"Axiom is Launched and Looking For More! <3"

Started by ClockworkShadow, June 20, 2011, 01:19:04 PM

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Quote from: WingedServant on July 07, 2011, 12:20:49 PM
Wing seems to be a semi popular writer at the moment. This popularity is compounded by his inability to say no to a pretty face and a compelling story plot.   And my real life job is finally beginning to require my time properly.  I apologize for the sudden lag in posts.  Hopefully on Saturday I will be able to play some catch up.

Wing has a delightful mind, and talent, and I can totally see why!

It's no problem.

I just hope that I haven't lost you guys once this does get off the ground.


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


I'm still lurking. :) Just don't have much to say right now.


Guess what?  Even more changes have been made, mostly subtler, this time.  Pay especially close attention to the fact that I changed the suffix "-ic" to "-ma" (Paramnarma, i.e.).

I know it's getting long, and even more detailed, but I look at it as a way to weed out the people who are seriously interested in committing to a roleplay that I would like to establish and keep going for quite some time.

What do you guys think about the Manipulation section?  I'm still working on the dice system, so bear with me.

I pored over the text, and found more errors that I'd missed.  Again, though, if you guys notice anything, let me know so I can edit the .rtf before the impending, official launch.

<re-collapses under the weight of the wall of text>


** = Remember to keep all RP content, now and after the official launch, to PG-13

This roleplay focuses on elements of steampunk and clockwork punk (complex gears and cogs), with a splash of cyberpunk (complex, automatonic implants, artificial blood, etc.) versus an alternative take on ascetic Buddhism meeting with pure metaphysics and quantum physics for a "pretty, little tea party".  Piqued?  Please let me introduce you to...

Some Important Terminology, aka The Glossary

(All players are encouraged to think up more of their own, unique terms based on the words here.  Nu Logikan terms are based on word histories rooted in Latin, Greek and Gothic; Paramnarma terms are very loosely based on multiple, asian equivalents of a modern word.)

-'s (.) -
a suffix (Nu Logikan or Paramnarma) denoting possession belonging to the associated term

-an (ahn) -
a Nu Logikan suffix denoting relation of the associated term to the subsequent term/phrase

-i (ee) -
a Paramnarma suffix denoting the associated term in its plural form

-ma (mah) -
a Paramnarma suffix denoting relation of the associated term to the subsequent term/phrase

-um (oom) -
a Nu Logikan suffix denoting the associated term in its plural form

aenaoi (eye'now'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "air"

bestia (beh'stee'ah) -
any native fauna of Nu Logikus

byzamut (beye'zah'moot) -
a low-value chemical element that is used, in small quantities, as a component in the smelting of pultir; the Earth equivalent is bismuth

chyklos (cheye'klohs) -
a cycle; also a calendar month in Nu Logikus (there are thirteen chyklos in an orus)

charik (chah'reek) -
a mined material used primarily for heating (steam power) and smelting; used to assist in the creation of trade goods, and automaton parts; the Earth equivalent is coal

danaoi (dahn'ow'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "H2O"

daomasu (dow'mah'shoo) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "manipulation," as in the manipulation of internal or external energies by natural, metaphysical skill

daorei (dow'ray) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "illusion;" when a daomasu results in a visually-apparent alteration of another's perception, it is considered a daorei

doktir (dohk'teer) -
an educated professional whose job is the equivalent of a profession in any Earth medical field

dynamir (deye'nahm'eer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "strength"

Enphorkir (ehn'fohr'keer) -
an Nu Logikan "Enforcer" (typically of citizen harmony)

etir (eh'teer)-
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "air"

formatir (fohr'mah'teer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "manipulation," as in the manipulation of internal or external energies by natural, metaphysical skill

Gaeamnar (geye'ahm'nahr) -
the Paramnarma name for Axiom

gaear (geye'ahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "terra"

Idaeo'an (ee'deye'oh'ahn) -
a lifebound, oathsworn devout of a Monaznar, and one in perpetual pursuit of Param Idaeo

Idaeo'ani (ee'deye'oh'ahn'ee) -
the entire group of Idaeo'an at a Monaznar

Idaeo'suzei (ee'deye'oh'shoo'zay) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "Master"

Idaeo'suzeima Daorei (ee'deye'oh'shoo'zay'mah  dow'ray) -
in approximate terms, "Illusion of the Master;" to successfully implement a Idaeoramic Daorei, the manipulator must have mastered every associated manipulation to a very high level; it is extremely rare to encounter an individual, even on Paramnar, who is born with the ability to even tap such a high degree of expertise

ignir (eeg'neer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "fire"

ikaoi (ee'kow'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "life" (life energy/chi), specifically in reference to the manipulation

Ikaoi Taesa (ee'kow'ee  teye'shah) -
The name of the Param's great temple; roughly translated, it would mean "the Life Shrine"

kapir (kah'peer) -
a mined material that is smeltable, and is a staple (lesser valuable) component in the creation of common-utility trade goods, and low-grade automaton parts; lesser-value kerimatum may be made from kapir; the Earth equivalent is copper

kapeltir (kah'pehl'teer) -
a smelted material comprised mainly of kapir and zybeltir; it is a staple (moderately valuable) component in the creation of trade and artisan goods, and mid-grade automaton parts; the Earth equivalent is brass

kapanum (kah'pahn'oom) -
a smelted material comprised mainly of kapir and zydanum; it is a staple (moderately valuable) component in the creation of trade and artisan goods, and mid-grade automaton parts; the Earth equivalent is bronze

kamoa (kah'moh'ah) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "beast"

ikei asao (ee'kay  ahsh'ow) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "kimono"

keiar (kay'ahr) -
the Paramnarma term approximating "electrical current," in reference to the manipulation

kerima (kehr'ee'mah) -
an individual coin of Nu Logikan kerimatum

kerimatum (kehr'ee'mah'toom) -
a quantity of kerima; if capitalized, the name of Nu Logikan currency

Konsulatus (kohn'sool'aht'oos) -
a respected group of humans (equivalent to a council), who assist governmental automatons in determining the innocence or guilt of a person being questioned for disruption of citizen harmony

Konsulir (kohn'sool'eer) -
a member of the Konsulatus; may be the leader, or another respected member, of a Tradak or Konvant; each seat is inherited to an heir from that passing member's family.

