No Place for Heroes (Phase Three: Ongoing Game, Rolling Application)

Started by Intimate Ink, May 10, 2019, 08:37:04 PM

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Intimate Ink

Phase Two: Open Applications, Day One Deadline 06/03, Rolling acceptances thereafter

Hello everyone, welcome to the thread.  Please know we are currently in an Interest Check phase of the project.   This is a chance for people to post interest and ask questions.  If Xurtan and I feel there is enough potential interest voiced we will open up character applications.  (We simply do not wish to waste anyone’s time completing an application if it looks like there is not enough interest in the game at this time to proceed!)

Thank you for looking over our information, and don’t be shy if you have any questions or requests. 

Please know that while it is a bit early, since it may occur anyway, people are free to share any intended face-claim or the Marvel/DC character they are considering having bonded with their character.  (The in-game term for this will be their Mythos.)  Applications will not be a first-come / first-serve basis, however, so please know that claiming a character first does not guarantee the spot in any way.  It will allow other applicants to know who is being worked on by someone else, however.

-= No Place For Heroes  =-


The year is 2022, in the Washington, DC that we all know.  Time is persistent in politics, though different faces now occupy the pictures of administration staff on the wall, much of the interest groups remain the same.  There are protestors outside the capital, demanding fire-arm reform, with ‘Never Again’ protest signs.  Still, there are protestors that resist changes in gun laws to greet them, not to mention lobbies and interest groups.  Abortion rights, representation across races, global warming, and district gerry-mandering are all spoken about, discussed, and argued in rooms across Capitol Hill.  Like some sort of testament, so many concrete steps connecting buildings, offices, and houses are eroded smooth by the footsteps of people looking for change, fighting change, and inheriting the rage, hope, and opinions like legacies from those who have walked the stairs prior.  Business is, as usual.

There are other dimensions, though.  Other citadel structures known as Washington, DC as strange as it might be for those within our earth to hear.  Within one of those a great battle was fought – then lost – with unforeseen consequences.  Though this is by no means new for a cosmos of many worlds and many realities, fate would have a strange hand in this one.  Peculiar, ethereal ashes came from the rubble of the mysterious broken dimension, kissing this world, our world, one largely lacking in the wonder, horror, and potential for change that other Washington, DCs have seen.  As those ashes began to settle they came to life, they began to form something new.

Far from Capitol Hill, in the neighborhood of Acacostia, Olivia Flores packs a single bag.  It’s a quiet, rushed process as her husband of four years lies asleep on the nearby bed.  She had a social worker say to her once that it took an average of seven attempts to leave before a survivor of abuse truly separated all ties.  As she zipped her bag, Olivia shuddered to realize that she must have been particularly thick-headed, as surely she had left and come back twice that by now.

As if on cue she hears him stir in bed, feels the potential of his hazel eyes settling on her, studying her.  She thinks she might even hear a laugh, but she does not dare turn around; even he is not usually so cavalier afterwards.  She realizes suddenly that she needs to believe it was a laugh, because if it was a breath or sorrow of apology she would stay, she would forgive him.  She always has.

So she finds herself running into the night, not even bothering to close the front door to their house that she proudly pained red (her favorite color,) the summer before.  As she runs she thinks of where to go.  She feels shame realizing everyone in the city, and some even beyond it, know her.   They have been through this process with her before, they have let her borrow money, given her work, offered shelter, and lied for her to get away.  She imagines the word that must be in all of their minds, that everyone would be too kind to say:  Again.

So she begins to run with no destination.  She laughs at the randomness of her next thought as she remembers as a kid reading comic books.  There was the whispered rage of Jean Grey, an anger that she wished she found growing up but never had.  There was Emma Frost with her diamond skin, a thought she found herself now repulsed by : skin that never showed a bruise was a horrible thought, it sounded like the perfect victim.  No, she finally found her mind strangely resting on Barry Allen, the 'cute and nerdy' type that she had always secretly been attracted to in her youth despite that all her boyfriends were his near polar opposite.

Without realizing it, she begins to run faster, then faster.  She runs without destination, at first looking like a woman exercising, then on the run, and then a veritable blur that blends with the District of Columbia lights.  She runs like… well, a lightning flash, and only stops when she is a stranger to the streets around her.  They are, likewise, a stranger to her.  Breathless and puzzled she questions where she is, how she even got there.  And yet, oddly enough, she can’t help but smile realizing that when she does show up at a shelter for help, it will be a new one, with a new tired-eyed social worker.  One who will look at her, and not know her enough to think to secretly utter that cursed word: Again?

No Place for Heroes is an Elliquiy game focused on writing and creativity.  It is at once a game of superheroes and possession.  Players in the game will be asked to play a mortal character that for most of their lives have lived a life like any other, absent of any powers or feats that go beyond the standard limits of humans.  Due to reasons that they currently do not fully understand, they will be slowly possessed by an archetype, a character known to them only as a fictional character within a comic book.  They will find themselves both with supernatural powers and rare ability that are not their own.  In the process they will find their very sense of self questioned, intruded on, as their values, personality, and behaviors become progressively more influenced by the character connected to them.

No Place for Heroes is thus intended to be a story of both inner and outer mystery, conflict, and simple experience.  Characters will have to adapt to their changing selves and power base.  They may find new reasons to feel alienated from friends, or find dissatisfaction in the activities that they once found meaningful.  They may struggle to understand the world around them, use their powers to uncover mysteries and corruption, or even create a little chaos of their own.  Through these experiences they will have to face the strange possession taking place within them.  Choices must be made about seeking to understand what is happening, and whether to fight against it, submit to it, or even achieve a state of harmony where the person they are and the force that has intruded upon them can peacefully coexist.

Mythos Connections People Have Stated Intent To Apply With:

Batman (DC Comics,  Earth Prime / New Earth)
Deadpool (Marvel Comics, Marvel Comic Universe, Earth-616)
Elixir (Marvel Comics,  Marvel Comic Universe,  Earth-616)
Ghost (Marvel Comics, Marvel Comic Universe, Earth-616)
Green Arrow (DC Comics,  Earth Prime / New Earth)
Hulk (Marvel Comics, Marvel CInematic Universe)
John Constantine (Vertigo Comics, Earth Prime / New Earth)
Mystique (Marvel Comics, Marvel Comic Universe, Earth-616)
The Punisher / Frank Castle (Marvel Comics, Marvel Comic Universe, Earth-616)
Raven (DC Comics,  Earth Prime / New Earth)
Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics, Marvel CInematic Universe)
Starfire (DC Comics, Earth Prime / New Earth)
Zantanna (DC Comics, Earth Prime / New Earth)

Called Face-Claims:
Alex Beer
Ashley Greene
Bradley James
Frederik Josef
Freya Mavor
Jessica Biel
John Krasinski
Ksenia Solo
Phoebe Ryan
Kaya Scodelario
Jon Hamm

Intimate Ink

General Information / Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to play No Place for Heroes?

No Place for Heroes is open to all approved (18+ years of age) members of Elliquiy.  This means Lords, Ladies, Legates, Lieges, and any other title that you may think of.  As such, applicants are expected to understand and be tolerant of differences in personality and sexuality.  While explicit adult scenes will have a separate dedicated  thread, given the themes of No Place for Heroes, writers very likely will be interacting with characters that see the world, and have attraction dynamics, quite different then their own.   Applicants are expected to be prepared to encounter these differences, and exhibit tolerance and maturity in accordance to Ellliquiy site rules.

Is there a set number of spots available for applicants?

At this time, GMs do not feel there is a need to set a hard limit on the number of players that will be accepted.  This may change post-interest check, and will be announced in a timely manner for people to declare a spot.  Please be aware that no two characters may share the same super-hero Mythos due to the basic concept of the game.  While there is no cap on spots, applications will not be accepted on a first-come / first-serve basis.  Concepts that GMs do not believe will fit well into the game or forming player team will not be accepted.  If you think your concept will be a potentially difficult fit, please talk with the GMs before-hand so we can see how to incorporate it best, or suggest alternatives.

What does this mean for character gender and sexuality?

