
Northern Town [L-H]
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Seeking Hidan Roleplayer

Started by SoundNinjaGaiden, November 10, 2012, 07:15:52 PM

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When she made her comments, he let out his maniacal laugh as he looked at her and shook his head, running a hand through his pushed back silver hair. "No, I don't like knowin' that my life could hang in the balance of someone who has the attention span of a roach!" He exclaimed.

When she began looking through her pack, he laid down on his bed, hands playing with the pendant he had around his neck as he looked at the roof of the cave. This was not exactly what he had planned to happen after Kakuzu's death. When he heard her voice again, he turned to face her. He did not reply. Instead, he watched her with amusement. His violet eyes glowed slightly because of the flames of the fire.

"Oh, he's trying to hold me back from sacrificing! I just know it!" He suddenly burst out dramatically, flopping back down on the cot. "She can't even find her own stuff and I'm supposed to trust her with mine! Jashin, help me!" He then turned back to her. "I should give you as an offering to Jashin. He's angry that I haven't made any sacrifices!"


She scowled at his comment about her attention span and shook her head as she found what she was looking for in the bottom of her bag, a small thin pouch that had a slightly herbal smell, she frowned even further when he made mentionings of sacrificing her to his God.

"For your information I found what I was looking for" she shook her head as she opened the pouch and pulled out a small white candle which she lit with a match. After lighting it she pulled her Pentacle out and ran her fingers around the outer edge and murmured something to her self before looking at him and tossing two scrolls across both of which were adorned with the symbol of his religion.

"I found those in his lab, why he had them I have no clue." if he opened them, he would discover that the scrolls were two that had gone missing well over thirty years ago. Scrolls thought to have been destroyed by a thief.

She shook her head and began repacking her gear, leaving out only the candle and a small book which she carried with her over to her bed.

" And I thought you said the leader didn't like it when a member killed another one"


O_O; you alive there.. the sirens for our nuclear plant were going off and woke me up X( ))


Sorry. Kakuzu escaped the dungeon again. I had to chase him back -_- and shouldn't you be EVACUATINGNOT RPING?!


Just looked it up, they were testing them >.>; scared the crap out of me.... damn troll technicians. And you up for a little rp =3... they woke me up =( and i was having a sexy sexy dream where Hidan was a male stripper and Kakuzu was all $.$; !! )


Lol!!! I was sleep deprived at work last week after not sleeping for 2 days straight. I clearly hallucinated seeing Hidan and Kakuzu making out on the front desk. I was like "O_o!! -eats chinese food and watches-"but yeah, give me a bit though. I'm replying to a few other things. I'm having trouble replying.


If only they were real *dramatic sigh* but Kakuzu would probably let Hidan sacrifice us if we got peaking >.>; and alright take as much time as you need, and i know the feeling I had a brain fart earlier and couldn't remeber what i wanted to type/)


(Nah, Kakuzu would kill us just for looking at him. Also, if you do m//, definitely check out my request thread when you get approved. I have a few Akatsuki-based pairings and a huge plot craving that's AU, where OCs could be thrown in to play against Akatsuki members.)

He did not give a damn about either or not she was angry. But he was a bit disappointed when she shook her head and continued rummaging through her bag. He was losing interest fast. She was rather dull. He was itching for a fight. Anything. An argument, a physical fight. Something to give him a release.

"Shame," he replied cockily. He then began to wipe down his scythe. It was the only thing he could do, until he noticed what she was doing.

Sacrilege! Blesphemy! Heathen! How dare she pray to a hedonistic god in front of a Priest? Oh, she was just begging for him to sacrifice her. He looked down at his painted nails and began to pick at them. He then looked at the woman again as she spoke to him. He caught the scrolls as they were thrown at him.

"I'll give them to Pein," Hidan told her, slipping them into his bag.

He did not really care about what they were or what they contained. Hidan had more important things to worry about. He needed someone to sacrifice, and quick. Without his sacrifices, he would lose his immortality. He watched as she walked back to her bed.

"Kakuzu, my old partner, killed other members on a daily basis 'til I joined. Pein didn't do shit." He shrugged then.


(Will do, Ive rpd as Konan before and I suppose I could try and do one of the guys, though it will be a new experience for me))

She exhaled softly through her nose, willing herself to calm down. She had seen the way he had leered at her when she murmured a quick prayer, and frankly it pissed her off. So it was okay for him to pray to his God, but some sort of crime if she even attempted to do so to hers. Shaking her head she propped herself against the cool stone wall and chuckled when an amusing thought came to her.

