Revival: Time After Time [Extreme, Light Fantasy, Dash of Sci-Fi]

Started by Ceralilly, July 17, 2016, 11:26:57 PM

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Threads of Revival!!!

OOC Threads:

IC Threads:

Long ago,
before the second coming, the planet was filled with only humans, or at least that’s what the stories say. The stories also tell of a great war that had almost killed the planet, and so the humans left to the heavens and made their way across the stars to a new home. But time had passed and the humans, like the infection that they are, threatened to kill off their new home. As they looked back to earth they noticed it’s changes. The land had healed itself, the trees regrew stronger and more resilient, as did the generations of humans left behind after the war. Some of the humans took to nature, and with a power unlocked, learned to wield the elements themselves! The rest of the humans, a very few left, took to the spirits of the creatures, using their powers to become brothers with the strongest of beasts! Now as the power of the Therianth begins to grow, the hearts and minds of the Artifacers quickly change to more aggressive thoughts and actions. Guarding their borders and closing their doors, tensions building higher and higher as once again, the humans threatened war!

•  Who are the GMs? Who do I come to with questions?

     Rafiki23, Ceralilly, & Sunshine; Feel free to message us all with questions or concerns.

• Who can write in Revival?

     Anyone! We are open to all writers that have read and can abide by our written game rules.  We welcome anyone no matter their sexual preferences or lack thereof. Two of your GMs are cross-gender writers, so that’s not a problem either! Come one, come all!

•What does the landscape look like?
Surrounding Jungle and Forest
Therianth and Artificer Main City
The city lays closely together and trades openly for supplies. The surrounding areads are jungle and some less prominent forestry. Any landmarks that you wish to name or claim as territory must be cleared with GMs so we can add it to the map that is in progress.
•This is not your average fantasy game. They are not witches or wizards. They are Artificers and Therianths respectively and their use of magic and shifting is well known.

•Artifacts are not precious gems. They are [please see lore] physical manifestations of the element. They are passed down from families or eith GM approval found. Precious gems may be charged by Artifacts for light sources and camera flashes as well as film development. They need to be recharged and are without value other than their practical or asthetic use. Artifacts resemble gems...but also may glow...they may also vary along the spectrum of their perspective colors in shade only. Obviously white would be mostly white...but soft peach or off white...maybe yellow would be acceptable.

•  How many characters can I play?

     There are no current character limits right now. You may create to your hearts content. However, we do ask that you only create as many characters as you can actively write. It takes a lot of time to create your characters and it takes our time to read through all of them to approve them. So be diligent when you look at what you truly have time for.

•  I'd really like to play, but the game has already started!

     Not a problem. This is going to be an ongoing game. You can write their history in their character sheet to explain where they had been and what they have been up to. However, all characters will be written as either as if previously occupied the Earth like the Therianths and Artificers OR that they came with the Ostarians on the big ship. There will not currently be any off earth players or late arrival ships at this time.

•  Can I play a bad guy?

     If by bad guy you mean that he or she is a bit nefarious or morally ambiguous, then yes.  If you are thinking more of a villain, then no. There is plenty of space for plots that could include NC, Rape, Torture, Forced Impregnation, Fighting, Feuds, and various others. If you have something that you think might be questionable, PM your GMs.

•  What writing style will we be using?

     Post should be made in the Third Person, Past Tense.

•  Will headers be used? What about tagging?

     Yes and yes. Neither are optional. Headers will be made available on the beginning of each forum topic and you are required to use them. You are also required to tag content to warn others of possible triggers within.

•  Will there be the sex?

     I think it would be safe to say, yes. While it’s not required nor overly encouraged. This is an adult game with adult themes. While we would like for writers to write out well thought out plots, sex will happen and we won’t discourage it. So just have fun and respect your writing partners wishes and On/Offs.

•  Will player activity be monitored?

      Only if it becomes an issue. While we would like our players to be able to post at least once a week, we know that life happens. We would appreciate being warned about absences as would your writing partners. If you have gone inactive, we may contact you about your characters as eventually we will release your Face claims if you are not here to use them.  We will always contact you first though and give you time to respond. So please just warn people in advance.

•  In what board will Revival be played?

     Extreme. There are many different themes already in play that while cause extreme to be the appropriate category.

•  How active are the Game Masters (GMs)?

      Fairly active. All three of us are usually online most of the time. We will all be participating in the game as well. So you will see plenty of us. However, we do have real lives and will be busy from time to time. So if you PM us, you may have to wait a day for a response.  Please just be patient.

•  Can players control NPCs?

     All MAJOR NPCs will be controlled by GM’s. Minor NPC characters may be played by anyone as long as they fit in the world and general narrative.  As long as they fit the rules and are just played as the occasional NPC then it’s good with us.

•  How will conflict be resolved?

     We encourage players to work out the resolution to conflict between themselves. If matters can’t be solved without largely effecting the game, a GM may have to get involved. We would like to avoid that at all costs. Just remember, this is an adult game for mature players. If you want to be childish, seek life elsewhere.

•  How ultra mega powerful can my character be? Can I write a boss or a big bad alpha?

The basic answer to this is not very, and the continuity of the game trumps ALL. Note that no one is superior to those created by GM’s as fail safes. Alpha Roles will be written by GMs due to the fact that we cannot have a writer leave and have to replace these roles. Heads of house, Head officials, Big Bosses or High-up Government Representatives are not playable characters- Basically ALL SECRET PLOTS and Authoritative positions are to be discussed and cleared with ALL GMs.  Since this game is plot driven, we will start the game play with everyone on the same level, with GMs taking the roles of large plot drivers and leaders until the writers are further established and show they are in it for the long haul, so to speak. We may open up leader positions on a case by case basis OVER TIME.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Revival is a guided sandbox game, set in the very distant future.

Lore and Legend- A bit of the perspectives of those remaining:

ARTIFACT LORE and MAGICAL SOCIETY- How do Theirianths and Artificers remember the rebirth of MAGIC?


Therianth history and sociological implication

Therianths are a proud species but cunning, their history begins back during the great divide, a time when humanity was split between those who wanted to be part of nature and those who wanted to rule it. Therianths or shifters, took to the wilds, using their magic to learn and connect with the beasts. Coming out of a world full of technology it was hard for them to adapt at first, trials and tribulations abound. So the Therianths twisted their magic, their artifacts, to do various things to make understanding their new found brethren easier. Things like, empathy, so that they could feel and sense the motives of the creatures, and a crude form of communication to express their needs and learn from the fauna.

It is unknown how many animals the Therianths communed with, but when they had learned to master the spells they had created Therianths dove into the word of beasts. As time went on the Therianths craved being closer to their new brethren and sought new ways to make their spells even more potent. Conventional means didn’t work and often left the tester either badly injured or worse. It wasn’t until an accident occurred during one of the empowerment tests that the Therianths had their first breakthrough.

During this experiment an explosion had occurred, propelling shards of the Therianths artifact in all directions. Most of these shards harmlessly shattered against inanimate objects, but a few of the shards found a more living host. The initial reaction from the innocent bystander was inert, but as the days moved on pains in the infected area’s had begun to grow. Soon the Therianth was immobilized and in a dazed, nearly delusional coma, for almost a week. One night as the nurse tending to the Therianth patient was headed in to change his bandages she stumbled upon something no one had expected.

In the middle of the infirmary stood a wild boar, this beast was a local norm and posed no threat to the Therianths, even though it seemed disgruntled. The infirmary staff lead the animal outside and it runs free, but the patient is nowhere to be found. The staff thinking that the patient had been startled and fled sent out a search party, but he was nowhere to be found. Three days later the patient stumbled back into the Therianths town, telling tales of being one with the boar and running through the jungle as their brother. Though this story was difficult for the other Therianths to believe, it was everything they had wanted and the needed to pursue it.

A Week later and more testing than anyone had thought imaginable, the scientist and scholars were no closer to proving the patients story, hope had nearly been lost. Until the one-month anniversary of the boars’ arrival in the infirmary. As the nurses stood watch over their sleeping patient, who had complained of feeling ill that day, the shift happened proving that not only could the Therianths speak with animals but they could also change into them.

Over the next few decades the Therianths worked tirelessly to perfect the use of the artifacts to administer the magic need to make shifting possible, until one day, the first natural shifter was born. Since then the Therianths have made leaps and bounds in the evolution of their species, but in the same breath have lost all ability to wield any and all artifacts. Though in a world of magic, this has been a hefty price to pay, the Therianths aren’t without their advantages.

Therianths in animal form are slightly larger than their animal brethren, they have phenomenal strength and senses. Even when out of animal form the Therianths still retain some of their enhanced attributes, but this factor varies from Therianth to Therianth and can manifest in a multitude of variations. On top of this, Therianths have gained several social and personality traits from the shifting process. In order to gain full control of the ability to shift into an animal, the Therianths had to tap into their animalistic side.

During these times of discovery, a war broke out between the Artificers and the Therianths. The Artificers had vast numbers over the Therianths and brought their population to its knees, but at a deadly cost to the Artificers. An uneasy alliance had been stricken and has held for generations and yet still always seems to be on the brink of collapsing. But the war seemed to act as more of a filter than anything, removing unwanted families and keeping only the strongest bloodlines alive.

They value family above all else, this is the reason why it is so important for them to keep clear and pure bloodlines in their families, even going as far as inbreeding, which is more common than not. It is also known that Therianths cannot breed with a normal human or Artificer, and prudes a Therianth Heir, making the act of mating with those of non-Therianth blood a social travesty. This mixed with their low population drives Therianths towards inbreeding in the hopes of maintaining a pure bloodline. Due to the shift they also tend, on average, to maintain a strong family/pack mentality, even though some families take the form of animals that are more often solitary. In fact, it can be a tendency that a Therianth might find it more comfortable to be alone when shifted, but this is a programing that can be easily over ridden.

The Therianth share a few traits that ring true for all families, one of those traits is the head of house or Alpha. This does not always mean that person will be a male or female, but there is always one person with the final say if things get out of hand. Another trait is their level of possessiveness and jealousy. Therianths, having gone through generations of losing many that they love, have developed a natural propensity for violently detouring or removing anyone they perceive as encroaching on what is theirs. But this by no means says that all Therianths are always faithful, loyal to a fault yes, but faithful not always. Some Therianth women, usually wives of the Alpha, are so loyal and faithful that their jealous outbursts border on insane. But some mates can grow to resent their husbands philandering and go out on their own to seek some, comfort.

Though, not wanting to risk their jealous husband’s wrath if they were to accidentally be bred, and the males not wanting to chance a bastard child to challenge the line, they have both found a way to decrease the dangers of infidelity. By working with the Artificers in a mutually beneficial partnership, the have acquired specially charged gems which render the wearer infertile for the time it is warn. The use of charged gems rather than artifacts, allows the Therianths to utilize the temporary prevention of pregnancy for themselves. This allows them to take lovers, slaves, and secret romances. The fact that the gems are beautiful, and can be worn in public, is a status symbol for those wearing them. A secret affair or a need to prevent said pregnancy shows a desirability, not to mention it is common place for Therianths to commission personalized settings specific to them, with which they hand out to their own specific consorts or mistresses. Therefore, it is not unheard of to show these gems off, whether or not the pairing is known. This does take care of the issue of pregnancy, though wearer beware! Therianth senses will still be as sharp as ever, make sure to wash thoroughly and pray that they do not smell the treachery on you.