Konvant (kohn'vahnt) -
a Nu Logikan family of energy manipulators

kraphtir (krahf'teer) -
a human schematics-interpreter and assembler of automatons

laorei (low'ray)-
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "treatise"

lacumir (lah'koom'eer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for"water"

libir (leeb'eer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "life," in strict reference to the formatir

Lunik (loon'eek) -
the smallest of the three moons that orbit Axiom; represented in pre-automatonic lore as the youngest son of Mena

Magir (mah'jeer) -
the leading member of a Konvant; this may be inherited by any of a younger generation from the same family, and is usually chosen upon the present Magir's deathbed

Mastir (mahs'teer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for Master; any automaton (or, rarely, a human) who is in the highest position of responsibility at a work location, or in a household.

meilaoi (may'low'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "growth," in reference to the manipulation

meilar (may'lahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "wood," in reference to the manipulation

Mena (meh'nah) -
the largest of the three moons that orbit Axiom; represented in pre-automatonic lore as the mother of Lunik and Mensir

Mena's Gasir (meh'nahs  gah'seer) -
The Gaze of Mena; the name of the great populous which covers 60% of Nu Logikus

Mensir (mehn'seer) -
the middle-sized of the three moons that orbit Axiom; represented in pre-automatonic lore as the elder son of Mena

Merkantir (mehr'kahn'teer) -
the leading member of a Tradak; this may be inherited by any of a younger generation from the same family, and is usually chosen upon the present Merkantir's deathbed

Monumao (moh'noo'mow) -
the Paramnarma leader of a clan's "noble" family

Monaeram (moh'neye'rahm) -
the leader of a Paramnarma clan

monaznaoi (moh'nahz'now'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "study;" pertains typically to the, often zealous and relentless, application toward the learning and mastery of energy manipulation; one of the lifelong, oathbound commitments of an Idaeo'an, in striving to achieve Param Idaeo.

Monaznar (mohn'ahz'nahr) -
a sanctuary of monaznaoi and monaznumos for the Idaeo'ani; is usually a network of dormitories and other buildings, which service one's bare necessities; most Monaznar are hidden from the average Paramnaran's sight by skillful Idaeo'suzeima Daorei, which are performed by the eldest and/or most talented Idaeo'ani within that Monaznar's sacred halls; is the Earth equivalent of an ascetic Buddhist monastery

monaznumos (moh'nahz'noo'mohs) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "meditation;" pertains specifically to the contemplation of Param Idaeo, the intertwining of oneself with the knowledge and acceptance of the unknown parameters of the metaphysical world, and the instilling and bolstering of self-discipline concerning one's efforts toward the mastery of energy manipulation; another of the lifelong, oathbound commitments of an Idaeo'an

Monaznari (mohn'ahz'nahr'ee) -
the collective "entity" comprised of the various, individual Monaznar, and the "sub-governing" body of Paramnar

Nu Logikus (noo  loh'jee'koos) -
the name of the larger continent of Axiom; would approximately mean "Now Logic" in Earth terms (ref: Latin, Greek, Gothic); "Nu" also translates, as a root, to "number" in Earth Latin

Nu Logikir (noo  loh'jee'keer) -
an individual citizen of Nu Logikus

nykalir (neye'kahl'eer) -
a mined material that is smeltable, and is a staple (moderately valuable) component in the creation of common-utility trade goods; is also used as an additional, external layer on pherorganik parts; the Earth equivalent would be nickel

Omonae (oh'moh'neye) -
a Paramnarma term used as a respectful title for any elder Paramnaran

organik (ohr'gahn'eek) -
a moderately valuable, chemical element used specifically in the process of converting iron to steel; it is derived, most frequently, from harvested deadwood or (rarely) young trees that have been altered by exposure to heat in an oxygen-deprived containment unit; the Earth equivalent is carbon

orus (oh'roos) -
a calendar year in Nu Logikus

otaodar (oh'tow'dahr) -
the equivalent Paramnarma term to Earth's "son"

otaomae (oh'tow'meye) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "mother"

otaorei (oh'tow'ray) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "daughter"

otaosan (oh'tow'shahn) -
the equivalent Paramnarma term for "father"

Param (pahr'ahm) -
the title of the imperial leader of Paramnar; the equivalent Earth term would be "Emperor"

Param Idaeo (pahr'ahm  ee'deye'oh) -
the equivalent, in Earth terms, of pure Enlightenment; nirvana

