Bunny Boo-Boos

Started by Sabby, April 30, 2008, 02:57:59 AM

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A poor bunny girl has had her leg caught in a bear trap out in the forest. Unable to escape, shes struggled and whimpered for help, only making the wound worse. Finally, a kind young man, late teen, hears her cries and wrenches the trap open. Afraid and jittery, the poor bunny runs from him. She needs treatment, or the infection could kill her.

Every day, the boy comes back to the trap and waits for her, coaxing her out with carrots and honey cakes, slowly gaining her trust. As she gains more confidence, she eventually allows him to take her home.

Already fevered and in serious need of help, he carries her home and nurses her back to health.

I wanna be the bunny :)


i think i can play this one ^_^ it sounds like fun. and i loooooove bunny girls. ;)

Muff Diver

Cuuuuute! I can play a boy too if you want, though he'd be a little meek sometimes.  :)
My special kink list!


Awww man :( guess I could run two of them


nah, no big deal. ill step aside and let the lady have it ^_^ wouldnt want you to overextend yourself ;)

Muff Diver

Eek! No, no, I surrender to Alex! I'm sorry for strentching you like that, Sab.  :( I just thought it was a really cute game idea and just posted on a whim... I'll leave you two to have fun.
My special kink list!


Actually, I already have one game with Alex. I'd like you to be in this one :)

Also, we both have a game that is waiting on one more player. So all three of us can do a game ^_^ if you want the role that is. PM me if interested.


yeah. Go ahead Muff. its all good. I can always find something else. dont worry about it ;)