No Place for Heroes is intended to have a player-base of diverse gender and sexual identities.  Players are welcome to play characters that align well with their own gender and sexual identity, or play those that are quite different.  Please do keep in mind that while sexual themes are a part of the game, it is not intended as a smut engine.  Consequently, players should give thought to characters they write and not rely on tropes and stereotypes.  This is a game intended for characters, not caricatures.   

What are the writing and/or time commitment expectations?

No Place for Heroes is intended to be a writer-focused game.  Posts made in GM-run story event threads are expected to generally hit a minimum of 250 words, however this will not be actively monitored unless an issue arises.  Posting size and frequency for scenes and threads run by players are at the discretion of those involved.  While all players are expected to take an active part in creating and running stories within the world, at times the GMs will step in to run a thread that executes a mission, allows for an investigation, hosts an event, or advances a plot (a story-thread).   GM threads will follow a cycle where the GM will post around every five days to advance the scene as needed.  Characters who miss three consecutive cycles of not posting in a GM thread will be asked to communicate with the GM on some level about whether they are wanting to continue playing the game.  RL happens, but a few moments of communication helps with planning.  When possible, GM threads will be optional in participation, however there will be some mandatory events when it does not make sense for a character to not be present.

Again: Life happens!  Real life should always take precedence over Elliquiy, and the game will allow for this.  GMs, however, need to be made aware when this is the case so that characters and their actions can be accounted for during major events.

While player-run sandbox threads will not have a formal posting requirement, please be respectful of your fellow players, their characters, and the stories that they are telling.  No one like seeing interest in their scene atrophy because one person is continually being waited on.  Sometimes life gets busy or the muse just needs a break; this is inevitable.  By passing a round or communicating needs in a timely manner, you can keep the scene vibrant for those involved and anxious to participate.

What board will No Place for Heroes be on?

No Place for Heroes will exist on the Small Groups > Extreme boards.  The universe within the game is not a sterile one; the problems within our world exist in the one we will be writing.  Further upheavel is bound to happen as that world becomes infused with super powers.  Applicants should be prepared to dwell in this space to some extent.  While there are many themes allowed on the Extreme Board that there are no plans for this game to explore, the GMs also will not censor what players might do in private threads that are appropriately tagged and placed on the correct content board.

What super heroes can I play?

The concept for No Place for Heroes is that you are playing a human that is suddenly connected to a comic book character.  Consequently, technically speaking, you are not playing a comic book character as much as playing an individual who is being progressively influenced on physical, psychological, and social levels by one.  That being said, theoretically any character within either the Marvel or DC/Vertigo universe is elligible for that connection.  Age, race, sexuality, and gender does not have to be a factor in determining this connection.

Players, however, are highly encouraged to use common sense when selecting a superhero and their corresponding powers.  While there might be some natural imbalance within super powers, there will be some powers such as access to the Phoenix Force, world destruction, or unqualified immortality that will not ever be accepted.  If you are uncertain, or a certain ability is going to make or break a character for you, it is wiser to ask before investing too much time.

Please also realize that accepted characters will be expected to work together.  While they might not always agree, or may have very different goals, they must still function as a team when needed.  Players selecting particularly anti-social or villainous characters will likely face a longer and potentially more difficult road to approval since they will need to account for how their character will work with the others.  True antagonists are NPC spots and not appropriate as player characters.  (This is, unforutnately, simply logical since the game is not build to support a completely seperate writing experience where characters on opposite sides do not have to regularly interact with each other.)

Do you allow multiple characters?

In order to facilitate a timely transition into the game and the establishment of connections, players will initially be restricted to a single character.  This policy will be revisited once players have been established and the game has been open, possibly allowing for a second character for those who have demonstrated that they are able to manage it.

There are times a player may also request to play an available NPC that does not count towards a character limit.  These characters will not be exclusively their own, but instead be operated in consultation with a GM.  Restrictions on their motives, actions, and/or duration in play may be put in place.

Regardless of caps, GMs reserve the right to close extra characters off to a player based upon already-existing levels of inactivity and delays.  Simply put:  If you're already feeling overwhelmed, please don't take on more.
Is this a system game?  Are there dice?

The short answer is yes, however:  the focus on No Place for Heroes is intended to be a shared writing experience and creative exercise.  Systems and dice are not intended to be a focus for this game.  However, limited systems can be useful to establish what characters are good and bad at, as well as where they are developing.  No Place For Heroes will be utilizing a highly abbreviated version of City of Mist in order to do this.  However, while players may learn the system for their own enrichment, no one is expected to learn the system.  The system will most be apparent when a player designates powers for their character to have.  However, by simply describing the power, GMs will work with players to fill out any system information by asking them a few relevant questions about that power.   

For contests of ability, while GMs will always be available to determine results, players are highly encouraged to use the honor system and common sense first.  The professional athlete is going to win the race when paired with the physically inactive accountant; the scientist will discover a chemical formula before the socialite does.

GMs may also utilize dice very occasionally in GM-run scenes to help preserve a sense of randomness, luck. and represent difficulty in a particularly arduous task.  This will occur in the background, however players are welcome to view roles and interpretations by request.  Again, this is a writing focused game, and what few systems are in use are narrative-based:  dice rolls will not generally be indicative of a success or failure, but simply dictate interesting results.

Any rules not covered?

I like to think many of them are common sense after this point:

Be respectful.  Do not flame, attack, or otherwise target players negatively.  If you have a concern, I generally find the best policy is to first contact them privately and see if there is a misunderstanding.  If that does not work, involving the GM privately is a next step.  In my experience on Elliquiy, airing dirty laundry in public forums only further damages relations. 

Do not control other characters or god-mod.  There is no power, no story-telling device, and no status that should ever allow you to write another person's character for them in any way without explicit permission.  You may post intent of actions (for instance, your character attempts to shove another down a flight of stairs,) but it is never within your sole power to determine the outcome of that intent.  No Place for Heroes will follow a simple hierarchy for contested actions:  Players are expected first to reach out to each other in order to determine the outcome of actions where one character might act against another one against their will.  If players are unable to come to a resolution than this information is to be passed onto the GMs who will then determine the resulting outcome based upon common sense, character sheets, and (rarely) a dice roll.

Finally, in-character actions have in-character consequences.  It is the intention of the GM to provide a world for characters to explore and act within.  There are limits that must be maintained to protect the game-world and be fair.  Every action has consequences, and part of the role as a GM is to intervene if a writer is blatantly denying this in their storytelling.

Intimate Ink

The Setting Lore

Want more detailed specifics about the setting or the terms used? This is the place to look.

Your Awakening

It starts as a nagging realization that there's something you've forgotten. At first, it's in the back of your mind, but as time passes it becomes clearer and clearer. It bothers you. You get this urge to break away from everything that's distracting you and try to listen, to focus. It's like a misplaced memory, something about yourself you can't remember. It's there, but your mind just can't grasp it; it slips through mind's fingers like vapor. This is where most people give up and turn back to their lives. They shut it out, ignore it. But not you. You stayed and listened.

When you finally remember this truth you have forgotten about yourself, words fail you because your waking mind is too constricted to accommodate what you take in. It's like a spark inside you, but at the same time it's an entire world. It has too many facets to be accurately described. Slowly, it will take shape: you'll remember faces, places, and distant times, places... Things that happened - but did they? They don't seem as real as the life you have now, almost like they were faded pages in a stroybook; but they feel more real than any moment you have ever lived. You'll remember yourself, different then, playing a role in a clash of forces more ancient than you can possibly fathom: smiting down a terrible foe, stealing a forbidden item, suffering beyond imagination, loving without limits. For a brief moment, you'll remember your Mythos.

Your body will start buzzing. All over your skin, a tingling sensation spreads as this force enters every mote of your being. As you become a conduit. The visions you have seen will miraculously become a reality: perhaps a small tree will sprout from the palm of your hand, or your whole body will burn in cool bright red flames. You have become a Rift in the gossamer veil of forgetfulness.

Becoming a Rift is not an easy or comfortable experience. Many panic. They tell themselves 'There is no place for this new discovery! What about my loves ones, my clients, or my boss? How are they going to respond when they find out? What about everything I've studied for, or everything I've earned? Will I have to give it all up? Or hide what I've become? I'm the wrong kind of person to carry this kind of burden.'