Paramnar (pah'rahm'nahr) -
the name of the smaller continent of Axiom

Paramnaran (pah'rahm'nahr'ahn) -
a citizen of the Paramnar continent

Paramnari (pah'rahm'nahr'ee) -
a term referring to more than one Paramnaran; also, the citizenry - as an entire body - of the Paramnar continent

paramdar (pah'rahm'dahr) -
the label given to any male representative of a clan's "noble" family

paramrei (pah'rahm'ray) -
the label given to any female representative of a clan's "noble" family

pherokyt (phehr'oh'keye'tuh) -
a mined material that is smeltable and a very important (highly valuable) component in the creation of higher-quality trade and artisan goods, and high-grade automaton parts; it is the best-quality material available (barring steel, which is made from iron) on Axiom; it is much easier to procure than silgentum; higher-value kerimatum are pressed from pherokyt; the Earth equivalent is iron

pherorganik (phehr' ohr'gah'neek) -
a smelted material comprised mainly of pherokyt and organik; it is a very important (very valuable) component in the creation of top-quality trade goods and excellent-grade automaton parts; the Earth equivalent is steel

pultir (pool'teer) -
a smelted material comprised mainly of zydanum mixed with kapir, zydarbum, and byzamut; it is a staple (moderately valuable) component in the creation of affordable, mid-quality trade and artisan goods; the Earth equivalent is pewter

ramnaear (rahm'neye'ahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "strength"

saear (sheye'ahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "fire"

saokei (sh'ow'kay) -
a Paramnarma metal, exclusive to that continent; also used in reference to the manipulation

Saomarei (show'mah'ray) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "Samurai/Ninja"

seitaomar (shay'tow'mahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "gravity," in reference to the manipulation

seitaoi (shay'tow'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "spectrum" (light, dark, shades of grey, ultraviolet, etc.), in reference to the manipulation

silgentum (seel'gehn'toom) -
the most valuable mined material on Axiom due to how rare it is; it is smeltable and a very important (extremely valuable) component in the creation of highest-quality trade and artisan goods, and top-grade automaton parts; it is not allowed to be made into kerimatum and it is considered a wasteful, punishable offense to do so; the Earth equivalent is silver

sudar (shoo'dahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for male "slave/servant;" prisoners of clan battle

sukaoi (shoo'kow'ee) -
a Paramnarma cycle; also a calendar month; Paramnar also (curiously) observes thirteen sukaoi in a taokunei)

surei (shoo'ray) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for female "slave/servant;" prisoners of clan battle

taokunei (tow'koo'nay) -
a calendar year in Paramnar

taomar (tow'mahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "time," in reference to the manipulation

techir (teh'cheer) -
the Nu Logikan term for a human or automaton instructor/educator of Nu Logikan, human lore

tei ikaoi (tay  ee'kow'ee) -
a Paramnarma breathing exercise and discipline that is very similar to Earth's "tai chi;"  it is also used during the "martial" training of the Saomarei

terisir (tehr'ee'seer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "terra"

Tradak (trah'dahk) -
a Nu Logikan family involved in the trade of raw materials/resources, and economic balance

zybeltir (zeye'behl'teer) -
a moderately valuable, chemical element used primarily in the creation of brass; the Earth equivalent is zinc

zydanum (zeye'dahn'oom) -
a mineable material harvested from deposits; it is a moderately-valuable smelting component for kapanum and pultir, and is frequently used as protective plating to prevent corrosion (typically with kapir parts); the Earth equivalent is tin

zydarbum (zeye'dar'boom) -
is a highly valuable chemical element, mostly due to its toxicity and need for careful transport; it is a staple component in the creation of pultir, but does not strongly affect the cost since it is used in very small amounts; the Earth equivalent is antimony

Welcome to Axiom

If you are here, and are not native to this alternate reality, it means that you encountered one of those nuisances I like to refer to as temporary, dimensional weak spots.  I hope you were not hurt during the transfer.  Now, I suggest you make yourself comfortable and get to know your surroundings; more than likely, there isn't any way back.  I do apologize for this predicament, but - even if you were lucky enough to find another, random weak spot - chances are that this other, overlapping dimension wouldn't be Earth.

Don't you love quantum physics?

So let's lay out the brass tacks (or mattresses, if you prefer).  More than likely, you've either found yourself somewhere in the continent of Nu Logikus, or the continent of Paramnar.  If you landed on one of those sparse, probably unpopulated islands, well... better hope for a diety of sorts to come to your rescue.

About Nu Logikus

The Logical Eden?

If you've found yourself on Nu Logikus, you will encounter a population consisting of humans and remarkable, sentient automatons, which operate on a mixture of steam-power and clockwork gears.  They co-exist in a very curious circumstance: where the humans are subservient to the machines.  Curiously, the humans (developmentally comparable to our homo sapiens) seem quite content with their lot in this scenario.  It is possible that this is because, despite initial appearances, humans and automatons maintain a rather complex, cooperative arrangement.  The automatons, typically regardless their actual position, always have the final say in all circumstances, but they cooperate with a konsulatus of humans capable of determining guilt or innocence based upon an approximate standard of ethics.  There are no finite or written laws, here, but one may petition the konsulatus for consideration regarding an issue and/or dispute that may have been oversighted by an automaton Enphorkir.  Citizen-based cooperation with (and enforcement of) harmony is both encouraged and supported by the majority of the population. 

Beneath the umbrella of the automaton government, a strict caste system has developed among the humans.  The most exalted position, underneath the konsulatus, is as an instructor of human knowledge, the techir.  Most courses of human instruction are something that the automatons were never able to grasp, and so great respect is bestowed to those who devote their lives to this purpose.

Next in the caste system are those whose professions are directly involved with the development and improvement of the automaton "species."  These individuals (and/or their families) are either involved in the management of the harvest and trade of raw materials (which also affects the economy), or display an affinity for energy formatir and are able to (be trained to) further improve the quality of automaton sentience. 

A trade family is labelled a Tradak, and the leader of this family is titled the Merkantir (neutral to gender).

A family of energy formatirum is labelled a Konvant, and the leader of this family is titled the Magir (neutral to gender).

Beneath the previous position is that of the doktir, which covers positions ranging from human therapy to the surgical installation of artificial, automatonic improvements.

