"Those Asari-Hanar porn games they sell in Shin Akiba are really nasty" f wanted

Started by HymenBreacher, February 16, 2010, 06:34:04 PM

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If you recognize that hilarious quote by Bioware, then you are probably a fan of Mass Effect 2.

Since one of my roleplaying partners had gone AWOL, I have a free slot and I am wanting to do a scene set within the Mass Effect 1 & 2 universe.  That quote above pretty much neatly summarizes what I'm looking for.  Unlike most of my private and public plays, this scene seems to call for something campy-er or cheesier.  It reminds me of those japanese tentacle porn (errr so I've heard, I only rented them to read their umm articles).

Essentially I am looking for a female partner to play an Asari in her maiden stage of her life, one who is a Justicar.  She will be going on a quest to apprehend one of more (negotiable) Hanar convicted rapists who have been targetting Asari in their crime spree.  Needless to say, this story will be a fantasy based scene, with tentacles mayhem, rape and plenty of NC elements.

Please look through my O/o to see if I am compatible with your interests.  My two requirements for this roleplay are that 1) You must be literate and descriptive in your writing, and 2) The Asari Justicar will be pure and virginal in every way (at least at the start).

Knowledge of the Mass Effect universe will be required.  Feel free to send me a message if you have questions.


Update :

I got several people asking the same question so I'll clarify it here :

The Justicar is a ME2 concept.  It is somewhat akin to a 'holy knight' an Asari who is following a very straight set of codes, one who fights for justice and punishes the wicked.  Someone who is familiar with the ME1 universe but not ME2 can still do this, as the concept of Justicar is fairly easily explained.  However you do need to at least have knowledge of Mass Effect 1 if you haven't done 2, otherwise there would just be too many things that would be difficult or time consuming to clarify.

Thanks to all those who expressed interested thus far.   The spot is still opened.  Again, ME2 knowledge isn't required if you know ME1, but at least you should know *one* of them. :)


Update :

Thanks everyone.  I have a few potential partners for this idea lined up so I'm going close this thread.  Anyone interested can still feel free to PM me I'll be happy to chat but I'm probably booked for now.  Appreciate all the quick interests.