Lastly the Therianths can only shift back and forth as they like, but never in between. A few have tried to break this rule and it has always ended in sadness and bloodshed. Any sane or intelligent Therianths would stay away from this idea at all costs.

Ostarian History and Social Roles

Ostarian history dates back roughly two thousand years, just at the height of The Great War. It was said that the Ostarians were Earths last hope for mankind’s survival, and with this belief they boarded a ship and were sent on the long journey to their new home, Ostara. Even with the advancements that Earthlings had made in their technologies, the voyage took just under 380 years to move the humans the nineteen thousand light years where Ostara resided. Along the way there were many questions as to why they would travel so far just to find an inhabitable planet, and why they didn’t look closer. But from their long range test and sensory equipment it was discovered that Ostara had particularly rare opportunities for scientific advancement, through metals and other resources native to the planet.

Along the journey it had seemed as though the SS Empyrean had become the ideal society, and though there were minor disputes and arguments among the passengers, the three century journey had appeared to bring humanity closer to unification than any other time in their history. However, this would be short lived as they had arrived to Ostara. Upon landing there was mass cause for celebration and the worlds was joyous with laughter and love. But as the days turned to week’s rivalries broke out quickly and lines were drawn.

In a matter of a few short years the local continent was divided, stakes claimed, governments that varied drastically, put in place and of course hatred. Though this time it was not the color of their skin that separated them but rather their ideals, and this had been found to be a much stronger enemy for peace to combat. Thus, the inevitable occurred and the first war broke out, just a small conflict between two of Ostara’s smaller countries which was easily pacified, but this lead to one universal sentiment, strength would keep them safe from the unknown. As fear had spread through the lands, that war could break out at any time, more and more of humanities older instincts bubbled to the surface, and they forgot.

Ostarians forgot how they had ended up so far from the place they had called home, forgot what it is they were running from and why they should never go back, and they forgot everything in themselves that they wanted to let go of and leave behind; Ostara was going to pay the prices. It was true that the resources of the planet had made it exponentially easier for the Ostarians to advance their technologies, but this only lead to the quick and brutal manufacturing of phenomenally powerful weapons.
Quickly the landscape was devastated by the ravages of war, and the Ostarian population that had once thrived was crippled in a matter of years. Still, humanity was an obstinate species, and they survived to devastate the planet for centuries to come, the idea always spoken that they could repair the planet as easily as they had destroyed it. This was not true of course, and in the last century Ostara shook and nearly shattered, the devastation the Ostarians had caused, threatened to tear the planet apart.

Ostarians and their governments scrambled to become cohesive, once again searching the stars for yet another new home. The same accelerated progress that had torn the planet asunder was now, finally, being used for the greater good of humanity, and thus The Remembrance was marked, the day the Ostarians realized what they had done.

Their technology had grown to the point where subspace travel was possible, though in reality it was very crude, and required the natural formation of a worm hole, in order to perform the jump. During the exploration it had not become an issue, as the Ostarians hadn’t cared where they would end up, as long as it was sustainable. Suddenly, the planet’s well-being had shifted; once more, the threat of annihilation was upon them, and sooner than they had ever planned. In the new found spirit of togetherness, a lottery was devised that would place no Ostarian above another, and simple chose the group and departure order each Ostarian would be part of, all before they had even found a destination to call home.

As the time grew shorter the fear that a new home would never be found became even more prevalent throughout the population, and then the transmission arrived. A lone, long range scout had found the original home of the Ostarians, Earth. The planet seemed to have rebirthed itself and had come back to life stronger than before, greener and even more vivacious. The decision had been made; that this would be their destination. The expedition, with their new tech, would only take them a year instead of centuries, and they had hoped this would leave the difficulties of Ostara fresh in their minds as they rebuilt their society again.

And so, the SS Revival was boarded, the planet left in smoldering ashes as it set sail, and traveled through the worm hole to earth. Still, no rest would be found for our weary travelers, just as they had entered the vicinity of planet Earth, their ship had begun to malfunction irreparably. It was all the pilots and captain could do to achieve an emergency crash landing. Many lives and nearly all of their technology had been lost in the crash, save for one transmission device that they could afford one communication back home. Once the statement had been sent the device ceased to function and the Ostarians were alone, but not for long.

Quickly after the crash, the Ostarians were met by both governing factions of Earth, the Artificers and the Therianths. The Artificers would seem like the perfect match for most Ostarians, sharing the same ideals on progression, life, and power, but they do differ on subjects like arranged marriages and servitude. The Therianths though seemed like entirely different creatures to the Ostarians, differing on many or almost all points they would consider acceptable. They are brutal and savage, yet with an intelligence and sophistication that completely contradicted their animalistic nature, their views on relationships and slaves would mostly seem appalling to the Ostarians, though their dominance and commanding confidence may be a seductive prospect to some.

The Ostarians, now grieving and war stricken, were left on a planet they knew nothing of, without an amenity or comfort to speak of. Having an even more daunting task than rebuilding a society, they have to assimilate into one that already exists. Choosing sides will be crucial for their survival in these times, as they no longer have a government of their own, nor any sign or hope that support was on its way. Thus, begins a new age in Ostarian history, the age of The Acculturation.

This stories timeline goes as follows:

The Great War – The event that had killed the planet the first time, causing humans to voyage to Ostara in the hopes of rebuilding the human population to a better golden age.

The remembrance – The period in time when Ostara is past the point of no return, humans mark this day as the time when they had forgotten, but should have remembered.

The expeditions – Humans begin making attempts to search other planets for sustainable conditions.

The Great Recolonization - Humans relocate Earth, upon realizing it has healed itself and grown even stronger, the plans for recolonization begin.

Touchdown and Connection Lost – The colony party, SS Revival, completed their voyage back into the Earth’s solar system. As they approached the planet of origin, system malfunctions ran rampant throughout the vessel and communications were lost.

Reconnect and Discover – The colony party reconnects with Ostara; describing a vastly different world than the one before. Upon hearing this new information, the leaders of Ostara decide that the best course of action would be to Integrate with the local population, observe and wait until further notice.

This is where our players pick up, with three main storyline options to follow. These options will not dictate the entire game for players but rather set them on a path that they may feel is most interesting and will fit their characters best. We ENCOURAGE character building, as long as you can write each character as in depth as the last and maintain them, build until your heart is content and please remember to check in face claims with Ceralilly. The three main positions will be, Ostarian, Therianth, and Artificer. A brief break down of each will be provided next.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Revival Species Breakdown:

Ostarian (Colonist): These humans are from a far off planet that is on the verge of desolation. In an attempt to save their species, they were sent to scout Earth as a viable re-population option. Upon arrival they found Earth not only populated but with a budding and established form of civilization. Before arriving to the planet their vessel received severe technical malfunctions, causing them to perform an emergency crash landing, taking away from them almost everything but their clothing. With that, they also found that the greater portion of their technology has been rendered inoperable, save for the short time they had the chance to make contact with ::Planet Name:: to receive their orders. Now the settlers with little to no familiar resources and a severe need to learn the secret to the source of the other human’s magic and integrate into their society as quickly as possible, lest they be left defenseless.

When the world came out of the darkness, and mankind began dusting itself off, it came across a new residual force on the planet. This power, that only the humans seemed to be able to tap into, could be described as nothing less than magic. But as choices, in these perilous times, needed to be made, humanity became divided. One side remained to the belief that humanity belonged ruling over nature and commanding it to their will, to build a bright and glorious future for the planet. The other side believed that humans needed to use this new found power, to return to the natural world and become one with it, tapping into their primal natures. Thus the world has been divided, an uneasy peace between the two factions, easily fractured by the simplest act.

Artificer: Artificers were the people who believed humans should have control over magic and nature. Keeping it under their thumb and bending it to their will. Some believe this is a foolish notion as the simplest of spells can take years to master. But the majority became seduced with the possibility of commanding the very elements. This swayed the greater population to their side putting them into an early lead for the worlds super power.

Therianth (Shifter): Panther type and Wolf type are the two genera that we will accept to START. Therianth history tells of their disagreement with the Artificers on how the magic should be used, but the Artificers were too strong. Their numbers outweighed the Therianth by the dozens, causing the Therianth's own populations to dwindle down to nearly nothing. But this made the Therianth unbelievably strong, leaving only the strongest and purest bloodlines. This also gave them the gift they all now possess, the ability to change into the form of beast.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Revival Rule & Guidelines
First off, we would really like to thank you all for being interested in our game. We are so happy you are here! However, we do want to remind you that this is, in fact, JUST a game. So with it comes a certain set of rules and guidelines that need to be followed.

  • The Staff and Writers of this game will follow the expressed Elliquiy Site Rules. NO exceptions.
  • Please respect your fellow writers.  While we know that not everyone is going to get along and that conflict will happen. We simply ask that you handle it as swiftly and maturely as possible. Keep drama IN character rather than out.  Just treat everyone how you would like to be treated.
  • This is a judgement free zone. Revival may/will contain many different soft to hardcore content. There will not be any degrading or ridiculing of writers for the topics they choose to participate or not participate in. Posts will be tagged for their triggering content.  If you are uncomfortable with the content listed, simply don’t read it.
  • Respect people’s On/Offs. If you don’t see one listed, just ask. We encourage writers to discuss their on/offs while in the plotting process, that way there are no surprises or hurt feelings. Keep in mind that people’s feeling toward a topic are subject to change if they so choose. So do not take offense if someone tries something and decides that it is not for them or the opposite. Do not badger people for a list, if you asked once and they didn’t answer. Take the hint.
  • Themes & Content will depend on continuity of the game. In the current storyline there are strong themes of Incest, NonCon, Breeding, Beastiality, Magic, and many more. If it fits within the world and storyline created and is acceptable by Elliquiy standards, run with it. Just use common sense. If it’s something in question, just ask a GM.
  • Weapons –Yes, even in the middle ages, the art metallurgy and forging was readily available. But, that was out of necessity, those people could not live, fight, or survive without harnessing metal.  Artificers and Therianths have had magic for almost a millennium now, this magic allows them to protect themselves, provide sustenance, and shelter. Though they would have knives and small daggers, it would not have been their primary concern to make metal weapons as they had other, more accessible means of self-defense i.e. magic.
        Now, all this being said, the Ostarians do have a need for those weapons at least until they can master some form of magic. Hence the change, so yes there would be metal, and perhaps someone in the city or one of the Ostarians know's how to forge; we can work on this if desired by perhaps working out a forge. But keep in mind, making a sword is a completely different animal than per say a necklace or a small knife, so there would have to be a reason why they had someone who knew how to do that on the colony ship. No guns, giant swords, phasers, tasers, or lasers. So use weapons accordingly. If you can fashion something with limited resources, go for it. Make a wooden spear, create a bow if you are extra handy, maybe even fashion a dagger from bones. rock or basic metal. Basically use common sense here. There may be small exceptions made but GM approval is required.
  • Technology from Ostaria is DEAD and NOT active.
  • The natives of Earth, are not primitive's or cavemen and women, they live by simpler means with lesser technology, but they are quite intelligent and resourceful. If they have made a decision as to not use something it would probably be decently reasoned, making the market for large weapons slightly smaller. In a Therianths mind I could see them asking "Why carry such a heavy piece of metal, when I can just use my claws, or teeth, or snap their necks?"
  • Face Claims must be human and be 18 years or older in the photo. For those who are shifters, you may attach an image of your character’s animal form on your sheet. No anime, anthro, furries, or cartoons are allowed.
  • All characters must be 16 years of age or older. Since family is an important theme here you may mention characters beneath that age or briefly NPC. However, they are NEVER to be mentioned in a sexual manner. There will also be no posting pictures of mentioned children.  If you want to describe how your character’s child looks, go for it. No pictures please.
  • No Godmoding, Metagaming, or power playing.
  • In-Character/In-Game consequences – If your character does something pretty outrageous or insane to a village, person, or etc., like going on a killing spree or lighting the place on fire, that is not done with the expressed consent of the GMs will have IC/IG consequences. These consequences would include that character being killed or imprisoned. Don’t ruin people plots, just keep on lid on the crazy.
  • Posting – Please post in third person, past tense.  Use the appropriate header and tag your triggering content. We ask that your posts have approximately 250 word count minimums on average. We get that some transitions and scene endings may be shorter.
  • Please be considerate to your fellow writers in Group scenes. Give slower posters a chance to write too.  Establishing a posting order is great for that. Real life comes first.
  • Timeline – While there are no time deadlines for you to meet. We would ask that you be conscientious about the dates and wrap up old threads as soon as you are able. That way the people involved can move forward as certain events in a scene may affect future interactions.
  • Shifters (Called Therianths) – Please follow the given Lore. Since Therianths are supposed to be a rare breed, there will be a set limit of Character slots to be filled. As more human characters join the board, we may increase the number of available Therianths to keep a population ratio that is proportionate.
  • Magic – Follow the written lore. (and for the love of all things holy, don’t ask Sunshine questions about it. She doesn’t know :P )
  • NO SCAT!

