Looking for a faithful partner (M/M ?)

Started by Chikao, December 04, 2012, 12:51:01 AM

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Here's the deal, I'm the type to check the site a couple times a day, look in my bookmarks and see if there's a reply. I prefer M/M but I'd be willing to try something else if you'd be willing to bare with my rookie mistakes. I just want someone who'd respond once a day/ once every other day. A warning that I'm fairly new at forum RP, I'm used to chat style which is probably why I get irritated when it takes a week to reply, sorry, I'm working on it. But for now I'd really like a faithful partner.

Even after whatever RP is finished I'd be willing to continue with you specifically for another RP. Like I said I'm willing to try anything really so this might be a good opportunity for you to unload so plot ideas that have been gathering dust. I do have some obvious preference, but I dislike long ons and offs pages so just click my name and my roleplay preferences to get the details.

If you couldn't tell by this post I get straight to the point and only have 1-3 paragraphs (maybe more if it's getting important/detailed but not usually) so if you're an 'essay a post' type of person move along.

AGAIN: I'm willing to try a lot of different things so don't feel limited to M/M. Shoot me a PM if you got an idea, but another warning, while I am open to trying stuff out I'm not open to trying EVERYTHING out. There are a few big no-no's for me so again, reference my preferences.