I got to the village.  They took me in as soon as they saw me and I must have passed out because I honestly don't remember much after that.  For the next, I don't know, month or so I learned to reintegrate into society.  It was hard for me, I didn't take to it well.  And when I met that slaver, I snapped.  Killed him with fright with just a thought.  Zral was all giddy and beside himself.  I freed the slaves but the townsfolk was now scared of me.  I knew my true calling then and so Zral and I set off to free those that suffered as I did.  Oh, that thing I grabbed from the Chain Devil's lair?  A watch.  One that for some reason goes backwards an hour at midnight.  Why?  I don't know.  But I can't seem to bring myself to part with it.  Maybe it's a trophy.  And Zral better be telling me the truth that no body will be able to read this but me or I'll ring his scrawny-ass neck.


Too many dungeons and not enough adventurers, huh?

Character name: Ashera Trislaminn
Overlord or Adventurer: Adventurer
Background: Coming from a colony of moon-worshiping nudist free-loving musician elves, Ashera just wanted to work hard, praise the sun and engage in jolly co-operation, and maybe have small parties with just a few close friends.

Naturally she was booted out. That sort of degenerate behavior wouldn't be tolerated! But she took well to adventurer's life, bringing light to dark places and smiting evil instead of trying to make friends with it. Surely nothing would go horribly, horribly wrong...

Class: Cleric 1
Race: Wood Elf
Domain: Light
Background: Outlander
Prof: +2
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15
HP: 9
Init: +3
Spd: 35 ft

STR: 8 (-1)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 10  (0)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 13 (+1)

Athletics +1
Insight +5
Perception +5
Medicine +5
Survival +5

STR (-1) DEX (+3) CON (+1) INT (0) WIS (+5) CHA (+3)

Warding Flare: When attacked, can use Reaction to impose Disadvantage on the attack roll by blinding the foe. Enemies immune to blinding are immune to this. Can be used 3 (Wis mod) times per day.
Elven Traits: 60 foot darkvision, Immunity to magical Sleep

All Simple Weapons, All Armor, Shortbow, Shortsword, Longbow, Longsword
Common, Elven, Sylvan, Celestial

Mace (+1 Attack, 1d6-1 Damage)
Light Crossbow (+5 Attack, 1d6+5 damage)
Sacred Flame (1d8 radiant damage, DC 13 Dex save)

Mace, Light Crossbow, 20 Bolts, Mace, Holy Symbol Amulet, Staff, Hunting Trap, Fox Pelt, Traveler's Clothes, 10 GP, Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 feet hempen rope

1st-level Spell Slots: 2/2

Cantrips Known: Light, Sacred Flame, Guidance, Thaumaturgy
1st Level Prepared: Burning Hands, Faerie Fire, Bless, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command


Quote from: Kathyan on December 07, 2018, 11:14:05 AM
Adventurer: Sazhira Frostburn
Lvl 1 Pink Dragonborn Sorceress(Draconic)
Background: Outlander
Backstory: Sazhira was born to a beautiful human princess and at first everyone thought she was a human too, including her mother who never thought there would be a reason to tell her the truth about her inheritance but in fact she was never a human. When she grew up some signs began to show on Sazhira body, starting with her back, but her mother secretly used magic to keep them hidden but as years passed she would not be able to hide any longer that Sazhira was a dragonborn. In fact Sazhira's mother was a polymorphed dragon who tired of her boring human prince husband had an affair with a dragon that lived in the mountains and when the truth was discovered Sazhira could stay. To make things even worse Sazhira's parents were not even the same kind of dragon, while her mother was a white dragon her father was a red one and proud as he was of his race he was not willing to adopt a dragonborn, who was not a pure dragon, even less considering she clearly was not of pure red breed as her pink scales immediately gave away. Forced to live in exile with just enough possessions to defend herself Sazhira wandered the lands on her own to become an adventurer.
Stats: Armor Class: 15 HP: 8
STR 14 +2
DEX 14 +2
CON 12 +1
INT 09 -1
WIS 10 +0
CHA 16 +3
Racial qualities
+2 Str and +1 Cha, Draconic Ancetry(white), Breath Weapon: cone of cold 15', con save DC 11 or 2d6 cold damage recharges at short rest; Damage Resistance cold
Daggers, sarts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: Horn
Saves: Con, Cha
Skills: Athletics, Deception, Persuasion, Survival
Languages: Common, Draconic
Class features
Spellcasting, Sorcerous Origin, Draconic Bloodline(Red): Draconic Resilience
Cantrips: Create Bonfire, Frostbite, Green White Flame Blade, Prestidigitation
1st level; 2 slots: Burning Hands Breath, Sleep
A light crossbow and 20 bolts in case, a component pouch, an explorer’s pack, two daggers, a staff, a hunting trap, a trophy from an animal you killed, a set of traveler’s clothes, a 'french' horn and a belt pouch containing 6 gp

Looks ok

Quote from: Guancyto on December 08, 2018, 01:38:17 AM
Too many dungeons and not enough adventurers, huh?