As always, real life comes first. Patience is everything. Good things come to those who wait.
Happy Writing!
~Cerallily, Rafiki23, Sunshine~

Table of Elemental Powers

Bubble|Force field|Barrier Formation|Cauterize- for wounds
Alcoholic Manipulation|Wind Manipulation|Dirt/Sand Blasting|Fire Dancing
Water Daemon|Breath Under Water|Plant Growth|Fire Daemon
Water dancing|Voice Manipulation|Boulder Toss|Heat Wave Emission
Spout attacks|Vacuum|Precious Metal Location|Flame Forging
Ice storm|Small Tornado|Healing Earth|Hand-Based Welding
Water Vortex|Air Music|Precious Gem location|Fire Breath
Ice touch|Thunder|Camouflage|Smoke manipulation
Snow| O2 Manipulation|Soil from sand|Radiate Heat
Vapor|Pressure Strike|Vine Shot|Colored fire
Rain|AIR|EARTH|Ash blind
WATER|AIR|EARTH|Molecular Acceleration

  • FIRE
  • Radiate Heat-To warm one’s self or another living creature n close proximity, those with years of practice might heat a room.
  • Colored fire- for pyrotechnics, entertainment, signals…
  • Ash blind-Shooting ashes from palm to create a defensive cloud…can be used as offensive as it will permeate eyes, mouth, and nose.
  • Molecular acceleration- boiling water, hardening rock..etc
  • Smoke manipulation-Create smoke from hands or manipulate existing smoke from a camp fire etc.
  • Fire breath- The ability to light a candle or set someone aflame. Depending on years practiced.
  • Hand-based welding- (Using earth based metals)-Heats up metal hot enough to weld it to another piece.
  • Flame forging- (Using earth based metals)-To create decorations, jewelry, small weapons. Weapons are to be sold to Ostarians, or used for historical decoration only by Artificers. They have no need for swords or knifes. 
  • Heat wave emission- Defensively Pushes defender BACK with a wave of heat from both hands outstretched.
  • Fire daemon- (short term used for story telling or mild to moderate attack. The ability to form figures or silhouettes out of flame.)
  • Fire dancing- an intricate form of dance that is used in seduction or artistic expression. Does not cause harm.
  • Cauterize- for wounds

  • AIR
  • Force field- A protective field of atmosphere that is moving so rapidly that it is difficult to break through. This is based on years wielded and might be more easily penetrated with a new wielder.
  • Wind Manipulation- from breeze to whirlwind depending on years studied- in a mild to moderate range
  • Breath Under Water -Short term bubble of air
  • Voice Manipulation-Singing, Echoes, or throwing your voice.
  • Vacuum- Sucks objects or living beings towards the wielder. Depends on years practiced.
  • Small Tornado- This can be used for many things, pollination, weather play, games for children, and as a wielder gets stronger, it can be a wielded in a deadly offensive maneuver.
  • Air Music-Creating Tones, High or low pitched noises from rubbing fingers or hands together…May be used as a mild to moderate attack
  • Thunder- (Not including lightning) mild to moderate Exclusive Air wielders may deafen foe temporarily but if misused it may deafen a wielder as well. HARD to master as it is temperamental and usually wants to accompany the natural source of lightning. This becomes easier in an actual lightning storm.
  • O2 Manipulation- Temporary manipulation of oxygen for assisting in fire wielding or breathing. Pulls CO2 out and concentrates O2, or visa versa. Can be useful for non-fire wielders.
  • Pressure Strike-Defensive Pushes defender BACK

  • Earthen barrier- formation of earth based shield as tall and twice as wide as the wielder.
  • Dirt/sand blasting- Think sand storm in a reasonable radius at the post powerful…and tossing dirt in someone’s eyes at the weakest.
  • Plant growth- Must have a seed or life source, leave…root…etc great for farmers and food…flowers… Foliage.
  • Brick creation- for shelters from earth one at a time per weilder.
  • Boulder Toss- The ability to harden and project boulders from small rock size to the size of the wielders head.
  • Precious Metal Location-Metal is used for construction and creation of metallic objects. - Note these are only for Energy and decoration since the Artifacts have been discovered. 
  • Healing Earth- Used for farming and small patches of land that may be damaged a mild form of Terraforming.
  • Camouflage-Ability to blend with earthen surroundings.
  • Vine Shot-Shoot Trap or climbing vines from hands. Disperse from Self upon will and Stays in place with increased skill.
  • Soil From Sand-Transmute fertile soil from sand.

  • Bubble-Shoots small to large bubbles from hands. May be as innocent as a game for children or as dangerous as a sphere or anti-atmosphere for a foe to suffocate in easily. May also surround plants to protect them from elements.
  • Water summoning- in earth there is usually water underfoot. A wielder that practices this power can draw a small spout or a torrent depending on his needs. The water will return quickly without the skill or will to keep it in place. For example a moat may be hard to summon unless it is very close to water, but an irrigation supply would be fairly reasonable.
  • Rain-Summon  water from clouds in a mild to moderate range
  • Spout attacks-The ability to use present water or summoned water in an attack. Mild to moderate, it could be a fun game, or a dangerous projectile. Depends on years wielded.
  • Water Vortex- The ability to use present water or summoned water in an attack. Mild to moderate meaning it could lift a person with ease or rip them to shreds in a tornado of pure water force. Depends on years wielded.
  • Snow- in a mild to moderate range
  • Ice storm- in a mild to moderate range
  • Ice touch-To touch water or anything with water in it and cause frostbite all the way to flash freeze. Depends on years wielded as to how effective this would be.
  • Vapor- The ability to will water into its gaseous form. Application would be condensation for plant growth, dry drowning a foe, any place that moisture would be handy. Also used in smoking herbs.
  • Water dancing- an intricate form of dance that is used in seduction or artistic expression of water and snow.
  • Water Daemon- (short term used for story telling or mild to moderate attack. The ability to form figures or silhouettes out of water.)
  • Alcoholic manipulation-Turning water to Alcoholic beverages. Requires some fruit or starch based items for fermentation to take place. It merely accelerated this effect instantly.

  • Element 1
  • Learn Power 1
  • Takes 2 years to master.
  • Continue on with one Element 1 and gain a new power in 2 years OR
  • Pick Element 2
  • Learn Power 2
  • Takes 2 years to master.

  • Element 1- Power 1 Year 2>Power 4 | year 8

  • Element 2 Power 2 Year 4>Power 5  | year 10

  • Element 3 Power 4 Year 6> Power 6 | Year 12

How to make an Artificer:

  • Grab an Artificer Character Sheet! (max 3 elements of 4)
  • Pick Your Element or Elements
  • Remember that wielding the full 3 our of 4 elements is handy, but limits character growth as they have to evenly master all three over time.
  • It is a sign of prestige to focus on one element; more concentrated power develops that way.
  • You may pick any power from the list that you wish to learn per two years of magic wielding, however, the earliest that an artificer may be trained is 10 years old unless they are an heir to a house. This position is GM written. The number one rule here is to maintain the balance shown in the tables above. If you have more than one element you MUST disperse the powers evenly. You may not give an Artificer 6 powers of water and 2 of air. Balance is important in elemental magic.
  • Example of powers for a Artificer: Began training at 10, has Earth and Fire magic; current age 22. Each element would have 3 powers. 12 years of training, divided by the 2 year training minimum, and divided by the number of elements (in this case two).

How to make a Therianth: Guidlines to Remember
Our current acceptable species for Wolf Therianths are (just about any) type of nonextinct wolf. For the Panther Therianths any species of non-extinct Jaguar and Leopard may be used. There are many different types that fall under these categories that should be able to broaden your range for desired looks in order to make everyone a bit different and more personalized for each player. Please choose from a more recent genus, prehistorics will not be accepted. Your choice will undergo review by the staff to make sure it fits within the guidelines.  While families are welcome to play the same exact species type, they are not required. For example, just because big brother is a melanistic jaguar, doesn’t mean that you can’t be a Leopard. (It’s all magic and fun. Do what makes the most sense to you. If you are unsure, ASK A GM) They rule here is Panthers with Panthers and Wolves with Wolves; you belong to one family or the other. Also, since we are giving such a wide range of looks, we ask that your animal look relatively true to its natural self. While our therianths may be larger than the actual true animal in size we ask that there are no unnatural fur or eye colorations. You can have scars, wear adornment, or even wear branding but keep it somewhat realistic. If you have any questions. Just ask the staff: Preferably Sunshine or Rafiki23.

Character Building Requirements:

  • PM ALL Character Sheets to Sunshine, Rafiki23, and Ceralilly
  • Fill out completely
  • You MAY delete the connections part once we have a tracker thread going.
  • We reserve the right to ask you to change elements so they fit the world we have created. Follow the storyline and this shouldn't be a problem.
  • Make sure the history is as stated 250 words minimum.
  • Use both Impirical and Metric converstions for height and weight. We have players from all over the world. This helps instill diverse playing and interactions. Also picking the face claim you feel most comfortable with takes precident over the character looking like their peers.