It had been quite some time since she had, had a good fight and judging from the way her partner was restlessly twitching, she thought the same could be said for him.

"Say, what would you say to a little sparing match, something to get the blood going. No weapons though just our bodies."  she curled her hand  into a fist and as the joints cracked she smiled " Plus it might get rid of some of the tension that is hanging around and give the two of us an idea of what the other is capable of.

She shrugged out of her cloak, revealing her lithe but toned body. Her clothes were rather simple. A black pair of pants and a thin black tank top. Most interestingly however was the fact that she had the cursed seal on her left shoulder.


(I've played Konan before. I've only RPed as Konan, Deidara, and Kakuzu...and now Hidan. I've dabbled as Pein, but usually as an NPC that both me and my partner play. The plot is actually an AU that takes place in modern-day. No abilities, but they're all part of a Yakuza sect run by Pein.)

Hidan did not really care that he had pissed her off. Actually, the fact he did made him feel a hell of a lot better. It also calmed him a bit, but only slightly. He ran a hand through his hair as he watched her. He needed to get out, kill someone, sacrifice. The thought was making him twitch, and then he began to pace.

Hidan gave a laugh and shook his head when he heard her idea. He looked at her as she cracked her wrists and knuckles. "I don't need a spar right now," he informed her. "I need a sacrifice!" He also had a problem with hand-to-hand. He had become so reliant on his scythe and retractable spears that he was almost powerless without them.

He looked at her as she shrugged off her cloak. She had a nice figure. He checked her out before his violet eyes found the cursed seal. His eyes widened as he looked at it.

"What the--" More curse words flew from his lips. "I'm not fighting you. I've seen what that Jashin-damned mark turns people into." He then walked over to her. His hand reached out to trace the shape of her pendant. "Ever consider converting to Jashinism? You'll be immortal...truly immortal."


hey be bacl in a bit, i have to run to the store so i can get some food for the house)



((! I just got an idea, say she converts, how about she comes face to face with Jashin ._.? thing you could pull something like that off and aaah sounds interesting i may give it a shot)

Something flashed for the briefest of seconds in her eyes before she shifted, his close proximity setting her slightly on edge, exhaling softly through her nose she met his gaze full on.

"Briefly I have considered it yes." she responded as she felt the tips of his fingers tracing her pendant.

"But up until now, I had never met any followers and the little information there is available to the public isnt exactly helpful or all that informative, mainly obscure texts that are nearly indecipherable."

She tucked some hair back out of her face " For another matter I can completely control the seal, the negative chakra doesn't affect me the same way as it dose others for some reason"


(Because that's how they get their immortality! Jashin 'initiates' them by 'killing them' and then reviving them! And yaay. You can actually use Gaiden as a cop. I have an OC I used in the fanfic that I wrote that inspired the RP who's a 'good cop' but after ten years on the squad, she gets tired of being good and becomes an informant. Maybe Gaiden and her start working together as informants!)

He noticed the flash in her eyes but ignored it. As long as she did not attack him, he was good. Besides, if he wanted to hurt her, he would have already. His violet eyes looked into her amber eyes before dropping the pendant.

"I'm a Priest of Jashin," he told her. "I can go through the ritual, make you a Jashinist." His eyes widened, but he was all serious. For once, he was not loud, he was quiet, and rather solomn. "The religion is almost extinct. There's only a few of us left. Anything beyond chaos and destruction is a sin. We sacrifice people to Jashin to be immortal. To become a Jashinist, you have to go to him, and he will bless you."

He moved away then, watching her curiously. Maybe she would say yes. Maybe he would finally have a partner who was not a heathen. Someone who could relate to him. "Probably because the one person who had full control over the seal was Orochimaru. And since he's your father..."


Sounds like a plan to me, and i think i remember reading somewhere that prospective initiates have to be a virgin ://. ))

She noticed the changed in his demeanor, and the way his eyes were almost pleading with her to consider it. " Your probably right." she responded

Closing her eyes she thought " I have no proof that any of the gods I worship actually exist, but Hidan on the other hand dose.  AShe opened her eyes and met his once more. But then again how do I know this isn't just some cover story so he can sacrifice me to his God.

she thought silently to her self for a good five minutes before unclasping the pendant that she had worn for the better part of five years and dropped it to the ground her eyes meeting his once more.