Character name: Ashera Trislaminn
Overlord or Adventurer: Adventurer
Background: Coming from a colony of moon-worshiping nudist free-loving musician elves, Ashera just wanted to work hard, praise the sun and engage in jolly co-operation, and maybe have small parties with just a few close friends.

Naturally she was booted out. That sort of degenerate behavior wouldn't be tolerated! But she took well to adventurer's life, bringing light to dark places and smiting evil instead of trying to make friends with it. Surely nothing would go horribly, horribly wrong...

Class: Cleric 1
Race: Wood Elf
Domain: Light
Background: Outlander
Prof: +2
AC: 14
Passive Perception: 15
HP: 9
Init: +3
Spd: 35 ft

STR: 8 (-1)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 10  (0)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 13 (+1)

Athletics +1
Insight +5
Perception +5
Medicine +5
Survival +5

STR (-1) DEX (+3) CON (+1) INT (0) WIS (+5) CHA (+3)

Warding Flare: When attacked, can use Reaction to impose Disadvantage on the attack roll by blinding the foe. Enemies immune to blinding are immune to this. Can be used 3 (Wis mod) times per day.
Elven Traits: 60 foot darkvision, Immunity to magical Sleep

All Simple Weapons, All Armor, Shortbow, Shortsword, Longbow, Longsword
Common, Elven, Sylvan, Celestial

Mace (+1 Attack, 1d6-1 Damage)
Light Crossbow (+5 Attack, 1d6+5 damage)
Sacred Flame (1d8 radiant damage, DC 13 Dex save)

Mace, Light Crossbow, 20 Bolts, Mace, Holy Symbol Amulet, Staff, Hunting Trap, Fox Pelt, Traveler's Clothes, 10 GP, Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 feet hempen rope

1st-level Spell Slots: 2/2

Cantrips Known: Light, Sacred Flame, Guidance, Thaumaturgy
1st Level Prepared: Burning Hands, Faerie Fire, Bless, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command

Looks ok too

Quote from: tuckers02 on December 07, 2018, 05:38:04 PM
Second Adventurer.  I think she has a very good reason for going after monsters in dungeons.

Name: Azderal (I don't remember my last name.  In fact, I don't remember most of my childhood, everything before the last couple years of my captivity has been lost.  I don't even know if Azderal is really my name or if my constant companion is even real...or if it's my mind's attempt to keep my sanity)
Class: Mystic (I developed my mental abilities through the years of my captivity where I could do little else)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23 (Or somewhere in there I've been told)
Backround: Haunted One
Feature: Heart of Darkness Those who look into my eyes can see that I have faced unimaginable horror and that I am no stranger to darkness. Though they might fear me, commoners will extend me every courtesy and do their utmost to help me. Unless I have shown myself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms to fight alongside me, should I find myself facing an enemy alone.
Alignment: LN (I am disciplined and prefer structure in life.  But don't try to make excuses or justify yourself because I have no patience for those that have little resolve.)
Description: I was once a cute young girl with dark hair and smooth porcelain skin.  But that was before my captivity.  Now my entire body is marred with scars from years of torment.  I hate what I have become and try to keep as much of me covered as I can so no one else can see...and so I'm not reminded of the pain.  My hair is a darker now, almost black, from the years with no sun.  The scars across my face detract from my clouded eyes that were once full of innocence.  The scars that cover my slim, 5'8" frame are all healed but obvious without the covering.
Fetishes: The torment I went through has left a lust and need for the domination and bondage that I once disdained.  Shhh, I'll never admit it though and fight like it's for my life.
Dislikes: There is nothing that I haven't suffered and eventually come to accept, but pain and torture are still what trouble me the most.
Mystic Quirk: I often speak to an imaginary companion (Zral), and act only with its blessing.
Personality Traits: I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.
I put no trust in divine beings.
Ideals: I’ll stop the spirits that haunt me or die trying.
Bonds: I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal. My journal is my legacy.
Flaw: I feel no compassion for the dead. They’re the lucky ones.
Backstory: I am haunted by my past and what happened to me those most unfortunate years of my life.  I have vowed never to allow myself to return to such a state and would rather die than suffer as I did.  To that end, I have taken up the obligation to save those who suffer as I did and strive to bring justice to the monsters, literally and figuratively, that bring such evil to the world.  I just hope that in the process I don't succumb to the temptation to become she that I despise most.