[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=28pt][u]Ostarian[/u][/size][/font][/center]
[right][img height=250 padding=13][/img][/right]

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character Age:[/b] (16-35)
[b]Month/Day Born:[/b]

[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Height, Weight  [Must include the metric and Imperial measurements as we have many diverse players.], Tattoos, Distinguishing Characteristics, Scars, Birthmarks, Eye Color, Piercings, Hair Color)

[center][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][/center]


[b]Will They Be Pursuing Magic?:[/b]
[i]If so, what Element and Power?:[/i] (Max one)

[center][size=18pt][i]In Deep[/i][/size][/center]

[b]Personality:[/b] (Three positive, Three negative, Three neutral)
{Protagonist, Antagonist, Neutral? We reserve to put a cap on Antagonists if they begin to overpopulated the Artificers. Balance is important.}

[b]Habits or Mannerisms:[/b] (What are their rituals, do they bite their lip? Think about body language and particular stances they take.)
[b]Occupation or Position:[/b] (Heads of house, Head officials, Big Bosses or High-up Government Representatives are not playable characters- Basically ALL SECRET PLOTS and Authoritative positions are to be discussed and cleared with ALL GMs.  Since this game is plot driven, we will start the game play with everyone on the same level, with GMs taking the roles of large plot drivers and leaders until the writers are further established and show they are in it for the long haul, so to speak.)


At least 250 words HERE. [/center]

[b]Favorite Color:[/b]
[i]Likes: [/i](At least five)
[i]Dislikes:[/i] (At least five)
[i]Fears, Triggers: [/i](At least 1, no one is without fear)
[i]Goals: [/i](What drives your character?)

[i]Family Member(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Love Interest(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]If they are pursuing magic...Mentor?:[/i]
[i]Other connections:[/i] (Slaves, friends, enemies...Feel free to add as you go!) [Connections MAY be waived if you want to make a tracker. Either, or both are perfectly fine.]

[b]Sexuality: [/b] (If you wish to define orientation.)
[b]Sexual On's and Offs:[/b]  (Yours)

[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Face Claim:[/b]

Song Expression: (You may link directly from YouTube)
Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.)

Therianth[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=28pt][u]Therianth[/u][/size][/font][/center]
[right][img height=250 padding=13][/img][/right]

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character Age:[/b] (16-35)
[b]Month/Day Born:[/b]

[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Height, Weight,  [Must include the metric and Imperial measurements as we have many diverse players.]Tattoos, Distinguishing Characteristics, Scars, Birthmarks, Eye Color, Piercings, Hair Color)

[center][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][/center]

[center][size=18pt][i]The Animal Inside and Out[/i][/size][/center]

[b]Panther or Wolf?:[/b]
[b]Description of Animal Form:[/b] (Must be true to REAL LIFE FORM)
[b]Physical Carryover:[/b] (Two attributes that represent their animalistic inclinations that are carried over in human form. I.e. Enhanced smell, sight, night vision, size, increased strength, speed... etc.)

[center][size=18pt][i]In Deep[/i][/size][/center]

[b]Personality:[/b] (Three positive, Three negative, Three neutral)
{Protagonist, Antagonist, Neutral? We reserve to put a cap on Antagonists if they begin to overpopulated the Artificers. Balance is important.}

[b]Habits or Mannerisms:[/b] (What are their rituals, do they bite their lip? Think about body language and particular stances they take.)
[b]Occupation or Position:[/b] (How long, where, what is it, what level are they. Note that no one is superior to those created by GM’s as fail safes. Alpha Roles will be written by GMs due to the fact that we cannot have a writer leave and have to replace [i]these[/i] roles. Basically ALL SECRET PLOTS and Authoritative positions are to be discussed and cleared with ALL GMs.  Since this game is plot driven, we will start the game play with everyone on the same level, with GMs taking the roles of large plot drivers and leaders until the writers are further established and show they are in it for the long haul, so to speak.)


At least 250 words. [/center]

[b]Favorite Color:[/b]
[i]Likes: [/i](At least five)
[i]Dislikes:[/i] (At least five)
[i]Fears, Triggers: [/i](At least 1, no one is without fear)
[i]Goals: [/i](What drives your character?)

[i]Family Member(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Love Interest(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Other connections:[/i] (Slaves, friends, enemies...Feel free to add as you go!) [Connections MAY be waived if you want to make a tracker. Either, or both are perfectly fine.]

[b]Sexuality: [/b] (If you wish to define orientation.)
[b]Sexual On's and Offs:[/b]  (Yours)

[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Face Claim:[/b]

Song Expression: (You may link directly from YouTube)
Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.)

Artificer[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=28pt][u]Artificer[/u][/size][/font][/center]
[right][img height=250 padding=13][/img][/right]

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character Age:[/b] (16-35)
[b]Month/Day Born:[/b]

[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Height, Weight,  [Must include the metric and Imperial measurements as we have many diverse players.], Tattoos, Distinguishing Characteristics, Scars, Birthmarks, Eye Color, Piercings, Hair Color)

[center][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][/center]


[b]How old were they when they began training?:[/b]  (youngest 10)
[b]What is(are) their element(s) of focus?:[/b] (MAX 3 out of 4- Earth, Fire, Air, Water. Note that being proficient in ONE element is a sign of prestige. Using the total 3 elements would be show they needed to use them as opposed to it being a luxury. The more elements you chose the less proficient your character is.
[b]Artifact(s): [/b](Description of Artifact and how they are carried or mounted.)
[b]Powers Chosen:[/b] (See list in Magical information. One power may be learned every two years of training. They must be evenly dispersed. Please see chart in the same area for example. For questions please contact GMs.)

[center][size=18pt][i]In Deep[/i][/size][/center]

[b]Personality:[/b] (Three positive, Three negative, Three neutral)
{Protagonist, Antagonist, Neutral? We reserve to put a cap on Antagonists if they begin to overpopulated the Artificers. Balance is important.}

[b]Habits or Mannerisms:[/b] (What are their rituals, do they bite their lip? Think about body language and particular stances they take.)
[b]Occupation or Position:[/b] (Heads of house, Head officials, Big Bosses or High-up Government Representatives are not playable characters- Basically ALL SECRET PLOTS and Authoritative positions are to be discussed and cleared with ALL GMs.  Since this game is plot driven, we will start the game play with everyone on the same level, with GMs taking the roles of large plot drivers and leaders until the writers are further established and show they are in it for the long haul, so to speak.)


At least 250 words. [/center]

[b]Favorite Color:[/b]
[i]Likes: [/i](At least five)
[i]Dislikes:[/i] (At least five)
[i]Fears, Triggers: [/i](At least 1, no one is without fear)
[i]Goals: [/i](What drives your character?)

[i]Family Member(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Love Interest(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Other connections:[/i] (Slaves, friends, enemies...Feel free to add as you go!) [Connections MAY be waived if you want to make a tracker. Either, or both are perfectly fine.]

[b]Sexuality: [/b] (If you wish to define orientation.)
[b]Sexual On's and Offs:[/b]  (Yours)

[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Face Claim:[/b]

Song Expression: (You may link directly from YouTube)
Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.)
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools



Hello.  Not a huge fan of shifters so now do I want magic or gritty survivor?  Hmmmmm....

Relikai - I am so....

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


*sits down*  So yeah I'm in.....and I'm doing shifters as we discussed.


Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 12:48:54 AM
Hello.  Not a huge fan of shifters so now do I want magic or gritty survivor?  Hmmmmm....

Relikai - I am so....

You are so.... ?

Aida Rose

I'm interested in a shifter character, unless that's all filled up.


We absolutlely have Therianth (Shifter) spots available!

Welcome all!

We are working on several elememts to get this game to you as quickly an effectively as possible. Character sheets will be up soon.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Good Morning My Loves!!!!
So glad to see interested writers!


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Relikai on July 18, 2016, 12:48:20 AM
Sure am interested!

Might play a female for this RP.

This is more than welcome! I'll be playing men and women as will Sunshine.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


The O's and the A's --- AFK every weekend


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Hi Crash! Now you know why I've been busy >.>

Quote from: Whowhatwhere on July 18, 2016, 08:23:46 AM
Interested! Any of the three classes, actually.

Happy To have you!


Quote from: Sunshine on July 18, 2016, 08:31:30 AM
Hi Crash! Now you know why I've been busy >.>

Oh a little bird might have mentioned something about your involvement in this. ;)

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 08:33:35 AM
Oh a little bird might have mentioned something about your involvement in this. ;)

*whistles innocently*
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


So can someone from the crashed ship have a makeshift weapon using metal from the crash?

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 08:33:35 AM
Oh a little bird might have mentioned something about your involvement in this. ;)

Those pesky Birds!


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 08:49:48 AM
So can someone from the crashed ship have a makeshift weapon using metal from the crash?

We are finalizing weapons tonight and will really consider this. As we discuss what happened to the crash materials. ;-p
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Ceralilly on July 18, 2016, 09:38:21 AM
We are finalizing weapons tonight and will really consider this. As we discuss what happened to the crash materials. ;-p

Excellent.  If seems like the one advantage they would have but I didn't want to assume anything.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious

Lady Sakura

*Dances in giving blue carnations to everyone*

Tentatively Claiming Ayumi Hamasaki as my Artificer


Quote from: Vampire Mistress Sakura on July 18, 2016, 11:12:51 AM
*Dances in giving blue carnations to everyone*

Tentatively Claiming Ayumi Hamasaki as my Artificer

Yayayay!!! Sakky!!! Welcome welcome!!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools

Drake Valentine

Bookmarked, although I wish there was some more info in regards to magic.

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 11:30:21 AM
Very nice Sakkie.

Thank you! I'm working on her skeleton right now once more detail comes out I'll add muscle and flesh. ^^


Quote from: Drake Valentine on July 18, 2016, 11:29:11 AM
Bookmarked, although I wish there was some more info in regards to magic.

Thanks for the bookmark! We are working on the magic portion as well as many others. We will get that info out and posted for you as soon as we can!


Need a face claim myself.  Not sure if I am writing a male or female character though.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Noting my interest here.  Thinking about a female Artificer, though nothing specific yet.  I want to see what more information comes out. :)


Info to come:

Extreme Dynamics
Face Claiming

Suggestions welcome.

I am floored and so excited at this turn out. We thank each and every one of you for your interest and will do our best to create an amazing game environment for you all.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Face claiming Watanabe Mayu for my face claim. zzz time.

Lady Sakura


Lady Sakura

Quote from: Lindrea on July 18, 2016, 12:55:47 PM
I think I'm going to go with Karoline Kate as my faceclaim.

That is a good claim. She has a quality that dares people to underestimate her. Innocent with a hint of deviousness.  :-)



Quote from: Vampire Mistress Sakura on July 18, 2016, 01:01:39 PM
That is a good claim. She has a quality that dares people to underestimate her. Innocent with a hint of deviousness.  :-)

Thank you! ^.^  Hoping she turns out just as you describe when I get down to making her personality/history. ^.~

Quote from: Sunshine on July 18, 2016, 01:05:23 PM
Ooooooh She's a sultry one.

Gorgeous, isn't she?


I think I'll be making a male Colonist. I was thinking about making the pilot, but first I'd like to know: how big was the ship that brought the colonists? Would there be a single pilot or many? Thanks.
The O's and the A's --- AFK every weekend

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Lindrea on July 18, 2016, 01:06:05 PM
Thank you! ^.^  Hoping she turns out just as you describe when I get down to making her personality/history. ^.~

Her gaze does make you wonder what kind of yummy thoughts she is hiding behind those eyes.

