Game Index

Started by Valerian, November 29, 2009, 10:31:37 PM

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Wars of the Roses IRose victory
Safe Houses and SpeakeasiesLaw and order triumphs
The Pirate's Code IThe pirates succeed
Salem, 1692The witches take over
The Pirate's Code IIDraw
When in RomeConspirators seize the throne
Wars of the Roses II: Return to RosebriarA second rose victory
Mulholland HighPod People eat everyone's brains
The Siege of Carisbrooke CastleRebels take the throne
Carisbrooke Castle: The Siege ContinuesRebels take the throne again
The Tiger General's RebellionThe loyal courtiers triumph and the Emperor is saved
King of Two LandsThe followers of Apries win, securing the Pharaoh's rule for now!
Werewolves: New BloodOne of the closest and most amazing games ever!
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE