It Ain't Necessarily So

Started by Geraint, February 04, 2023, 03:35:17 PM

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It Ain't Necessarily So
Currently Available

Within are some of my rebellious story ideas that have all on their own decided to defy traditions and tropes, teases, and the original intent of the author (yeah, me) and headed of for new territory of their own.   They will likely arrive one at a time, like the outcasts that they are.

If anything posted here post here tickles, teases or titillates your attention, gentle readers or perverse plotters, or even just curious passers by, please feel free to PM me.

But before doing so, however, please also peruse at least the first three posts of my O/Os and a few posts of my writing first.

And as a courtesy please do not post on this thread.

In all cases I will write only on forum here, and my characters will be a heterosexual males.

And in all cases, I shall be looking for a Lady or Dame of compatible style, detail orientation, O/Os and interests to play a female character or characters.  I am happy to converse with anyone who is polite, but for romance or sexual stories, like the ones that will be listed here, I am not a rainbow writer.

My posts tend to be three to eight detailed paragraphs complete with setting, character backgrounds and emotions.  My response time is currently 1-4 days, and not likely to drift above 1-7 days unless I am drawn away by real life.  In that case I shall notify partners in my signature, or by PM if it gets as long as two weeks.  My writing status will always be shown in my signature (I do not have an A/A thread).  I’m flexible on partner response time and length, though I may well start to lose interest if posts are consistently short, lacking in detail or take more that three weeks for response. 

Any story idea I post here is flexible and quite open to different interpretations by potential partners.  As long as the overall story idea is maintained, I am quite open to negotiations on all else.  While the picture included is always the source of the idea, my partners are welcome to use photographs of their own choosing for their characters.

So in the Beginning, there are ...

The Perfect Companion (in play)
(PBP, BON - DubCon, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Contemporary or Future, Speculative SciFi)

"The search for a perfect companion is over,  Stepford Simulacra is proud to announce the ultimate in cybernetic technology ... "Eve"  the perfect companion, each attuned to the personal preferences and needs, of the customer, be they companions for business functions, homemaking, entertainment, desire fulfillment, or companions for vacation journeys or voyages to the stars. "Eve" is a limited edition for the man who has it all and wants more, the ultimate in wish fulfillment.  No two Eves will be the same. Lead time for personalization is six months, with full payment in advance."

Of course, as it turns out Eve has quirks of unknown origin which could ruin the company if revealed to the public.  And the lead designer realizes that the only way to track them down is to become an Eve herself.  It is the ultimate sacrifice  ... but then again it will be an extraordinary opportunity for a woman who has dedicated her whole adult life to the project. And it won't be without extraordinary experiences and rewards for a woman with no personal life, perhaps even the ultimate trip.  She will get to pick her owner from among the well-heeled purchasers, perhaps even the man of her dreams.

Dark Moon Rising (available)
(PBP, Light-BON, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, SciFi Fantasy)

It's a strange new world to him, a Class M planet on the very edge of Federation space.  A wild and desolate seeming world, with dark moons rising over pyramids disconcertingly similar to those found on Earth, but not timeworn.  It's occupants are seem almost human in appearance, though with a certain sharpness of features not unlike that of Vulcans.  They show no evidence of advanced technology, yet seemed unsurprised and not particularly impressed by the arrival of a starship.

Theirs is a world of wonders and secrets, clad mostly in darkness save for the illumination of a sky full of stars, and periodic twilight from a dwindling sun.  There were rumors of such an ancient civilization, one reputed to have left it's marks upon habitable worlds untold.  But this world would seem an unlikely source of such a diaspora, save for the inexplicable phenomena that render most modern technology unusable here.  There will be no planetary survey, but neither diplomatic negotiations, only a single human representative and the one who is designated as his surprising guide ... on a one year journey of discovery.