Ability Scores(+Modifiers)
Str 13 (+1) [I had to become stronger in order to keep myself up when the pain became unbearable.]
Dex 14 (+2) [When you are bound and helpless, you learn that even the slightest of movements can turn a potentially bloodying hit into a bearable bruise.]
Con 14 (+2) [Over time the body gets desensitized to those things that happen time and time again.  For most it is just the mundane.  For me, it was much more.]
Int 17 (+3) [When there was nothing else I could do in the few times I had peace or most of those times I had no control, the only thing I could do is meditate.]
Wis 9 (-1) [My will was broken long long ago.  I have done my best to piece it back together but like a shattered teacup, there will always be cracks.]
Cha 11 (+0) [I used to be a beautiful, outgoing, naive girl.  But now I am scarred and reserved with no innocence left.]

HP: 11/11
Hit Dice: 1d8+3
Armor Class: 14
Initiative Bonus: +2
Speed: 30'
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Saving Throws proficiencies: Int, Wis
Skill and Tool proficiencies: Skill Insight, Investigation, Perception, Survival.  (My ordeal gave me insight into Evil, honed my senses, and taught me how to survive on my own.)
Languages: Common, Infernal (learned from listening to the Devil that kept me), and Goblin (for those shitty minions of his that he'd loan me to as a reward)
Equipment and items:
Spear: +4, 1d6(d8v)+2
Explorer's Pack

a Backpack
a Bedroll
a Mess kit
a Tinderbox
10 torches
10 days of Rations
a Waterskin
50 feet of Hempen rope

Monster Hunter's Pack

a chest
a crowbar
a hammer
three wooden stakes
a holy symbol
a flask of holy water
a set of manacles
a steel mirror
a flask of oil
a tinderbox
3 torches.

A pocket watch that runs backward for an hour every midnight.

Disciplines and Talents Psi Points 4 Limit 2 DC 13
the Order of the Immortal:

My hit point maximum increases by 1 per mystic level.
In addition, while I am not wearing armor or wielding a shield, my base AC equals 10 + Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier.

Talents: (at-will)
Mind Thrust:
Through shear will and determination, I learned to thrust out with my mind to harm others through that which they fear.
As an action, you target one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d10 psychic damage.

Adaptive Body:
Because of the unrelenting torment I endured over the years, I learned to survive without food, air, and sleep.

Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline, I don't need to eat, breathe, or sleep.  To gain the benefits of a long rest, I can spend 8 hours engaged in light activity, rather than sleeping during any of it.

Environmental Adaptation (2 psi): As an action, I or a creature I touch ignore the effects of extreme heat or cold (but not cold or fire damage) for the next hour.

Crown of Disgust:
I have learned to master my fear to the point that I can incite it in others.

Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline, the area in a 5' radius of me is difficult terrain for any enemy that isn't immune to being frightened.

Eye of Horror (1-7 psi): As an action, I choose one creature I can see within 60' of me.  The target must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 13).  On a failed save, it takes 1d6 psychic damage per psi point spend and can't move closer to me until the end of it's next turn.  On a successful save, it takes half as much damage.

Psionic Restoration:
From the constant torture, I learned to control my body with my mind to the point that I could instantly heal others with a touch.

Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline, I can use a bonus action to touch a creature that has 0 hit points and stabilize it.

Mend Wounds (1-7psi): As an action, I can spend psi points to restore hit points to one creature I touch.  The creature regains 1d8 hit points per psi point spent.

History (not for the faint of heart)

Dear Diary:  Where do I start?  I don't remember my childhood.  I can only assume that I was a happy child.  I can't remember the faces or voices of my mother and father.  Did I have siblings?  It is so hazy and a lifetime ago.  Clerics estimate my age at early to mid twenties.  How they can tell from all my scars I don't know.  What they do tell me are that the oldest of my scars are close to 10 years old.

So where to begin?  At the beginning I guess.  At least as far as I can remember.  Yeah, this is hard for me.  I can't even talk about it.  How am I supposed to write it down?  But Zral says that it will help me.  Oh, Zral?  He's the one that taught me how to focus my mind and eventually allowed me to escape.  I don't know why an Imp would help me escape from a Devil.  Then again, no one else can see or hear him so it's far more likely that he's not even real, just a manifestation of my mind to help me cope.  He does seem quite reasonable for an evil creature.  Though he does urge me to do bad things at times.  Maybe that's why I imagine him as an Imp.