One way or another, you have been irrevocably transformed. This thing is inside you now and its arrival spells change. Many are afraid, and perhaps they have right to be. Afraid for everything they have right now, even if they never liked it to begin with. Their ordinary life seems familiar and safe compared to this force that now resides within. They think of abanoning this force. If only they could, they would forget about it and carry on. But they know that this being has taken root in them. Their story is now its story, and remembering how it felt to be totally fused with it, they come to an irreconcilable understanding: abandon it, and a part of them will die. Embrace it... and they'll lose themselves to it.

The awakening can happen in a moment or can stretch over decades. It can happen spontaneously or it can be brought about by events in your life, premeditated, accidental, or fateful. No-one knows what this awakening is--not yet. You've asked. But you know others have had similar experiences.

Savor this moment of somewhat peace, because it might not last long: the Mist is coming. And even as you shake with new possibilities, powers, and energy... You have to wonder; is this possession as benign as it initially seems to be?

The Mythoi & Their Rift

In-game, nobody knows what a Mythos is, exactly. In a way, a Mythos is just a story that is trying to become real: a story about people, places, and miraculous powers and events. Maybe all the Mythoi exist in another dimension, swirling in an endless space of pure concepts. Or maybe they exist only in our minds, in a collective unconscious that is perpetuated by the telling and reading of comics. Perhaps these two possibilities are one in the same.

It's impossible to know what Mythoi are because Mythoi can never exist in their purest form - the moment they manifest through something or something, they already become an impure variation of themselves because they mix with their 'host', the Rift through which they come to life. They can never be fully perceived. Yet whether they are who--or what--they perceive themselves as, it's clear there are mysteries to solve regarding them and their place. And just as there are mysteries, there are whispers in the dark - can they be trusted? Is everything as it seems?

As writers, part of the game is the interactions with your Mythos. Ultimately, these things wish to push you away from your values, from your sense of identity, from who you are as a mere 'mortal'. They want you to embrace being a Rift, to use their powers, to advance their goals, and to grow stronger. Because as you grow stronger, so too does your connection to your Mythos... and their power over you. 

The details of a Rift's awakening to their Mythos vary from one Rift to another. Mythoi often find an opportunity in moments of personal crisis or tremendous sacrifice, when a person feels their world is crumbling down around them. What's really breaking apart is their identity, opening a momentary gap in the Mist that a Mythos can exploit to enter a host. The crisis that opens one up to one's Mythos may be of any imaginable nature. It can be an actual life threatening situation or a person's internal drama. What caused the crisis to begin with? Is it chance, fate, or the machinations of the Mythos that would take advantage of it? As we all know, nothing in this world is free - especially power. Some Rifts float the theory that the Mythoi are not to be trusted, and that one should shut them out, ignore them. But this is a minor group. A group that seems to grow more silent with passing days.

A common question to new Rifts is "why me?". One could imagine a Mythos chooses the Rift it will materialize through, but who knows? It's just as plausible that a Mythos spreads like a virus or an idea, attaching itself to the person who is most receptive to its story. Perhaps something in the Rift's ordinary life is reminiscent of the comics of that particular Mythos and so, by association, they become linked.

Still, it's hard to put a finger on what exactly draws a specific Mythos to its Rift. Many Mythoi manifest in individuals of a different gender, social background, ethnic group, or religion than those they are usually associated with. For example, Thor might manifest through an eight year old Vietnamese beggar girl. Perhaps it's an inner quality that attracts a Mythos, a person's suitability to become its story.

There are only three things that can be said about the Mythoi for certain: they are a source of unimaginable power, they are mysterious beyond fathom, and they always want to tell their story, whispering it from beyond the veil of Mist we mortals cannot see.

The Veil of the Mist

The Mythoi--yours and others--are not the only thing to be concerned with. There is also The Mist. Accidentally or intentionally, there will come a point when you reveal special abilities to others and thereby inadvertently stumble upon the greatest hoax in the city. You will discover that no-one remembers anything regarding your powers. To say no-one is slightly inaccurate, as you'll eventually discover, but you will find that the vast majority of city dwellers simply ignore, excuse, or forget any power that you manifest in their presence.

This force, responsible for the ignorance of millions, is the Mist. In many ways it is an undetectable force. In other ways, its all-encompassing nature is terrifying. Whenever powers manifest, the Mist ensures that no-one knows about it or recognizes it for what it truly is. You begin to realize that you live in an entire city that is forever in the clutches of this force and that everyone you know and meet is entirely oblivious to what is going on around them. They are "Sleepers"; they are unable to see what you can see, no matter how concrete the facts you show them. Indeed, the harder you push... the harder the Mist pushes back. Often to the detriment of the Sleeper.

This realization alone can tear your psyche apart, and indeed countless like you have lost their minds when the gravity of the situation struck them. You are living in a city of sleepwalkers, and that includes the people you love the most. A great chasm opens up between you and those closest to you, a chasm that you can only repress, never bridge. Not without killing a part of yourself and going back to Sleep.

Even if you deal with the psychological stress, you will face unavoidable questions. "What about me? What am I not seeing? Is there something I too am blind to?"

No More Heroes is a game about questions, mysteries, your own identity and sense of self, and the supernatural forces at work within and around you. The Mist is one of the strongest, as it interacts in the world in horrifying ways. Though your character may not notice or know, should the right questions be asked or sought, here's what you'll find out:

The Mist hides and distracts. Just as one is about to witness the real-life manifestation of your Mythos, something will happen to make them look away or at the very least blur their impression. Fog will roll in, rain will lash at them, steam will blow out from the subway vents, the lights will flicker. Their phone will ring at just the right time, or someone will cry for help. Whatever form it takes, the Mist will make them miss the display altogether. Forcefully. This is the least of the Mist's abilities, and the one it tends to use for smaller displays of power around Sleepers. Some consider the Mist an aspect of Fate, as it seems to be able to orchestrate events with disturbing synchronicity, for example having your boyfriend arrive at the scene out of the blue just as you're about to witness the powers of a Rift you worked weeks to track down.

You see, the effects of the Mist are not limited to Sleepers. You too, as well as the other Rifts you'll meet, are subject to its distractions. The difference is that you remember; you know there is something hiding the truth from you. You know that what you didn't see in a moment of distraction is what really matters. Make no mistake, the Mist is not your ally. It is, ultimately, a force that wants things returned to the status quo. A kind of 'cleaner' that wants all Mythoi and any evidence of their existence expunged for its own reasons. Is it sentient? Is it simply a cosmic force? No one knows. In the case of Rifts in particular, it seems to prefer exploiting things dear to you. The things you love or hate. If you value your family, the Mist will use them to throw you off. If you like cars or hate rats, you'll see a flashy ride or a hairy critter crossing the road just as you're about to witnes something important. However, the Mist cannot be everywhere at once. Its powers are not limitless, and there are times it seems focused elsewhere. Not every event or moment of power use is shrouded in deception; it seems to focus its attention on when it can cause the most damage, right when you're about to discover something important. A question about the Mist itself, an answer about Mythoi, even something more mundane that you simply need

The Mist makes people forget. This is one of the scariest aspects of the Mist. When you experience this effect, you will suddenly grasp how fragile your mundane life is, how in one moment it can all be taken away from you. It seems there is only so much the Mist can cover up at once; sometimes, when it's stuck for a solution, the Mist will become aggressive and simply wipe out all memory of your Mythos manifestations from Sleeper's minds. For them, and sometimes 'them' are very large groups of people, it would be as if the event never happened. But the Mist is not tender in its mercies, and the human brain is not meant to be poked, prodded, shaped and reworked at whim. Nosebleeds, headaches, heart issues, and longer lasting (or more horrific) results are not uncommon reports in Sleepers that were subject to the Mist. It makes every use of your powers a question of worth, of morality, and of who can see you. Use them wisely. Because while Rifts might be occasionally distracted, they are offered some protection by their Mythos. A Sleeper has no such protection. It's up to you what you're willing to sacrifice, who you're willing to hurt, and how determined you are to get answers.