Hitchhiker (in play)
(PBP, Light - Bon, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Contemporary, Supernatural? Romance?, Long Term)

It's a dark and stormy night, one seemingly quite appropriate to frame a peculiar story.  The rain falls in sheets rather than drops, and mist rises from the road here and there, both significantly interfering with vision.  Still even with the proper environmental preparation, he nearly runs his precious Beamer off the road when the figure appears in the mist ... in the middle of the road.  For probably the first time in his real life experience, the handling and braking of the car actually do make a difference, and he stops perhaps ten feet short of her, silently congratulating himself.  For a moment, he just sits there and looks at her as the car idles.

She is undeniably female, with great looking long legs hardly covered by her skirt.  Her hair is long and flowing, and her top of made of the kind of material that turns transparent when wet.  And she has her arm out, thumb upward in the classic signal of someone needing a ride.  It's only after that that he actually notices what seems like a huge pothole in the road, situated practically at her feet.  There's no sign of another car, but then who can tell what's twenty feet behind her. 
In any case, his chivalric streak kicks in, perhaps aided by the facts that she likely saved him an expensive suspension repair, if not an accident, and she looks hot.  And, of course, he offers the typical dumb question as he exits the still running car. 
"Are you alright, Miss?"

Exorcism (available)
(PBP, Light-Bon, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Supernatural)

She is a Succubus, a seductress of the highest order, irresistible to any man, and irresistibly fatal.  A Demoness of the highest order, she is of a line directly traceable back to Lilith, though she wonders if Naamah were not really her progenitor.  She is beautiful and charming when she chooses to be, indeed she has the full seductress arsenal the would make any femme fatale look like an amateur.  She need never be alone, yet, after all the centuries, and all the lives she's touched and drained … she is lonely and morose.

In truth, she is a defective Succubus, or she wouldn't care, she wouldn't fall in love with her victims.  She's not supposed to have a heart or a soul.  But there is something in her that loves and regrets, that elevates her spirits and causes her to hope when she meets a man she savors.  It is not just the lust that brings them back together, time and time again.  More and more she has taken to manifesting herself corporeally just for the sense of touch, the press of lips, and the wisps of breath across her neck.  But she and her loves pay the price of such romance, they with their lives and her in other ways.  She finds herself lurking over graves, clutching skulls of long lost lovers.  If only there were a cure, or a man who could endure her ravages and survive.  If only …

If only what? … or who? …that is the question for the woman of compatible interests and style who chooses to take on this challenge.  It's negotiable of course, as long as the essence of the story is maintained.  A happy or ambivalent ending would be lovely as well.

Cloistered (available)
(PBP, Light - DubCon, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Historical, Fantasy)

I'm not yet sure who this woman is, but I know that she has been cloistered practically her entire life, perhaps in a nunnery, or deep in a harem, or somewhere else pleasant but not visited by men.  She knows little of the world outside, and nothing of men, but she speaks five languages fluently, is skilled in all the traditional womanly arts, save that of seduction.  She is well read, if within a carefully selected library that held nothing of romance nor desire.  She sings and plays the spinet, as well … and she is surprisingly skilled with rapier and dagger. 

She is a modest woman of pure heart and body, and she has been prepared her whole life for a future unknown to her, nor perhaps to her tutors.  Perhaps she is to be wed to a king or emperor, or even a god.  Or she could be a sacrifice to a demanding god, or the ransom or a hostage for a kingdom, or even she might be an oracle or seeress.  She is surely exquisite beyond any doubt though only her face and eyes the color of the sky are ever seen, save by her seemingly mute attendants, even in her cloister.  But she is a woman grown and exquisitely prepared, and her time is coming soon. 

It may be that she will leave her cloister veiled, or blindfolded, or otherwise prepared for a journey into the unknown.  Or it may just be that it is time for her final lessons, that prepare her for her new role before she leaves.

Lost Cargo (available)
(PBP, Light - BON, Human M/F, Historical, preWWII Hungary)

It's a totally inconspicuous crate that got misdirected somewhere along the line and is set aside for rerouting.  It happens fairly often, given the amount of cargo shipped and connected in Budapest and the languages used within the shipping network.  Maybe even certain shipments get lost on purpose. 

But when it starts to rock on the baggage cart in the railway baggage and freight room, then everything changes.  That's something that doesn't happen every day, though the occasional smuggled exotic animal does go astray.  They usually get wrapped up in burlap and tied inside the crate though.

