Tentacle Romance/Mind control [Seeking a creature]

Started by Cerulean Dreams, March 07, 2015, 10:20:18 AM

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Cerulean Dreams

In keeping with my more mellow mood I'm interested in combing some romance/love with tentacles. If this is your thing, read on!

Themes: Mental manipulation, bizarre, twisted romance, tentacles, oviposition.

I have a basic framework in mind for a story. We're n number of years into the future, not so far that humans have radically changed, but far enough that we can now create unique organisms from scratch using genetic and bio-engineering. The story would be set in a well-funded facility, with the facility's staff trying to push the boundaries of modern science and create evermore weird and varied creatures.

My character, a zoologist, would be a project lead on one such experiment. The creature the research team has managed to create is some sort of modern-day leviathan, a miniature monster with seemingly rudimentary intelligence. Now that it's been created it has to be studied, where my character takes over from the geneticists and bioengineers.

As she studies the creature she begins to realise that it is more intelligent than first assumed. It is capable of rapid learning, quickly mastering simple and then complex puzzles. As she tries to teach it basic verbal commands she finds out that it's also capable of telepathy, and the creature quickly learns to communicate fluently with her.

Its intelligence soon begins to outstrip hers, and it begins to addle with her mind, at first keeping her silent about this monumental society before slowly coercing her into sexual acts to determine her suitability as a potential breeding vessel. All the while she doesn't realise that she's being directly manipulated, and instead believes that she's falling in love with the creature.

The story would come to its climax as the creature finally determines she would be suitable to breed with. It manipulates her into helping it escape, taking her with it and breaking free from the facility. The story would conclude with the creature realising its final goal - complete domination of the planet. Other suitable breeders would be found among Earth's population, but only one special breeder would be cared and nurtured for and allowed to live through multiple birthings... The one human it owes everything to...

So that's the basic idea! I'm open to changes in the plot, and welcome input from those who are interested!

I am keen to preserve the idea that some sort of 'romance' or special connection forms between the woman and the creature, strong enough that the creature ultimately spares her and keeps her in a blissfully ignorant state even as she's used as a breeding vessel. I'm NOT looking for a basic tentacle rape scenario basically!

As mentioned above, I'd be looking for someone to play as the creature. As always, Lords, Ladies and Lieges are all welcome  :-)

If you're interested in discussing more please drop me a PM!

With best wishes,

Cerulean Dreams

Cerulean Dreams

I've been away from E. for some time, and I'd like to try to return to writing. I'm looking for a potential partner for this idea  :-)