Oh right!  Getting off track.  Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to see I'm stalling myself because I really don't want to think about it.  Okay, beginning, Chain Devil.  My first memories was being the captive of a Chain Devil.  I remember I didn't have as many scars back then so it must have been early on after he obtained me.  I don't remember how.  Probably kidnapped me while I was playing or walking or something.  He went easy on me at first.  I didn't think he was back then, but comparing that to what he did the last few years and...well trust me, that was easy.  He'd torture me for hours, sometimes days with no chance to sleep and just scraps of food to keep me alive.  He wanted to corrupt me.  Such a pure young soul as I was and he loved to hear me scream and fuck did I scream.  Sometimes I wonder how I can still talk.  He'd cut me and beat me and whip me.  And those were the things that my mind didn't block out.  Itches of memories I don't dare scratch.

I remember being stubborn, strong willed.  I remember holding out hope that I would be rescued.  I wasn't of course and he eventually broke me.  I gave up.  I lasted what I'm guessing was a few months but I finally gave in and resigned myself to my fate.  I wasn't going to be rescued.  I wanted to die.  I wanted release in the only way I could get it and also deprive him of his little vulnerable toy too.  But the thing about Chain Devils?  Those damn chains.  They moved on their own and if I tried to do something that would have let me kill myself, they'd always stop me.  And then he'd know and I'd be 'punished'.  I put that in quotes because looking back I don't think it would have made any difference.  He would have done it anyway.  That was just his excuse at that time.  It's so strange, I am deathly afraid of being bound but I carry around a set of manacles.

Zral is scolding me for getting off the subject again.  So, chains, bound, helpless, defiled, tortured.  I'm guessing 3 years?  Oh, no, that's not when I escaped.  That's when I hit rock bottom.  I broke in a few months but he could still make me scream and beg and prey for death for 3 more years.  By that time I wondered if there were gods.  And if there were, how could they let it go on like this.  To this day they can all go fuck themselves for all I care.  By the end of those 3 years that Chain Devil had done everything he could do to me just inside of killing me himself so many times that it didn't bother me anymore.  He couldn't hurt me, he couldn't humiliate me, and of course he wasn't going to let me die because then I would have won.  It just became just a daily chore.  Do whatever he wanted me to do, suffer what he thought I expected from him, then do it all again.  Am I ashamed, regretful, guilt-ridden for helping him torture others like he tortured me?  No, I'm not.  I had no choice.  Oh, don't judge me until you've spend 3 years in hell.  I'm scared, I'm scared I'll become the monster that he made me.  I don't want to become the monster he was turning me into.  But I don't regret it, I'd do it again in the same situation, and if I slept, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Zral's getting on to me again.  Oh!  That's why!  Yeah, totally broken.  No will left.  And you know what they say when you're on the bottom.  Yep, that's when Zral first appeared to me.  This is why he kept nudging me on.  He wanted me to get to this part.  So, 3 or so years into my torment and I was just a mindless husk.  Then this Imp appeared.  He started talking to me and for the first time that I can remember I had something to do other than wait for the pain to be over.  It was hard at first.  It still hurt and it was still impossible for me to concentrate enough to carry on a conversation.  But little by little it got easier and easier.  As it did, the pain got less and less.  My thoughts got clearer.  It took a long time but lets be honest.  Every day seemed like an eternity and I thought I was going to be there for at least 50 more years before he let me die.  Time at that point didn't matter.  So I got stronger and stronger.  piecing my mind back together little by little.  It took longer to mend than it had to break.  Broke me in just months, shattered me in 3 years.  To put myself back together took almost twice as long.  5, maybe 6 years?

But I was doing stuff I never was able to do when I was young.  I learned to restore my energy when he wouldn't let me sleep.  I learned to force my body to heal, mind over body.  I learned to reach out with my mind because I had nothing else.  So how did I escape?  The Chain Devil let his guard down.  He had done it before but I hadn't been in a position to take advantage until this time.  He opened the cage and I could tell his mind was distracted.  Probably something mundane.  That's when I showed him what I could truly do.  I took all my fear and despair and disgust that I had built up over the years and I thrust it all into him.  You should have seen his face.  Everything he had done to me over all that time washed over him in seconds.  He dropped to his knees begging for it to stop.  Imagine the greatest evil you've ever known groveling like a goblin coward.  The chains loosened around me and I was able to pull myself away.  I ran out of there before he had a chance to snap out of it.  I wasn't a fool  I knew I didn't want to be there when he finally got a hold of himself.  I ran out of there as fast as I could not even stopping to look at the thing Zral told me to grab on the way out.