Thereafter, the last position which garners any level of respect and dignity is that of the human kraphtir of new automatons.  Automatons tend to prefer to designate themselves with this responsibility.  However, a small population of humans are born with a great talent for taking complicated, mathematically-precise schematics, then converting them into remarkable, complex units merely awaiting the gift of sentience.

The remaining 60% of the native Nu Logikus population fall under the remaining category of "general servitude."   Messengering, estate maintenance, food growth and/or harvest, and mining raw materials are examples of jobs considered "general servitude," though none of those professions account for the darker side of Nu Logikan, servant life.

Whether those consigned to this life receive decent treatment for their position, or not, depends entirely on the nature of their Mastir.  Automatons are, by default, logical creatures.  However, their sentience is directly derived only from humans, who, themselves, possess personalities/natures balancing somewhere between both logic and chaos.  Logic then becomes a variable, and the echoed vestiges of an energy formatir's personality often affects this.  Therefore, it is possible for an automaton to be ethical or cruel, and either is considered equally logical.

Note: occasionally, an automaton specimen has displayed a very rare, loose grasp of illogical/chaotic concepts and/or emotions.  The automaton's position in its existence determines whether this is encouraged to persist, or if it requires the automaton to undergo a new formatir to replace its sentience.  If the latter occurs, it does not typically bode well for the original energy formatir's fate.

The End (and Beginning) of the World, As They Knew It

The recent history of Nu Logikus began with a group of gifted doktirum, who wanted to create a set of sentient, skillful assistants.  Human assistants in their field of expertise were, at that period of time, few and far between.  A further-disheartening fact was that many of those few were then found lacking for specific traits, which complimented the expectations of a successful, respected doktir.

Quite rapidly, the doktirum succeeded in their experimental efforts, and even surpassed their own expectations.  Though, their ingenuous, automatonic assistants would eventually come to understand that their position with the doktirum offered no room for further improvement, once they had excelled at the reason for their creation.  Logically, they developed an emotion akin to dissatisfaction with each (and every) doktir Mastir in that group.  The automatonic assistants had, during their servitude, recorded detailed journals notating various aspects that they wished to improve upon.  However, the human doktirum were quite satisfied with the quality of their assistants, and so they saw no reason to implement any of those documented observations. 

The automatonic assistants decided to remove their selves from their Mastirum, and pursue the research and implementation of the improvements they desired on their own terms.  Soon enough, however, they encountered one particular obstacle that they could not overcome: recreating the sentience they were gifted with.  So, they sought out their creators, and employed them to fill in the undesirable gaps preventing the successful execution of their ingenuity.  It was the beginning of a marvelous, if initially backward, relationship.

Working together, automaton and human produced the next "generation," which were built to repair every flaw the first automatons had perceived in their selves.  This next generation, proving to excel far beyond their "parent" automatons, then perceived their own flaws that they desired to improve upon.  A great, unending chyklos had been set into perpetual motion.

As the orusum passed, there was one obstacle that remained persistent, regardless each new generation of automatons produced.  They were never able to learn how to humanize their selves.  Eventually, it was unanimously decided, among both automatons and humans, that a distinction would be for the betterment of both "species," and that the cooperation with - and employment of - the human species was a much preferrable medium to a relatively minor predicament.

Proportions of Mass, and Magnitude

About 60% of the Nu Logikus landmass has been developed into a incredible, expansive populous named Mena's Gasir.  It cannot be called a city or metropolis (a relatively modern term), because there is no evidence of what an Earth-native would call modern (or futuristic).  Instead, the entirety of this massive, civilized expanse bears distinct, architectural resemblances to Earth's Victorian era.  To further affirm that this is not a metropolis, the only methods of transportation are by foot, bestia-operated carriage, a steam/clockwork-operated carriage, or by acquiring a tamed bestia capable of supporting a rider's weight. 

It would take many calendar chyklos, gauged by the orbit of the largest of their three moons, Mena (the other moons are named Mensir and Lunik), to travel from one margin of Mena's Gasir to the other.

The remaining 40% of the Nu Logikus landmass is scattered with various settlements appearing more like they were borrowed from Earth's Old West era.  These settlements rarely fall under the jurisdiction of automatonic Enphorkirum, though they still typically adhere to the same policies regarding automaton-human relations, and enforcing citizen harmony.  Occasionally, though, one may find that humans and automatons interact on equal terms instead of master-servant, and - only in the most rural and smallest of settlements - one may encounter a human whose automaton still serves them, instead.  If one is able to make the very long journey to visit such a settlement, they would likely find some of the most intricate and unique automatons of all. 

Note: Tradir-children of Tradakum often participate in orus-long trade routes, which leave Mena's Gasir and periodically visit various settlements in a pre-designated order before returning to the populous.  These tradirum are usually honorable about fairly dividing the settlements among each other.

Putting One's Face On...

The human citizenry of Nu Logikus dress in a style that an Earth-native might identify as a mix between Old West, Victorian and Renaissance eras.  Higher-caste, male clothing might, for example, consist of a striking tunic and/or vest, or doublet, paired with breeches, stockings, and low-heeled, polished shoes.  Females are often seen wearing the same clothing as men for day-to-day, common activities, for - unlike any of these eras on Earth - women are treated equally to men in all positions (whether for good, or ill).    However, the higher-caste-positioned women will also indulge their selves in exquisitely-tailored, floor-length dresses (of a similar era-mix) for special occasions, dances, and other celebrations.  Humans of either gender, who have found their lot to be in the lower castes, merely share the same, shoddy quality clothing, as they can afford nothing else: a (sometimes belted) tunic, breeches and (occasionally) low-quality boots made from tanned bestia skins.

