Willful Words: "My Name is Shadow”

Started by DiverseDesires, November 24, 2010, 10:09:31 AM

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"My Name is Shadow”

Derisive, divisive, mockingly cruel,
Never confined by any rule
Of thumb nor fair digression,
It owns you and you are it's possession.
Mercy has not the slightest hold -
No toe nor finger in the cold
Bleak climb up it's rocky face
Can purchase or find a brace
To halt the inevitable descent,
Or prevent the torment sent
Again and again, the scale
Of which you cannot fail
To get wrong every time -
As no rhyme or reason signs
It's name to how it will be
One moment to next blindly...
Insidious, the master of disguise,
Creeping up on those unwise
Enough to not listen to the warnings
Or take heed of its lies.
Bleaching the colours, stealing
And leeching, blood feeding,
Cheating you of special moments
Fleeting moments, weeping
For their never to be attained
Glory in time.  The battle wages,
Rages, always fought, the phases
Waxing and waning with every hour
It  faces you and disgraces you,
Takes hold again and defaces you
No time in lieu, for you my friend
Not unless the coup de grâce of sleep
Sweeps it away for a precious leap
In time, your shadow sleeps too then
And you do not weep knee deep in pain.
"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th


That's just...wow...impressive! Very deep Miss Desires.