
Sarkat And Rian: Happily Ever After? [EX]
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Steffy's Magic Shop

Started by Steffy, July 04, 2018, 09:49:44 AM

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Al Terego

Quote from: Steffy on August 02, 2018, 10:18:26 AM
Al, I award thee:

. . . and sally forth, shouting the praises of ZZ and how one spells b – r – e – a – s – t – s !

Mmm...  Breasts...



Teacher who looks like Steffy

We don't want to be complacent about learning moments.  Al has progressed on the spelling front (he knows how to spell a certain body part), his record is exemplary and now it is time to fully acknowledge his last bit of magic.  Al please bask in this award.  You are awarded this wonderful 'thing':

AND one cannot ignore uni, uni, unicode--that's it!  Jaclyn you are awarded this award suitable for framing:



… removes unique horn ... sets it on her seat ... steps to the podium ... and adjusts the microphone …

  “I'd like to thank the members of the academy for this lovely surprise. For those of you textually aware, this has been a lifelong pursuit and it's ever so nice to have my good deed punished this way. Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow. Please format home safely!”

… returns to her seat only to find Gideon's Bible ... somewhere, her rival has broken her dreams ... yet her revival is intimate ... um, inanimate ... um, imminent …

PS. The teacher who looks like Steffy has more than a passing similarity to a certain lecturer at Lacy College of Business named J. Dahl. Did Prof Dahl make it to Elliquiy safely? Tune in tomorrow and find out.



    A few words on post cuteness if I may be forgiven a bit of snobbery.

  How does the post look as presented to the reader and how does it look as the width of the browser window changes? I happen to be using a 32", 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) monitor driven by an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 because my RealLife™, cataract corrected eyes need the big picture. A post looks different on that display than it does on my phone and on my 13" laptop. But the point I'm making is that a post is also in relationship to what the website software here does with it. Line breaks using the Enter or Return key between paragraphs helps your readers too.

  Tiny things really. In this current case here at Elliquiy, a space before the first line of a post and after the last line does wonders. My next post will hopefully show what it looks like without those. Note how the post bumps up against the line at the top and the Last Edit text at the bottom. Yugly with a capital Yuge!

  And remember too that it looks different to you because of the Modify icons which your readers don't see!

  Be well and post cutely!


Ugly! No extra line breaks. Narrow and widen your browser window to see it in all its native ugliness. Here follows classic intertubes glibberish.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut faucibus rhoncus lectus, eget mattis dui gravida eget. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras facilisis massa justo, ac venenatis leo congue ut. Morbi vitae magna a ante accumsan viverra. Fusce in ante semper, luctus ex at, viverra augue. Sed condimentum aliquam nulla, et cursus neque. Proin id posuere purus. Nam ac tellus vel ipsum placerat laoreet. Pellentesque sed tincidunt diam. In commodo neque vel mi molestie, sed scelerisque sem blandit.
In accumsan vitae lacus imperdiet iaculis. Donec sollicitudin lorem sed ex vehicula venenatis. Fusce erat dolor, tempor eget risus ac, aliquet volutpat arcu. Pellentesque sit amet euismod libero, vitae iaculis ex. Etiam et vestibulum sapien. Sed efficitur semper nisi, a aliquam sem commodo quis. Donec iaculis ex in massa sollicitudin, sit amet tristique odio volutpat. Ut ornare magna vitae libero finibus, in mattis lacus lacinia. Sed nec libero ac ligula viverra volutpat. Nunc auctor molestie magna. Vestibulum consectetur lectus id feugiat tempus.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu rhoncus elit, eget lacinia libero. Sed ut suscipit ex, at tempor ante. Nulla at magna id diam pellentesque rhoncus et feugiat orci. Mauris viverra commodo purus, nec viverra tellus vulputate sed. Nulla euismod faucibus nulla, non sollicitudin purus accumsan sed. Nam vulputate nunc tellus, quis accumsan enim ornare ac. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In velit mi, tempus sed imperdiet sed, tincidunt sed augue. Morbi malesuada arcu dolor, at ornare libero condimentum nec. Nulla sed purus ligula. Fusce quis semper lectus. Sed lorem orci, placerat eu iaculis quis, aliquam et sem. Mauris ullamcorper ac sem in dignissim. Integer ut varius risus.
Quisque est turpis, pellentesque in lacinia id, porttitor quis nunc. Nam vestibulum, enim vitae vulputate laoreet, enim arcu luctus lectus, eget fringilla elit magna a quam. Donec maximus a odio et maximus. Nullam dignissim sollicitudin pellentesque. In fermentum nisl at varius facilisis. Pellentesque nec turpis non leo faucibus elementum ut vel lacus. Nullam convallis ornare purus. Sed rutrum luctus lacus vel cursus. Morbi aliquet, nunc sed elementum vehicula, tellus est ultricies justo, a condimentum ligula felis in metus. In auctor justo eget nibh ultricies dapibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Nam at arcu iaculis, faucibus odio a, mattis neque. Praesent quis velit ac nulla viverra tempor. Vestibulum id posuere velit. Morbi eget efficitur erat. In porttitor, massa ut malesuada venenatis, nisi nunc dignissim nisl, a pretium massa erat nec magna. Nunc scelerisque dictum iaculis. Cras eget suscipit risus. Duis sed consectetur ex, a dignissim libero. Vivamus in augue augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et porta ipsum. Curabitur faucibus dui tortor, non facilisis ipsum sagittis a. Nam sit amet posuere tellus. Praesent pharetra metus lorem, sit amet dictum nunc porta in. Maecenas commodo porttitor nunc quis viverra. Aenean tincidunt enim quis nunc laoreet, eu luctus sem fermentum.



Witch 1:  The pretty one might have something there, some thought to appearance. 
Maybe if we had given some thought to our appearance, we’d not be all bent over and haggard.

Witch 2:  But who knew about the dangers of the sun?
Miami was way different back then.  It was oil up and tan. 
Not sun block and skin care.  Is it too late?

Witch 3:   It’s never too late!  Maybe a spell.


    A tiny lesson I learned when working on my signature the other day: No more than five images allowed in a signature. And recall please that signature images must all be uploaded to the Elluiki.

  Incidentally, my signature has expanded from three parts – floated left part, floated right part, centered part – into four parts. I build it as a 1 row ✕ 7 column table, centered. Four of the cells contain the images and text I want and the cells between each of those are em spaces to widen the cells to separate the cells with images. I'd like to keep the whole thing to less than 800 pixels wide to accommodate small screens but it's now about 900 pixels wide because I want to keep the two awards from here in there for the time being. Here's the code.

[center][table][tr][td][url=][img][/img][/url][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][img][/img][/url][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][img height=70][/img][/url][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][img width=100 height=100][/img][img height=100][/img][/url][/td][/tr][/table][/center]



I’ve been watching the Spell Book that Courtney constructed and it’s gotten over 300 views ! 
Magnifico!  Bravo Courtney ! 

(There’s a candle lit each time there’s a view—cool, huh?) 

AND the Book is now a ‘sticky’ which denotes some view of it being helpful by the landlords.

PLUS, everyone has made great contributions for things to reach this level.  Thanks contributors (and all new friends). 


Super congrats, witches and wizards. Thank you, Steffy, for coming up with such a fantastic way to learn in a no-stress environment. :)



  A big Shout Out to Miss Flower! A nicer and more encouraging welcome I can't imagine. Thank you, dear!



Thanks to all who have been involved in this! From those who may have just wandered in and gave one tidbit and left, and those who are regulars here, Thank You!

A special thank you to Steffy for putting her trust in me for setting up the index!



Madame Chat

All these thank-yous must be causing some giddiness.  As we contemplate what to name the thank-you dog, has no one given any thought as to our shop cat.   “Here, Kitty.  Poems here, poems there.  All is good, the dog is on a leash.  Good kitty!”

Al Terego

Greetings, magi!
I come bearing gifts.

Today I offer you... a pixel!

And not just any pixel, but a transparent one, placed on Elliwiki ages ago for my own nefarious purposes but now shared with you.
Here it is:

Now, I know what you're thinking.  "What use is a single pixel," you wonder, "what would I do with it?"

Well, the interesting thing about this pixel, is that it is infinitely stretchable to any side, and as such can be used as vertical or horizontal padding between elements.

Here are some examples:

O[img height=1 width=2][/img]O
O[img height=1 width=4][/img]O
O[img height=1 width=6][/img]O
O[img height=1 width=8][/img]O
O[img height=1 width=10][/img]O[/b]


[img height=2][/img]
[img height=4][/img]
[img height=6][/img]
[img height=8][/img]
[img height=10][/img]







I find that it works quite well when placed inside table cells:

[td][img width=10][/img][/td]
[td]This is how one can
control the spacing
between image and
text inside a table
without the use of
padding in the tag.

This is how one can
control the spacing
between image and
text inside a table
without the use of
padding in the tag.

