Vice Manor [[ Full ]]

Started by Mnemosyne, November 13, 2011, 09:14:49 PM

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Name::  Jaeda “Jae” McMillan
Virtue:: Diligence
Age:: 20
Gender:: Female
Height:: 5’0”
Weight:: 115
Sexual Preference:: Bisexual
Occupation:: Student
Personality:: Jae is nothing less than a ‘busy bee’, quite the opposite of her twin sister, she always has something to do and she typically doesn’t enjoy having a moment where her hands are idle. She constantly is making lists to check off her daily plans and goals, she also has a thirst for knowledge that has taken up any moment of any day which isn’t scheduled by sticking her behind a book reading about something new. She’s been called a book worm, a leader, a know-it-all and a hard worker – perhaps a little to hard at times but she blames that on the fact she’s a Virgo.

Despite all of her hard work and constant restlessness she is a kind woman, always wanting to push others to be the best them they can be and often takes people on as “tasks”, her biggest task being her sister. She often however can be seen as withdrawn on an emotional level when it comes to her own feelings, she’s cautious in revealing her true emotions because she fears that if she does it might derail her from her daily goals but she is more than willing to be there for anyone as a shoulder for them to cry on and a calming word of advice.

Biography:: Born and raised in South Queensfairy, Scotland to two loving parents, Jaimee and Jason McMillan, Jae was a determined and  energetic child from day one. She learned to speak at a young age, around 16 months, and continued to progress in her learning skills and even started ballet when she was four, football when she was 6 and she began learning the violin at age 7. As a result of her afterschool activities, such as a math club and orchestra, and her sports practices and games she became in the habit of creating schedules and lists for herself and her family finding it easier to make sure everything was done in the proper amount of time. Chores, homework, even her parent’s meetings became a fixation of hers as the years progressed making sure everybody just as busy as she was though that didn’t always go as planned when it came to her sister.

Jae loved Jax growing up, still does of course, but Jax was everything Jae did not want to be – lazy, uncaring, indifferent. Sometimes she wondered if Jax was the reason she was the way she was after all her attitudes towards daily life did not go unnoticed by their peers – on the one hand it made her a popular girl, well rounded and even the top of her class while on the other it left her quite alone as well considering she secluded herself emotionally from others as a form of protection. Jax … she took care of jax, that’s how she saw it, if Jax wasn’t going to take care of herself someone had to. Jae took it very hard when Jax was sent away with the belief that it was her own fault for not being exactly what her sister needed, they were twins after all – wasn’t she supposed to connect with her on some deeper level than normal siblings?
Love:: Her sister (non romantically), family, busy days, challenges, sports, learning, helping others, caffine (any form), her own insomnia because it allows her to do more things
Hate:: Her sister (yes I put it in both), Laziness, spiders, heights, being unorganized

(Both girls “blame” the other for their views on life)

Name:: Jacqueline “Jax” McMillan
Vice:: Sloth
Age:: 20
Gender:: Female
Height:: 5’0”
Weight:: 113
Sexual Preference:: Bisexual
Occupation:: N/A
Personality:: Where Jae is a busy bee Jax prefers to take things slow, to sleep and to lounge around. She always followed in her sister’s shadow finding it easier because no one noticed her back there and tried to make her something she wasn’t, except Jae who was constantly forcing her to do more. Jax found peace in silence; she found peace in laying out in a field of wild flowers from sun rise to sunset doing nothing but breathing. Her indifference and indecision often frustrates others, she rather not choose what movie to watch or what to do that evening or even day. She’s very laid back and often sees her sisters “go-get-it” attitude as a bit to high strung and uses that as a basis as why she stays so carefree and has her head in the clouds.
Biography:: Born and raised in South Queensfairy, Scotland to two loving parents, Jaimee and Jason McMillan, Jax was the “perfect” quiet and sleepy child from day one. Despite their identical appearances Jax couldn’t be any more different from her twin sister and perhaps she should hate her sister for being the reason she was forced to play sports and forced to join clubs but she really just didn’t care enough. She lived her life in a haze, one day rolling into the next always completing the bare minimum to pass school and always being one of the ‘benched’ players in any sport she joined. It wasn’t that she wasn’t good at the things she did, nor was she stupid – in fact she was just as bright as Jae and just as good at sports she really just couldn’t be bothered while her mind roamed to a quiet world where she wasn’t bothered or forced to emote or work. While Jae was the center of attention Jax was often viewed as the ‘challenged’ or ‘mute’ sister because she was more often found staring at nothing not responding to direct questions asked by others because she tuned them out.

Jax was sent to therapy in her adolescence when it was apparent to her parents, and to Jae, that she wasn’t just slower in developing then Jae. Therapy was always Jax’s favorite place to nap, the psychiatrist always had this deep lulling male voice that seemed to be the perfect tone to hypnotize the girl into a dreamless snooze. After changing therapists several times, her parents attempt to see if something was wrong with Jax or the therapists, it was eventually decided the perhaps Jax was mentally challenged and she was sent to a hospital to deal with such behaviors, her family didn't understand it wasn't that she was mentally challenged it was that she just didn't care about much,six months before ending up in the Manor.
Love:: Her sister, sleeping, laying out in the sun, floating in a pool, listening to classical music, fuzzy blankets, fluffy slippers, clouds, fields of flowers
Hate:: Nothing really, she doesn’t feel that anything needs that much energy emitted on it … if anything would come close to hate it would be her sister but Jax believes it’s just easier to love her.


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