Conjured Hearts - The SORORITY side ~ Full

Started by SpiralSpider, July 18, 2012, 08:21:20 PM

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Name:  Melissa Carter
Age: 17
Sex and Gender: Female
Sexuality: Although she claims to be lesbian, she's been known to fool around with the boys after she's had too much to drink.  It seems more likely that she's bisexual but prefers females.
Race: Human
Physical Description:  Although her most common dress is either casual clothes (often skirts in the summer) or pajamas, she has a full wardrobe full of the types of outfits that she could never actually bring herself to wear, like a leather catsuit or extreme miniskirts.  Her hair used to be brown, but last week she dyed it blue after coming home from a binge, and is now too afraid to mess with it for fear that she could ruin her hair trying to get the dye out.  She's 5'4" and 115 pounds.
Talents:  Her primary skill is in computers.  She's working on a CS major and knows any number of various technological tricks, and she keeps the sorority website up and running.

Her musical ability comes from synthesizing up songs on her computer, for which she has an exceptional talent.  A number of people claim that her talents aren't true music because she's unable to play an instrument, something which she doesn't argue, even though it deeply hurts her feelings.

She has some gamer talents, and while not as good at Lumasan for reflexes and sheer aptitude, she has her own talents in strategy and coordination.  Being online with a headset is when she really opens up, even if just to tell people to guard specific corridors or where to place equipment, and the few times people have listened to her have brought her a sense of fulfillment and acceptance that the real world doesn't seem to give.

Personality:  Shy would be an understatement.  On her good days, she'll leave her dorm room open so that people can come and talk to her if they want to, but usually it's shut and she keeps to herself.  Anyone who spends enough time talking to her can easily get the impression that she wants to be friendly and social, but she just doesn't know how.  When she gets drunk, though, she's the life of the party, a complete wild girl who wakes up absolutely ashamed of the few bits and pieces she can still remember.

The ideal partner for Melissa would be someone who can help her slowly break out of her shell without forcing her or making her feel uncomfortable.  Unconditional affection, snuggling and the like would be big pluses as well.

Melissa is shy, scared and very apt to clam up and withdraw without being able to explain why.  Trying to force her out of her comfort zone, pressuring her into things that she doesn't want to do, or even just making her the center of attention for too long can be too much for her.  A good summon would have to be able to hold and nurture her to help her through the tough times.

Sexually, she's read her share of romance novels and knows the basics, but doesn't have much experience outside of either drunken binges that she barely remembers and deeply regrets, or her own vibrator.  Although not a virgin, it could take a while for a sober Melissa to be willing to try various things beyond kissing and cuddling, and she probably won't be talented enough at the beginning to be able to make sure her partner gets off as well.  Once she gets comfortable, it'll be easier to get out the kinkier stuff.

Ons:  Cuddling, Sybians, Aphrodisiacs (if you can keep her from feeling ashamed afterwards; otherwise, better to be patient and let her open up), Being held tight and soothed during orgasm.
Offs:  Mutilation, bodily waste, pain, pushing her into things she doesn't want to do
D/S Nature?  Submissive when sober, aggressive when drunk but never truly dominant
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K Andy - that's really easy to understand.

But does she wear "school uniform-like clothing" like Miyu? Or is she part of some sort of group that requires her to wear a uniform?
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


...Derp!  I forgot about fixing the uniform!  So sorry. >.>

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No biggie. Kind of a small thing - I just wanted to be sure.
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


I figure the picture will be pretty close to her standard, and whether she wears more or less will depend on the temperature and seasons.  If you need another complete writeup for her, let me know; otherwise I'll stick with the minor edit.
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LOL - No! XD

God... that would be murder, making you re-write all that again.

Well, with the other dancer proposed (no bio yet, though) we'll have 5 girls - that's a good amount. I wonder if Starcry will be happy with either of you two?
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Oh, I just reposted it all, fixed up a few things...and then totally forgot to edit the uniform part.

It's probably actually part of Melissa's repertoire to have a few outfits that look an awful lot like uniforms.

It's okay; characters often fill out a little more than our first concepts whenever we start really getting into them.

As far as summoning order and all such, Melissa wouldn't ask for one, though people who know her well enough would be quickly able to tell that she'd want one.  So, whether she gets one first, last or anywhere in between doesn't really matter to me, so you can plop her in wherever fits best.
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I got a title for our game now. It'll be Sorority Sorcery if no one has a problem with it.

And here's the OOC:  (I'll update it with everything real soon)

Andy - She's welcome to be first, actually. Miyu's requested to be later on and StarCry wants her summon to be last so unless you end up with her summon, you'll likely go first if that's ok with you.

