Very Short Late Night Writing Example

Started by Darkfold, November 26, 2012, 04:12:53 AM

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Just a little example of my writing. Nowhere near the levels of my normal standard of creativity nor writing, but I typed it last night under the spell of tiredness. I logged on this morning and thought 'Go on, post it' so here's my writing example to share with you.
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The late October sun, with the grace of a celestial entity, floated down and slowly submerged deep in to the horizon. Darkness pursued. Winter was creeping ever nearer as the chilling midnight fog engulfed the town and replaced the air with a resonating smokey-white tint. London became a ghost town. There were minuscule signs of life; the beggars, the rats and the stray cats. One of the beggars lifted up his makeshift donation cup as a feminine figure emerged through the fog.
  "Excuse me m'lady," the beggar called, "can one spare a penny for a lost soul?" The feminine figure paused at the feet of the beggar. Silence. The sound of a coin falling on pavement echoed down the street of solitude. "Oh thank you, thank you! But I must ask, why is a lady like yourself, out here alone at this hour of night?" The woman stood still on the pavement, glanced back over her shoulder at the beggar with a wry smile.
  "Who says I'm alone?"
  "Well there's nobody's dangerous walking these streets. You never know who..." The beggar became mute as he eyed a denses section of fog transmutate to the shape of an unholy formation. So dense it was almost tangible.

The next day London was back in daylight and overhauled with life. The newspaper seller shouted "Read all about it! Read all about it! Death visits a London tramp skinned him alive and fed him to the cats and rats!"