I look forward to when you give her life. (^.^)



So we can all see who each other has. ^_^

You are free to post them here too! That just helps make it official so I can verify face claims and such if there ends up being a misunderstanding.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Whowhatwhere on July 18, 2016, 01:07:54 PM
I think I'll be making a male Colonist. I was thinking about making the pilot, but first I'd like to know: how big was the ship that brought the colonists? Would there be a single pilot or many? Thanks.
We will add this to our current discussion! Thank you and BRB with an answer!
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes

Untamed Skies

Hmmm, the concept is interesting....And Sakky's here?

Sign me up.

And if it's possible I'd like to reserve Kate Beckinsale and David Boreanaz

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Untamed Skies on July 18, 2016, 02:11:11 PM
Hmmm, the concept is interesting....And Sakky's here?

Sign me up.

And if it's possible I'd like to reserve Kate Beckinsale and David Boreanaz


David Boreanaz = *Drool*


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 08:49:48 AM
So can someone from the crashed ship have a makeshift weapon using metal from the crash?

Hey there, excellent question! The short of it would be no, as the type of metal/material needed to withstand a travel distance of that magnitude would be extremely dense. There for it would have been nearly impossible for our colonists to have utilized any of the metal from the ship itself, and all of the more manageable pieces would not be shape-able. So really if you were to go that route, it would probably be a roll of the Dicebot to see if your character found something worth using.

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


I was simply thinking a makeshift metal knife or shiv from scrap metal is all, but if that is to much that is fine.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I am currently tackling Magic!

So far it looks like Each Artifacer character will have a max of three powers attached to their Artifact. One for ATTACK, one for HEALING OR something HELPFUL (neutral), and one for DEFENSE.

I will place a list of these three categories, and label them..then I will place they type of element that controls what. So you know what color gems that your Artifact will have.

Artifacts help harness Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water magic.

The colors are Green, white, red, and blue respectively.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Just those four elements?  Is there going to be a "void" type?  A non-elemental form, perhaps?  Maybe a Force type?

Drake Valentine

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Thunder could be wind.  But the background for the artificers seemed written specifically for the elements.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Whowhatwhere on July 18, 2016, 01:07:54 PM
I think I'll be making a male Colonist. I was thinking about making the pilot, but first I'd like to know: how big was the ship that brought the colonists? Would there be a single pilot or many? Thanks.

Hello, another great question about our colonists, so, back to the ship! This mission was to recolonize and populate the Earth, there for it would have been a very large ship, with lots of provisions and supplies and of course people. This would lead to a rather large crew, including more than one pilot, in fact there were two and then the NPC Captain as the highest point in the CoC.

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Quote from: Lindrea on July 18, 2016, 03:06:15 PM
Just those four elements?  Is there going to be a "void" type?  A non-elemental form, perhaps?  Maybe a Force type?

Quote from: Drake Valentine on July 18, 2016, 03:08:58 PM
So no Dark, Light, or Thunder? ;o

Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 03:18:59 PM
Thunder could be wind.  But the background for the artificers seemed written specifically for the elements.

As Crash stated this game is in fact written around the four (basic) elements. Though I am aware of many different types of elements and magics as according to other lore and magical games and such. ^_^

THAT being said though, I will work up some combos. Ways that an Artificer can combine elements towards POSSIBLE abilities as thunder and such.

Light and Dark in these realm of assistance is going to be relative and based on intent. If an Artificer intends to inflict a light or dark intention with their Artifact 'spells'.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Interesting.  That should mean there could be a lot of possibilities, but it'd take an artificer years to gain the knowledge to even have a partial command of a second element, right?


We are doing our best to get all of this info to you shortly. The information provided should clear up most of your questions and concerns. If you still have a question afterwards, just let us know! We are all pretty excited and the turn out for this game is staggering. PM boxes and Skypes are going INSANE!

Thank you all for your interest feel free to PM Ceralilly, Sunshine, and Rafiki23 any questions because SOMETIMES these threads eat posts and we don't get them. This little interest thread has over night insured that we are going to be making on OOC a LOT sooner than expected and I will release a Character sheet SOON!

Dont forget to put in your face claims!!!!!!
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes



Quote from: Lindrea on July 18, 2016, 04:03:14 PM
Yay!  ^.^  Character sheets!

I am SO excited to see what you have going on in that brain! *giggles*

Thank you for your support and excitement love.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Ceralilly on July 18, 2016, 04:14:02 PM

I am SO excited to see what you have going on in that brain! *giggles*

Thank you for your support and excitement love.


A couple ideas right now, but they're going to stay seeeeecreeeet until I can put them down in writing. ^.^


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Wooot! I'm loving all the FCs and idea's!!! This is going to be great!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools

Lady Sakura


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious

Aida Rose

Quote from: Ceralilly on July 17, 2016, 11:27:37 PM

Therianth: We are looking into a Panther type and Wolf type for the two gernera that we will accept to START. Therianth history tells of their disagreement with the Artificers on how the magic should be used, but the Artificers were too strong. Their numbers outweighed the Therianth by the dozens, causing the Therianth's own populations to dwindle down to nearly nothing. But this made the Therianth unbelievably strong, leaving only the strongest and purest bloodlines. This also gave them the gift they all now possess, the ability to change into the form of beast.

What's a gernera?


Quote from: Aida Rose on July 18, 2016, 05:57:22 PM
What's a gernera?

ACTUALLY It is Typaneese for genera plural for genus. Facedesks Typaneese has been translated to proper english...LOL THANK YOU! X.X

Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 05:15:48 PM
Reserving Celine Evangelista because oh my god.

Noms all of the lovely face claims but CRASH.......OMG

You are killing me. ^_^
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes

Aida Rose


Quote from: Aida Rose on July 18, 2016, 06:18:09 PM
So you'll only accept wolves and panthers?

For NOW we are only releasing the species of this large cat and that canine, but that is subject to change. We also have a lot more interest than we expected ^_^.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Ceralilly on July 18, 2016, 06:10:10 PM
ACTUALLY It is Typaneese for genera plural for genus. Facedesks Typaneese has been translated to proper english...LOL THANK YOU! X.X

Noms all of the lovely face claims but CRASH.......OMG

You are killing me. ^_^

Well she will be available to be nom'ed if it is plot-worthy!

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Relikai on July 18, 2016, 06:39:36 PM
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

*Bites fist*

Quote from: Crash on July 18, 2016, 06:46:50 PM
Well she will be available to be nom'ed if it is plot-worthy!

*Fights urge to plot an unborn game ALREADY*

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Oh yes, my artificer will definitely be up for some "noms." ^.~


Quote from: Lindrea on July 18, 2016, 07:15:48 PM
Oh yes, my artificer will definitely be up for some "noms." ^.~

Always willing to nom with a willing nommer. ;)

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Next I am working on the mechanism of magic and its use, BUT here is some LORE and the way the characters might see the evolution of Artifacts and Therianthropy ^_^.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes

Drake Valentine

You know, I wouldn't mind that the Colonists be former prisoners sent out to see if another planet can be populated to receive pardons; or some could be prisoners on said vessel.

I only really play antagonists in general and right now Artificers or the other isn't interesting me much to want to make a character there.

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Quote from: Drake Valentine on July 18, 2016, 11:32:07 PM
You know, I wouldn't mind that the Colonists be former prisoners sent out to see if another planet can be populated to receive pardons; or some could be prisoners on said vessel.

I only really play antagonists in general and right now Artificers or the other isn't interesting me much to want to make a character there.

I am kind of the opposite.  I only play protagonists and would really rather not have them be former prisoners.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Drake Valentine on July 18, 2016, 11:32:07 PM
You know, I wouldn't mind that the Colonists be former prisoners sent out to see if another planet can be populated to receive pardons; or some could be prisoners on said vessel.

I only really play antagonists in general and right now Artificers or the other isn't interesting me much to want to make a character there.

While that is am amazing idea, love, it isn't what we are going for for the entirety of the game. There would probably be prisoners ON said ship, and we can ALWAYS use a good antagonist. We hope this helps, but you must follow your muse darling. <3
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


I'm planning on being an "antagonist" type.  Someone who's actively working against these strangers from off world.  If that's a viable plot.


There are plenty of spots open for antagonist types.  There could be Ostartian (colonists) that want to rid the Earth of the Artifaces and the  Therianths and reclaim what was once their peoples home. There with the reverse where the  magic peoples and shifters want to be rid of every last colonist.  There are magic people or shifters that want to ignite wars of their own between each other. There will plenty of bad blood, old wounds, and fresher cuts to pick at.

Quote from: Lindrea on July 19, 2016, 12:18:17 AM
I'm planning on being an "antagonist" type.  Someone who's actively working against these strangers from off world.  If that's a viable plot.
I think right now we are focusing 'on planet'. We may be bringing in off planet antagonists as the game progresses but we need actual characters to populate the earth first.

I ope that makes sense and I didn't mess anything up. 2am is not nice to me. Night Lovelies.


Quote from: Sunshine on July 19, 2016, 12:52:44 AM
There are plenty of spots open for antagonist types.  There could be Ostartian (colonists) that want to rid the Earth of the Artifaces and the  Therianths and reclaim what was once their peoples home. There with the reverse where the  magic peoples and shifters want to be rid of every last colonist.  There are magic people or shifters that want to ignite wars of their own between each other. There will plenty of bad blood, old wounds, and fresher cuts to pick at.
I think right now we are focusing 'on planet'. We may be bringing in off planet antagonists as the game progresses but we need actual characters to populate the earth first.

I ope that makes sense and I didn't mess anything up. 2am is not nice to me. Night Lovelies.

I think this was put perfectly! There is plenty of room for almost any role you would like for your characters, you just have to think outside the box. If you're curious as to whether or not a role is open or acceptable for a character you're making, PM us!  We are always happy to answer any questions you may have!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools

Lady Sakura



"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Crash on July 19, 2016, 08:45:15 AM
So far it is looking like a lot of antagonists then...

Partial joke on my part :p

What girl doesn't have a soft spot for a "bad" boy. *Huggles the Crash*

Does she look like the antagonist type?


Quote from: Vampire Mistress Sakura on July 19, 2016, 08:59:23 AM
Partial joke on my part :p

What girl doesn't have a soft spot for a "bad" boy. *Huggles the Crash*

Does she look like the antagonist type?

*looks at FC... Frantically makes character...*

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes

Lady Sakura


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Hey everyone!! Just wanted to let everybody know that I just completed the Therianth info and posted it (, and the lovely Sunshine completed the F.A.Q.'s section for us ( So please head over there and take a look and let us know what you think!

Also, we will be getting CS's out very soon so you all can put this info to good use!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools



Quote from: Lindrea on July 20, 2016, 05:34:47 PM
Woohoo!  Such excite!

Yush!!! We really want to get as many CSs done before start as we can! That way everyone can have at least one character to jump in with both feet, and hopefully a good amount of connections!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Now to ponder personality for my girl.  Sub or switch or Domme? Hmm.. decisions to make.. what element will she be focused primarily on.. so many things to ponder!