An important note is that the Mist does not change reality... at least not abrubtly. While trying to get answers from a violent gang of cultists, for example, if you beat them up with an ancient bronze staff and you all end up getting arrested, they'll report "This freak came at me with some weird metal shaft!" If you do so by turning your arm into stone, they'll say, "That crazy son of a bitch hit me with a brick!" However, they will still be injured, for real, and forensics may be able to tell if they were hurt by bronze or stone. This is to say the consequences of your Mythos powers are very much real. Just because the Mist covers up perception of the aspects of your actions doesn't mean you will not be held responsible for them.

Equally, some of the ordinary residents of the city are quite sharp and focused: that police detective, that bohemian musician at the jazz club, that kid in the basketball court. They’re not zombies or drones, they’re just under a spell. They can tell you’re up to something, even if they can’t see it for what it is. And there is always the possibility that they too will awaken.

Your Logos

Logos is simply the name for your 'normal' life. It is your job, your family, your hobbies. It is the things that attach you to the Sleeper world, the things that anchor you away from your Mythos. There are degrees of awareness among Rifts. Not all Rifts are equally awakened. The more focused on Logos you are the more susceptible to the Mist you are, and generally the more your powers fade. If you push too close to Logos, rejecting any and all interactions with your Mythos... you begin to Fade. Eventually, you become a Sleeper again. The more you give in to your Mythos, the more powerful you grow and the more you challenge yourself, the greater your resistance to the Mist becomes... and the greater influence your Mythos has on you. As your Mythos demands more and more of you, your personal life starts falling apart. If you push too far the other direction and focus solely on your Mythos, you become a living Avatar, effectively a meat puppet with no will. Finding a balance or riding the edge of the knife is important.

Intimate Ink

The Call

At the beginning of the game, each of the characters will receive a correspondence in a medium that they are comfortable with (an email, text message, hand-written invitation on their doorstep, etc.) to please consider uniting.  The exact details of the correspondence can be worked out with GMs during character generation, as needed.

The theme will remain the same, though.  A young blonde woman, by the name of Zeta, will implore the characters to please meet with her in her ‘secret hideout’ within the non-renovated section of the Dupont Underground, a series of subway tunnels and then-shops that were subsequently abandoned, though since have been the site of artistic installations.  She will explain that one of her manifested powers has been to sense others struggling in the same ways she does.  She has made some strange discoveries in the process; though she admits that she does not have all the answers, she is happy to share knowledge and in turn learn from others’ experiences. Our story will begin as those who have felt guided to take the call follow the winding steps down the tunnels, past the new and flashy art exhibits, and step through the forgotten metal and glass rubble in the hopes of meeting others that share their strange experiences.

Mythos Manifestation

Each character has a Mythos Manifestation rating, which is equal to the number of theme books (or powers) that they have taken.  As characters find more and more powers of their mythos manifesting within them, they will additionally find their previous values, goals, and motivations fading.  In a sense, the more powerful a character becomes, the more they lose touch with their former selves and the more they become in touch with the comic book character that they are intertwined with.

A loose description of the ratings are, as follows:

0: This character has lost all touch with their mythos if they ever had a connection to begin with.  Characters who experience extreme psychological events that ground their values and identities back into whom they once were, or actively resist their mythos and corresponding powers, might find their rating drops over time.

1: This is the rating of a character who has newly bonded with a mythos.  This typically occurs during a sentient event in the individual’s life where they participate in and are affected by an experience that would attract the mythos.  This could be as simple as witnessing a bank robbery gone wrong where a superhero’s power could have saved innocents, to being involved in a catastrophic lab accident that would attract a mad scientist.  The individual’s goals, personality, or motivations are still largely their own, though they may notice small tugs and urges towards things they did not before.  This often takes the place of finding new hobbies, and subtle personality shifts.

2: This is the rating of a character that has begun to feel the presence of the mythos in their everyday life and actions.  At this level, the person’s closest friends and family may notice and remark on changes they have observed.  Choices such as attire, physical fitness level of physical fitness, and social groups may also start to shift, leaving the impression that a person when over a ‘personality makeover’.  Characters may begin to question choices they once have, as if seeing their life from the perspective of their mythos, thus opening the chance for self=critique.

3: At this rating, characters will likely begin to experience large changes that are guided by their mythos’ values strongly seizing their own.  This level sees marriages dissolve, attractions and repulsions shift, questions regarding religious faith arise, career paths become abandoned, and other large-scale life changes.  At this level, character’s shifts are blatant to those around them, and will often need to be reasoned out from accusations of a mid-life crisis, adolescent hormones, or even the potential of personality-altering brain tumors.  Characters will find themselves drawn to live the life their mythos would want them to, experiencing strong urges to align their values.

4+: Any rating at four and above indicate near-total domination of the Mythos.  Character’s at this level often lack the will any more to wish to fight the expression, and would require something significantly jarring to their past-selves to lower their expression level.  While characters retain the memories of their past and those things they once cared about, the mythos’ own values and motivations almost will always outweigh their own.  They will see the world with the values of the comic book character that they have bonded with, and typically act in accordance unless under extreme duress.

Harmony in the Chaos

Characters that are touched by mythos may initially find the opportunity to practice powers, even feel like they have the potential to become someone else exciting, even promising.  Many who advance, though, begin to question the costs as they find their sense of self progressively more violated by the mythos tied to them.  It is an individaul choice, but a choice none the same:  Is it worth losing so many parts of who they were, what they care about, in order to become a being capable of such wonderous feats?  A careful ear to the streets will hear rumors that there are those who have been working on practices, techniques -- and sometimes even mad-scientist like procedures -- designed to keep the best parts of the dual sides in check.  The substance behind the rumors is, at best, a slippery prospect to find.  Still, those who seek the knowledge may just find salvation... or more things to fear.

A Note on Balance

The GMs will work towards achieving some loose sense of balance within characters, as possible.  One of the choices to incorporate a system within the background of the game is to aid us in doing so.  That being said, any one who has read a comic book, or even seen a comic movie, knows that some superpowers are more flashy than others, and some are more utilitarian rather than dazzling.

This is, simply, part of the nature of superpowers.  Players need to exercise a degree of self-knowledge when selecting a character and powers.  Those who prefer flashy effects need to take that into consideration, just as those who wish more utilitarian or mental-based powers.  Ultimately remember this is a collaborative writing exercise and not a game to ‘win’ or ‘lose’; furthermore, this game is intended for writers with creativity and thoughtfulness.  These traits will matter far more than any flashy attribute on a character sheet when it comes to rewarding game experiences.

Intimate Ink



The following information details the system-side of the game that will largely dwell in the background of No Place for Heroes to promote a level of balance an structure.  As details above players may learn the system as much as they wish, but no one is expected to do so.  The themebooks below detail how powers are represented and classified in the game.  Players may opt to simply speak with GMs about what they wish to do, and with a few non-system questions, this information can be settled.  We have provided information on the themebooks for those who wish to delve a little deeper and learn the system for themselves.  More information can be accessed through The City of Mist gamebnook and supplements by Amit Moshe.

Themebooks are where you will decide on your initial powerset. For now, you will select one themebook and go through the instructions within. In short, you will end up answering the first power question, then selecting three other questions to answer. After that, answer two of the weakness questions of your choice. Note all of this down on your character sheet. There will be ways to both advance/enhance powers as well as gain additional themebooks within the game itself. Don't feel that you're entirely limited, especially if your comic book character doesn't fit perfectly in one book; simply pick the one that you like or that fits 'best'.

NOTE: If you are unsure on what would fit or what works, PM one or both of the GMs and we'll see about walking you through it or making suggestions.   

Bastion Themebook
Bastion: Conjure an armor or a shield - Invulnerability - Magical Protection - Immunity to various kinds of harm - An unbreakable body, will, or soul - Being untouchable by the law.