~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


OOC Bookmarked and I put Melissa's sheet down on there, but I figure I'm better off posting here first instead of flooding it so that others can put their characters down.

Sorority Sorcery sounds great to me.

If I'd be first up, I could see Melissa being the one reading the tome and making the first summon, half on a lark and half because she felt lonely and frustrated.  Some of the incantations could be her attempt to even add herself into her work, throwing in her own voice the same way that sound bits appear in various computerized music.  Did you want your char to be the first one to pull that off or would that be welcome to a catch as catch can?
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Sorry Andy - Lee and Charlie are the two that summon entities. - It's all listed in the Scenario in the first post here. (Charlie's a theater major, Lee's helping her rehearse for a play)

It's possible that they might include another girl or two later on so if you'd want to help out, you'll have to wait, I'm afraid.  :-\
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Arianna Sinclair
As a male
As a woman
Name:Arianna Sinclair


Sex and Gender: Sex: Male, Gender: Female (Arianna is a pre-op Male to Female Transgendered)

Sexuality: Arianna has never given much thought to where she stands, because she is equally attracted to all genders. If she were to put a name on her sexuality it would be Pansexual.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Mixed heritage, although a majority French descent

Physical Description: Standing at about 5'11" Arianna is obviously taller than most women. She has a slender built male body that she usually hides underneath padding to give her a better shape. Her natural blonde hair and green eyes are typically hidden under wigs of various colors and with contacts. When dressed and ready for public (prep usually takes a bit of time for her since she enjoys taking her time) She usually comes across as a lankier woman, with just the right amount of padding in the chest and in the hips to appear well balanced.


  • Sewing: Arianna loves costuming of any form, and she loves dresses. Having a major in fashion and design pleases her greatly. She often performs alterations on the side if she hasn't been commissioned to make period wear clothing.
  • Make up Artist: Over the years Arianna has built up a large repertoire of make-up effects and hair styling.
  • Mathematics: Arianna is great with numbers of any kind, although she will tell you that Algebra is her favorite subject besides her major. She also easily manages her own bank account, expenses and deals regularly with the stock market trade
  • Stylist: Arianna is well versed in today's fashion industry and knows how to shape a body and paint a face to accentuate features that are already there.
  • Flower Arrangement: If there is one more thing that Miss Sinclair loves as much as sewing, fashion, and math it is flowers. She strives to model their grace and beauty every day she sits in front of the mirror. It is because of her love of flowers she has taken up a part time job as a florist and helps tend to the house's garden.
Personality:Miss Sinclair is a cheery person, maybe it's from all the marijuana she smokes, maybe it's not. It's a rare day to find her moping about or sitting in front of a tear-jerker movie with two pints of Mint Chocolate Chip ice-cream. She is overly friendly sometimes, but she knows when not to be. She goes out of her way to be the person that helps cheer others up, most often in the form of a make over and "dress-up" party, because she believes everyone has the right to feel pretty. She will get frustrated from time to time, just like any one who is prone to anger, but she seems to more over explode when it happens to her. She may have a pretty mouth, but when alone sewing or angry at something (also especially if she hasn't smoked in a good long while) she can swear as much as an old drunk sailor at the local bar. If she ever has conflicts with herself, she will often try to push them away with distractions, but will also resort to talking to people about them.

Her ideal match would be someone with intelligence and a flair for anything elegant. They would not only be accepting of her true self but also all of her interests (including her heavy smoking). They would be able to withstand consistent fashion advice, make-over attempts as well as withstand romance movie marathons. They would have a great sense of humor and be able to spout wittiness at the drop of the hat. They would also help her in anything she would need it in, be there for her no matter what, and over all be a romantic at heart. They would participate in several hour long conversations with her, and be as interested in talking as she is.


  • Androgyny: Arianna finds androgyny utterly fascinating. She finds people who are gifted with androgynous looks as people who are precious, since they can choose to identify as whatever gender they want.
  • Kindness: As being a kind person herself, she finds it in others a trait she greatly likes
  • Acceptance: Anyone who accepts Miss Sinclair for what she really believes to be is automatically held within a different light than others
  • Passionate Romance: Let's just say she reads too many romance novels and watches too many Chick flicks.
  • Long hair: Anyone with well maintained, long hair, has her attention.
  • Mental stimulation: Arianna loves to talk, and she loves it when people talk to her in bed, mere suggestions while under the sheets can be enough to send shivers up her spine, but doesn't include dirty talk
  • Slimmer builds: Miss Sinclair isn't sure what it is about a lankier man or woman, but she loves the idea of getting wrapped up and entangled with them in the sheets. This does not mean however she isn't attracted to other body types
  • English nerds: She enjoys the English language and all it's fruits, but she is not too good with her writing classes, and she finds people well versed in older literature entertaining.
  • Long conversations: As a vocal girl, she finds she feels much closer and attracted to people after two hour long conversations
  • Amazing, delicious, food: Yes she is that stereotype. Smoking just makes food taste so much better, on top of that good food is very much sensual to her.
  • Soft sensual voices: It's like chocolate covered caramels to her ears.