I ran for three whole days.  Naked in the snow and it didn't even phase me.  I was barely tired by the time I got to the village.  They took me in as soon as they saw me and I must have passed out because I honestly don't remember much after that.  For the next, I don't know, month or so I learned to reintegrate into society.  It was hard for me, I didn't take to it well.  And when I met that slaver, I snapped.  Killed him with fright with just a thought.  Zral was all giddy and beside himself.  I freed the slaves but the townsfolk was now scared of me.  I knew my true calling then and so Zral and I set off to free those that suffered as I did.  Oh, that thing I grabbed from the Chain Devil's lair?  A watch.  One that for some reason goes backwards an hour at midnight.  Why?  I don't know.  But I can't seem to bring myself to part with it.  Maybe it's a trophy.  And Zral better be telling me the truth that no body will be able to read this but me or I'll ring his scrawny-ass neck.

It looks Ok, but you can't use point buy to start with an ability above 15 (before racial modifiers, so 16 in this case since you are human) so you should switch the extra point from Intelligence to something else

Also, yes, we are still recruiting, especially adventurers!


Quote from: Aenon on December 11, 2018, 01:36:48 AM
It looks Ok, but you can't use point buy to start with an ability above 15 (before racial modifiers, so 16 in this case since you are human) so you should switch the extra point from Intelligence to something else

Actually those are my rolls.  You should have received them.  I prefer rolls for the very point that you can get above a 15.

Though looking at it again, I did forget to add my racial bonus to wis.

Character sheet updated unless you prefer I just go ahead and use point buy.


Ah cool then, your rolls were exactly the same as point buy, so I assumed it was point buy :P


Just in case I need another victim to visit the Assaulted Garrison:

Daenys Maglana

Daenys Maglana


Background: Daenys (or Diane) is the archetypal lying liar who lies. What is certain is that she is a magic-using high elf, beyond that, whether she really has fought the monsters, bedded the nobles or stolen the treasures she claims is another matter entirely. The stories tend to change with each telling, and it is doubtful that even Diane remember exactly which ones are true and which are a complete fabrication.

Wizard - high elf (charlatan background) Chaotic Neutral
Prof: +2
AC: 16
Passive Perception: 12
HP: 5
Init: +3
Spd: 30'

STR: 10 (+0)
DEX: 17 (+3)
CON: 8 (-1)
INT:  16 (+3)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 13 (+1)

Arcana +5
Deception +3
Insight +2
Perception +2
Sleight of Hand +5

STR (+0) DEX (+3) CON (-1) INT (+5) WIS (+2) CHA (+1)

Longsword, Dagger, Shortbow, Quarterstaff, Crossbow, light, Sling, Longbow, Shortsword, Dart
Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit

Immunity: Magical Sleep
Arcane Recovery
Fey Ancestry: advantage on charm saves
Trance: 4 hours vs. 8 Sleep



Knife, small
Disguise Kit
Ink pen
Bag of sand
Clothes, fine
Component pouch
Belt Pouch (15p)

High Elf (cantrip) - Mage Hand
Wizard (cantrips) - Fire Bolt, Light, Minor Illusion
1st Level - Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Identify, Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Sleep

Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.



This is a super interesting concept. I have ideas for both adventures and overlords. Is there a character list? And what do we need more of right now so I can help fill any gaps.


Quote from: Sargepepper on December 11, 2018, 01:07:24 PM
This is a super interesting concept. I have ideas for both adventures and overlords. Is there a character list? And what do we need more of right now so I can help fill any gaps.

We always need adventurers :P However you can play an Overlord too. Or you can do both, there is no character limit.

You can find the links for the approved characters (and the other relevant threads) in the first post of this thread.


There is a character list yes.  :D  As for what we need, I THINK we need more adventurous types, along the lines of clerics, paladins, more magical types other than druids unless someone says differently. I don't think we have any bards either, but whatever you're most comfortable with at the end of the day Pepper.  I will say we've got people from pretty much every world, from Greyhawk to the Forgotten Realms running around, so as long as it's D&D compatible, you should be fine.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=85486.0  Absence and Apology...countdown to doom....so to speak.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=186829.0  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


I saw in the first post that there was talk of leveling new characters to be even with the overlords. Am I rolling a level 1 character or is there more to it?

EDIT: Also, any special rules for rolling stats? Like drop 1’s, take a reroll on anything lower than 12, or anything like that?


I believe reroll 1s, max HP for 1st level, and all of us are at level 1, even the Overlords.  If there's anything else I can't think of it off the top of my head.  Guys?  Help here?   :-[
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=85486.0  Absence and Apology...countdown to doom....so to speak.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=186829.0  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Quote from: Sargepepper on December 11, 2018, 07:54:32 PM
I saw in the first post that there was talk of leveling new characters to be even with the overlords. Am I rolling a level 1 character or is there more to it?

EDIT: Also, any special rules for rolling stats? Like drop 1’s, take a reroll on anything lower than 12, or anything like that?