"I trust you,and I think I understand what you mean, I have to die first before I'm deemed worthy, right?"


(That's just fan speculation. Hidan's only a virgin because he took a vow of celibacy when he became a Jashinist Priest at age 16 after massacring his village because it went from a ninja vilage to a tourist attraction. It's only the Priests who need to be virgins, not regular followers. The fact I know that is disturbing...)

Hidan watched her as she paced. He looked over as she seemed to be deciding whether to convert or not. He watched her shut his eyes and he looked over to his scythe and retractable spears. He was serious about converting her. He was always looking for people to convert. As a Priest, it was his job to spread the word of Jashin.

When he saw her drop the pendant, he laughed a bit. He nodded as he understood what that meant. It seemed to take forever as he watched the pendant fall to the ground, then his eyes moved to meet hers again. He nodded.

"Yes. We'll both die," he told her. "In order to bring you to Jashin, I have to kill myself." He looked at her then. "And then we'll both be brought back to life again. That's what our sacrifices entail. You kill yourself to kill another, and in exchange, Jashin resurrects you."

He grabbed his retracable spears then. He cut his own hand and drew the symbol he needed. His other hand reached to his pendant, muttering silent prayers as he did. He then looked over at her.

"Ready?" He asked, holding his hand out for her to take. "I just need your blood, then I'll make it quick. I promise." He was trembling with excitement at the idea of feeling the ultimate ecstasy of death.


coughfangirlcough and I thought I knew alot about him)

She nodded and took a hold of his his hand, mildly surprised when she found it to be pleasantly warm against her own abnormally cooler skin.  That thought however was cut short as a sharp pain seared its way from the center of her palm up her arm. Looking down she noticed that the pale flesh was ripped open and dark crimson blood was dripping down her wrist and from the tips of one of the spears.

"Yes, I'm ready" she responded softly her amber eyes holding his gaze as she waited for what was to come, surprisingly feeling no fear of what was about to happen her. Strangely enough she felt at peace. How odd, She thought as the sharp pain in her had dwindled down to a dull throb.

She had no idea however what was to come.


(idk whether to be ashamed or to be proud lol. Have you ever heard the theory that Jashinism is actually a religion that Hidan invented and doesn't really even exist?)

Her hand was so cold as he took it in his, cutting her hand before letting it drop and then moving back into his circle. Once in the circle, he licked the blood off the spear. He then shook the spear, making it extend to its full length with a sharp click.

"This is our gift," he told her, cutting his own hand. The same exact gash appeared on her hand, right where he cut his. He laughed softly, violet eyes glazing over with pleasure.

"I told you i'd make this quick," he said before stabbing himself in the heart. He fell to his knees, giving a pained, yet pleased, moan as he continued laughing. His laughter echoed. "Oh, Jashin...this feels so damn good..." He hissed out as he pushed the spear deeper, slouching over as his eyes closed. He had just experienced the ultimate ecstasy of death.


O_O no i didn't.. i have officially met someone who knows more about Hidan than I do)

She had cried out as she felt the same thing he did, and her body hit the cave floor with a soft thud. Pain blossomed outward from her chest and blood ran freely from the wound that had appeared. As her heart gave a few weak spasms she felt herself growing lighter as if she were floating away from her body. And then nothingness took her.

Blackness surrounded her, and in the depths of the darkness she could hear soft whispers and laughter. Almost as if the ententes were pleased about her arrival. The first thing she became aware of when she opened her eyes, were the many cloaked people that stood in the far corners of the room.

The second thing, rather person she noticed sat atop a throne of what appeared to be bones and skulls. He was regarding her with something unreadable in his eyes, and for the first time in a long time she felt something akin to fear seize her. Un able to find her voice she was only able to stare in wonderment of frighteningly beautiful being who was staring down upon her


I got new PJ's today their fuzzy and  pale pink leopard print))


Did Kakuzu escape the dungeon again?? or do you have a lot of rp's going??))


Sorry. Kakuzu cut off Hidan's head in the dungeon and then threw it out the window. I was chasing it. Then I was running away from it because it started attacking me.


Its cool, your post btw =3 And awwww why did he cut his head off??)


Because Hidan sacrificed one of his hearts.

Actually no, it's because I'm trying to go to bed. It's 4:30pm here, I haven't slept in 24hrs and I have work at 10pm tonight.

But the Hidan's head thing sounded more amusing.


Oh oops sorry... where do ya work at?)