  • Loud obnoxious people: Just as much as she loves soft voices, she hates loud and booming like thunder voiced people.
  • Golden Showers, scat play, vore, anything that is considered hard core and is physically dirtying.
  • Mental abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse
  • Anyone who oppose making Marijuana legal
D/S Nature? Arianna hasn't had much time to discover what she truly likes, having had very few sexual experiences. She does believe, once she finds her partner, she will be eager to please them.

Side Notes: Miss Sinclair has a wide arrange of wigs and clothing in her closet and often wears a different feminine appearance each day.
My Ons and Offs/My Current Cravings 1x1's

"The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn, Is Just to Love, And Be Loved In Return" -Eden Abhez "Wild Boys"


Hey Andy, I plan on creating a match for your character. How do you feel about a demon girl or succubus?  ;)


Hmmm...I think that Melissa will be scared at first, but if you can overcome that and show her enough affection that she lets her guard down, it'll be great.  Likewise, Mel has a lot of lust bubbling under the surface just begging to be drawn out with a little magic, but you'll have to convince her not to be ashamed of herself for losing control if that's used.
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My character would more than likely be friendly or pleasant anyway and would protect Mel if it came down to it. If it'll make things easier for both characters, I don't think it'll be much issue.


Sounds good ^_^  Just a warning that Melissa will be scared (though aroused) at first, but demons would probably be used to that.
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~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Name: Chi "Dadora" Mori
Age: Unknown (Assumed 19)
Sex and Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, but prefers females
Race: Demon
Physical Description: Usually, she wears a much revealing bathing suit that a succubus would typically wear, but in earth, she wears a buttoned white shirt over a jacket. She also has horns, wings and a tail much like a demons, but she's capable of hiding them if needed.
Abilities: Chi has the ability to levitate from the ground and can somewhat fly in her demon form. She also have above average strength (can easily left up a car with some effort) and can conjure a fireball for self-defense. Chi is an adept brawler and will use her marital arts capabilities when provoked. Chi can even preform an afterimage technique. She hides all of this (minus her strength sometimes) in her human form. 

  • Marital Arts
  • Stylist
  • Good agility (She is fairly agile when she needs to be as well)
Personality/Bio: Unlike most other demons, Chi isn't exactly evil. She's just a woman that enjoys adventure and excitement. Chi feels Hell, the place she is from, is dull and boring and finds the human world to be more exiting. Chi is quite into martial arts and kung-fu stories which inspired her to practice those traits. She is more than willing to "demostraight" her techniques to anyone that provokes her or her friends, especially perverted men. Her real name is Dadora, but she changed it to help her blend in with the humans. Chi doesn't have much value of the lives of anyone she doesn't know, but there are some exceptions, and can be slightly affectionate to her lover. She happens to find the human females to be more attractive than the males...
Ons: Bondage, Licking, kissing, fingering, Tribadism, Cunnilingus, Teasing, Spanking, most toys
Offs: Scat, Watersports, Needleplay, Perverted men
D/S Nature? Switch


You may have to change the accidentally summoned bit, since the girls here will be summoning your character.  Other than that, looks great by me.
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Whoops, I'm tripping. Sorry about that. I'll just get rid of that.



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Shana - There's a max of three talents for the summons, so you're one heavy there. BUT you're shy on abilities, so if I were you, I'd change your 'stealth' talent to a supernatural ability and then come up with one more yet.
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Okay. I'm thinking about giving her shape-shifting powers as well, mostly into weapons like a sword or spear that her partner might use or as camouflage, maybe even vehicles as well. Would that work? And is everything else okay as well?   


I doubt shape-shifting into a weapon or vehicle will come up as usable in this game. Any fighting that happens will be short-lived and won't have a big effect on the story. Likewise, the game mainly takes place in the house, so there won't be much driving around.

That being said, you're welcome to use those abilities if they make you happy - or shape shift into something more utilitarian, if you want.

And, yes, as long as she has 1-3 talents, she's good. I just don't want to add her to the character list until you're happy with how she is.
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


I've just replace teasing with agility since it's already on her "ons" list. I'm fairly satisfied with my results. I just didn't want to overdo her abilities. Hope it's good enough now.