Here's the character creation post


Lucien, Furyborn: Zariel-blooded Paladin of Vengance

Background: Lucien was the leader of a tiefling nomad caravan that worshiped the wastes of the land, surviving off of scrub brush and hunting as penance for some long forgotten slight against a celestial. His apprentice for head of the caravan, and only son, Artiem, grew up under his sharp eye and sharper tutelage. He took his duties seriously, imparting everything he knew about navigation, tracking, hunting, and leadership into his young son, who grew to be quite the intelligentyoung man, suitable to replace him as he headed to his pilgrimage to the heart of the Wastes, which would lead him into their God's arms.

But during a long hunt, Lucien lost track of his protege, the young man foolishly chasing their prey in a spurt of youthful exuberance. And just like that, he was gone. Lucien spent days looking for any trace of his son, for naught. He drug the hunt back to the caravan in an effort to regroup and gather a search party. But he found only death as his home was in flames and his kin dead.

Everything lost to him, their God reached out and spoke to him, empowering his rage with a divine purpose. Someone had taken Artiem and killed his family. And the mantle given to him would provide the strength and focus Lucien would need to find him. Standing with new purpose, Lucien set off into the Wastes, newly christened as the "Furyborn."

Appearance: Standing a bit taller than most Tieflings, Lucien cuts a very intimidating profile, both in armor and out. His gold eyes sport no pupils, but somehow manage to simmer with anger constantly, even his his face is still. Red skin compliments his hair and stature, though light scars adorn his body, telling of many stories before this place. He never quite lets any tension out of his body, even in periods of rest, his muscular body always seemed poised and coiled, ready to defend himself or others at the drop of a hat.

Personality: Lucien lives up to his mantle, his expressions and mannerisms seemingly uncaring except for anger and rage. Petty squabbles of law and order matter none to him, but if there are people being wronged, he will be there to defend them as their avatar of Vengeance. His words are short and blunt, to the point where many consider him arrogant or narcissistic. In reality, he is driven to discover any trace of his son, and anything outside of that is merely a distraction.

There are only two real times when Lucien can be seen as anything other than a stern, looming presence. A few have seen him play his Dulcimer, but when he does, everything seems to leave him and replaced with a much younger, calmer tiefling, with even a hint of a smile as his fingers play. Or when he drinks. While words still don't come out like others who may drink to excess, it is clear from a somber eyes that he carries a heavy weight on his shoulders that he refuses to share with anyone. That is, if you are still sober enough to recognize it. Lucien has years of experience burying himself in a bottle.

Prof: +2
AC: 18
Passive Perception: 11
Darkvision: 60'
HP: 10
Init: +1
Spd: 30'

STR: 17 (+3)
DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 11 (+0)
INT:  14 (+2)
WIS: 13 (+1)
CHA: 18 (+4)


Acrobatics +1
Animal Handling +1
Arcana +2
Athletics +5
Deception +4
History +2
Insight +3
Intimidation +4
Investigation +2
Medicine +3
Nature +2
Perception +1
Performance +4
Persuasion +4
Religion +2
Sleight of Hand +1
Stealth +1
Survival +3


STR (+3) DEX (+1) CON (+0) INT (+2) WIS (+3) CHA (+6)

Hellish Resistance: Resistance to fire damage.
Infernal Legacy: You know thaumaturgy and can cast once per day. CHA is the spellcasting ability.
Wanderer: You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.

Divine Sense: Within 60 ft., detect presence of undead, celestial, or fiend. Also detect consecrated or desecrated object or place (use 4 times/long rest).
Lay on Hands: You have a healing pool of 5 HPs, with it you can heal a creature or expend 5 points to cure disease or neutralize poison (use 5 times/long rest).

Simple and Martial weapons
Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor, Shields

Warhammer: Melee, +5 to hit, 1d8 + 3 damage
Javelin: Melee/Ranged, +5 to hit, 1d6 + 3 damage

Travelling Clothes
5 Javelins
1 Hunting trap
Explorer's Pack

Expected Posting Rate: Usually daily/Every other Day. Except on weekends.

O&O: Pretty much anything except toilet play. Just ask me about anything else first.

Link to character sheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ST6NeoZhD09saZYIsHUZc3lAOdaLqtA8

EDIT: Rerolled as I did it incorrectly, and sent it to Aenon. Didn't change too much except to boost Charisma. Apparently, he's just a charming motherfucker. Good looking too. Also made him a Zariel-blooded tiefling subrace, as per the Unearthed Arcana, suggested by Aenon. Everything else pretty much stayed the same. I also used The New Orc Pub's character generator online to build it. You can find it here: https://orcpub2.com/

I also have an idea for a futa Gnoll Adventurer, but I think I'll hold off for a little until I get the system a bit more.