Quote from: Lindrea on July 20, 2016, 05:38:30 PM
Now to ponder personality for my girl.  Sub or switch or Domme? Hmm.. decisions to make.. what element will she be focused primarily on.. so many things to ponder!

Oh yes! The character process is so exciting and there are so many facets to think about. Like character direction, affiliation, history, connections, and possibly romantic entanglements. I get goosebumps just thinking about it my self!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Quote from: Rafiki23 on July 20, 2016, 06:14:04 PM
Oh yes! The character process is so exciting and there are so many facets to think about. Like character direction, affiliation, history, connections, and possibly romantic entanglements. I get goosebumps just thinking about it my self!

Once the CS is out, I'll have a real hard look at those things.  Definitely an female artificer with a penchant for destruction, but could be dominated and made into a destructive little pet. ^.^

Ooo, so many ideas!


Quote from: Lindrea on July 20, 2016, 06:17:34 PM
Once the CS is out, I'll have a real hard look at those things.  Definitely an female artificer with a penchant for destruction, but could be dominated and made into a destructive little pet. ^.^

Ooo, so many ideas!

They really do sound like some interesting ideas! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Thank you all for your patience! Magic is finalized and just being added to the table so within 24 hours that should be dropped here for your reference along with THREE Character Sheets, already created.., one for each Character type.

I am SO excited to work with you all.  We are drawing towards the time for game play!!!
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


There will be rules for creating characters, yeah?  Like.. how much magic we can have?  Things of that nature?


Quote from: Lindrea on July 20, 2016, 10:35:13 PM
There will be rules for creating characters, yeah?  Like.. how much magic we can have?  Things of that nature?
Yes, It will be released with the Magic information and on the character sheets as well. There will be a list to pick and choose from and rules to follow. Once you see it, if you have any questions, you just let us know. Thank you for your questions!



Quoting from page 1, Revival Rule & Guidelines:

Weapons – No guns, giant metal swords, phasers, tasers, or lasers. This game is not necessarily archaic, but not modern. So use weapons accordingly. If you can fashion something with limited resources, go for it. Make a wooden spear, create a bow if you are extra handy, maybe even fashion a dagger from bones. Use a rock if you like, it’s plenty effective. Basically use common sense here. There may be small exceptions made but GM approval is required.

You're saying there is no metal-making technology?  But that's one of the definitions of "archaic", as in "primitive".  Forgive me, but I think that needs to be reworked, given that you have Ostarians with the ability for space travel, but don't have knives.  They may have lost all their technology upon crashing on the planet, but did they also lose the ability to make metal?   XD
"Sometimes it's not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning."

Grammar is Important:
Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.
Correct word choices is knowing if you'd rather be pissed off THEN pissed on or pissed off THAN pissed on.
Punctuation is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.


Who knows, the loss of advanced technology to create such things might be due to the Earth and Nature ;)

That said, what would the GMs say should my character(s) try to fashion a primitive forge in order to treat ores and metals?


Quote from: Relikai on July 21, 2016, 12:27:58 AM
Who knows, the loss of advanced technology to create such things might be due to the Earth and Nature ;)

I get that.  Perhaps Mother Earth is preventing the Ostarians from having any technology once they've crashed.  But surely they'd have metal-edged weapons available.  No KA-Bar's in their possession?  And if they do, those would become barter material on a planet where all other weapons are made of sticks and stones.  And then there's the metal fragments of the spacecraft itself that could be valuable for fashioning weapons.  I just think converting colonists from outer space into dependence on stone-age technology seems a bit unrealistic.  Granted, none of this is supposed to be all that realistic anyhow.   XD

No, I'm not trying to create an arms race in this story.  But if you've got people coming from outer-space, metal is going to bleed into the weaponry of the planet.  One of the first things native Americans traded for when European explorers arrived in the New World were metal weapons. 

It's just something to think about when it comes to the subject of weapons in the story.
"Sometimes it's not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning."

Grammar is Important:
Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.
Correct word choices is knowing if you'd rather be pissed off THEN pissed on or pissed off THAN pissed on.
Punctuation is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.


We haven't updated the weapons yet. It's an ongoing discussion for us.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: dale108 on July 21, 2016, 01:03:50 AM
I get that.  Perhaps Mother Earth is preventing the Ostarians from having any technology once they've crashed.  But surely they'd have metal-edged weapons available.  No KA-Bar's in their possession?  And if they do, those would become barter material on a planet where all other weapons are made of sticks and stones.  And then there's the metal fragments of the spacecraft itself that could be valuable for fashioning weapons.  I just think converting colonists from outer space into dependence on stone-age technology seems a bit unrealistic.  Granted, none of this is supposed to be all that realistic anyhow.   XD

No, I'm not trying to create an arms race in this story.  But if you've got people coming from outer-space, metal is going to bleed into the weaponry of the planet.  One of the first things native Americans traded for when European explorers arrived in the New World were metal weapons. 

It's just something to think about when it comes to the subject of weapons in the story.

So yes, even in the middle ages, the art metallurgy and forging was readily available. But, that was out of necessity, those people could not live, fight, or survive without harnessing metal. Our Artificers and Therianths have had magic for almost a millennium now, this magic allows them to protect themselves, provide sustenance, and shelter. Though they would have knives and probably daggers (this is being updated in the section) It would not have been their primary concern to make metal weapons as they had other, more accessible means of self-defense.

Now, all this being said, the Ostarians do have a need for those weapons at least until they can master some form of magic. Hence the change, so yes there would be metal, and perhaps someone in the city or one of the Ostarians know's how to forge. If that be the case and Relikai would like to draw up the history in his character sheet then by all means we can work out a forge. But keep in mind, making a sword is a completely different animal than per say a necklace or a small knife, so there would have to be a reason why they had someone who knew how to do that on the colony ship. (not that I don't already have an idea or two ;) )

Also, I would like to make this clearer for everyone. The natives of Earth, are not primitive's or cavemen and women, they live by simpler means with lesser technology, but they are quite intelligent and resourceful. If they have made a decision as to not use something it would probably be decently reasoned, making the market for large weapons slightly smaller. In a Therianths mind I could see them asking "Why carry such a heavy piece of metal, when I can just use my claws, or teeth, or snap their necks?" Does this make sense?

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Just throwing a suggestion, how about Magic being Druidic in nature, so that those who wield more metal would be unable to harness their magic?


Yes, folks. What those two said. :) We appreciate everyone's excitement, concern, and input but there is a reason that the rule is marked as being updated. We are working on the best possible way to level the playing fields for Ostarians in the category of weaponry.  Please be patient with us. We are doing the best we can.

full information on Magic and an update on weaponry will come today.

Thank you!!!!


I am going to back out of this for now and maybe check back in at a later date.  You are all in good hands with your GM's. I am just not coming up with character ideas that are muse worthy at the moment and don't want to force anything.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on July 21, 2016, 09:34:38 AM
I am going to back out of this for now and maybe check back in at a later date.  You are all in good hands with your GM's. I am just not coming up with character ideas that are muse worthy at the moment and don't want to force anything.

We definitely hope that once all the info is up and you see the approved character sheet start to pour in, that oyu will find something that tickles your fancy and come back to us.  We will miss you!

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Sunshine on July 21, 2016, 10:08:30 AM
We definitely hope that once all the info is up and you see the approved character sheet start to pour in, that oyu will find something that tickles your fancy and come back to us.  We will miss you!

+1 this!



Quote from: Crash on July 21, 2016, 09:34:38 AM
I am going to back out of this for now and maybe check back in at a later date.  You are all in good hands with your GM's. I am just not coming up with character ideas that are muse worthy at the moment and don't want to force anything.

*hugs* I will post in our 1v1 asap. Xoxo
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Vampire Mistress Sakura on July 21, 2016, 10:13:38 AM
+1 this!


Crash will be missed. :(

May your muse be happy and healthy in everything you do, Crash! <3


Quote from: Crash on July 21, 2016, 09:34:38 AM
I am going to back out of this for now and maybe check back in at a later date.  You are all in good hands with your GM's. I am just not coming up with character ideas that are muse worthy at the moment and don't want to force anything.

It sucks that you are going, I was hoping this would be my opportunity to write with you. At least you know I'll be hoping you come back soon! haha

Good luck though and we can't wait to see you again!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Oooo!  *reads*

Edit:  So.. say I made an older character, in her 30's, would that mean she'd have.. 10 powers divided up between three elements?  Also, how long would it take to master the fourth element?  Or is that just not possible at this point?


Quote from: Lindrea on July 21, 2016, 03:14:52 PM
Oooo!  *reads*

Edit:  So.. say I made an older character, in her 30's, would that mean she'd have.. 10 powers divided up between three elements?  Also, how long would it take to master the fourth element?  Or is that just not possible at this point?
The fourth element is not available for mastery due to the physical toll that it takes to use the three. We also prefer to keep it at three of four to allow more diversity amongst the Artificers. ^_^

The Artificer Magical propensity would depend on her age starting training, lets assume 10 as is average. 30 years old would mean that she has studied for 20 years. So you say she has 20 years of training divided by 2 years of training per power. She would have 10 powers to divide between the three, yes.

(I just broke it down so that anyone reading along might get some insight. )

I was hoping this would be pretty straightforward, so I appreciate your question Lindrea! <3 Please ask away and we will be here to answer as quickly as possible.

Side note: I see all of you peeking in and I am very happy about this! Whether you are just curious, or you want to stake interest or book mark for future looksies, we are happy to have your attention! Please feel free to ask any questions and our PM is always open!

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Ceralilly on July 21, 2016, 03:39:12 PM
The fourth element is not available for mastery due to the physical toll that it takes to use the three. We also prefer to keep it at three of four to allow more diversity amongst the Artificers. ^_^

The Artificer Magical propensity would depend on her age starting training, lets assume 10 as is average. 30 years old would mean that she has studied for 20 years. So you say she has 20 years of training divided by 2 years of training per power. She would have 10 powers to divide between the three, yes.

(I just broke it down so that anyone reading along might get some insight. )

I was hoping this would be pretty straightforward, so I appreciate your question Lindrea! <3 Please ask away and we will be here to answer as quickly as possible.

Side note: I see all of you peeking in and I am very happy about this! Whether you are just curious, or you want to stake interest or book mark for future looksies, we are happy to have your attention! Please feel free to ask any questions and our PM is always open!

So, is there a maximum age that you'll allow an artificer/mage to be?  Cuz I was thinking about early 30's, around my actual age IRL.. cuz it's easier for me to RP my age. xD


Quote from: Lindrea on July 21, 2016, 03:44:38 PM
So, is there a maximum age that you'll allow an artificer/mage to be?  Cuz I was thinking about early 30's, around my actual age IRL.. cuz it's easier for me to RP my age. xD

Oh yes the max is 35 for now. That will be in the character sheet.

So 30 is perfectly fine love.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Ceralilly on July 21, 2016, 03:53:29 PM
Oh yes the max is 35 for now. That will be in the character sheet.

So 30 is perfectly fine love.

Awesome!  And 33, actually, hehe.  How will you handle odd numbers for training years?


Quote from: Lindrea on July 21, 2016, 03:55:41 PM
Awesome!  And 33, actually, hehe.  How will you handle odd numbers for training years?