Manipulative Development, and Current Limitations

Though every human native to Axiom can typically sense a variety of energies, and eventually master more than one formatir, a particularly curious trend has emerged among those who call Nu Logikus their home.  Most of these Nu Logikirum seem to assign their selves to one of the four base elements, and then display a remarkable grasp for the mastery thereof.  Sometimes, they can partially master other "beginning" level elements, but there is always a persistently-apparent skill difference.  Nu Logikirum, whose families are Konvantum, are the only humans who can sense the libir formatir as well as their own, specific elemental affinity.  Of them, maybe 30% will ever truly master it enough to learn how to instill an automaton with sentience.  It would seem that the Nu Logikan population is completely unaware of any of the other forms of energy formatir.

About Paramnar

The Other Side (of the Great Wall)...

No one knows how long the two continents of Axiom have actually existed in their present positions, if only because neither is aware that the other exists.  However, it has been long enough for two truly separate "worlds" to evolve, which are entirely divorced of any influence from each other.  On Paramnar, Axiom is called Gaeamnar .  The continent has an actual governing body - the imperial Param - and an unofficial governing body, which is a network of Monaznari.  The population of the Paramnari are, their selves, divided into three bodies: those integrally involved, whether by prestige or servitude, at the Param's temple (Ikaoi Taesa), those whose lives are bound to any of the multitude of clans populating the continent, and those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, bear a fate integrally twined as an Idaeo'an in a Monaznar.  Those who have sworn their lifebound oath to one of the Monaznari, in striving to attain Param Idaeo, are zealously revered (regardless their gender) by the rest of the citizenry, including the Param and the paramdar/paramrei.

The Paramnarma language is far more fluid than that of Nu Logikus, which might be attributed to the fact that their culture has developed around the collective pursuit and nirvana of Param Idaeo.  Perspectively-speaking, Paramnar is a magnificent balance of the Earth concepts of ascetic Buddhism, pure metaphysics/mysticism and quantum physics.

As such, the entire culture is collectively devoted to the monaznaoi of various masteries of energy manipulation (called "daomasu").  It has been stated that any human native of Axiom has the ability to, at the least, sense various energies and perform simpler applications thereof.  However, the Paramnari are typically born with the ability to sense every potential mastery, and sub-mastery of energy daomasu that presently exists.  This distinction often sets a par that distinguishes the remarkable differences in human development - between the continents - at a very early age.

To best describe the "world" of Paramnar, imagine stepping back into Earth's ancient, Imperial China, Japan, and other, asian territories; China's being an era enriched with cultural development between late BC to the early 1900's, and Japan's being an age of monumental figureheads - such as Oda Nobunaga - existing between mid-1800s to mid-1900s. Other historical figures include Sima Yan of the Jin Dynasty, the legend of Sun Tzu, and Genghis Khan, to only name a few.  Now, mix that with the most magnificently twisted hypotheses in quantum physics, coupled by the untold possibilities stretching far beyond the reach of any known mathematics or science, and the incredible mysticism lying forever buried and untold with the true druids of Old Erin.  The true potential of this continent's population has been barely tapped, and yet a large percentage of them learn to excel at most of the known aspects of energy daomasu with a finite degree of expertise.

Now, you might surmise that, with the continental population sharing such a degree of sensitivity to the various daomasu, this would invite a harmonious cooperation to settle, as if a great mantle of peace, upon the collective shoulders of the Paramnari.  Instead, it is quite the opposite.  If any one clan isn't trying to manipulate another through a laorei (often involving the trade of anything from kamoa, to sudar/surei, to their own otaorei), then there is, more than likely, a conflict of some nature not far behind.  These outrightly feudal battles are an ingrained part of their "world," though, and it has never been considered what life would be like for them without the "flavor" of constant conflict.  Many (male) Paramnari, whose fates are not bound to the Monaznari at a young age, train diligently as fighters, so that they may actively uphold their clan's honor and prestige. 

Though, behind the silk screen of these great battles, and the stories of stalwart Saomarei candy-coating the bloodshed into tales of the utmost honor and bravery, there is a genuine problem now spreading across their land that even the Idaeo'suzeii have begun to take notice of.  Poverty, and starvation, are worming their way into entire clans like Earth's story of Eden's sly snake.  The reason falls at the feet of the Param, and he is entirely too besotted with his luxurious, courtly distractions to care about what goes on outside the margins of his massive temple.  Even those who are most talented with gaear and danaoi daomasu have been unable to keep up with the increased demands for tithes, and the Param's greed is greatly depleting a once-plentiful bounty.

Appearances (Can Be Deceiving): Paramnar's Standards, Rules, and Roles

Unlike the human population ofNu Logikus, Paramnarma men and women are cast into strict, specific roles.  This bears additional reference to the pre-1900 feudal and imperial eras of Earth's asian territories.

Paramnarma women have a choice of remaining in their clan as an "object" that their otaosani may very likely use in a bartering scheme, become one of the Param's numerous house surei or concubines**, or devote their self to a Monaznar as an Idaeo'an.  The lattermost option is considered honorable because it is believed that no Paramnari should be deprived of Param Idaeo, should they choose to seek it.  Additionally, the lattermost option is the closest thing to gender equality that a Paramnarma woman is likely to ever experience.

Though, perhaps, in a more positive regard, the women bound to their clans, along with the other ritualistic rules that they must abide by, may use their daomasu masteries to assist  their kin in many ways, including herbal remedies, acupuncture/pressure, massage therapy, and may also participate in tei ikaoi sessions.

There are, true to any form, the occasional women who choose to rebel, and seek an alternately independant path.  For example, they might wish to train as a Saomarei.  However, such a path will lead them to be faced with a permanent label of dishonor to their clans, and theirs will be a very difficult life fraught with much opposition and derision.

-- .oO^Oo. --

The men's positions are, perhaps surprisingly, just as strict as the women's.  Though not identified as "objects," they are instructed, from a very young age, as how to properly honor the fate they have been consigned to.  This fate is, very often, chosen for them by their parents. 

If the man's fate remains with his clan, this typically involves strict training in the art of the Saomarei.  He is considered the protector, and faces permanent dishonor to himself, and his clan, if he fails to perform his duty successfully.  Another role within the clan might be weaponsmithing and/or armorcrafting.  This is a very demanding role; the man is providing for every single male fighter - there are, at least, hundreds - and the standard of quality that one is expected to maintain, and expects of their self, is extremely high.

Note:There is one "noble" family per clan, which is led by the (male)Monumao.  Upon the Monumao's death, the responsibility is passed, by blood inheritance, down to the eldest otaodar.  If, for whatever reason, the eldest otaodar has chosen the path of an Idaeo'an, then the position goes to the next-eldest otaodar in that family.  If a family is without any otaodar to assume the generational responsibility as Monumao, well... such a scenario has never occured before, but would likely spark the fire of a great conflict, indeed.

Only members from the "noble" families are ever seen at the Param's temple in a visitor's designation; the male paramdari being present to try and garner favor for their clan, and the female paramreii being present - voluntarily or involuntarily - to garner the Param's special attention.

The other fate available to a Paramnarma man brings him to the threshold of a Monaznar, where the duration of his life will be spent in monaznaoi and monaznumos.  His becomes a life of the constant pursuit of Param Idaeo, and daomasu mastery, especially the most difficult variants.  The title of Idaeo'suzei is one specific to the internal workings of the Monaznari, and, while not impossible for a normal Paramnari to learn an Idaeo'suzeima mastery, their lives are usually too busy for them to have the same focus that an Idaeo'an would, at the same task.

Note: Standard casual dress, for all Paramnari, are fine, silk wraps called ikei asao.  Idaeo'ani wear theirs belted with a simple length of rope, and clan-bound men and women use a wide, plain sash of a representative, often darker color.  Clan-bound women will, most typically, very carefully maintain an appearance and behavior that is much like the Earth's geisha.  The Param's concubines** also indulge in this practice, and their ikei asao are often delicately embroidered to exemplify their position.

Saomarei men also keep a set of masterfully-crafted armor, made of overlapping lengths of reinforced, riveted leather.  Rivets are smelted from the only metal (saokei) found on Paramnar.  This metal is entirely unique, in and of itself, and exclusive to Paramnar, and Axiom.

A Simple, Economical Note...

--There is no currency on Paramnar, and the economy is based strictly upon bartering, trading and the Param's required tithes.--

In Regards to the Laws of Manipulation

More Tacks and Mattresses

The very idea of manipulation is that you are changing the natural state of something, sometimes gently, sometimes not, and forcibly altering it to a status appealing more to your personal preference.  One should never expect that this may be accomplished without, at the least, a "butterfly effect" of consequences.  Consequences, like age, are a relative concept - as opposed to static - and age, itself, is merely a number.  That number does not actually generate any significant value until it is assigned to its target; this applies universally: be it an ancient ruins of a once-magnificent civilization, an annual flower that only has part of a single year to exemplify its existence in the world, or the child that displays a head-turning grasp of concepts far beyond the observer's expectations.

Even a "beginning"-level manipulation mastery will have a wide array of generated effects, consequences, and, at some inevitable point, something that pulls the rug out from under the user's feet.  How hard they hit depends on how high they "jumped," so to speak.  Even though the talent on Nu Logikus is muted in comparison to Paramnar, this applies equally and firmly to both continents' citizenry.  It's like rolling dice, or playing any game based upon percentages, for that matter.  One of those rolls is going to be the snake eyes, or the really low constitution rating; risk, however, is often the thrill, and you play with what you've been given.

||Insert Custom Dice Guidelines||

And, finally...

A List of Energy Manipulation Masteries
Saear Daomasu - Fire Manipulation - a beginning mastery pertaining to the base element of fire; pyrokinesis may be achieved at high-level mastery

D'aoi Daomasu - Water Manipulation - a beginning mastery pertaining to the base element of water; aquakinesis may be achieved at high-level mastery

Gaear Daomasu - Terra Manipulation - a beginning mastery pertaining to the base element of terra; terrakinesis may be achieved at high-level mastery; saear and gaear, as elements, are very closely related to each other, and often counterbalance each the other mastery

     sub-mastery: Ramnaear Daomasu - Strength Manipulation - typically, this is a very minor, beginning sub-mastery, which pertains to the temporary (only) enhancement of one's own strength; duration of the manipulation may be improved with the level of mastery

Aenaoi Daomasu - Air Manipulation - a beginning mastery pertaining to the base element of air; aerokinesis may be achieved at high-level mastery; aenaoi and danaoi, as elements, are very closely related to each other, and often counterbalance each the other mastery

-- .oO^Oo. --

Saokei Daomasu - Metal Manipulation - a journeyman mastery pertaining to objects that contain a percentage of a metallic element; low- to mid-level mastery involves the extractino of quantities above 50 percent

Meilar Daomasu - Wood Manipulation - a journeyman mastery pertaining to objects that contain a percentage of wood; low- to mid-level mastery involves the extraction of quantities above 50 percent

     sub-mastery: Meilaoi Daomasu - Growth Manipulation - a journeyman mastery pertaining to anything that would be the equivalent of Earth's term "flora"

-- .oO^Oo. --

Ikaoi Daomasu - Life Manipulation - a moderately advanced mastery pertaining to the ability to sense, then gently encourage, then actively redirect a human subject's natural static electricity (chi)

Keiar Daomasu - Electricity Manipulation - a moderately advanced mastery pertaining to the manipulation of electricity from various natural sources; increased mastery greatly improves how well electricity can be sensed despite the difficulty of the focal target

-- .oO^Oo. --

Seitaoi Daomasu - Spectrum Manipulation - a Idaeo'suzeima mastery pertaining to light, dark, ultraviolet, etc.

Seitaomar Daomasu - Gravitational Manipulation - a Idaeo'suzeima mastery pertaining to, essentially, telekinesis; one never manipulates the orbital motion of, i.e. a moon, but channels the essence of gravity to then apply the manipulation upon a closer object; high-level mastery of this manipulation may be applied upon one's self.

     sub-mastery: Taomar Daomasu - Time Manipulation - a Idaeo'suzeima sub-mastery pertaining to the flow and passage of time, itself, as a controllable element


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.



does look fine to me, I am still here, just trying to finish my idea a bit more solidifily.


Quote from: Aikochan on July 10, 2011, 01:50:42 AM
does look fine to me, I am still here, just trying to finish my idea a bit more solidifily.

Please make sure to post it here so I have an idea of what you have in mind, and have a chance to go over it, approve it, help you smooth out any rough edges... etc.


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


Axiom has officially launched!

@ Everyone who participated in the brainstorming and development:  Thank you for your participation; you've been most awesome, helpful, and patient!

This is a Group RP.

Be prepared for a lot of reading; I spared no expense on the details!  Personally, I think that's (an essential) part of the beauty of the whole thing! <3

Psst! - There is no limit to the type of character that you can play, as long as I have a way to mould it to Axiom's specific guidelines!  That means that you don't have to have experience playing in the style of environment that Axiom represents; you can bring your favorite character types and play them as you experience all that Axiom has to offer and teach you!  Outworlders are introduced to Axiom by (usually random) dimensional "weak spots."  Once you're in Axiom, though, you're in Axiom.  It's a one-way ticket, m'fraid.

However, if you do prefer to play a native citizen of Axiom:

Nu Logikus is the northwestern landmass of Axiom's two continents.  Do you love the idea of a victorian/wild west/Elizabethan era concept mixed with steampunk and clockwork punk (complex gears and cogs), a splash of cyberpunk (complex, automatonic implants, artificial blood, etc.), logic & chaos, and lifestyle D/s involving automaton/human interaction {PG-13}?

The native population of Nu Logikus consists of "humans and remarkable, sentient automatons, which operate on a mixture of steam-power and clockwork gears.  They co-exist in a very curious circumstance: where the humans are subservient to the machines."

Also, "beneath the umbrella of the automaton government, a strict caste system has developed among the humans."

Perks to playing a Nu Logikir may include: choosing one of the base elemental affinities (earth, air, fire, water), and starting out with an advanced ability to manipulate it; playing as an automaton, human, or a surgically-modified hybrid.

Paramnar is the southeastern landmass of Axiom's two continents.  Here, you have elements of: ascetic buddhism; metaphysics & mysticism; feudal/imperial-era conflict; quantum physics.  Paramnar is a completely different "world" compared to Nu Logikus.  Having been separated from the other continent by a wildly turbulent, chaotic, and possibly sentient Ocean, it is a jewel of an example of just how differently life can develop, even with similar, base influences.

Here, Paramnari (who are only human) mostly adhere to a very strict set of guidelines concerning their population.  Men and women, each, have their specific roles.  Women are objectified, here, in keeping with older, Asian beliefs.

Perks to playing a Paramnaran may include: the immersion into a (more) true-fantasy-friendly environment; a much wider range of energy manipulation abilities; immersion into a religiously-mystical, almost-historical background.

Thank you, Oreo, for changing my header <3


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


Will be posting shortly. Just gotta deal with real life and stuff.
The list below is mostly up to date. To be honest, you can assume there is little that is a hard no.
A list of kinks


Real Life hasn't been very kind to my players, it'd seem.  And so Axiom still awaits those who would, either by native or outworldly means, bolster its population!

Quote from: ClockworkShadow on July 21, 2011, 04:55:11 PM
This is a Group RP.

Be prepared for a lot of reading; I spared no expense on the details!  Personally, I think that's (an essential) part of the beauty of the whole thing! <3

Psst! - There is no limit to the type of character that you can play, as long as I have a way to mould it to Axiom's specific guidelines!  That means that you don't have to have experience playing in the style of environment that Axiom represents; you can bring your favorite character types and play them as you experience all that Axiom has to offer and teach you!  Outworlders are introduced to Axiom by (usually random) dimensional "weak spots."  Once you're in Axiom, though, you're in Axiom.  It's a one-way ticket, m'fraid.

However, if you do prefer to play a native citizen of Axiom:

Nu Logikus is the northwestern landmass of Axiom's two continents.  Do you love the idea of a victorian/wild west/Elizabethan era concept mixed with steampunk and clockwork punk (complex gears and cogs), a splash of cyberpunk (complex, automatonic implants, artificial blood, etc.), logic & chaos, and lifestyle D/s involving automaton/human interaction {PG-13}?

The native population of Nu Logikus consists of "humans and remarkable, sentient automatons, which operate on a mixture of steam-power and clockwork gears.  They co-exist in a very curious circumstance: where the humans are subservient to the machines."

Also, "beneath the umbrella of the automaton government, a strict caste system has developed among the humans."

Perks to playing a Nu Logikir may include: choosing one of the base elemental affinities (earth, air, fire, water), and starting out with an advanced ability to manipulate it; playing as an automaton, human, or a surgically-modified hybrid.