Becoming manifested in reality comes with its share of trouble. A Mythos that manages to find a Rift will often want to make sure that the Rift stays open, or in other words, remains alive and intact. After all, a Rift is a Mythos' foothold in reality, one which should be fortified against attacks, whether from Sleepers, other Rifts, or the Mist itself. Rifts with a Bastion theme are not granted such powers simply to stay alive, but also to protect the agenda of their Mythos. Whether they do so by securing people, places, or objectives depends on their Mythos. The Rift of Emma Frost could turn their skin to diamond. The Rift of Kitty Pryde could be immune to all physical harm. That is not to say all Bastion themes should provide physical protection. Some Mythoi bestow powers of mental, spiritual, magical, and even social protection.

Bastion Power Questions: Answer the first question; then choose three more questions to answer. Answer each question with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will be useful to your character during the game. Each answer becomes a power. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'grow bone armor' could become 'turn skin to diamond', in the case of Emma Frost.

A: What quality or ability granted by your Mythos most often protections you?: Grow bone armor, can't die - already dead, ghost - no physical body, radiates authority, regrow organs, dragon scales.

B: What means do you have of extending protection to others?: A great golden shield, summon ghostly guardians, ward off darkness.

C: What particular trait of your defense makes it useful?: Impressive, reflective surface, both astral and physical, unbreakable, change skin texture and color, absorbs life force.

D: Against what type of attack or influence is your defense especially effective?: Does not breathe, impervious to mortal weapons, maze-like mind, eternal youth.

E: How can you use your defense actively?: A body made of fire -> flames lash out, a great golden shield -> throw shield, always held in high esteem -> biting retort.

F: What secondary defensive effect does your defense have?: Dragon scales -> resistant to fire, grow bone armor -> harden internal organs, invulnerability -> harm only makes me stronger.

G: What other effect or quality, not necessarily defensive, came with your defense?: Godlike invulnerability -> inhuman strength, made of clay -> melt into the earth, dragon scales -> fire breath, ghost - no physical body > possess others' bodies. 

H: Who or what were your powers meant to protect?: Protector of the weak, guardian of a temple, your sidekick.

I: When in a clinch, how can you use your defense to change the odds in your favour?: Grow bone armor -> grow roots, cloak of protection -> glide through the air, beauty that cannot be tarnished -> inspire change of heart.

J: What tactics do you employ when you use your defense?: Hunker down, provide cover for others, furious rage, stampede, scare tactics, embrace the enemy.

Bastion Weakness Questions Choose two questions to answer. Answer it with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will impede your character's actions during the game. Each answer becomes a power weakness. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'shining armor is easy to spot' could become 'diamond skin is easy to spot', in the case of Emma Frost.

A: How do your defensive powers affect your appearance?: Monstrous, corpse-like visage, shining armor is easy to spot, bronzen.

B: What are the unwanted implications of your defense?: Cumbersome, ghost - cannot touch the world, blindspot, wears off quickly.      

C: To what attacks is your defense susceptible?: "I can't protect them all!", holy water, bludgeoning, mystical weapons.

D: What personality trait derived from your defense gets you into trouble? Foolhardy, paranoid, cannot feel emotions, savior mentality, ravenous.
Divination Themebook
Divination: Clairvoyance - special senses - fortune telling - a mystical source of knowledge - magically finding a person, an object, or information - psychometry - communicating with other realms or beings.

To be in the world, a Mythos must know the world. It must be aware of things near and far, know of things that were or things that are yet to come. It must understand the nature of its environment, or it will be outsmarted, vanquished, and cast into non-existence once more. In order to stay ahead of the game, Mythoi grant their Rifts the ability to sense the world and grasp it beyond what their mortal cognition would allow. The Rift of Madame Xanadu might get premonitions. The Rift of Sabretooth might gain a wolf's insticts. Whatever form they take, Divination powers allow Rifts to gather useful information. 

Divination Power Questions: Answer the first question; then choose three more questions to answer. Answer each question with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will be useful to your character during the game. Each answer becomes a power. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'A wolf's instincts' could become 'Tiger's Senses', in the case of Sabretooth.

A: What allows you to uncannily know things you wouldn't normally know?: Flashes of what was here before, a wolf's instincts, instant book reading, premonitions, torment poor souls, read minds.

B: What other type of knowledge can you access with your powers?: Flashes of other parts of the city, sniff out intruders, psychometry, sense a person's guilt.

C: What subject is the easiest for you to learn about?: Perfect spatial sense, knows all about hunters, whispers of ancient history, expose hidden secrets, secrets taken to the grave.

D: What items or substances serve as a conduit for your knowledge?: Consciousness expanding bills, book of shadows, in vino veritas, mirrors, the blood reveals all.

E: What quality of your divination makes it especially effective?: Undetectable, covers the entire city, I can smell it as well, the stronger the emotion - the more I see.

F: What advantage does your divination give you in a fight?: Predict a foe's next move, sense minute earth tremors, a marksman's eye.

G: In what ways have your normal senses been enhanced by your mythos?: See in complete darkness, can hear a pin drop, gut feeling when being deceived. 

H: What creative ways of using your divination have you developed?: Shoot around corners, "I can tell you like me...", ouija board scam, blind driving. 

I: How can you affect others with your power?: Put someone in a time-loop, deafening roar, suck up all the light, terrorize with a glimpse of one's death.

J: What new frontier of knowledge lies at the edge of your divination?: Flashes of beyond, visceral sense of danger, sisterhood of all women, secrets only the Void knows.

Divination Weakness Questions Choose two questions to answer. Answer it with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will impede your character's actions during the game. Each answer becomes a power weakness. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'disturbing flashes of coming horror' could become 'dreaded knowledge', in the case of Madame Xanadu.

A: What happens when your divination overwhelms you?: Disturbing flashes of coming horror, sensory overload, haunted, the pain of knowing.

B: What can hinder or block your divination?: Cannot penetrate fog, blind in sterile environment, "Thou shall not pass my sigils!", "The hearth protects them..."     

C: What is beyond the reach of your divination?: Too long ago, the future is fickle, one little boy, only as far as the eye can see.

D: What must you have in order to use your divination?: A pouch full of beads and bones, must touch skin, I need more time.
Expression Themebook
Expression: Elemental or physical projection (E.G., fire, arrows, thoughts) - legendary strength - superior warrior prowess - overpowering presence - healing powers

An Expression theme represents the ways in which your Mythos wants to directly influence the world and the powers it gives you to do so. Most commonly, these powers either project outwards as matter, energy, or magical effects, or alter you in a way that would help you leave your mark on the world around you. The Rift of Hawkeye might gain 'bounce arrows off walls'. The Rift of Poison Ivy might gain 'plant growth'. An Expression theme is about changing the world overtly and directly. What exactly is expressed is entirely up to your Mythos. 

Expression Power Questions: Answer the first question; then choose three more questions to answer. Answer each question with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will be useful to your character during the game. Each answer becomes a power. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'burning whips' could become 'plant whip', in the case of Poison Ivy.

A: What is the most common way you use your mythos to affect the world?: Burning whips, bless with good fortune, turn solid matter into liquid, psychic blasts of pain, uncanny charisma, ultimate fighter.

B: What useful reverse effect can you exert?: Take away good fortune, turn liquids into solids, quench fire, cure diseases.     

C: What useful quality does your main effect have?: Intense heat, bigger explosions, airborne spores, irresistible, armor-piercing, soothing presence, indomitable.

D: What conditions or situations enhance your Mythos' expression?: Better in damp conditions, the more the merrier, feeds off fear, back-to-back fighting.

E: Against what targets are your expression powers more effective?: Reduce buildings to rubbles, good for abducting children, easily manipulates metals, "you can run but you can't hide".

F: What special variants or specific uses of your Mythos' main form of expression have you mastered?: burning whips -> bright flare, blow freezing cold -> encase someone in ice, celestial martial arts -> falling star roundhouse kick, infect with disease -> latent infection, plant growth -> poisonous biting plants.

G: What additional expression, not necessarily related to the main one, does your mythos have?: Super strength -> summon lightning weapon, play hypnotic tune -> deafening blast, burning whips -> underweater propulsion.

H: What trick shots or special maneuvers can you do with your expression powers?: Bounce arrows off walls, selectively hit targets in an area, affect through walls.

I: What attitude do you adopt when expressing your mythos?: Firebrand, ruthless, icy demeanor, terrifying, trustworthy appearance.