You add the powers in concession.

So if you have Fire, Water, and Air...they are added in that order. So at one point, with 10 powers... Fire may have 4 if it is your first element. But if she is 33 she would have 11 powers and a half a year training towards her 12th. Some in game practice here would be great! Does that make sense?
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Ceralilly on July 21, 2016, 04:01:38 PM
You add the powers in concession.

So if you have Fire, Water, and Air...they are added in that order. So at one point, with 10 powers... Fire may have 4 if it is your first element. But if she is 33 she would have 11 powers and a half a year training towards her 12th. Some in game practice here would be great! Does that make sense?

Ah, okay.  So round up, but the last power chosen isn't quite mastered!  Gotcha. ^.^


Quote from: Lindrea on July 21, 2016, 04:03:20 PM
Ah, okay.  So round up, but the last power chosen isn't quite mastered!  Gotcha. ^.^

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Lindrea on July 21, 2016, 04:03:20 PM
Ah, okay.  So round up, but the last power chosen isn't quite mastered!  Gotcha. ^.^

Yes! If you have any further questions we will be on here all night to answer them in here or in PM!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


I like to ask my questions here, cuz I'm sure there are others that might be thinking the same thing as me. :)


Quote from: Lindrea on July 21, 2016, 04:16:53 PM
I like to ask my questions here, cuz I'm sure there are others that might be thinking the same thing as me. :)

That is a great idea, and I am sure it is appreciated by others!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools

Untamed Skies

So another Colonist question, but in the description of the Colonists and their overall role in the game, it says they are after discovering the source of magic and integrating themselves into the world as it is. Does that mean the Colonists have the ability to learn magic?

If that's the case, would it take two years? Or would they be capable of learning minor tricks quickly assuming the right conditions are met? Or is it more likely I'm just reading too much into it? :p

Also how long have the Colonists been around for at the start of the game?


Quote from: Untamed Skies on July 21, 2016, 06:25:40 PM
So another Colonist question, but in the description of the Colonists and their overall role in the game, it says they are after discovering the source of magic and integrating themselves into the world as it is. Does that mean the Colonists have the ability to learn magic?

If that's the case, would it take two years? Or would they be capable of learning minor tricks quickly assuming the right conditions are met? Or is it more likely I'm just reading too much into it? :p

Also how long have the Colonists been around for at the start of the game?

The start of the game will be signaled most likely at touch down.
The colonists DO have the ability to learn magic, but would need to write in game how the received their artifact and their training etc. The focus would be their integration and adaptation into either societies..some by force...some by choice...some by sheer luck. If the colonists found a family or an Artificer to train them...which wouldn't be hard...they would be allowed to take one element and one power and struggle to learn. It is hard as is..from a perspective of a population that has wielded magic for centuries...let alone a person from another world ...but because they have an Earthen Heritage...they have the propensity indeed. 😁

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes

Untamed Skies


Quote from: Untamed Skies on July 21, 2016, 06:43:06 PM
Okay cool, I'll take that into consideration thank you

You are so welcome! Thank you for joining us, and I love questions because it helps me think of ways to better explain this to everyone.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Now here's to hoping that there'll be little work in the afternoon so I could use the PC to create a char sheet while ya'll Westerners go ZZzzzzZZZZzzzzz xD


Quote from: Relikai on July 21, 2016, 06:59:00 PM
Now here's to hoping that there'll be little work in the afternoon so I could use the PC to create a char sheet while ya'll Westerners go ZZzzzzZZZZzzzzz xD

Psh!  Sleep?  That's for people who have LIVES! :O  *sleeps a lot* >.>


I'll just...put these right here.... Skips off to write characters

Make sure to delete parenthesized items as you go. ^_^


[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=28pt][u]Ostarian[/u][/size][/font][/center]
[right][img height=250 padding=13][/img][/right]

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character Age:[/b] (16-35)
[b]Month/Day Born:[/b]

[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Height and weight [Must include the metric and Imperial measurements as we have many diverse players.]  Tattoos, Distinguishing Characteristics, Scars, Birthmarks, Eye Color, Piercings, Hair Color)

[center][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][/center]


[b]Will They Be Pursuing Magic?:[/b]
[i]If so, what Element and Power?:[/i] (Max one)

[center][size=18pt][i]In Deep[/i][/size][/center]

[b]Personality:[/b] (Three positive, Three negative, Three neutral)
{Protagonist, Antagonist, Neutral? We reserve to put a cap on Antagonists if they begin to overpopulated the Artificers. Balance is important.}

[b]Habits or Mannerisms:[/b] (What are their rituals, do they bite their lip? Think about body language and particular stances they take.)
[b]Occupation or Position:[/b] (Heads of house, Head officials, Big Bosses or High-up Government Representatives are not playable characters- Basically ALL SECRET PLOTS and Authoritative positions are to be discussed and cleared with ALL GMs.  Since this game is plot driven, we will start the game play with everyone on the same level, with GMs taking the roles of large plot drivers and leaders until the writers are further established and show they are in it for the long haul, so to speak.)


At least 250 words HERE. [/center]

[b]Favorite Color:[/b]
[i]Likes: [/i](At least five)
[i]Dislikes:[/i] (At least five)
[i]Fears, Triggers: [/i](At least 1, no one is without fear)
[i]Goals: [/i](What drives your character?)

[i]Family Member(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Love Interest(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]If they are pursuing magic...Mentor?:[/i]
[i]Other connections:[/i] (Slaves, friends, enemies...Feel free to add as you go!) [Connections MAY be waived if you want to make a tracker. Either, or both are perfectly fine.]

[b]Sexuality: [/b] (If you wish to define orientation.)
[b]Sexual On's and Offs:[/b]  (Yours)

[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Face Claim:[/b]

Song Expression: (You may link directly from YouTube)
Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.)
Therianth[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=28pt][u]Therianth[/u][/size][/font][/center]
[right][img height=250 padding=13][/img][/right]

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character Age:[/b] (16-35)
[b]Month/Day Born:[/b]

[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Height and Weight [Must include the metric and Imperial measurements as we have many diverse players.],Tattoos, Distinguishing Characteristics, Scars, Birthmarks, Eye Color, Piercings, Hair Color)

[center][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][/center]

[center][size=18pt][i]The Animal Inside and Out[/i][/size][/center]

[b]Panther or Wolf?:[/b]
[b]Description of Animal Form:[/b] (Must be true to REAL LIFE FORM)
[b]Physical Carryover:[/b] (Two attributes that represent their animalistic inclinations that are carried over in human form. I.e. Enhanced smell, sight, night vision, size, increased strength, speed... etc.)

[center][size=18pt][i]In Deep[/i][/size][/center]

[b]Personality:[/b] (Three positive, Three negative, Three neutral)
{Protagonist, Antagonist, Neutral? We reserve to put a cap on Antagonists if they begin to overpopulated the Artificers. Balance is important.}

[b]Habits or Mannerisms:[/b] (What are their rituals, do they bite their lip? Think about body language and particular stances they take.)
[b]Occupation or Position:[/b] (How long, where, what is it, what level are they. Note that no one is superior to those created by GM’s as fail safes. Alpha Roles will be written by GMs due to the fact that we cannot have a writer leave and have to replace [i]these[/i] roles. Basically ALL SECRET PLOTS and Authoritative positions are to be discussed and cleared with ALL GMs.  Since this game is plot driven, we will start the game play with everyone on the same level, with GMs taking the roles of large plot drivers and leaders until the writers are further established and show they are in it for the long haul, so to speak.)


At least 250 words. [/center]

[b]Favorite Color:[/b]
[i]Likes: [/i](At least five)
[i]Dislikes:[/i] (At least five)
[i]Fears, Triggers: [/i](At least 1, no one is without fear)
[i]Goals: [/i](What drives your character?)

[i]Family Member(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Love Interest(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Other connections:[/i] (Slaves, friends, enemies...Feel free to add as you go!) [Connections MAY be waived if you want to make a tracker. Either, or both are perfectly fine.]

[b]Sexuality: [/b] (If you wish to define orientation.)
[b]Sexual On's and Offs:[/b]  (Yours)

[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Face Claim:[/b]

Song Expression: (You may link directly from YouTube)
Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.)

Artificer[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=28pt][u]Artificer[/u][/size][/font][/center]
[right][img height=250 padding=13][/img][/right]

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character Age:[/b] (16-35)
[b]Month/Day Born:[/b]

[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Height and Weight [Must include the metric and Imperial measurements as we have many diverse players.], Tattoos, Distinguishing Characteristics, Scars, Birthmarks, Eye Color, Piercings, Hair Color)

[center][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][img height=150][/img][/center]


[b]How old were they when they began training?:[/b]  (youngest 10)
[b]What is(are) their element(s) of focus?:[/b] (MAX 3 out of 4- Earth, Fire, Air, Water. Note that being proficient in ONE element is a sign of prestige. Using the total 3 elements would be show they needed to use them as opposed to it being a luxury. The more elements you chose the less proficient your character is.
[b]Artifact(s): [/b](Description of Artifact and how they are carried or mounted.)
[b]Powers Chosen:[/b] (See list in Magical information. One power may be learned every two years of training. They must be evenly dispersed. Please see chart in the same area for example. For questions please contact GMs.)

[center][size=18pt][i]In Deep[/i][/size][/center]

[b]Personality:[/b] (Three positive, Three negative, Three neutral)
{Protagonist, Antagonist, Neutral? We reserve to put a cap on Antagonists if they begin to overpopulated the Artificers. Balance is important.}

[b]Habits or Mannerisms:[/b] (What are their rituals, do they bite their lip? Think about body language and particular stances they take.)
[b]Occupation or Position:[/b] (Heads of house, Head officials, Big Bosses or High-up Government Representatives are not playable characters- Basically ALL SECRET PLOTS and Authoritative positions are to be discussed and cleared with ALL GMs.  Since this game is plot driven, we will start the game play with everyone on the same level, with GMs taking the roles of large plot drivers and leaders until the writers are further established and show they are in it for the long haul, so to speak.)


At least 250 words. [/center]

[b]Favorite Color:[/b]
[i]Likes: [/i](At least five)
[i]Dislikes:[/i] (At least five)
[i]Fears, Triggers: [/i](At least 1, no one is without fear)
[i]Goals: [/i](What drives your character?)

[i]Family Member(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Love Interest(s):[/i] (Feel free to add as you go!)
[i]Other connections:[/i] (Slaves, friends, enemies...Feel free to add as you go!) [Connections MAY be waived if you want to make a tracker. Either, or both are perfectly fine.]

[b]Sexuality: [/b] (If you wish to define orientation.)
[b]Sexual On's and Offs:[/b]  (Yours)

[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Face Claim:[/b]

Song Expression: (You may link directly from YouTube)
Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.)
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes




Quote from: Lindrea on July 21, 2016, 08:55:35 PM
Missed a few things on that center tag at the top. :)

Darn brackets. Thanks so much!

Quote from: Relikai on July 21, 2016, 08:59:35 PM
Do we post here, or PM to yall ?

