Writing Class: X-Mas story

Started by Nooblet, January 18, 2011, 08:44:58 PM

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While taking a create writing class I was given some prompts, and time limits to do the stories. I have five I would like to post, but one contains light gore, and another excessive cursing so I'm not sure they'll fit the Non-Adult section.
This is the first one; We were asked to write a small short story for the 2nd graders, so we had to make sure language wasnt to excessive and what not, and make sure length wasnt an issue. Please let me know what you think ^.^

Old Nickolaus
  The seasons passed on the wings of time, carried swiftly down the twisting road of life. Once again the bitter months of winter approached, bringing the relentless cold with them. The small villages dotting the Nortole Mountain range all prepared for the coming cold, making heavier clothing and gathering all the food they could.
  Higher in the mountain, living above the scattered villages, was a lone cabin. This was the home of Old Nickolaus, a man respected and admired by the villagers. Old Nick didnt live alone, his three sons and nine dogs all lived with him.
  Old Nick was a favorite of the children, for he always brought gifts he made with his sons during the harsh winter season. Old Nick believed the children could use something to take their minds off the harsh winter cold, especially since they had to remain indoors for most of the season.
  Up in his cottage Old Nick was hard at work carving up toys. His three sons, Timmy, Nathan, and Sam, worked right along with their father as his helpers. It wont be long before Old Nick gets his sleigh ready to go. His dogs were well trained and would easily pull the sleigh to wherever Old Nick wished to go.
  Outside the cottage the wind was howling. Soon the sky would burst open, unleashing it's frozen fury. The afternoon sky was blocked from view by the mass of thick angry clouds that darkened the world below. Old Nick could tell a blizzard was coming, and th-at it would be massive.
  Old Nick and his sons packed up all the toys, placing them in large brown sacks. He placed as the soldiers, standing silent guard, and all the women with laces hemming their dresses carefully inside the sacks. Once finished, the four men transported the sacks to Old Nick's sleigh.
  Ruddy, Old Nick's lead dog, stood ready with his tail wagging. Old Nick gave Ruddy's dark redish brown fur a few rubds begore hitching him into the lead position of his dog team. Once Ruddy was in place Old Nick bade his sons farewell, and got up into his sleigh. With a loud "Mush!" the dogs were off, pulling the sleigh with surprising speed.
  Although the blizzard was near to overtaking the mountains, Old Nick thought he could make it to the nearest village and back in time. The children all knew to expect him around this time, and he hated to disappoint. So off he went, rushing to beat the storm.
  Just a few short miles away from home the sky gave way to the bulk of the snows, and the winds screamed their tormments at the blinding curtain of white, whipping the snow all around. Old Nick was caught by surprise of the storm, having thought it wouldnt fall upon him for a few hours yet. However, mother nature's wrath could no longer wait, and Old Nick found himself taking the brunt of it.
  He mushed his dogs to greater speed, hoping to make it safely to the village. The snows blew into his face, freezing Old Nick to his bones. He soon lost feeling in his face as the cold finally numbed it. Ruddy and the other dogs continued to rush onwards, seemingly aware of their master's plight.
  Out of the blinding snow Old Nick saw a landmark that represented the turn to go down a clifface into the village. With a loud shout he turned his dogs. When Ruddy and the others turned their support cable attached to the sleigh snapped, having been frozen over during the storm.
  "Woah! Woah! Woah I say!" Old Nick shouted, not yet realizing his dongs were no longer leading him. He realized his peril as the sleigh sped onwards towards the cliff. He grabbed the railing in front of him as the sleigh launched itself over the edge. "Woah!" came another cry from Old Nick as he fell down towards the earth below.
  By some miracle his sleigh landed safly, skidding forward and jolting Old Nick. The villagers were all surprised to find Old Nick, seming to just fly down form the sky, sitting dazed in the village center. A few brave men came out into the storm, checking on Old Nick. To everyone's delight he was fine, simply a bit dazed. As the villagers managed to gather in the largest building, the meeting hall, the children were delighted. All the toys Old Nick brought were safe and sound, and each child was given one to their liking.
  Old Nick, although safe, was worried. He feared for Ruddy and the rest of his team. At that moment everyone heard a bark, followed by a few more. Old Nick and some of the village men ran outside. Once outside they all were delighted to see that Ruddy had led the team to the village, even without Old Nick's guidance. The dogs were brought inside and the entire village stayed in the meeting hall throughout the night.
  Come morning Old Nick's three sons arrived, worried over their father. Once they heard the story they felt releaved and overjoyed. Old Nick and his sons ate breakfast with the village, talking happily over warm food and drink. Finally the four fixed up the sleigh, and began to head home.
  After the long ride back to the cabin the four let loose the dogs, and went inside. There they began to prepare the next shipment of toys, for there were yet three more villages Old Nick had to visit. After last night's storm, a thick blanket of glittering snow coverend the ground, but it was nothing Old Nick couldnt face. For the next few days the man ventured out to the villages, his cry of "Woah!" echoing through the mountains as he braved the bitter season of winter, ready to spread joy.
You can never be to young to die, but you can be to old to live. Might as well enjoy life while you can.
My O/Os