J: How can you use your power to shield yourself, especially from similar effects? Plasma barrier, absorb electricity, impenetrable mind, parry.

Expression Weakness Questions Choose two questions to answer. Answer it with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will impede your character's actions during the game. Each answer becomes a power weakness. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'uncontrolled firestorm' could become 'uncontrolled geostorm', in the case of Terra.

A: What situations or conditions weaken or suppress your Mythos' expression?: Weaker in dry conditions, cannot operate in the light of day, only effective against a single opponent.

B: What targets are immune or resistant to your Mythos' expression?: Does not work on gods or spirits, cannot shape organic matter, weaker against loved ones.      

C: What happens when you lose control over your Mythos' expression?: Uncontrolled firestorm, can't tell allies from foes, entangled in plants.

D: What are the repercussions of bringing your Mythos into the world?: Icicles everywhere, signature markings on victims, over-zealous thralls, people find me repulsive.
Mobility Themebook
Mobility: Nimble, graceful, or dextrous movement - supernatural speed - flight - travelling as a cloud, a drop of water, or a ray of light - riding on mythical creatures - magical transportation.

Takiong shape and form in the material world has the immediate effect of limiting one to a single point in space and time, a state both alien and undesirable to any Mythos. The Mythoi therefore bestow upon their Rifts the ability to travel from one place to another wondrously, whether through physical movement or magical transportation. This is essential for the Mythos' wish to spread its influence across the city. Mobility powers may also allow a Rift not only to transport themselves and others from one place to another but also to move unobstructed and overcome obstacles. The Rift of Barry Allen might gain super-speed. The Rift of Daredevil may gain 'uncanny parkour artist'. 

Mobility Power Questions: Answer the first question; then choose three more questions to answer. Answer each question with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will be useful to your character during the game. Each answer becomes a power. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'katana whirlwind attack' could become 'staff whirlwind attack', in the case of Gambit.

A: What is your Mythos' most useful form of movement?: Super-speed, uncanny parkour artist, emerge out of bodies of water, enormous wings, grow giant beanstalks.

B: How do you go into overdrive?: Tear space-time apart, merge with a large mass of water, fury of the roc, unrestrained growth.     

C: What allows you to avoid restraints or confinements?: Act just before it happens, makeshift katana, turn into water, powerful beak and talons, lockpicking vines.

D: What secondary mode of movement have you learned to use?: Short-range teleportation, move in the shadows, skim the water, claw through barriers, roots can tunnel into the earth.

E: What style or technique of movement have you mastered?: Good catcher, nimble as a fox, flow down narrow spaces, deadly swoop, beanstalk acrobatics.

F: What specific harmful effects does your mobility allow you to avoid?: Dodge bullets, block martial art strike, expel blood toxins, thick plumage, beanstalk breaks the fall.

G: How do you use your mobility to gain advantage in a fight?: Surprise from behind, katana whirlwind attack, flashflood, wing bash, catapult around stem.

H: What allows you to move others?: Bestow superspeed, secret ninja shortcuts, turn others into water, the strength to carry a bull, bridges out of vines.

I: How can you use your powers to restrain others' movement?: Put someone into a time-loop, darts with numbing ointment, engulf in a waterspout, pin down with giant foot, coiling vines.

J: What special resource does your mobility give you access to?: Out-of-time pocket dimension, hidden vantage point, communicate through water, a convocation of loyal eagles, a window left open.

Mobility Weakness Questions Choose two questions to answer. Answer it with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will impede your character's actions during the game. Each answer becomes a power weakness. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'exhausted by dogfighting' could become 'exhausted by stalking', in the case of Batman.

A: What impedes you or slows you down?: Temporal distortions, slippery foothold, strong water currents, bad weather, concrete pavement.

B: What happens when you go too, too far, etc.?: Space-time overload, overlooked details, uncontrolled liquidation, exhausted by dogfighting, vertigo.     

C: What happens when you're caught?: Claustrophobia, fragile, susceptible to evaporation, aggressive behaviour, criminal record.

D: What residual evidence does your movement leave on you, on others, or in the environment?: Flickers in and out of time, neighborhood sightings, clothes always wet, leaves a trail of feathers, persecution complex.
Subversion Themebook
Subversion: Invisibility - trickery and illusions - thievery and stealth - hypnotism and subtle manipulation - hiding in plain sight - secrecy and counter-detection.

Not all Mythoi blast the world directly with their tale. In a city haunted by the Mist, Mythoi have learned that gifting their Rifts with the ability to act secretly can help them secure a deeper and more lasting influence. Other Mythoi are simply subversive in nature, legends and stories of forces operating in the shadows, whether benign or insidious. Their powers are those of deception, secrecy, illusion, and trickery.. The Rift of Loki could fashion life-like illusions with his thoughts; the Rift of Professor X could read minds.   

Subversion Power Questions: Answer the first question; then choose three more questions to answer. Answer each question with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will be useful to your character during the game. Each answer becomes a power. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'induce hypnotic trance' could become a more trickster oriented 'induce hypnotic dance', in the case of Loki.

A: What is the principle ability you use to mask or hide your actions?: Illusory appearance, a false air of importance, cloak of invisibility, miraculously sneak in and out of anywhere, corrupt those who hold power, take another person’s identity.

B: How do you use your power to distract others?: Induce hypnotic trance, beguiling boots & garb, echo of my voice, bewitched absent-mindedness, mistaken for an angel, memory wipe.
C: What useful quality does your main effect have?: Make hypnotic suggestion, produce fake gold, threatening whispers, "let's bet on it", demonic seduction, appear like one's close confidant.

D: What do you do best under the cover of secrecy?: Waltz in unregarded, sway them to shower me with gifts, smite with the strength of twelve men, impossible thievery, weaken one's faith, silent kill.

E: Who is most likely to fall prey to your subversive activity?: Stronger against simple-minded people, the rich will be poor, "You are blinded by your pride", the king will never catch me, corrupt the purest souls, just an unpretentious Joe or Jane.

F: How does operating secretly allow you to learn new information?: Mind reading, intuit every detail of one's wealth, see the invisible, sense one's darkest desires, steal their memories.

G: Who are you in league with?: Summon fox helpers, the pizza parlor owner's youngest son, Alberich's biker gang, the Master Thief, Lucifer himself, unwitting loved ones.

H: What is unlikely to affect you thanks to your powers?: Laws of Man don't apply to me, "Oh please... you don't expect me to fall for that?", protected from scrying, can't steal from a thief, divine immunity, masked true identity.

I: What circumstances or conditions improve your ability to act undetected?: Intoxicated delirium, hungry for blood, harder to see in the dark, vanish in the crowd, infernal courtroom superiority.

J: What other tangential subversive power have you developed?: Creep without a sound, control the wearer of the boots, seduce powerful women, make a lock open, siphon one's vitality, momentarily shift into Faerie.

Subversion Weakness Questions Choose two questions to answer. Answer it with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will impede your character's actions during the game. Each answer becomes a power weakness. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'an ugly goblin' could become 'a frost giant', in the case of Loki.

A: What could expose you?: Elaborate trickery is easier to expose, exaggerations don't check out, they can see my footsteps..., wise advice, revealed by the holy light of heaven, cold iron.

B: What is revealed when you are exposed?: Just a kid, empty pockets, the shameful deeds of the past, caught in the act, victims always have hope for redemption, an ugly goblin.     

C: Who or what are you hiding from?: Reality sucks, the pizza parlor owner's youngest son, "I'm nothing without the cloak", police magnet, Lilith herself, the Gatekeepers.

D: What disadvantageous psychological tendencies have you developed in the shadows or behind your mask?: (Don't) play with mortals, greediness killed the cat, superiority complex, must tease and taunt my victims, grows fond of my protege, fake personality.
Adaption Themebook
Adaption: A range of magic spells - adapting to harsh environments - shapeshifting or power copying - a mysterious, unpredictable force - elemental manipulation.