Please PM all character sheets to us. That helps us go over them and make sure they fit the game.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes



Quote from: Lindrea on July 21, 2016, 11:36:46 PM
What's a tracker and how to you make one? :O

Well, a tracker is a beautiful piece of coding that will allow you and other players to see what your characters are up to. It will have pictures of your characters as well as a place to put your characters connections and a list of scenes or connections you would be interested in for that character. At the bottom of your tracker will be your scenes, there will be 4 sections, each with a purpose. A sections for Owed scenes, a section for Pending scenes, one for completed scenes and one for scenes you are craving.

You can code one yourself, or you can have one of the GM's help you code it, it's definitely recommended that you have one. But in the meantime, if you can't get your hands on some fanciness, then you can just list your scenes Owed and Finished and that will be just fine until you get a nicer one up and running!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools



Quote from: Relikai on July 22, 2016, 12:07:42 AM
*Achievement Unlocked*
Done with my App!

+10 Stealth!!!

We will get back to you within 24 hours. ^_^

Thank you!!!
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


I'd love to get a tracker made! :)  Once I have a character built. xD

Working on it and will have it sent in tomorrow probably.


Perhaps I'll get a second char up if time allows. Is it alright if not all Colonists know each other? Would like to have a 'social barrier' between the cliques of my chars if it's possible.


Quote from: Relikai on July 22, 2016, 12:24:08 AM
Perhaps I'll get a second char up if time allows. Is it alright if not all Colonists know each other? Would like to have a 'social barrier' between the cliques of my chars if it's possible.

I don't see why not, it was a big enough ship to attempt to at the least pave the way for the repopulation of the planet. It would stand to reason, with that many people, that everyone didn't know everyone.

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Quote from: Lindrea on July 22, 2016, 12:17:49 AM
I'd love to get a tracker made! :)  Once I have a character built. xD

Working on it and will have it sent in tomorrow probably.

No problem, and take your time there is no rush! It is in discussions, but perhaps when we get the tracker thread up, we may include one or two trackers that can be for general use. That way you and the rest of our players aren't as daunted by the task of make one themselves.

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Goood Morning Team!!! I hope everyone is having a good Friday morning(ish)!

As everyone should know we are now accepting CSs! We look forward to receiving them and looking them over, also getting up an OOC! So if you have any other questions let us know and send those Sheets in as quick as you can! Yay!!!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


There will also be some more helpful Therianth info added soon to help with your building!!


Quote from: Sunshine on July 22, 2016, 10:37:35 AM
There will also be some more helpful Therianth info added soon to help with your building!!

Posted in the character sheet thread between Artificers Guidlines and character building guidelines. <_<
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


So, couple questions.

First: Are imgur links okay for images?  Specifically ones that I've uploaded myself.

Second:  How do we make an artifact?  More specifically, what is it and how does it link with the magic Artificers can use?


Quote from: Lindrea on July 22, 2016, 11:56:32 AM
So, couple questions.

First: Are imgur links okay for images?  Specifically ones that I've uploaded myself.

Second:  How do we make an artifact?  More specifically, what is it and how does it link with the magic Artificers can use?

Quote from: Ceralilly on July 17, 2016, 11:27:27 PM

ARTIFACT LORE and MAGICAL SOCIETY- How do Theirianths and Artificers remember the rebirth of MAGIC?

The Artifacts are focal points, conduits for magic. The fact that they resemble rare gems is merely a coincidence, as they are actually physical embodiment(s) of the energy that becomes the manifestation of said element. This is why the colors are so uniform. They are carried as the wielder feels most comfortable, some as amulets, rings, or brooches, while others go as far as to implant the Artifacts within their skin or bone. Each family has a twist on tradition, while those outside on large and prominent families have even more freedom with how they carry their conduits.

It is said that after the humans took their technology to the stars and released the nuclear device that leveled what remained, the earth began to weep. Tears of joy were released upon the surface, and this rebirthed a handful of her children who remained loyal. Half of her children were made to sympathize with their animal brethren, and the other were given the gift of Earth’s natural force The Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

YES! Imgur is fine I would think. We just try to make sure the links aren't broken and that Elliquiy standards are met. We can't be responsible if a bad link seeps into the Elliquiy servers or some craziness haha!

Does this help? If it DOES I will add it to the FAQ.

I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


That's perfect!  Thank you!  I think that was the last thing I needed to finish my character. :)  Now to figure out where she keeps her three artifacts.  Also, are we limited to one artifact per element or can someone use more than one?  Also, if more than one is possible, what benefits might that entail?


Quote from: Lindrea on July 22, 2016, 01:31:34 PM
That's perfect!  Thank you!  I think that was the last thing I needed to finish my character. :)  Now to figure out where she keeps her three artifacts.  Also, are we limited to one artifact per element or can someone use more than one?  Also, if more than one is possible, what benefits might that entail?

It would offer no benefits but it is considered a status symbol. The artifacts can and are easily placed in jewelry and there for can be worn for decoration to symbolized wealth or an affinity towards a particular element. So say an Alpha of a large family who is really strong in water magic, might have a ring, necklace, bracelet, and earring that all have red elements in them.

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Sweet.  Think she's only going to have one for each type.  She's not rich by any stretch of the imagination.  Probably embedded in her skin, fused with the bone.  Yeah, I like that. :)


Quote from: Lindrea on July 22, 2016, 01:41:49 PM
Sweet.  Think she's only going to have one for each type.  She's not rich by any stretch of the imagination.  Probably embedded in her skin, fused with the bone.  Yeah, I like that. :)

Wonderful! Let us know if there is anything else!!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


CS sent in!  Hopefully I didn't screw anything up. >.>


Quote from: Lindrea on July 22, 2016, 02:09:57 PM
CS sent in!  Hopefully I didn't screw anything up. >.>

We will make it as painless as possible  ;)

We ask about 24 hours...and we should have a reply for you. Xo
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


If I read things right you can have artifact gems in your flesh correct?

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on July 22, 2016, 07:48:43 PM
If I read things right you can have artifact gems in your flesh correct?

YES Absolutely. ^_^
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


[url=][img width=100 height=100][/img][/url]

Here is a Signature button if anyone is interested. We will be using the image in the OOC, and it links the this Interest Thread. <3
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Hey everyone!!! Welcome to your very own OOC!. Please enjoy and post responsibly!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


Hey!! This just in! Here is your very own Accepted Characters Thread!! Enjoy!!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


I can't remember if this has been asked...are there mystical or magical creatures around?  If so are they really rare?  Sort of rare?

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on July 23, 2016, 01:00:43 AM
I can't remember if this has been asked...are there mystical or magical creatures around?  If so are they really rare?  Sort of rare?

At the current moment, the only mystical or magical creatures around are the Therianths (shifter), otherwise the local fauna is what you might find in a tropical environment. We could look into adding some if you are interested. *writes it on the possible add to game list*


Quote from: Sunshine on July 23, 2016, 07:46:56 AM
At the current moment, the only mystical or magical creatures around are the Therianths (shifter), otherwise the local fauna is what you might find in a tropical environment. We could look into adding some if you are interested. *writes it on the possible add to game list*

The flora and fauna were healed and returned to normal with many extra types of flora especially. Imagine earth on steroids. As sunshine said the fauna is the same...but as for the game we have going here we are focused on normal fauna and the three species of playable character. As Sunshine stated...we may consider this if we can find a way that it would help the game.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


New character sheet requirement: Use both Impirical and Metric converstions for height and weight. We have players from all over the world. This helps instill diverse playing and interactions. You can absolutely say you want a GM to add the measurements..but it must be done before you submit the sheet to the Accepted Characters.

The easiest way is to type the conversion into google and it will do it right there! ^_^

I know this may seem like a pain to some, but we want everyone to be able to "glance, read and comprehend, and plot."

Also new locational pictures added to the FAQ. They are spoilered.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Quote from: Sunshine on July 23, 2016, 07:46:56 AM
At the current moment, the only mystical or magical creatures around are the Therianths (shifter), otherwise the local fauna is what you might find in a tropical environment. We could look into adding some if you are interested. *writes it on the possible add to game list*

We should talk if my character is approved. ;)

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious



This sounds interesting, but would like to know something before i thought my hat in :P

1: I understand me can not use cartoon/anime pics for the humans, but what about the animals? do they have to be pics of real animals, or can i use a more drawing one?

Ok open to roleplay, looking for people to roleplay with :) new craving on my page so check it out :D

Here you can find my ons and offs ons and offs

Check out my forum I am always up for roleplay.Roleplay forum

Here are my absences for 2016, dates where i will not be on or if I am not on for long. Absences 2016


Quote from: rachels270692 on July 24, 2016, 01:24:49 PM
This sounds interesting, but would like to know something before i thought my hat in :P

1: I understand me can not use cartoon/anime pics for the humans, but what about the animals? do they have to be pics of real animals, or can i use a more drawing one?

We would prefer the use of real animal photos, though drawings may be permissible with approval from the GMs. It would however, need to be a realistic drawing rather than a cartoon, anthro, or furry.  Feel free to PM Rafiki23, Ceralilly, and Sunshine what you have in mind.


would i need to go a chat which has all three of you in it, or just one of you?
Ok open to roleplay, looking for people to roleplay with :) new craving on my page so check it out :D

Here you can find my ons and offs ons and offs

Check out my forum I am always up for roleplay.Roleplay forum

Here are my absences for 2016, dates where i will not be on or if I am not on for long. Absences 2016


We prefer all three but just one is fine. We all relay information to one another regardless.


Ok open to roleplay, looking for people to roleplay with :) new craving on my page so check it out :D

Here you can find my ons and offs ons and offs

Check out my forum I am always up for roleplay.Roleplay forum

Here are my absences for 2016, dates where i will not be on or if I am not on for long. Absences 2016



Ok open to roleplay, looking for people to roleplay with :) new craving on my page so check it out :D

Here you can find my ons and offs ons and offs

Check out my forum I am always up for roleplay.Roleplay forum

Here are my absences for 2016, dates where i will not be on or if I am not on for long. Absences 2016


Quote from: rachels270692 on July 24, 2016, 03:06:06 PM
ok sent hopfully :P hehe

Received. We will get back to you shortly! Thanks for the message :)


Pilot slot Claimed.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


For those that are curious, we officially have a Book of Information thanks to the beautiful Sunshine!

She has begun to compile ALL of the information that we have all three written up for this awesome game.


Though we will be accepting character sheets after the opening event, we would love to have you all!
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Hello all!

As promised before there are three shiny new threads for everyone to post in!! The first is called Beyond the Gates, this thread is for anything that happens outside of Elementa. Though it is recommended that you do not leave the city without a guide, Elementa is a free place and everyone within it's walls can come and go as they please. But just remember, you've been warned!! *ominous music in the background*.

The second thread is called The Grand Market, and this place is much more welcoming. The Grand Market is a long strip within the city where a citizen can go to trade their goods for other goods and services, as well as many the other activities to be had.

The third and last thread (for now >.>) is The Armistice thread! Due to limited thread space, we have to placed all 5 Armistices in one thread, but the locations are pretty simple so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Perhaps if we can get this bad mamajama to big game status then we will separate them in the future.

As always, we hope you all have fun, and please let us know if there is anything you need help with or would like explained in greater detail. Thank you all for playing!!

I Know the Dark Delight of Being Strange, the Penalty of Difference in the Crowd, the Loneliness of Wisdom Among Fools