Just a whole bunch of...whatever (FxM)

Started by MissAllynn, July 11, 2017, 10:55:39 AM

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Come one, come all! Welcome to the circus...or the thread, I guess. Both are fun, but only one has clowns. Spoiler! There are no clowns in this thread, because I'm fucking terrified of clowns. Anyway. Bellow you will find some of my original ideas as well as the link to my O/O Thread which will give you a little more of an idea about who I am and what I do and don't like.

We didn't invade Russia, they invaded us

-Year: 2023
-Setting: Russia, in winter. POW/Work Camp
-Background: Russia has decided that the world should have only one superpower, and that should be them. Germany and Russia are allied together, with Italy praying that they've chosen the right side...but willing to slink over to the other if not. The rest of the world is waiting for spring, because as history has shown us, it's not a good idea to invade Russia in winter.
-Basics: The RP will follow two prisoners in the camp, their daily lives, and their daring escape. More will be revealed to those who are interested.

We can help each other(CRAVING)

-Year: 2017
-Setting: Somewhere in the US
-Basics: My character is a best-selling author and a raging alcoholic. Your character is a soldier suffering from severe PTSD. The two cross paths when my character is sentenced to community service for a DUI. Can they help one another?

Oh how the turns have tabled

Year: Mid 1800s
Setting: London
Basics: Character A is a vampire, and Character B is an extremely wealthy heir/heiress. The Vampire believes that they could easily attack and feed off Character B, but they are extremely mistaken. Character A becomes nothing more than Character B's slave, in order to help character B rise to power.

Welcome to the jungle

Year: 2076
Setting: A nameless large city with crumbling buildings
Background: War has torn our world apart, but it has been rebuilt. It's more beautiful than anyone could ever believe, and technology thrives...but not everything is at it seems. If you look past the glamor of it all...you can see Hell and feel it's heat.
Basics: In this world, you are either privileged or you are not. The privileged live, well, privileged lives...but they are miserable behind their beauty and rampant drug use. They have forgotten what it is like to feel. The Others live in houses that are crumbling around them, but they are alive. What happens when the two worlds meet? As the Others say, "There is no God on our streets."


Year: 2017
Setting: Everywhere across Europe
Background: Noir is a traveling carnival, but not everything is as it seems. There are vampires, demons, shapeshifters, contortionists, psychics, Fae, and other nasty creatures. They travel around Europe seducing the wealthy and the normal.
Basics: A human will join the ranks of those in the Noir, but will they make it out unscathed?

An arrangement of sorts

-Year: 2017
-Setting: Oregon, in the fictional town of Raventon
-Background: We live in a world full of magic and mystery, but it's hidden behind thick enchantments and other spells. In our world wolves are bound to witches for life, but there are lines that are not meant to be crossed.
-Basics: My character is a witch, your character is her bond. They are best friends, but it seems they are becoming something more...which shouldn't be able to happen, so why is it?


Let it be known that I usually use OC
-Harry Potter
-The Reckoning
-The Witcher
-Star Wars
-Iron Druid Chronicles
-Moulin Rouge

I can't wait to write with some of you!