Seeking GM and Group for a Shattered Star Campaign

Started by Petrus02, November 07, 2016, 03:59:47 PM

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hi, i'm looking for a Gm and 3-4 additional players to play the Shattered Star Adventure Path with.I've played the first part of the AP with a real life group before, and would like to play my old character again: A male elven rogue named Erevel Silvertongue who will go into arcane trickster eventually (if he lives long enough). As you can tell if you've played your share of Pathfinder: I plan to go into a prestige Class, which is never the optimized route, but i love the flavor and i plan to play accordingly. Your characters shouldn't have a problem with a shady party member, but i don't mind if you outshine me in combat or anything else really.

As for the GM: I build the character with a 20 pt buy, 2 traits and average wealth, feel free to tell me if you want to change anything. For everything else you can do whatever you want, allow and forbid whatever rules parts you want, put houserules in,change the story to fit your needs or kinks... i'm fine with almost everything :-)