Sorry to be a pest, but is this okay? I want to make sure it's approved before I start getting involved :>


Oh right, I forgot it since we talked in PM...yeah he is cool :P


I was about to say, Aenon has to approve, but he looks fine to me.  ;D
Taker of the Oath of the Drake
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=85486.0  Absence and Apology...countdown to doom....so to speak.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=123720.msg5435844#msg5435844  Storyteller Cafe thread.
https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=186829.0  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


So my understanding is that there's more or less always a need for adventurers? If so should I just post an idea here?


Hi schnookums!  Yes, we need more adventures. So come and apply.
Whatever the outcome, it's on you.



Applying my third character.

Character name: Thalya Balworth
Overlord or Adventurer: Adventurer (Sorcerer/Divine Soul) CG Human
Background: She was regular prostitute who tries her best espousing Calistria's ways.  One night, the goddess of trickery, lust and revenge appeared to her in a dream.  The goddess told her that she was destined for greater things but wouldn't say the specifics.  To help fulfill her roll, Calistria granted Thalya a fraction of her divinity, giving the prostitute the power to do miracles in order to help does in need and strike vengeance on all those that oppose. 

The day came, when she surmised where the goddess’ will was needed.  The nation was at war with a rival country, and the army was in need of recruits and Thalya volunteered, hoping to help out with her valuable abilities, especially her healing powers, as well as other skills.  During the duration of the war, Thalya learned to fight and wield arms; she was also entrusted in questioning prisoners, and on occasions join infiltration missions.  When the war ended, she wondered if entering the army was really part of Calistria’s will, for the goddess has not manifested ever since she first dreamt of her.  Regardless, she has learned a lot after leaving the army and still retained the goddess’ blessings.  She now wanders about, trying to find meaning with the powers entrusted to her, and to use them for the  benefit of others.
Expected posting rate: I could do almost everyday.  But since I might be in a couple of games, I can post perhaps once every 3 days at most.
O/O: I'm okay with them all. 

Character Sheet
Prof: +2
AC: 15 (mage armor + 2 Dex bonus)
Passive Perception: 12
HP: 6
Init: +2
Spd: 30'

STR:  10 
DEX:  15 (+2)
CON:  10
INT:   13 (+1)
WIS:  14 (+2)
CHA:  16 (+3)

Athletics +2
Deception +5
Intimidation +5
Persuasion +5

STR (-1) DEX (+2) CON (+2) INT (+1) WIS (+1) CHA (+5)

Spellcasting - spell save DC 13; spell attack modifier +5
Sorcerous Origin (Divine Soul)
Divine Magic - may learn cleric spells; gains spell based on affinity: cure wounds
Favored by the gods - if fails save or misses to hit, may roll and apply 2d4 points to be added and may change the rolls results; after use can be regained through short or long rest.

Cantrips Known: fire bolt, friends, light, mending
Spells Known: mage armor, sleep
dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff, light crossbow

Dagger +4 attack, 1d4+2 damage
Crossbow +4 attack, 1d8+2 damage

Equipment: set of bone dice, insignia of rank, trophy from fallen enemy (dagger +1), set of common clothing, belt pouch with 10 gp

Origin: Soldier
Tool Proficiency: dice game, horse riding
Whatever the outcome, it's on you.



Quote from: rikka on December 17, 2018, 09:56:15 PM
Applying my third character.

Character name: Thalya Balworth
Overlord or Adventurer: Adventurer (Sorcerer/Divine Soul) CG
Background: She was regular prostitute who tries her best espousing Calistria's ways.  One night, the goddess of trickery, lust and revenge appeared to her in a dream.  The goddess told her that she was destined for greater things but wouldn't say the specifics.  To help fulfill her roll, Calistria granted Thalya a fraction of her divinity, giving the prostitute the power to do miracles in order to help does in need and strike vengeance on all those that oppose. 

The day came, when she surmised where the goddess’ will was needed.  The nation was at war with a rival country, and the army was in need of recruits and Thalya volunteered, hoping to help out with her valuable abilities, especially her healing powers, as well as other skills.  During the duration of the war, Thalya learned to fight and wield arms; she was also entrusted in questioning prisoners, and on occasions join infiltration missions.  When the war ended, she wondered if entering the army was really part of Calistria’s will, for the goddess has not manifested ever since she first dreamt of her.  Regardless, she has learned a lot after leaving the army and still retained the goddess’ blessings.  She now wanders about, trying to find meaning with the powers entrusted to her, and to use them for the  benefit of others.
Expected posting rate: I could do almost everyday.  But since I might be in a couple of games, I can post perhaps once every 3 days at most.
O/O: I'm okay with them all. 

