Brechniad: Open World Rp

Started by tangela, January 23, 2017, 12:15:33 AM

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This is an open-world Rp. Please do at least provide your character's name, role, affiliation, and abilities in your application, along with any other information you feel is relevant. After all applications are submitted, we can work out character relationships. LGBT, Poly, d/s, m/s, and other types of relationships welcome. Guilds/archetypes are some suggestions, but are not necessarily the only options open to you. Feel free to apply with other character ideas.

# Brechniad

Creation Myth

"They were lead by a great ruler in that time, a king the like of whom has never been seen before or since. He came with his priests and his fire and his cold, vengeful god, and drove our people from our land. 'Convert, or die', he told us, but even those who converted to his cruel religion were treated as second-class citizens. So the oldest and wisest of our druids and witches, our great seers, gathered atop our tallest mountains. We had performed every rite we knew to strengthen our minds and bodies for contact with the gods and their magic, but we knew that we would likely not survive. The lady of the woods came to us in the form of a great swan, and when she opened her beak, a river flowed forth at our feet. We petitioned the goddess for some way that we might live and keep our traditions, and she opened her wings, folding us all inside them. 'hush, my children,' she said, and her voice rang like crystal. 'These people and their god cannot be stopped, not even by my kind. But I will show you a way, a thread of possibility that might give you a chance to survive.' And so saying, the river began to ripple, and images were made manifest to us in its surface. We saw that this mighty king, Alexandros as he was called, could be made ill by a particular poison which we could prepare. We hated to kill such a strong mind, but we hated to lose our traditions even more. So we did as we had been shown, and as the lady had promised, this great king died. But that was not the end, for as she had promised, these people would return another day, under a different name and a new leader, equally as fierce as the first, for spirits do not die, but instead are reborn in many bodies through the centuries. So we petitioned the fair folk, those who had already receded from the world. We were one of the few left who still believed in them, so in exchange for keeping their stories alive in our children, they agreed to sever a small portion of their realm and grant it to us. It is neither of the spirit, as the fae realm is, or holy of the physical plane, as are the other realms, but something between the two. And here we have dwelt ever since, knowing that one day, our ancient foe would return. This time, we will be prepared."

Brechniad has been isolated from the other realms for the past 500 years by an enchantment cast over the waystones marking the boarder of its territories, but this enchantment is weakening. Unwary or very purposeful people are occasionally wandering into, and out of, Brechniad. Some are merely careless, but others, on both sides of the divides, are sent for a reason.

History and Culture

The isle of brechniad is a place where druids and wise women study the mysteries of the universe, both the natural and magical. Aspirants are admitted at the age of 16, where they begin to study the rituals and mysteries. Herb lore, both medicine and poisons, astrology, forestcraft, law, and of course, magic and rituals. These and more were studied by the students of the grove. **After 2 years, when the students reach their majority, they are apprenticed to a master of their field, and spend up to 7 years studying under their master. However, in addition to studying magic, masters and apprentices are generally carefully matched to be comparable personalities. Due to the vast trust that must develop between the pair, it is very common, and even encouraged by the order, that the pair will often form a strong romantic bond as well. This is often, but not always, sexual, and always consensual. Neither is it uncommon for 1 or more of the pair to have relationships outside it, either with members of their peer group, or with someone outside the order.

Part of training often includes adjudicating disputes, performing rituals in the sacred times, traveling to provide charms and rituals to the people, and influencing the turning of major events. Basically, think a mix between Jedi and druids.
Unbeknownst to the people of those countries, Brechniad has druids in Yvania as well. These are considered very dangerous assignments, both personally and magically as these druids are less able to commune with the forest, risking discovery when they do. In particular, those in Yvania risk death if discovered.

Informants seek to alter political events in the country of their exile, using their natural elemental talents to report to the priestess of the forest and/or the high druid. They have the special talent of shapeshifting, often into a small and unobtrusive animal, enabling them to listen in on events that a person might not be able to observe. They must commune with the forest at least twice a month or they will begin to grow weak and ill. However, with so much time away from the great forest, perhaps some have begun to have sympathies more for their new homeland, or have agreed to pass on false information after their subterfuge has been discovered.
Brechniad is ruled by the high priestess and high druid of the order.

Guilds and possible character types

Note: Mention your character's rank upon creation. Apply specifically if you want to be the head of a guild, for example thieves, bards, etc.
High priest/ Druid of Brechniad
Priest/druid apprentice
Priest/druid aspirant


History With Brechniad
Five hundred years ago, Yvania was ruled by Alexandros, then the seventeen year old emperor. He was a great leader and warrior, often leading the fight to conquer neighboring lands himself. His city was magnificent and his empire only growing. he was, for the most part, a benevolent ruler, content mostly to let people do as they would. His judgements fair when he did intervene. It looked to all as though the empire of Yvania would persist unchallenged.
When he did lose a battle, though, it was a costly one, taking the life of his closest friends and advisors, and leaving him stranded in foreign territory. Heartsick and despondent, Alexandros tarried in Brechniad for some months, under the care of the chieftains' family. There, he lived not as a ruler, but as any other man, under a false name. He grew to Love-the country, and vowed that he would someday own it. Most of all, he longed to learn magic. With his talents in swordsmanship, he reasoned, learning both skills would make him unbeatable.
He had no skill with magic, however, and soon returned to his own people. In the time he spent there, Alexandro's introduced the people of Brechniad to the monotheistic religion quickly gaining popularity in his own land. He invited the people of Brechniad to join him in Yvania, and almost a quarter of their number did so. but they faced persecution in this new land.
When the enchantment was cast over Brechniad, many began to suspect it was only the fevered delusions of a prince who had lost so much. Many of the Pagans had converted by this time, and a hatred for magic, whether it was believed to actually exist or not, became a cultural touchstone of the region.

Vraelism, the monotheistic religion just coming into popularity in the days of Alexandro's is now the dominant religion in the land, with almost everyone professing to practice it, at least in public. However, this does not mean a uniform interpretation of the religion. Some believe personal wealth to be a sin, while others believe the only way to honor Vrael correctly is to amass as much personal wealth, and power, as possible and use it to show and further Vraels glory.

Guilds and possible character types

Character types common in Yvania
Note: Mention your character's rank upon creation. Apply specifically if you want to be the head of a guild, for example thieves, bards, etc.
•Emperor/member of the imperial family
• Head of a noble house
• member of a noble family
• Priest of Vrael
• Merchant
• Thief
• Performer
• Prostitute ′underground′
• Guard/enforcer/soldier 
"There is no justice in the laws of Nature, Headmaster, no term for fairness in the equations of motion. The universe is neither evil, nor good, it simply does not care. The stars don't care, or the Sun, or the sky. But they don't have to! We care! There is light in the world, and it is us!"