Bondage Plots With Lots of Knots (All Genders Need Apply!)

Started by RhymesWithOrange, February 17, 2012, 10:31:27 PM

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Ciao, Elliquiy!

I've been gone for a while dealing with life stuff, but I'm back and raring to go! If you have questions about my preferences, take a gander at my Ons/Offs, and then feel free to send me a message if you have further questions!

I'm in several pretty dark, sexual RPs right now, and I have plenty of that; I'm looking for something different. The plots here all feature non-consensual bondage without non-consensual sex. I'm really up for anything along these lines, not just these plots - I'm interested in characters that don't say "cock" within the first thirty seconds of meeting, that have a chance to get to know each other. I don't require that sex or romance be involved in any of these at all, but if you like I woudl be amenable to swinging any of them in a more romantic direction later.

*~General Elements~*

~ Grammar, spelling, and at least a couple solid paragraphs per post are a MUST.
~ Any gender combo works for me!
~ I can play on top or on bottom, though I may be more adept at one or the other depending on gender, plot, etc., or if I'm currently playing a whole lot of one or the other elsewhere.
~ If you recognise themes here or in my On/Off thread and have a plot or idea you think we might want to run with, feel free to message me, I'll help you work it out! Also, I love plot twists, so if you have things you'd like to change about or layer on top of one of my plots, I'm all about it.
~ I post frequently when I can. Most of the time, this means I post several times a day, but sometimes I get crazy busy and can't. If we can both try for at least every other day, that would be stellar.

These are just a couple off the top of my head; more to come. Please don't let the cheesy titles scare you off :P

Said the Spider
Bon/Possible Switch Catching her/him was hard enough...but it was only the beginning. S/he still has to be transported where s/he's going, and that isn't nearly as simple as it seems when you have no clue what you're doing.
This could go a bajillion ways - rookie bounty hunter and criminal, person at the end of their rope in need of money and kidnappee, talented war criminal and low-grade sodier, etc.

Still, Life
Bon-NC S/he is an artist with big ideas, a lovely cabin/studio out in the woods, and no patience for models who are constantly shifting and whining about needing breaks and how uncomfortable the positions are to give the artist the lines s/he is looking for. What's the obvious solution when you can't find a model who's up for anything? Tie one down.
I'd be up for this not even necessarily being sexual, or if it was, having something develop romantically before that became part of the plot. I could see the artist either just seeing someone that sparked their muse and kidnapping them, offering someone with great need a great deal of money they can't refuse, or recruiting from a college as a "summer art intensive" and keeping their selected "student" captive once they arrived.

Results Not Typical
NC S/he said s/he would do anything to be beautiful and talented; right there on the survey, s/he even said s/he'd theoretically be willing to give up part of his/her life for the chance to be perfect for the rest of it, and they all said they'd be willing to agree to do commercial spots for the miracle product that could get them there. Every product needs a good before and after story, and an unwilling participant is going to get drafted to become a very focused group.
Take someone who has the possibility to be gorgeous and/or good at something, force them into the discipline to become so, and then offer them the world in exchange for their silence and help marketing the product they're pretending fixed them.

- RhymesWithOrange