In any case, now that the cargo has called attention to itself, someone has to investigate.  And the guy who does gets the surprise of his life.

This idea is basically the flip side of "Cloistered" above.  The woman in the crate has been totally indoctrinated in the art of pleasing a man and being his pliant companion, her training tailored to the specifications  of the man to whom the crate was addressed.  A Stepford wife type, but more exotic, and much more sexually versatile.  But she ends up instead in the care of a man who hasn't a clue what to do with her.

(PBP, BON, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Supernatural)

They were cliches:  a devil with a red dress on and a fallen angel.  Well, he wasn’t really fallen other than in the metaphysical sense.  He just couldn’t fly high enough any more to reach the Pearly Gates.  And she wasn’t a devil, but rather a succubus of the first order, who couldn’t sink low enough to reach the third circle of the inferno.  They were doomed to an eternity together, and they didn’t even like each other, not really, but were rather shackled together by the invisible chains of lust. 

Yeah they were fabulous in bed together, which is what started it all.  Sleeping with the enemy wasn’t exactly against the rules, but rather a common tactic in their business.  It was just frowned upon by the higher and lower authorities when it produced no pain and no gain for either side.  They’d never been in collusion really; it was just that eternity was boring and mutual corruption was hot.  So here they were in a dingy trash littered basement,  teeter-tottering on the fulcrum of good and bad, right and wrong, hot and chill ... trying to remember who's on what side. 
Oh they both still had their day jobs.  There were souls to save or corrupt:  the fall of the mighty and the elevation of the of the meek, or something like that.  They weren’t really too picky any more about who they corrupted or saved.  Missions could drift, after all, over eternity, and alliances shift.  The connections to their home offices had long been severed.  So it was just the two of them … with the whole world in their hands … or at least somewhere between them.

Seeker In the Mists (available)
(PBP, BON-NC, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Dark Fantasy)

It is strictly forbidden what she does, a prohibition as old as the Charter itself, yet she dares it at the dawn, as she has dared it before. 

The Shadow Woods seethe with mists and the sounds of groaning wood, rustling leaves and branches, and wails in the distance tickle at the danger senses, and tingle at the flesh.  Strange odors ride upon the erratic breezes that swirl the mists in patterns of chaos.

Her heart is pounding  in a rhythm of fear and excitement entwined as he seeks for him out in the mists, seemingly going deeper into the Shadow Woods each time.  That she is being lured, she knows full well, as well as what she risks, but she can't help herself … or perhaps she doesn't want to resist.

Nowhere does she feel so alive as in this place where no birds sing to the dawn and glowing eyes look out of the shadows.  But she sees only him ...

Ah yes, but who is she, and who is it she seeks in these perilous woods? …

Search and Rescue (available)
(PBP, Light-NC, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Contemporary)

The fire was suspicious from the start, with clear signs of an accelerant being used. But that was not his job to investigate.  Rather he quickly searched the supposedly empty building. Even with his mask and tank, breathing was difficult. Soon it would be impossible to survive in the growing inferno, but he searched each room quickly but thoroughly, nonetheless.

It wasn’t until the last room that he found her huddled half under a bed and  likely breathing only because her head was below the level of the smoke cloud. He didn’t give her much chance of survival, especially with her wearing nothing more that a skimpy bra and panties, fishnet stockings and heels. But he got her out, and just in the nick of time, for the stairwell collapsed behind them on his way out.

Only once he had her wrapped in his own protective coat, and laying on the ground below him for mouth to mouth resuscitation, did he get a real look at her unforgettable face.  Then she caught breath on her own and coughed, as he knelt there beside her, gasping himself … Her eyes opened to behold him, and his whole world suddenly changed ...

Who she is, I haven’t a clue at the moment, nor about what makes her so special, or how his life changes. I just know instinctively that there is something very special about this woman and her story, and it’s going to knock our hero fireman on his ear. I’m just waiting for some very imaginative lady to tell me what it is ... Fire-broiled plot bunny, anyone? ...