-- Al


  I like that, Al! I've used similar techniques myself. They work even better when one can control both the height and width of the scaled image. I haven't experimented here with what happens to an image where one specifies both a height and width. One normally doesn't want to distort an image but for the purposes here, it's certainly appropriate. Maybe for another day.

  THere's one caveat on Al's technique for controlling spacing. In Signatures, Elliquiy imposes a 5 image limit. And each time Al's Pixel™ is used in a signature counts as one image. I suggest using em-space ‘ ’ and en-space ‘ ’ to do that. Changing the font size modifies their width even more.



‘I tell you!  Pixels!  That’s the strategy!  Em?  Two letters!  Really!’

And the debate rages!

Al Terego

Quote from: Jaclyn on August 12, 2018, 09:47:15 AM
I like that, Al! I've used similar techniques myself. They work even better when one can control both the height and width of the scaled image. I haven't experimented here with what happens to an image where one specifies both a height and width. One normally doesn't want to distort an image but for the purposes here, it's certainly appropriate. Maybe for another day.

Should work.  Let's try...

[td][center][img height=200 width=75 padding=10][/img]
[td][center][img height=200 width=150 padding=10][/img]
[td][center][img height=200 width=300 padding=10][/img]




My my Jaclyn, you should really start watching your diet...

Quote from: Jaclyn on August 12, 2018, 09:47:15 AM
There's one caveat on Al's technique for controlling spacing. In Signatures, Elliquiy imposes a 5 image limit. And each time Al's Pixel™ is used in a signature counts as one image. I suggest using em-space ‘ ’ and en-space ‘ ’ to do that. Changing the font size modifies their width even more.

Yup, that's why I switched to using spaces in my signature.


Al, please be careful with any derriere illustrations!

Al Terego

Quote from: Steffy on August 12, 2018, 01:15:08 PM
Al, please be careful with any derriere illustrations!

*shrug* Some people may be into buttock expansion.  Or slimming, as the case may be.  The friendly and highly trained staff at Terego Industries does not judge the customers' kinks.


Noted Al.

All, please be judicious in what can only be called Botox gone wild.

Al Terego

No disrespect intended.  Ever!



Dom Steffy

“What do you mean he meant no disrespect Steffy?  That comment was sooooo deserving of discipline!  I think it’s definitely one of those subtle things.  Looks like it’s not disrespectful, but . . . you know?  Maybe if I just sort of snapped the whip a couple of times.  Try that?  No?  Why not?  Okay.  But even if it’s not disrespectful whatever that means, I’ll keep a watch.  You are just too, too easy going!   I don’t think it should even matter that you didn’t think it was disrespectful.  I mean one shouldn’t spare the whip, right?”


  Oh my! I've heard of fun house mirrors but this is no fun at all! #Giggle

  So this makes Al's Pixel™ even more useful because it can be stretched horizontally or vertically but not both by specifying both width and height. Lovely Al, thank you! I've saved this tiny beauty in my Elliquiy Improver Snippets where it can shine one photon at a time!


Quote from: Al Terego on August 11, 2018, 11:10:13 PM
Greetings, magi!
I come bearing gifts.

Today I offer you... a pixel!

And not just any pixel, but a transparent one, placed on Elliwiki ages ago for my own nefarious purposes but now shared with you.
Here it is:

Now, I know what you're thinking.  "What use is a single pixel," you wonder, "what would I do with it?"

Well, the interesting thing about this pixel, is that it is infinitely stretchable to any side, and as such can be used as vertical or horizontal padding between elements.

Here are some examples:

O[img height=1 width=2][/img]O
O[img height=1 width=4][/img]O
O[img height=1 width=6][/img]O
O[img height=1 width=8][/img]O
O[img height=1 width=10][/img]O[/b]


[img height=2][/img]
[img height=4][/img]
[img height=6][/img]
[img height=8][/img]
[img height=10][/img]







I find that it works quite well when placed inside table cells:

[td][img width=10][/img][/td]
[td]This is how one can
control the spacing
between image and
text inside a table
without the use of
padding in the tag.

This is how one can
control the spacing
between image and
text inside a table
without the use of
padding in the tag.

-- Al


That is all.

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red



Encouraging, ‘teaching’ Steffy

“You see class.  Paying attention is the first key to success.  Volunteering is in the mid-range key to success.  Keen observation is always important.”

“Amelita, good girl!  Participation!  Wonderful!  Annnnnd . . . (dramatic pause) . . . . you get a reward for the greatest ratio of quoted words to spoken!”  Accordingly, you are awarded this wonderful plaque: