Double up with me for Darker Potterverse game?

Started by LamentingQuill, December 31, 2019, 03:40:12 AM

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This SL was inspired by an old yahoo days thing known as the Marriage Law Challenge, as briefly described here:

The premise of the challenge is a forced marriage of a half-blood to a Pure-blood due to a new decree passed by the new Ministry of Magic to help preserve the magical population.

Harry lost. Voldemort won. The 'criminal' Harry Potter is dead. The 'criminal' Hermione Granger is dead. The ‘criminal’ Ron Weasley is dead.

Hogwarts will have University years.

In a twisted and warped act of 'mercy' towards half-bloods after his gruesome genocide of muggle-born witches and wizards... Voldemort has decreed that all half-bloods must marry a pure-blood within a year after turning 18 or they will submit to an arranged match... if they refuse, they face criminal charges and execution without trial. Those past 18 at the time the law went into effect had one year started from the day the decree was issued.

Our girls will be cousins and/or best friends. They will be first year University students. We’ll each play a pureblood fella for each other.

Here are my two characters that I’ve dreamed up:

(You don’t have to do this much, but I figured this might be helpful for potential partners)

Weimin Chow
Name: Weimin Chow
Age/Year: 20, 3rd year University
House: Slytherin
Personality: Weimin has a very smooth and suave personality, he is charming and charismatic in public, seductive and alluring to the ladyfolk… but in reality, he so much more, Weimin has a dark side to him… he doesn’t like to lose, he doesn’t like his image messed with, he doesn’t like when he’s denied something he wants and he’s not afraid to get dirty (in any way required) in order to achieve whatever his end game at the time might be.

Sexually, Weimin is dominant and not at all afraid to be aggressive. His favorite part is the look on his partners face and the sounds she makes when he makes her writhe in pleasure.

University major: Music, singing

Basic background information: Weimin is the son of the purebloods Shen and Shancai Chow, well known shipping and import giants of wizarding Chinese goods.

His parents were both born in Hong Kong, but moved to England to establish their main base of operations nearer to the Dark Lord’s location. Weimin was born in England a year after his parents move.

Extra information: Weimin has a terrible weakness for any kind of peppermint flavored candy.

Liliana Sinclare
Name: Liliana Sinclare
Age/Year: 18, 1st year University
House: Gryffindor
Personality: Liliana is a very feisty and spunky girl, she isn’t afraid to stand up for herself and those closest to her, though that doesn’t mean she’s reckless or stupid, she’ll use her head before she does anything too crazy. Unless of course, there is no reasonable alternative and backing down is no option.

She is a very feminine girl, favoring the classy fashions of the 1950s, but she’s definitely no quivering damsel in distress.

A sweet warm heart beats beneath the breast of Liliana Sinclare, she’s probably the best friend anyone could have, she has no limits to her capacity for love and/or compassion, she always wants to try and see the good in people… it makes her very sad in the cases where there is none to be found.

Liliana’s sense of humor tends to run a bit of the sarcastic side, especially when dealing with Slytherins.

University major:  Gourmet cooking, savory and baking/pastry

Basic background information:

Liliana’s parents, Jean-Luc and Gwen Sinclare,  are both half bloods and own a small bakery in wizarding London.

Liliana’s father was born in France, but came over with his parents when he was just a child. Liliana’s mother was born and raised in the heart of London, England.

They are by no means wealthy, but they do well enough to get by and keep the bakery operational.

Extra information:

Liliana has a ginger cat named Jack.

Liliana is also a talented seamstress and makes a lot of her own clothes.