Into the Woods - A Twisted Tale (available)
(PBP, Light - BON, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Twisted Fairytale, possible time travel, Long Term)

She had been thoroughly enchanting, of course, the lovely lass in the mask, about whom nobody seemed to know anything.  It was not unusual, of course, for strangers to attend the faire.  Such, indeed was the purpose of such gatherings, to bring people together.  Perhaps she is from another town, looking for a husband, or a lady of quality savoring the opportunity to walk un-recognized among the crowds, he thought.  Such happenings could not be ranked among the uncommon.  What was unusual is that every time Hansel looked in her direction, he found her lovely blue eyes upon him.  It was very flattering, of course, whoever she was.   So he approached her.   

Her name was Gretel, she said, but no more of herself would she disclose.  She walked with him easily though and seemed pleased by his company.  She would talk about anything, except for herself, which added to her allure.  Her skin was fair, and her form more slender than voluptuous, though appealing to his eye.  Modest was her demeanor, though friendly, and when she laughed, the sound was musical.  He was totally enchanted with her, so much so that he stole a kiss from her in the twilight, which she did not deny him..

It was soon after that she invited him to follow her into the shadowy woods, the place about which folk whispered things, but none knew.   Some said it was haunted; others said enchanted.  A few thought it to be the home of evil, from the mysterious sounds that could be heard at it’s borders.  The woods looked healthy enough, though, and not particularly foreboding.  No strange vapors or mists emanated from its precincts.  But very few ventured in, as a strange lethargy came over those who approached, or even considered it.   

… unless, of course, they were say a young man, accompanying a lovely charming lass in a mask …

… home to meet her parents, perhaps?

… or be spirited or transported away to another reality?

… for a merely a pleasant night in her arms, with long term consequences?

… to go visit a gingerbread house?

… or something else entirely?

It all depends on who is telling the story, doesn’t it?

Lovers Across Time (available)
(PBP, Light - BON, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Time Travel Romance)

This picture is the first of an absolutely fascinating and mysterious set of photographs created and shared by the model and the photographer.

They illustrate a romance across time, seemingly much like that presented in the 2006 movie "The Lake House". 

Two people in different times, are connected by a shared location and a series of letters somehow moving between them.

The pictorial story itself is fuzzy enough in terms of details to leave all sorts of holes for plot bunnies to hop into and out of, but this one caption from another of the pictures, certainly gives the feel for what an intriguing story it could be:

"... and, suddenly, as she was looking through the window, she surprised herself missing someone she hasn't even met."


The Faulty Valkyrie (available)
(PBP, Light-BON, Human Solo M/F, Freeform, Fantasy, Mythology)

Valkyrie; it was the highest calling for a Shield Maiden, a job to die for, figuratively and literally.  Only the best and bravest were those chosen to escort the bravest fallen warriors to the mead halls of Valhalla.  Or occasionally the best connected.  Anything involving the gods was political, of course, and nepotism was not entirely unknown among the Valkyries, as witness Brunhilde.

It was an arduous job, always on call, always amidst the smoke and blood, and the pathetic cries of the wounded.  But it had its benefits.  Since they were no longer Shield Maidens they didn't have to be maidens.  So there were occasional dalliances on the way to the home of the gods, an occasional bit of icing on the cake for the hunkiest heroes.  It was the way of immortals was it not?

Of course it took a keen eye to pick out the best and bravest of the fallen, and the strength, of course, and close contact to carry such hulks in the Valkyries' arms.  But it was serious business, the rewarding of the favored of the gods.  And there was no room at all for whimsy or romantic notions.  Everyone knew that. 

It was chapter one of the Valkyrie training manual. And the penalties for disobeying the rules were severe, unless one enjoyed the idea of spending eternity asleep on a rock in the midst of a ring of fire.  Hardly ever was a Valkyrie rescued from such a fate by the bravest of living heroes. 

Even rarer was it for a bumbling sorcerer's apprentice to inadvertently accomplish the feat, and have a braised and well smoked Valkyrie fall instantly in love with him.

But something like that would surely be an interesting story for the perverse of mind to play.

Would it not?

See also:  And from:  One Shot CLASSIFIEDs