Mortal life is in a constant state of flux and change: nothing is permanent, everything is ephemeral. Different challenges require entirely different means to overcome. Some Mythoi grant their Rifts the power to adapt to circumstance. Do they consciously do this to improve the Rift’s chances of telling their story? Or is it simply the case because their story is a story of resourcefulness and limitless possibilities to begin with? It is impossible to know. The Rift of Storm may have 'lord of the tempests'; the Rift of Rogue might have 'steal other people's powers'.

Adaption Power Questions: Answer the first question; then choose three more questions to answer. Answer each question with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will be useful to your character during the game. Each answer becomes a power. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'lord of the tempests' could become a more lightning oriented 'lady of the storm', in the case of Storm.

A: What Mythos power allows you to respond differently to every situation?: Cast a magic spell, lord of the tempests, shapeshifting, steal other people's powers, puppeteer & toymaker, necromancer.

B: What narrow group of effects within your Mythos' domain have you mastered?: Transportation spells, create bad weather, beasts of the forest, steal protective powers, "My toys can speak!", zombie army.
C: What specific manifestation of your Mythos is your favorite?: A sleeping curse, smite down with lightning, the True Shape of the Lion, leave them powerless, exploding wind-up toy, rotting touch.

D: What circumstances enhance your ability to adapt?: Easier with a spellbook, under the open sky, ritual of the wild, prolonged contact with victim, cluttered workshop, dead of the night..

E: What situations do you have a quick solution for or are accustomed to?: Cushion a fall with feathers, scale a barrier on a gust of wind, grow gills, make it look like the original, "I'll figure out this device in a jiffy...", summon the ghost of an enemy's loved one.

F: What do your powers naturally protect you from?: Counterspell, impervious to all weather, sniff out other shapeshifters, "You cannot steal from the thief!", disable machinery, banish the dead.

G: What attitude or emotion lies at the core of your adaptive powers?: Knowledge over power, wrath of the seas and heavens, all life is one, survival of the fittest, necessity is the mother of invention, nostalgia.

H: What specific class of things or beings can you produce or summon?: Servant imps and fairies, conjure rain elementals, claws, horns and fangs, decoys of myself, build child-sized puppets, animate dead bodies.

I: What strategy or combination of effects do you employ in battle?: Deflect & dazzle, electrocute wet targets, shapeshift limbs out of harm's wave, hit someone with their own power, deploy contraptions from hiding, overrun the living.

J: How can you enhance or weaken others with your powers?: Enchant a weapon, conjure heavy fog, mass shapeshift, grant someone the powers of another, annoying bells and whistles, suck out their life-force.

Adaption Weakness Questions Choose two questions to answer. Answer it with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will impede your character's actions during the game. Each answer becomes a power weakness. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'only works with a magic wand' could become 'only works with a power ring', in the case of The Lantern Corp.

A: What are your powers of adaptivity dependent on?: Only works with a magic wand, needs moisture in the air, must maintain a connection with nature, must gain the victim's trust, missing parts, dead too long.

B: What results are harder for your Mythos to achieve?: Dark magic is forbidden, struggles to calm weather, afraid of shapeshifting into aggressive animals, can't hold more than one power at a time, puppets don't really look real, hard to control the swarm.      

C: What hinders your Mythos or limits its possibilities?: More sensitive to areas of thick Mist, blocked by shelter, instinctively drawn to native forms of current location, flammable toys, hallowed grounds.

D: What bad habits did you pick up due to your adaptive powers?: Obsessed with other sorcerers, easily infuriated, animalistic behaviour, lost sense of self-worth, constantly fidgeting with parts, no regard for the living.
Relic Themebook
Relic: A magical weapon - a magical piece of armor or clothing - a gift from another realm - a bag full of wonders - mundane equipment imbued with legend - a blessed or witched item.

Comic books are full of magical items and objects. Ghost's suit gives its owner the ability to go intangible and turn invisible. Neptune’s trident gave its bearer command over the seas and over water. The Staff of One, Captain America's shield... Relics are not the only way to incorporate characters that have a focus on items, but it is certainly one route. 

People are not the only Rifts in the City. Sometimes, a Mythos manifests through an item, called a Relic. The item could be a special one, such as a necklace passed down from generation to generation, or a seemingly mundane object, like a baseball bat. Due to the power of the Mist, a Relic almost always seems like a modern-day object while its powers are inactive. When you have a single Relic theme, you are not the Rift through which the Mythos enters the city - your item is. Relics have a certain degree of awareness; even if they cannot speak or move on their own, they can sometimes activate their powers at opportune moments and steer their destiny towards someone special - a bearer. Most Relics choose a bearer and cannot then be activated by anyone else, so while the Relic is the Rift between the two of you, you still technically possess the power.

Most often, Relics channel the Mythoi of legendary items, so an object is incarnated in an object. This is simply the associative nature of Mythoi. However, in some rare cases, a modern-day item can channel the Mythos of a superhero as well. For example, a bow could channel the Mythos of Hawkeye or a antique shield could be the Rift for the Mythos of Captain America. Presumably, human Rifts could channel the Mythos of items too; however, they would not be considered Relics.

Relic Power Questions: Answer the first question; then choose three more questions to answer. Answer each question with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will be useful to your character during the game. Each answer becomes a power. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be examples. Relic more than the other books is open to customization due to the nature of its items. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'Flying feathered robe' could become a 'flying exosuit', in the case of Iron Man.

A: What is the main useful feature or part of your relic?: Can turn into any weapon, a fetish for voodoo spells, grants control over sea and water, flying feathered robe, enslaver of demons, Spear of Lugh

B: Name another way in which you use the same feature.: Slice through opposition, a spell to ward off evil spirits, create a spring of water, aerial mastery, summon Asmodeus, precise hurling.
C: What essential useful quality lies at the core of your relic?: Destructive physical force, protection from unnatural harm, wrathful, feather-light, wisdom of heaven, strive for the welfare of my clan.

D: What cosmetic attributes does your relic possess?: Inconspicuous in bracelet form, creepy decorations, a weapon worth of a God, colorful plumage, signet of kings, disappears when a mortal holds it.

E: What other feature, part, or item does your relic include?: Indestructible, a spell for luck in gambling, rock-shattering prongs, shapeshift into a bird, summon Naamah, Cauldron of the Dagda

F: What is revealed to you through the use of your relic?: Rings in the presence of wrongdoing, reveal enchantments, clairvoyance through water, recognize spiritual beings for what they are, see one's demons, sense who is the ruler of this place.

G: What or who was your relic designed to affect most?: Ignores armor, doubly potent against aggressors, mold the fate of mortals, enchanting attraction, "You shall obey, demon.", hungers for Fomorian blood.

H: What have you learned from your relic?: Ancient swordsmanship, crafting new spells, speak with aquatic life, play the biwa (lute), demonology, perseverance.

I: What happens when your relic goes into overdrive?: Bigger explosions, blessing of prosperity, a storm is brewing, turn ethereal, army of demons, the Cauldron revives the mortally wounded.

J: What aspect or element of your relic are you only beginning to unlock?: Transform into armor, a prayer of hope, ride the waves, the lotus of enlightenment, summon Baal, Sword of Nuada.

Relic Weakness Questions Choose two questions to answer. Answer it with a single description no more than a few words long. In your answer, you should describe something that will impede your character's actions during the game. Each answer becomes a power weakness. Write it on your sheet. Note: The answers included are not absolute, but should be treated as something of a strict guideline. If something needs to be tweaked to make it fit your Mythos, do so, but keep the power level similar. If you're unsure, ask a GM. Example: 'Only as strong as I am pure' could become 'Only strong as long as I'm angry', in the case of Red Lanterns using their power ring.

A: What is the most troublesome shortcoming of your relic?: Leaves signature markings on the victims, only as strong as I am pure, requires a nearby body of water, easily slips off, I always hear demons, cumbersome.

B: What can interfere with the powers of your relic?: Hermetic wizardry, lost on the faithless, the Olympian gods, mortal love - the earthly tether, rampant demons are harder to control, asleep in times of peace.     

C: What can damage or destroy your relic?: Lady of the Lake and the folk of Avalon, bad juju, the heat of a forge, too easily torn, internal incantations, dissension in my clan.

D: What has changed in you for the worse because of your relic?: Bloodthirsty, eccentric mumbling, condescending prick, distant and aloof, demonic rage, obese.


Gaining power--and thus having your Mythos exert more control over you--is a core concept of the game. Some will rail against it, some will find balance with their Mythos, others will attempt to dominate the new force in their life. Possibly some will fail altogether and become an Avatar of their Mythos, or Fade back to being a Sleeper. Regardless, there are two possible paths when advancing. A player may spend one point of Attention to unlock a use of their existing powers in a different way.  For instance, an energy worker may discover they can levitate, or even fly, by manipulating the forces beneath them.  Alternatively, a character may open themselves up to a whole new type of powers, which is represented by purchasing another themebook with three points of Attention.  GMs are available to help players decide what path to best take based on the power they wish their character to obtain.

How is Attention acquired? There are two common ways. The first is to exploit your Mythos power weaknesses. Letting your character fail, showing how their weaknesses impact their life, and really roleplaying it to the hilt is the easiest path to Attention. While whether a scene counts is ultimately up to a GM, you should be looking for opportunities in-character to complicate your character's life. Once you have a scene written that shows you taking advantage of your weaknesses, link the post in a PM to a GM. The post and the context surrounding it will be inspected, and will be then be judged for Attention worth. Simply 'forcing' it or writing a scene that is blatantly designed to increase the strength of a character is a sure fire way to get it rejected.

The second path is more difficult and significantly less common, and that is by completing a character 'arc'. Completing a quest, case, investigation, etc, and learning something about the world will also reward Attention. This is uncommon, so be sure to be looking for spots to play up your weaknesses!

Intimate Ink

Intimate Ink

Please take note of the character sheet below:

* There is no set due date at this time, however once we start seeing a group form we will set a date for play to begin.  There will still be opportunity to apply after that date, but for those who want in on the first day, this will be information to pay attention to.

* As a reminder, learning the Mythos power system is optional.  Those who want to learn the system may do so, but it has been our assumption it will mainly be a function of the GMs in the background.  If you do not wish to learn the system, simply submit your application without filling out the Mythos Themebook information along with a description of the powers you are hoping to begin with.  A GM will be in contact with you to work out starting powers and fill in the sheet based on your discussion.

* Please PM all applications to Intimate Ink AND Xurtan.

Intimate Ink


Logos Information
Your Logos is the mortal your character was born as, and defines your face-claim and base identity.  It is, in essence, your truly human side.



Sexuality / Kinks (Optional):


Logos Goals:

Mythos Information

Your Mythos is the comic book character essence your character has been bonded with.  It is what provides you with powers, as well as different and sometimes conflicting values and priorities.  Players not wishing to learn the system may opt to leave the themebook and power system blank and work with a GM in order to fill it out.

Mythos Themebook:
Mythos Attention/Fade Level: 1



Mythos Goals:

Background Information
Please Note: Player's may opt to replace the background questions with a standard biography narrative if they so choose; simply delete the application beyond this point and write away. The narrative should demonstrate that they have considered the answers to the following questions when writing it.


What is your character's hometown?:

Describe your character's early childhood life; whom were they raised by? Do they have any siblings?:

When and how did your character first learn of their powers? Who helped them to understand, if anyone?:

Provide an example of when your character's powers or newfound abilities 'went wrong', or interfered with the life their Logos leads:

What other things might be interesting to a fellow player who is looking to make connections with your character?:

Additional Character Information & Connections

Please Note: Due roughly 10 days following approval. It's not a hard deadline, but at least know when you'll start being annoyed to complete it. Please provide the name of at least three other player-run characters, how your character has met them, and their impression/opinion of the character.

Character Name: Opinion/Background
Character Name: Opinion/Background
Character Name: Opinion/Background

Intimate Ink



This is an extremely well put together game!!

Looks excellent!!!

Intimate Ink

Quote from: Aethyrium on May 10, 2019, 10:04:32 PM
Yes. All of my yes.

I was hoping you'd show up, glad to see you!

Quote from: Syndicate on May 10, 2019, 11:15:48 PM
This is an extremely well put together game!!

Looks excellent!!!

Woo, flattery will get you everywhere.  Thank you so much, we deeply appreciate it.

For those keeping track of things people are working on, it looks like there is a concept for Marvel's Ghost as a mythos connection planned if we move beyond the interest check phase.


Don't be afraid of the wall of text. ;) tl;dr superhero game with normal people dealing with suddenly gaining these powers, influences, the Mist... If anyone has any questions hit us up, definitely more than happy to wax poetic. Particularly if you have a concept you're not sure how to fit in, we're more than willing to work with you.


I'm so down for the idea of playing a character with Mystique's powers.  Love the write-up and the Heroes-esque vibe of normal Joes suddenly being forced to deal with gaining powers.

The Dark Raven

Wow.  Yes, following.  Got ideas for Cap, if allowed.

Check my A/A | O/O | Patience is begged. Momma to Rainbow Babies and teetering toward the goal of published author. Tentatively taking new stories.


Quote from: Bibliophilia on May 11, 2019, 07:18:20 PM
I'm so down for the idea of playing a character with Mystique's powers.  Love the write-up and the Heroes-esque vibe of normal Joes suddenly being forced to deal with gaining powers.

Mystique is always a solid choice, and glad the idea appealed to you! We'll likely have a character sheet up in a few days once we see where interest is, but never hurts to take a look at powers ;)

Quote from: The Dark Raven on May 11, 2019, 10:48:52 PM
Wow.  Yes, following.  Got ideas for Cap, if allowed.

Cap would definitely work, and glad for more interest!


You have my interest, as you both already know. 3<

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Very interested. Currently, my internet is very shaky and my posting rate is low but that should be solved in a week and a half.
[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]


Question. I'm not sure if it was already addressed, but would you be dealing in faceclaims or art imagery?

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Faceclaims as far as general appearance, although there will be a separate space to show off costume design in the sheet (as well as likely a 'currently wearing' section in the post header).


Scarlet Witch for me.

And Ashley Greene as my faceclaim. I think. For now, anyway.


I'd be very very interested- but I generally never use face-claims for my characters, because they are so specific. Is it possible to join without any picture? My own art style isn't that amazing and is rather cartoony, but if that is allowed instead then that is also good! I hope I'd be able to join. :)

Intimate Ink

Quote from: Bibliophilia on May 11, 2019, 07:18:20 PM
I'm so down for the idea of playing a character with Mystique's powers.  Love the write-up and the Heroes-esque vibe of normal Joes suddenly being forced to deal with gaining powers.

Hey, glad that the concept appeals to you and welcome to the thread! 

Quote from: The Dark Raven on May 11, 2019, 10:48:52 PM

Wow.  Yes, following.  Got ideas for Cap, if allowed.

Definitely allowed!  If you need any help with those ideas give us a ring!

Quote from: DapperCat on May 12, 2019, 05:43:09 AM

I'd be very very interested- but I generally never use face-claims for my characters, because they are so specific. Is it possible to join without any picture? My own art style isn't that amazing and is rather cartoony, but if that is allowed instead then that is also good! I hope I'd be able to join. :)

Thank you for your interest.  The possibility of drawn pictures/artwork in place of a photographic face-claim did not come up in our planning, so we never ruled on it.  I don't feel it is fair for me to make a a ruling on this without talking to my Co-GM first, but please know I will be in touch shortly.  I'm so sorry for the delay in an answer, but I want to be fair to his input and I believe he's off doing crazy things like sleep right now.


Quote from: Intimate Ink on May 12, 2019, 07:46:53 AM
Thank you for your interest.  The possibility of drawn pictures/artwork in place of a photographic face-claim did not come up in our planning, so we never ruled on it.  I don't feel it is fair for me to make a a ruling on this without talking to my Co-GM first, but please know I will be in touch shortly.  I'm so sorry for the delay in an answer, but I want to be fair to his input and I believe he's off doing crazy things like sleep right now.

Please don't worry, that's only fair! :D


Definitely interested.  Not quite sure of character mythos to seek yet, too many ideas to savor at the moment. (-:
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”
Ons, Offs and Stuff   
Story Ideas
Apologies and Absences