Paramnar is the southeastern landmass of Axiom's two continents.  Here, you have elements of: ascetic buddhism; metaphysics & mysticism; feudal/imperial-era conflict; quantum physics.  Paramnar is a completely different "world" compared to Nu Logikus.  Having been separated from the other continent by a wildly turbulent, chaotic, and possibly sentient Ocean, it is a jewel of an example of just how differently life can develop, even with similar, base influences.

Here, Paramnari (who are only human) mostly adhere to a very strict set of guidelines concerning their population.  Men and women, each, have their specific roles.  Women are objectified, here, in keeping with older, Asian beliefs.

Perks to playing a Paramnaran may include: the immersion into a (more) true-fantasy-friendly environment; a much wider range of energy manipulation abilities; immersion into a religiously-mystical, almost-historical background.


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


Character Concept:

Character Appearance in 'Plainclothes' and 'Formalwear':

Name: Julianne 'Jules' Morgenstern

Family: Konvant Morgenstern; 'noble'.

Role: Formatirum/Konvant Manipulators

History:  Jules' family are of the well known Ikaoi(life) Daomasu and Saokei(metal) Daomasu Masters, and among the humans, the Morgensterns could be called upper 'gentry'.  Her father, Julius, is the present Magir, being the seven-hundredth of that title.  Not all of the Morgenstern are able to manipulate Formatirum; those that do not tend to go into trade.  Jules is the third of her family history to have any true skill in working both the Ikaoi and Saokei at a near equal rate -- though the cost for such means that she often sleeps twice as long as any other formatirum master, also requiring to exercise and consume more nutrients than most.  She does not appear to age faster than any other human.  She has two younger brothers, one younger sister, and quite the range of cousins.

It is presumed that she will take her father's place as head of the family.

Age: 25

Written Description:

Rather long hair in a soft brunette is styled in an elegant coiffure that enhances her classically lovely face.  A few stray tendrils curl over one of her sculpted cheekbones. Her green gaze hold a certain fire in the eyes that seems to bely a strange detachment to all - at least for a human. 

Jules' attire is nearly the best quality available, tending to be earth tones, blacks, jewel tones. Her hands appear neatly manicured with an understated elegance.  Her ears are pierced only with the smallest gems, that are often used to store extra formatirum, matching the rings upon her hands.  A top hat usually rests on top of her head, with a delicately crafted steam powered monocle, as one of many ever present gadgets.  She is fond of her dual steam revolvers, holding a Class B License to carry them.  A heavy cane-sword is often resting in her right hand.

The lady favours long frock coats with well pressed breeches or long pants with tall, neatly shined boots.  A cravat generally rests in tied in the most fashionable 'mathematical'.  At times, a book or two can be noted near, along with a half moon pair of reading spectacles enhanced with formatirum.

Here is my attempt for you, Clockwork.  I'd equate her family as 'noble' to a very, very modest barony or viscountcy as far as influence/wealth.  They'd be far more known as Formatirum Masters.


Oh I do so love you right now, Haloriel!  <flails and squeals and runs around in circles>

Would you kindly also post this here, please, and I'll dig my fingers into a quick proofing?  I doubt it'll need much more than that... this is amazing!!

Oh... oh, yay!

<GLOMPS and spins you around, ring o' rosie style, until she gets dizzy and flops into a dustcloud>


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.


I think I've waited long enough to justify the plugging of my RP, again. ^^

This is a Group RP.

Be prepared for a lot of reading; I spared no expense on the details!  Personally, I think that's (an essential) part of the beauty of the whole thing! <3

Psst! - There is no limit to the type of character that you can play, as long as I have a way to mould it to Axiom's specific guidelines!  That means that you don't have to have experience playing in the style of environment that Axiom represents; you can bring your favorite character types and play them as you experience all that Axiom has to offer and teach you!  Outworlders are introduced to Axiom by (usually random) dimensional "weak spots."  Once you're in Axiom, though, you're in Axiom.  It's a one-way ticket, m'fraid.

However, if you do prefer to play a native citizen of Axiom:

Nu Logikus is the northwestern landmass of Axiom's two continents.  Do you love the idea of a victorian/wild west/Elizabethan era concept mixed with steampunk and clockwork punk (complex gears and cogs), a splash of cyberpunk (complex, automatonic implants, artificial blood, etc.), logic & chaos, and lifestyle D/s involving automaton/human interaction {PG-13}?

The native population of Nu Logikus consists of "humans and remarkable, sentient automatons, which operate on a mixture of steam-power and clockwork gears.  They co-exist in a very curious circumstance: where the humans are subservient to the machines."

Also, "beneath the umbrella of the automaton government, a strict caste system has developed among the humans."

Perks to playing a Nu Logikir may include: choosing one of the base elemental affinities (earth, air, fire, water), and starting out with an advanced ability to manipulate it; playing as an automaton, human, or a surgically-modified hybrid.

Paramnar is the southeastern landmass of Axiom's two continents.  Here, you have elements of: ascetic buddhism; metaphysics & mysticism; feudal/imperial-era conflict; quantum physics.  Paramnar is a completely different "world" compared to Nu Logikus.  Having been separated from the other continent by a wildly turbulent, chaotic, and possibly sentient Ocean, it is a jewel of an example of just how differently life can develop, even with similar, base influences.

Here, Paramnari (who are only human) mostly adhere to a very strict set of guidelines concerning their population.  Men and women, each, have their specific roles.  Women are objectified, here, in keeping with older, Asian beliefs.

Perks to playing a Paramnaran may include: the immersion into a (more) true-fantasy-friendly environment; a much wider range of energy manipulation abilities; immersion into a religiously-mystical, almost-historical background.


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.