Character Sheet
Prof: +2
AC: 15 (mage armor + 2 Dex bonus)
Passive Perception: 12
HP: 6
Init: +2
Spd: 30'

STR:   8  (-1)
DEX:  15 (+2)
CON:  10
INT:   13 (+1)
WIS:  14 (+1)
CHA:  16 (+3)

Athletics +1
Deception +5
Intimidation +5
Persuasion +5

STR (-1) DEX (+2) CON (+2) INT (+1) WIS (+1) CHA (+5)

Spellcasting - spell save DC 13; spell attack modifier +5
Sorcerous Origin (Divine Soul)
Divine Magic - may learn cleric spells; gains spell based on affinity: cure wounds
Favored by the gods - if fails save or misses to hit, may roll and apply 2d4 points to be added and may change the rolls results; after use can be regained through short or long rest.

Cantrips Known: fire bolt, friends, light, mending
Spells Known: mage armor, sleep
dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff, light crossbow

Dagger +4 attack, 1d4+2 damage
Crossbow +4 attack, 1d8+2 damage

Equipment: set of bone dice, insignia of rank, trophy from fallen enemy (dagger +1), set of common clothing, belt pouch with 10 gp

Origin: Soldier
Tool Proficiency: dice game, horse riding

What race is she?


Whatever the outcome, it's on you.



If she is the normal human, then she should have 9 str and 11 con. If she was the variant  then feat, skill and 2 others lower :P

Or you rolled them?

Otherwise she looks ok


Hmm.  I can't remember if it was a 27 point buy or I randomly rolled the scores.  She's actually a past character I had, scores and all.  Going to re-examine the ability scores and recompute them.  And she is a standard human.
Whatever the outcome, it's on you.



This looks like such a great concept! I am in ^^ Here’s a sheet, I used the point buy.

Name Mara Stormwind
Backstory Born far in the North, Mara was forced to leave her tribe after she killed the wrong person in a drunken rage. The choice had been between exile and death, of course the former being preferable to the latter. Unsure of what to do from here on out Mara wandered south until she heard of the adventurers guild. It was the perfect opportunity! If she could amass fame and wealth, then maybe her tribe would allow her to return! Or she could just start her own tribe. First, she would have to get fame and wealth though.

Posting rate: Twice or thrice a week
Ons: Bondage, torture, rape, Tentacles, Enslavement, Monster Rape, orgasm denial.
Offs: The toilet stuff, mutilation, breeding.
Other: I'm okay with a bad ending (ie character loss)

NG Human Barbarian 1
Backround: Outlander
Armor Class: 15
HP: 15
Ability Scores:
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 15 (+2)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 9 (-1)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

Racial qualities: Walking speed 30 ft
Languages: Common, Orc, Goblin
Skill proficiencies: Animal Handling +2, Athletics +5, Intimidation +2, Survival +2
Class features:
Rage, Unarmored Defense

Saves and other numbers:
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +5
Senses passive Perception 10

Greataxe, Mace, Explorers pack, four javelins, Flute, staff, hunting trap, Bear skin, traveller’s clothes, 10gp in pouch


Quote from: avarus on January 02, 2019, 03:19:27 PM
This looks like such a great concept! I am in ^^ Here’s a sheet, I used the point buy.

Name Mara Stormwind
Backstory Born far in the North, Mara was forced to leave her tribe after she killed the wrong person in a drunken rage. The choice had been between exile and death, of course the former being preferable to the latter. Unsure of what to do from here on out Mara wandered south until she heard of the adventurers guild. It was the perfect opportunity! If she could amass fame and wealth, then maybe her tribe would allow her to return! Or she could just start her own tribe. First, she would have to get fame and wealth though.

Posting rate: Twice or thrice a week
Ons: Bondage, torture, rape, Tentacles, Enslavement, Monster Rape, orgasm denial.
Offs: The toilet stuff, mutilation, breeding.
Other: I'm okay with a bad ending (ie character loss)

NG Human Barbarian 1
Backround: Outlander
Armor Class: 15
HP: 15
Ability Scores:
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 15 (+2)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 9 (-1)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

Racial qualities: Walking speed 30 ft
Languages: Common, Orc, Goblin
Skill proficiencies: Animal Handling +2, Athletics +5, Intimidation +2, Survival +2
Class features:
Rage, Unarmored Defense

Saves and other numbers:
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +5
Senses passive Perception 10

Greataxe, Mace, Explorers pack, four javelins, Flute, staff, hunting trap, Bear skin, traveller’s clothes, 10gp in pouch

Looks cool! Welcome :)